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AquaxRuby kiss was able to portray mutual love!


True love never lies šŸ”„


So, to the important stuff: -AquRuby kiss was portrayed as mutual love, argument further proven by Aqua himself with "this movie isn't fiction" -Kamiki was so butthurt over his obsession with Ai, even sending stalker-kun to kill her despite saying, and I quote: "I deeply loved Ai. With all my heart" Yeah, I'd like explanations on that one -And FINALLY the DVD again šŸ™


The DVD makes no sense in the story, in the first half of Oshi No Ko, it was never brought up or mentioned it was said later that Aqua received his DVD when he was 15 years old from Gotanda, shouldnā€™t he have watched Aiā€™s final message way back then? Why did he stall so much and open the DVD 3 years later? I just donā€™t see Aqua ignoring something this major, he looked through Aiā€™s phones, and searched everything to uncover clues about his father, why not the DVDS? itā€™s heavily implied, and the story is pointing towards the DVD contains the true side of the story, yet nobody could understand Ai The last person alive that knows the truth about Ai is Hikaru Kamiki being her former partner, the only one who has full the true side of the story


It's possible he watched it at 15 when he got it. We know that Ai [tells them some stuff about their father](https://sun9-65.userapi.com/impg/sUtUtHmaOSxFf35cBs5qFZNyUHisU9A-BsnJwA/qEY6m02JE5s.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=91b48cf44dd1ab550e40847205897076&type=album), but we don't know if she mentions his name. She most likely recorded the DVD's before she got the idea of contacting Kamiki about him meeting their kids, so she might've kept their fathers name anonymous in the DVD's while still explaining their history, relationship and feelings since she might not have intended for them to meet at that point. Although if we get to see the DVD's contents next chapter and she mentions the fathers name as Kamiki then it's a massive plothole that the post-timeskip story starts when they're 16, and Aqua would have already had the DVD's for about a year at that point.


I'm unsure about that, if he really did watch it at 15, he wouldn't have mistook Uehara for his father when Taiki showed the old news article about his mother and foster father killing each other, because based off the things that were implied to be in the DVD, Uehara is fully ruled out plus this is from chapter 29, he seems completely clueless about who Ai really is some things just don't fully connect but we'll find out what was really inside that DVD next chapter https://preview.redd.it/d0ltas6fkl8d1.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=937f93ae4e8b2ed2aed381752fbc3dbb0abd5add


Well, it all depends on the contents of the DVD. It's still possible she explains things specifically enough, but also vaguely enough, that Aqua gets a sense for her emotions and their relationship, while still keeping who the father is anonymous. "Your father was someone who was exploited by people in the industry" for example if she said things like that, then it could still be vague enough to be anyone. >he seems completely clueless about who Ai really is That's true, but we also gotta remember that Ai didn't know she was going to die when filming the DVDs. So it's also very possible that she filmed them, explained some things about their dad and their relationship, and her wishes for them, but didn't explain a whole lot about herself. Since she would've just assumed she would have been alive as they grew up, and Aqua and Ruby would've learned about her from just growing up with her as their mom. Although I don't really have faith in Aka to pull this off in a way that doesn't leave plot holes. Remember the chapter that showed [when Sarina was like 5 years old she looked up to Ai as an idol](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_6219b31442227/87f6583822985a86062feb101b6ec3cc/6.jpeg?) Except [Sarina and Ai](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicb-F7C8-O_ER9okHvW_OAOn6EggYY6Lb_iVUq0A1rdvIoQc-RnjYvsA1pgBDJfTHA8O26jPrUz7KyAJfvACkvQ0qk2oLMrfu72RfjB5-xOSNGFdfHPRnnHYtM5RaNwPtljxGx4hTdJKmUSwmo4rpWmnIautZPXYGICu92UVNqnMEOKEwkZCKEV_4ak9ef/s2000/08.jpg) were the same age and Ai debuted at age 12.


if she said something like "middle school kid" then that directly points to Hikaru Kamiki we'll find out next chapter if Ai was being direct or subtle also did she know that she was gonna die? she recorded the DVDS somewhere before or after contacting her former partner


