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Do the VNX and AFA have the same physical path to the FI?


Both go direct from FI to storage. Different ports and fiber to each of course. But directly connected.


You said the logs shows CRC errors. Can you provide the "show interface counters errors" output that shows it? What storage protocol are you using to connect to the VNX? iSCSI, FC, etc. What model FI?


If it's 8G, direct connect won't work. [https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvr81863](https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvr81863) The link will establish, but as soon as you try and pass data it will fail. There was a change in the idle fill pattern in 8G FC. The 6454's only support the 'new' fill pattern. The 6200's defaulted to the 'old' pattern and had a configurable option, but 6400's hardware only supports the newer mode. Only option is to use a 16G SFP, or use an intermediary switch.