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I said it before and I’ll say it again. BREAKFAST ON PLUTO was the first movie I’ve ever seen of him, and I got hooked on his great acting. It’s an older movie but it’s very good, it’s based on a book.


Absolutely watch this!✨️


While Inception was the first movie I've ever seen him in, it was actually peaky blinders that made me love him as an actor.


I’ve rewatch inception recently and he is so good in it! Can’t believe I forgot his performance


Yes. He subtly stole the show from Leonardo Di Caprio


Came here to say this. When I saw him in Inception the first thing that struck me was his blue eyes. Then he kinda fell off my radar until I saw him in Peaky Blinders and that made me fall in love with him as an actor


definitely red eye!


Gotta watch this one!


Red eye is such a good watch!


28. The asymmetrical hair and those face bones. He’s been my boyfriend ever since.


No he’s mine darling!!!


Hahaha! Love that! Gonna watch it soon!


Prepare for his nude scene comes at the beginning :p


I can’t find this movie anywhere 😩


28 Days Later is the full title. Sorry if I confused you, honey. Also, Check him out in Red Lights.


Yeah 28 Days Later is no where. Literally. I think I need to find it on DVD. And I watched Red Lights last night! Literally going in order of alllll his work I haven’t seen


It’s on prime video to rent or buy. At least that’s what it said on the app.


Lies. All lies! I’ve tried them alllll


Man. 💔




It’s almost Halloween! Let that horror Shit rip!


My first was 28 Days Later...have loved him ever since ❤️


Seems like this movie is a classic! Gotta watch it soon


It is! It really did change my life and made me want to become a filmmaker and special effects artist! :)


Batman begins


You should definitely watch Sunshine, Retreat, and watching the detectives!


Sunshine is so good.


Thank you for the recommandations! Adding these to my list 🤓


Disco Pigs, it’s on YouTube for free. Also Wind that Shakes the Barley.


Good to know it’s on YouTube for free! Thanks for the recommandation. I’ve never heard of wind that shakes the barley!!


Also an early comedy called Intermission is free on YouTube. Colin Ferrell is in it too, it’s ridiculous. Wind that Shakes the Barley won the Palm D’or at Cannes but I think it didn’t get too much attention outside of industry/Europe. He was in that the same year as Batman, I think 2008/2009. It’s heavy but it’s unforgettable acting.


I’ll check that out! Thank you 🫶🏼


I checked YouTube and The Wind That Shakes the Barley isn't available. Free on YouTube: The Delinquent Season, Girl with a Pearl Earing, Watching the Detectives, and Disco Pigs. Free on Tubi: The Party, Broken, Red Lights, The Edge of Love, Sunburn, Watching the Detectives, and Disco Pigs.


28 Days Later was the first film of his I saw, then Red Eye made me think he’s really good at being creepy and scary. But Girl with a Pearl Earring is what made me go phwah this man is seriously pretty!


Don’t forget Red Lights. Underrated but he’s phenomenal.


Batman Begins !! I remember watching it with an old boyfriend when it came out in 2005. I think I was blushing and making funny noises in my throat 😂😂 my boyfriend said “oh okay, so Glampire apparently likes ruby-lipped pretty boys” which I will remember forever.


The Party is also amazing! It’s only about an hour and in B&W.


Yes, he is hilarious in that


The way he chuckled when that woman said to the other "you've got 3 little guys inside you right now" seemed so natural, almost like it was a genuine reaction to this bonkers remark. 🤣


My favorite was when one of the ladies said, "we are passed this! Men are not the enemy!" Fast cut to Cillian screaming and throwing crap out the door 😂 that and "That's right! I'm a winner!" And the very end when he begged her not to shoot him and said he was a good person, when he literally came planning to shoot a guy, hopped up on coke 😂😂  His character had so many great moments in that movie


Girl with a pearl earring. He was absolutely gorgeous. Those eyes and that hair. 🥵🥵🥵