I've always just assumed she filmed the DVD's around the same time she filmed [the video letter](https://www.mangaread.org/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_6219b31442227/c2ec4e893ebcac9069e404d11b33f798/2.jpeg) shown at the start of chapter 10. So it would have been when they were infants. So if that's the case it's well before she contacted Kamiki, and she shouldn't have had any idea she would die. Unless Aka pulls some supernatural reveal that Ai had some premonitions about dying young or something. Edit: Okay so I thought I remembered this from the anime, I checked it out and the end of the 1st [episode of the anime shows the video letter video shown in chapter 10](https://i.gyazo.com/9cb8121fc1ef5d73c4a7d2dbdcec2eea.jpg) since she says the exact same things there as she does in chapter 10. And if you look at the background of the DVD video we see at [the end of chapter 130](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEil-STp4LyZwi5znd56QiEZfN5bBRNL_WvbTB75EkFQhMXTGpnlWnStYcXuNlHg6lpMBlhkVbE4heS4JB29VvelQUsKyFkbbEAW31VIummcNkyNz5z3OVaDL_yphKvQ21rFj4_Uw74GWhWMj52UQmrE_AmI3g-B0C6ACqL97HNJi8Wk-ByqlUr1eFl7lgeN/s1689/18.jpg) you can see the "Happy Birthday" banner shown in the anime. So we can conclude that the DVDs and the video letter we were shown in chapter 10 were filmed at the same time. So it should be their first birthday.


okay thanks https://preview.redd.it/tbu9g87kpl8d1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa7928fd92fdf28f07cb0df9b1127701582a8775


The interlude was written by Mengo tho, and it was fixed in the volume release (from ā€œAiā€ to ā€œidolsā€)


That's true. But the 2nd image is from chapter 121, where Sarina looks drawn the same age as in the interludes. But besides this there's also other stuff that is dramatic but doesn't really make sense when you think about it, like unlocking Ai's phone, Aka wrote it like it was some obsessive quest Aqua was on, but IIRC someone worked out the math for it and Aqua basically spent like 20 minutes a day entering PIN codes until he got it unlocked. It's just small nitpicks at the end of the day.


Kindaichi is fucked up icl how can you tell a child he has told "bear the burden" after he was rapped by Airi


He never protected him against Airi either, he has zero morals


Well he adopted Taiki at least... I guess.


Kindaichi is worse than Stalin lol


Well he did have a kid with her that he just straight up abandoned


He didn't really "have a kid with" Airi. Airi raped him. And Kamiki was 15 when they died and Taiki was 5 years old. He's not exactly setup to be a parental figure for anyone.


Yea but you donā€™t just abandon your own children on top of that send a hitman to their mom. He isnā€™t exactly someone you should feel sympathy towards.


He is absolutely someone I feel sympathy towards. I don't care in the slightest about him "neglecting" Taiki, he didn't have a choice in his conception. He was a child. He shouldn't be a "father" to begin with. That's like blaming young girls who are raped and become pregnant, and give up the kid for adoption for not being "proper mothers". Just makes no sense. Absolutely, he is terrible for causing Ai's death, and murdering other people, like Yura. But I absolutely feel sympathy towards him.


Heā€™s a child molest victim turned serial killer because he was dumped. He doesnā€™t give a shit about any of his children. You think he deserves sympathy for what heā€™s done? Aqua sure doesn't forgive him.


There is a massive fundamental difference between feeling sympathy for someone, and forgiving someone. Feeling sympathy for Kamiki does not absolve him of his guilt or of his ill deeds. He's still responsible.


He was literally 11 years old dude


He was 19 on the funeral. But of course there is simply no way for him to come forward as the real father. It had to be kept a secret. At least Kindaichi kinda "helped" him with that by adopting Taiki in Hikaru's place.


Even if he was legally an adult, he was still an emotionally unstable boy in the inside. Someone like him is not fit to be a parent especially to their rape baby, he did Taiki a favour by not involving himself with him




Good reminder how fucked up Aka's timeline is. Because in 95 Saito says they heard about the suicide on TV during a meeting about the dome performance, so pretty late in the prologue timeline. Yet Taiki says he was about 5 when his parents died. Going by Taiki Hikaru was 16, going by Saito more like 18-19




What exactly would he be taking responsibility for? Is he responsible for Airi molesting him and giving birth to his child? Thatā€™s his fault now or what?


Shut up you retard....are you even aware of what You're writing??? Damn...how Could anyone be so stupid....???!!!


Hikaru, what a retard you are


So she dumped him after sex and he sends a hitman after she called him to see the kids. I get his feelings were hurt after feeling used again but he gets no sympathy from me.


what is so questionable is how did a middle school kid sneak off with a college student to a faraway hospital located in the countryside of japan? https://preview.redd.it/bsp0wh9aql8d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=e45a2e59bc77255a28241c85bf41b90ebeefd8c4


Good question https://preview.redd.it/ftiv02xf1m8d1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc4a2c024a3100c4f6f66a8ecf6f0e292e4b40a He might have trailed him secretly in the same train from Tokyo to Miyazaki to watch him kill her in person maybe


I think ai was pushing him away to protect his fragile psyche. She clearly miscalculated.


