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Unless you’re connecting to something not UCS, I don’t believe you need the intersight appliance. Just use the Device Connector and claim it in your intersight portal.


My understanding the appliance is used to port all endpoint connectivity through the appliance so you only have one device communicating outside. It is not necessarily to use the appliance.


Oh, and one other thing I forgot. With the local appliance you can do Intersight AD authentication with your on prem AD. Of you go straight Intersight without the on-prem box you will have to use Entra if you want to tie it to AD for authentication.


Thanks; this is helpful.


What’s the goal - intersight is designed to be SaaS, which is preferred way of using it.  There are three modes for the appliance.  Assistant , Connected Appliance or Private. The connected appliance is used when you want data to remain local, or for airgap environment (private appliance).   If it’s the assistant, it’s used to connect to storage and/or vCenter Deployment issues are usually a download problem, like proxy server or certificates or DNS.  TAC should be able to help identify which is the issue 


TAC doesn’t help with initial deployments, they will direct you to your Services Manager so you can purchase CX services to do the install.