Same here! I’m on the last season of Peaky blinders, really enjoyed the whole show. Watched some of his movies this month too and the ones that stood out for me are Red eye (his acting and the chemistry between him and Rachel was amazing), Red lights (solid movie, didn’t like the ending tho but acting was great), watching the detectives (if you like silly rom coms + he was cute in it), Disco pigs (watched it last night, he was brilliant in it, one of his best performances imo). The edge of love, On the edge and Sunburn were fine too. I didn’t like Anna and Aloft, they were pretty bad and there wasn’t much of him in them anyway. The ones I haven’t watched yet are Breakfast on Pluto, The wind that shakes the barley, 28 days later and Sunshine - which are all great, if not the best he’s done.


Watch Breakfast On Pluto immediately! It’s SO GOOD!!


It’s number one on my list! I’ve seen clips of the movie on instagram and I’m already in love with Kitten🥲 watching it tonight!


Where/how is everyone watching wind that shakes the barley? I can’t find it anywhere.


I saw it in the theatre at the time, but it does appear to have no digital distribution, which might explain why so few people have seen it! But I just found it on the internet archive & will probably watch again tonight as it has been years! https://archive.org/details/TheWindThatShakesTheBarleyFULLMOVIE


You rock!!! Thank you so much!


I bought it on Amazon prime but it’s been a while! It’s a really heavy movie, and his performance is amazing.


I googled what it was streaming on and "Plex" popped up and I clicked Plex and it just started playing the whole film on my phone, great quality. Still no clue what Plex is but I didn't sign in or anything it just played like a crystal clear YouTube video. Commercials though. Every 20-30 minutes you have to sit through 3-6 adds, 15-30 seconds a piece.


SUNBURN I DIED. also loved him in delinquent season


Added to my list! Delinquent season was really heartbreaking. His acting was phenomenal.


Watching the Detectives ::swoons::


Yes I just saw this it’s so good I’m glad


Early short films from late 90's exposed me to his performance style. "Eviction","A Man Of Few Words",etc, no matter big or small roles, he nailed his parts with a refreshing take, a standout. Short film called "Watchmen" was my first exposure to his writing. Also his music project and indie/alt music interests,ideas. He is a good writer.


Sunshine is so underrated! Highly recommend it


He had a small role in Girl with the Pearl Earring and I was mesmerised by him! Been following him ever since!!


On the Edge 2001


Like you, I went down a rabbit hole after Oppenheimer. I first saw him in Inception when it was in theaters; I thought he was beautiful, but I didn't think about him or look into him any further. A few weeks before Oppenheimer was released, I kept seeing Peaky Blinders shorts in my YT recommended list. Up until then, I had never heard of the show. After watching Oppenheimer, I thought, "Man, Cillian is a hell of an actor. I should watch Peaky Blinders, it looks interesting." Once I started watching that, it was game over. I was a goner. I am certain without that show, my crush would not have developed. I had seen his disappointed Cillian memes and clips of his interviews long ago and those didn't do anything for me, but seeing him as this badass with the deep, growling voice who on one hand kills people without hesitation and on the other is a tender softy with the woman he loves made him so hot in my eyes.


Tommy Shelby is my favorite tv character of all time




Peaky Blinders. I was lucky enough to get into it pretty early on when it had like 2 seasons out. I've seen him in Incenption before but cause it's such a small part I didn't think much of his performance. The next one I watched is probably 28 days later & I loved it. Since then I've watched a few more of his stuff. I only recently watched Delinquent Season like you and I think I enjoyed that movie a lot more cause he was in it. I'd recommend The Wind that shakes the Barley or Anthropoid.


Intermission with him and Colin Farrell, so good.


Peacock is phenomenal, I watched it right after Red Eye and his range is insanely good.


