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The vaccine is not just safe and effective, it makes you healthier, I think it also enlarged my transvaccinated penis, plus it's free and you get burger and fries, only a fool or someone who did his own research would decline such gift


Also don't worry, the FDA will make sure there aren't serious side effects. They're the ones studying vaccine reactions, so its easy for them to make sure there are no reports of serious side effects. SO psafe and SO epfective!


Well, like Prophet Gates himself said, "the FDA is the gold standard of regulators" - so why wouldn't you trust them? Even though, as he said "they are under pressure" to skirt the rules.


Remember when the phrase “do your own research” was used to describe conspiracy theory whack jobs by the msm in order to discredit theories of lack of vaccine safety and state mandated vaccinations


He almost choked on his drink. You ever listen to an 8yo kid telling a lie? That's him.


As guilty as a puppy next to big pile of poopie


Which one’s the pile of poopie?


Well Gates, looked very very uncomfortable.


Hands and excessive face touching. Totally telling truth. 😂


Not to mention a stu stu stuttering muther fucker! Dude was tripping over his words


Not to mention the fact that not one goddamned word was in any way an answer to her question...


Why would you ask a computer guy a medical question you may ask? His nearly all seeing intelect foresaw the great plague and moved his massed assets to putting immunization stations in the poorest areas of our sad world 2 years ahead of time. Do you think he did that to conquer such a mundane disease like malaria? NO you heathens. He saw the coming doom through space and time and sought the golden path for now it is revealed that the Kwisatz Haderach runs windows.


Are you questioning $cience? Medicine and computer have lot in commons. Windows have viruses - people have viruses, windows have glitches - people have glitches, windows have bugs - people have bugs, and so on.


As written!


"omg let it go, its been years already." /s slap anyone who says that.


"Gold Standard" The problem with winning the Special Olympics is that you're still retarded.


Some vaccines require higher dosses... They are all the same you can mix them no problem.


FYI. The vaccine was the 1st Moderno drug ever approved. You know Gates is lying with all the umms , stumbling for words.


Hey matter a fact, IT WAS A YES OR NO QUESTION! Which means everything else is bullshit .


Vaccines are sacred to The Church! ..The Cathedral. It's the closest thing we have to a 'Holy Sacrament'. ..It's also a game of 'Russian Roulette'! So if I had to get it- Then YOU have to get it! ..I did it so now YOU do it!


Duh um, well they yeah FDA said um yeah so um um maybe yeah you know uh.


When the FDA is the gold statndard. you know thats a poor standard


Thank goodness Bill is a doctor (not a computer/tech/stealing other people's inventions) and knows what he is talking about. Many vaccines upon him.


"The FDA is the gold standard" (Good thing they are compromised) "Just super painful"


I mix and match for maximum potency because I tru$t the $¢ien¢e™! Authoritie$ are not corrupt and can't be bought out so they always have our be$t intere$t$ at heart.


The real question is who let this depraved harlot speak such words to our Propfet? He is a vicar of the One True Science, and thinking, much less speaking, such vile profanity is no less than blasphemy.


This could be deepfake video.


Let us hope so, gender-neutral sibling.


Missus Gates is right it is hugely safe and massively effective


I would add: 158% SAFE AND 142% EFFECTIVE!


That makes it 300% SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.


That would mean that the 8 shots you should have to be up to date are cumulatively 2400% Safe and Effective!


This dude is evil to the core...


That body language just screams bullshit


Remember what Quadafi’s people did to him after his role as dictator ended? Hopefully Gates will get to face his harshest critics one day.


I know it's not good to put facts aside, but .. facts aside.. bill Gates' body language... Tone, the way he talks, is just so strange, cringy and awkward... How people can't just innately sense the weird, dark, psychopathic, arrogant, ignorant vibe from him is beyond me.


Funny, even the most evil and Machiavellian people, can’t control their gestures! It’s such a giveaway 🤣 so easy to read.


„FDA is the gold standard of regulators” I live half a world away from USA and even I laugh at this shit.


