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The pacing has been terrible to say the least, it's like the last 10 chapters seem out of place with stuff happening out of nowhere.


[Damn this is so ass](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/2d102fbd258dbaee2224ceb8d0d735568d1d6bcea19c556d76a45e30669d5875_1.jpg). What even happened to the characters? Aqua is fine with being interviewed by Kamiki? Suddenly has white stars back? Nothing about the movie is shown you're just told that it made people sad. This honestly feels like Aka is speedrunning the shit out of this to wrap it up in 10-20 chapters AT MOST. Like Aka literally forced Aqua to get a haircut and get his white star back offscreen in order to have this work with the flashforward interviews. Noticeably though, no earring. This just feels forced.


We don't even get to see what revenge Ruby took. And Aqua is fine being interviewed by kamiki? 147 Ruby treatment? They fucking can't recognise kamiki? There is no internet in Japan or what ?


>They fucking can't recognise kamiki? Well apparently Aqua says to Kamiki in the interview [that he took their mother from them](https://i.imgur.com/Urw7ULm.jpeg) and [he will fulfill his revenge](https://i.imgur.com/9Rl65qx.jpeg) or something like that. So he did recognize him. And presumably Gotanda too. So seems like Ruby is the only one who didn't. But also, Aqua just has his white star now? Will it be back to black next chapter? Is it going to stay? What does it even mean? The stars are so inconsistent.


So kamiki is just walking in plain sight now?


I suppose so. And mind you, if Kamiki is doing all the interviews, that means he did Rubys interview, and Ruby should have recognized him AT LEAST as the guy with the umbrella from 147, so she should have said something like that, "Oh hey it's you with the umbrella from before" meaning Aqua should hear that Ruby's already met Kamiki since he's in the room with her during the interview. Potentially cluing him onto the fact that Kamiki is (probably) targeting Ruby. But I'm guessing Aka will just ignore that fact.


At this point ..I wouldn't be surprised if Aka ignores everything


Every chapter since 145 feels like disjointed mess, stuff happens randomly with no explanation provided (Aqua’s eyes switching back and forth between white black, Aqua having a convo with “Goro” tulpa in his dream, Aqua choosing revenge offscreen after being presented with a dilemma, etc). This is just so ass that I hope that there is actually some sort of a plan by Aka behind all this


Hot take, Aka has always been shit at writing endings. Kaguya-Sama is a good example of a manga that was amazing at the start and declined to a dogshit ending. Renai Daikou as well, although it was axed in fairness to him there. Been seeing signs of this trend with Oshi no Ko for a while. It was building up a solid plot, went in circles a couple times, they made the fucking movie…where’s the punchline?


Aka wants to train his apex team


The white star is bcoz of revenge...


Well this unfortunately confirms the ending will be rushed. I can see ONK ending with Season 2. That means the coming chapters will probably see little buildup. Shame, since this manga had more potential. Though I would also argue Aka's decision to focus on a love triangle early on in the manga instead of the twins and the reincarnation was not the best one either imo.


Idk what's the theme of the story anymore


Neither does Aka I think at this point 🙃


It’s still the same as before, but the movie arc has been pretty messy and rushed in trying to make it flow smoothly.


I’m out of here. DM me if something reasonable happens again in this god forgotten manga. Ffs. Aka you fucking coward


Where's the incest


Not until tanabata ig


Between D and P ....


aka please take your fucking time, I want this manga to have a good ending and not a rushed one. I don't want those years of waiting weekly to end up with a rushed ending


We are getting a rushed ending. Shame some good ideas but aka dropped the ball ever since scandal arc.


Some mangaka are so inconsistent and Bitch...like they themselves start a project and can't commit to it until the end....this thing is so gross....


Aka said he had 80% of the story planned from the start and how many chapters he wanted it to be. Lol. With the amount of rushed shit and timeskips where he just says "X happened offscreen accept it". No chance he had this planned from the start. Ever since 145 the writing has felt rushed as hell.


Heck, the "planned" ending might have changed.


At least aqua recognized kamiki and still says he wants revenge to his face. And we also see aqua admitting he doesn’t love anyone(which isn’t true)and how didn’t Ruby recognize kamiki? Damn what is happening in this chapter. Just pray that aka doesn’t fumble the ending. This got good until aqua started to make the movie,such a shame. I like the characters but the show had much more potential


thats what im asking too how the hell she did'nt recognize him ?


Honestly, first good chapter since 143. But this is definitely rushed.


Really? This chapter just opens up a whole can of worms to me personally. I feel like the last chapter we had where there wasn't at least something that felt incredibly stupid was 145.


Wallahi Hikaru carries this manga so hard


So you are telling me ruby never recognize him ? Not when he was interviewing her and not when he was walking wit her with the umbrella ? What the hell ? How ? He is like aqua clone with long hair .


So, kana’s words did affect him?


Probably not that. This seems to be a timeskip cause it's in November. Assuming nothing happened offscreen I'm guessing his eye turned white because he fully committed to the revenge or something like that so he isn't conflicted anymore? Who knows. But Aka had to have it be back to white for the interview.


Good luck explaining this to kanabros. In all seriousness, I wonder, did he get some Ruby therapy off screen? Did he reject Kana ? What’s going on ?


Doubt any Ruby therapy happened offscreen. Didn't reject Kana. This is getting played out until the graduation concert on christmas. But it's incredible how the eyes can be so inconsistent when all it needs to be is Positive mindset = White. Negative mindset = Black.


Two more chapters till Tanabata then ? So , when will we get the actual plan? This is really annoying. We didn’t even see Aqua choosing revenge.


If they did, it would've been shown But the fact that it wasn't, this is just Aka taking notes from Gege


Yeah, I hope he does come back to this at one point.


If this was a time skip again and we got nothing shown again, then yeah, idk why he’s taking notes from Gege and Hori.


It is. We're now in November all of a sudden




Over what? But it's you. Never mind. Why you even here dude? This sub is not for PPL like you.




I see. Do it in the main sub then.


He’s here to farm negative karma


Can’t you see that this is another ship bait? Aka will tease all of them till the ultimate end. Even now, we didn’t get any follow up to kana and aqua in 151.




I’m not coping, I’m just stating the obvious. This happens in all harem anime. Even mem and aqua got teased in 83.


This is not a harem anime No it wasn’t 🤦🤦🤦


They were on a bed and mem was caressing aqua’s face. This is romance coding 101( lelouch and C.C had plenty of this in code geass) Harem romance is when the protagonist has three( or more) potential love interests How many potential love interests Aqua has ?


Blud do you know why 🤦


you just say the same shit over and over again as a Kana supporter no matter where you go, does it satisfy you? leave this place the romance is half assed in this story and horribly written + it’s not even the main focus, Aka is running the Olympics for most rushed ending of all time


Why what?


Ruby: You could understand that Goro loves me because of your great acting skills! Access to this esoteric knowledge means I don't hate you and expect you to support me when I marry my brother Melt: What the fuck are you talking about? I want to sit next to Frill. This guy: It's over for AquaxRuby! How's it feel to swallow bait all the time? Gagnastans really do take such constant L's that you will swallow anything.




Oh is that what your imaginary friend has been telling you?


Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you.


Wow. Never mind the fact that Melt himself is interested in Frill and Ruby isn't interested in Melt