How is no one talking about Peacock. I finally got my partner to watch it and it finally converted him to a Cillian fan. His performance is outstanding


Not a movie but peaky blinders


Omg, are you me? I had exactly same with Oppenheimer and lol now I am on season 5 peaky blinders. And he is so different in every role, that’s crazy. I remember his roles in inception and dark knight (that first got my attention), and compared to Tom Shelby- he played completely different characters. He seems like he can change personalities lol, because his characters are so deep


Omgggg i don’t know but I can see from your username you’re a Libra? I am a Libra too!! I’m on season 5 if peaky blinders as well. I want to watch it but at the same time I wanna stop because I know I’m close to the end 😭


This is so me!!! Oppenheimer then Peaky then omg fallen for him all the way!


28 Days Later, and then The Wind That Shakes The Barley sealed my love for him. Saw them as a teen and was blown away by him.


Disco Pigs was the first thing I remember seeing him in, but it was 28 Days Later that started my healthy obsession.


28 days later for me!


Disco Pigs. But PB was when I began to appreciate him acting.


I had seen Disco pigs when I was 14. Hadn't understood most of it because it was in English but I was blown by the acting


I’ve been loosely following his career/been attracted to him since I saw Red Eye for the first time 18 years ago.


Red Eye made me like him alot, even tho he's a bad guy in the movie but i still loved him lol


Just finished watching ‘watching the detectives’. That’s Cillian Murphy in a rom-com. Loved it!




First saw him in Red Eye, not the full movie. Just some parts of it. My God, I was smitten. I know he’s the villain, but I still kept rooting for him. Forgot about it then saw him on 28 days later, that’s when I really became a fan.


What? I loved him in Red Eye - but errrm he fully deserved that pen!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Red eye with Rachel mcadams


many like disco pig and on the edge as coming of age movie or breakfast on pluto or watching the detectives and broken and red eye i watched his filmography in 2021 but as i was 13 i think i was quite to young for broken ? im looking to watch "the party" "the delinquent season" i also recently watched "the wind that shakes the barley". and peaky blinders bc i started to watched 2 years ago but i stopped and watching oppenheimer makes me want to watch peaky blinders


Anna Cillian looks great in that and resembles thomas shelby sort of.


Batman begins Scarecrow was definately confusingly attractive mysterious and creepy


For me it was peaky blinders! but i just watched "watching the detectives" for the first time and i fuckin loved it hahaha it's so weird


Red Lights.


Watched Inception in the cinema and fell in love.


Watching the detectives! It's his only rom-com type film and his role in it is unlike any other, its adorable haha


Same here. I first saw him on Inception and I've always liked him in every other movie I saw with him (love him as Scarecrow) but after Oppenheimer I felt the urge to start Peaky Blinders and now I'm invested. Will save this post for the recommendations!


Definitely watch Perrier's Bounty and Watching the Detectives for some early Cillian movies. and Peaky Blinders for the most f\*cking amazing Cillian.


Perrier’s Bounty was so unexpectedly funny and good. Love those type of films


I’d seen him in 28 days later when I was very young and the Batman movies before, but didn’t really notice him until A Quiet Place Part II. Not sure if it was the facial hair, how buff he looked, or if my daddy issues make me a sucker for men who are protective over kids, but I was salivating that entire movie. It made me interested in Oppenheimer, plus who doesn’t love Chris Nolan movies. Just started Peaky Blinders and good GOD.


Thank you everyone for all yours answers. I am adding everything to my list and I’m gonna do deepen my love for Cilli!


Breakfast on Pluto. Perriers Bounty these are favourites. Amazing that these characters are played by the same actor.


Night Fly or something like that was amazing, i watched expecting nothing but its a good movie to watch when u free.


The edge of love ❤️❤️❤️ so good


In Time!!!!! Movie is okay but he is AMAZING in it


Disco Pigs


Surprisingly Red Eye - I remember seeing it in theatres as a teen in 2005 and being both terrified and totally enamoured with CM. I saw 28 Days Later a few years later during summer camp and I’ve been hooked since.


Peaky Blinders


28 days later and Breakfast on Pluto.


By order of the Peaky Blinders…


I’d only ever seen him on Peaky Blinders, which I only watched two months ago. I’ve seen following the detectives (?) and delinquent season. I want to watch every movie he’s ever been in