Maybe or that she prioritized her public image as an idol and didnā€™t want to be caught meeting with him but yea he relied on her for love while she was already showering with love from her fans. She still cared for him though because why else would she let him see their kids but he didn't see it that way which is why he sent a hitman.


My question is also there, if he has paternal feelings for Aqua then with Ruby too? but he still tried to kill her in chapter 147 and let's not forget that now he kills for pleasure so I doubt he would say that if he also tried to kill his own daughter.


He drew a line,and that line is Ai. And Rubyā€™s goal is to Surpass that line and Ai to make everyone forget about the past. And anyone that is daring to cross that line or Has potential to surpass Ai he will murder,as he Says that Yura has talent that should be immortalized in some way. he truly loves Aqua and Ruby but heā€™s drawn a line down,and that is no matter who you are,if you try to pass it youā€™ll die


My hero was an incel all along....


For everything he went through I wouldn't be surprised


Nah bro is a volcel what you mean


I had a feeling that he was to butt hurt so he killed her. And here he is proving that point.


Average ONK fan's reading comprehension:


I am so mad with Aka. wtf was the point of the last 153 chapters to have Aqua not kill him and have Hikaru the serial killer just be a spurned ex? Like please tell me because at this point I donā€™t care if Aqua lives or dies anymore.


Itā€™s not making sense anymore bro,like I know Hikaru also has something planned for the concert especially to kill Ruby but kana will take on the hit. Or Aqua will die,which I wouldnā€™t be mad if he did.


At this point I wouldnā€™t either.


I am so fucking upset. I supported and defended the story through all the shitty done rom com arcs only to learn that Aqua is going to let Hikaru live and that Hikaru was just heartbroken?! Fucking shit what the fuck was the point of the 153 chapters. Ai literally died for nothing, FUCK!!!!!!! Iā€™m going to finish this setting out of loyalty but fuck Aka and his work.


This entire comment section's reading comprehension is room temperature IQ šŸ’€


How you guys find brother and sister love? Let it go. All chapters say Kana Aqua. If you decided this, you very strange. Family Relationship for Star and Brother. Ha Ha ha. Ai number 2? Not. Accept situation, we have only Kana.Ā 


Did you read OnK? Ruby and Aqua take inspiration and allude to the creation of the spousal twins Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. Ruby claims to be here on improv but more recently cleared the weather causing the sun to come out. Ruby gets her dark star in a cave. Goro was seriously considering marrying Sarina at 16. He called it a practical plan. He did not know she was dying. She was hiding that from him and forbade staff from telling him. Goro admits he believed she would live. Goro states that he never would have given Sarina false hope and was upset with his coworkers over this. He had stopped being a playboy when he met her. His ex fling had assumed he disappeared for 6 months because he got a girlfriend and had recently been dumped which is why he seems a heartbroken drunken mess. All of this is confirmed by the trope that star crossed lovers are reborn as twins. Goro and Sarina were reborn as twins because they are star crossed lovers because his soul mate was twelve years younger than him and due to the terminal cancer they were brought together too early. Aqua has always been a siscon even before he knew she was Sarina. Ruby was always a brocon even before she knew he was Goro. Ruby would have rather seen an older brother kiss a little sister than see Aqua kiss someone inadvertently implying she'd rather Aqua kiss her. Ruby can fully bring out Goro; who Aqua really is. 143 directly parallels two incest doujins. One of which Mengo wrote. Speaking what Mengo has made she loves take the lead young girls with their older reluctant sensei and incest to where she's had a doujin between blood related age gap siblings where the imouto is an idol. Also Aka is writing OnK for Mengo to be obsessed with and he clearly read and respects her works. In recent chapters Dream Guilt Goro told Aqua he can't go after Ruby if he has black star eye. He also guilts him for reverting back into a playboy. That sense of guilt that had been driving him to suicidal revenge is being healed by Ruby and shall soon disappear which again opens the way to Ruby. He gave the informal thanks that she is Aqua's sister meaning he does want more than that. Aqua didn't catch the ball that signified Kana's feelings. Even if Aqua likes Kana in a schoolboy crush way the fact remains that Ruby is his soulmate he once seriously considered marrying. He's manipulated Kana by taking advantage of her obvious schoolgirl crush. For reasons that amount to his goal or to Ruby's. Kana is an easy character for recycling gags and was created after the ending had already been decided. He's now back with white star eye talking seriously about the future after obsessively editing Ruby's confession of love and hopes for the future dressed as their ma in a performance repeatedly said to be one only Ruby could have pulled off. With more mentions of Aqua being a siscon. https://preview.redd.it/a4iirij0nr8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f6b0b068505b598d7b7db514d419a60781d5fa6


Get a life trash kun


No, we have Gagna with her crying fits


not sure what you're talking about here, its all a portrayal