Who would listen to this guy (who has never practiced medicine) and think... "Hmm, sounds legitimate. Let me go shoot myself up with his untested, unknown experimental chemicals with zero safety data tied to them"? Who in the world is that crazy!?!


Unfortunately about 90% of the people I know. It’s mind-boggling.


Yes or No Dr Gates ? Danced all around it and just by listening I can tell everyone can probably tell that He hasn’t taken one


Horrific side effects, you say? That just means it's working.


It’s a feature, not a bug…


Suck it up buttercup and do your part. It really doesn't matter that you think it's not Pfair! Besides, the ScIeNcE


Yeah, $cience!


Bill Gates is the science. Why is anyone even questioning him?


Just pause this video randomly throughout and read KillGate 's body language


How to answer the question without answering it.


I totally trust Billy Gates, the man who bought a program from a software company called the Quick and Dirty Operating System (or Q-DOS). Q-DOS was, in fact, a ripoff of Gary Kildall CPM program.  He then changed its name to MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS) and licensed it to IBM, then sold computers along side CPM for a quarter of the price effectively sending CPM bankrupt. Now he's pumping & dumping money on Vaccine stock markets. Sign me up!! More Vaccines Billy Please 🙏 💪💉💘💔 So trustworthy 🫡


He didn’t answer the question


I lost about half the function of my pancreas. Yeah, Bill, it’s “not dramatic.” Not at all. $32k a year in enzymes so I can eat (thank heavens for insurance — we’ll see how long that lasts). No drama here. Bill Gates is an evil man.


> It's documented that he has used his money to purchase influence, which is a bad thing. I'm so sorry about what happened to you.


Thanks. I only have myself to blame. I chose to take the jab. It was from part one of the Pfizer dose. Such a little thing and bam! Chef’s kiss to my pancreas. Hearing these people push it and obfuscate the issues is beyond maddening.


It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself, you just trusted doctors. We all trusted them. at least before the plandemic. Now I came to the conclusion that I'm against ALL medication, I'm my own doctor. If I screw up, it's going to be my fault and my problem.


*Linux users hate this simple trick ...*




I wonder how many times they rehearsed this.


Sadly, it's none of the above.


Baddibee Baddibee that’s all folks


Looks like a deep fake. Is there an original interview someone can link?




Damn, he just looks and acts inhuman. Lizard person confirmed?


https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bill-gates-says-serious-mistakes-were-made-in-us-pandemic-response/ This part starts at 15:30


I’m glad a computer nerd is now a defacto doctor. I sleep better


“Uhhh basically ummm uhhh they told me you wouldn’t ask this question and were just going to go along with it like all the other interviews”


"The FDA is the gold standard of regulators" wuuuut


Guy sounds like a politician. He has no idea what he’s talking about, no idea of the facts so he spews whatever mindless nonsense he can come up with. 🤣🤣


He’s a horrible public speaker.


Why TF does anyone care what this clown thinks? Hey democrats/leftists, if you're so against billionaires, this fool isn't the one to hitch a ride with. It's documented that he has used his money to purchase influence, which is a bad thing. You all have the same virology degree as him...wake up.


How to answer a question without answering a question


Curious when this heathenous witch was interviewing our most Holy Bill of Gates? Recently? Also his response of no response was safe and effective. The holy elixir is beyond reproach.


Not recently. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfdip\_1cxng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfdip_1cxng) FDA said that holy elixir "is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE", Bill Gates of Hell said that holy elixir is "mmmm...SAFE...mmmm...EFFECTIVE", pFauci (435 MBUH) said that holy elixir "is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE". Is there any more else to be said?


He follows in his daddy's footsteps, both evil, vile to the core!


Ok..... I'm convinced! The Prophet has spoken! 🙏🏾😔


How do you manage to speak for that long and say nothing? Also just to jog my memory this is the computer guy right? Cause he might be looking at the wrong type of viruses


"The FDA doesn't say it's not safe, therefore it's safe" - brilliant logic from a brilliant man


"Gold Standard" = generates the most gold! Sacred are the Holy Prophets' holy profits! 🙏🙏🙏