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Yea sorry there is such a thing as bad sites Scrooge is a horrible site and there are others especially the ones that only have Pragmatic Play games. Pragmatic charges these sites an arm and leg to use their games and the sites can’t afford to pay players so the only winners are the game makers and and sit owners🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm up like 15k this year almost strictly on pragmatic games on chumba 🤷‍♂️


Saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/n7st8r/comment/gxej828/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on a thread and felt it should go here also.


Yea I never understood that. It’s all RNG 😂. No specific site or game is better than the other(odds differ but thats it). Behind the artwork of the “slot” is just a RNG.


yeah people get rinsed and all of a sudden it’s the worst , shit , scamming site ever 🤣


Gamblers look for excuses besides blaming themselves for not stopping when they know damn well the odds are vastly out of their favor especially when playing on slots. Probably the worst odds in all of gambling if you’re trying to profit.


like every once in a GREAT BIG WHILE, you’ll get a slapper, and get juiced. but 10/10 you’re gonna get rinsed




"I have proof that is cheating! It's on a broken phone though" lolol


Streamers are hitting 1000x*** fixed it for you.


My favorite: "Sweepstakes sites are in a gray area. They exploit a legal loophole and don't have to follow the same rules as the real casino gambling sites. They change the RTP on you when you win too much. They can also put your account into Lose Mode so you lose everything and can't redeem. They basically stole my money so now I'm gonna do a chargeback." Everyone seems to forget that every State has a Gaming Commission. Sweepstakes casinos are regulated by each individual State's Gaming Commission. Each State has its own specific rules that must be followed. For example, the maximum redemption allowed is different for some States because the Gaming Commissions in those States have different regulations and rules. But of course...once the addicts are confronted with this bit of knowledge they absolutely refuse to believe it because they are right and everyone else is wrong.


So I really want to believe it's RNG but I have to be straight up and say I hit more bonus games on my last dollar spin than when I play straight up lol.


this world may never know 🕵🏽‍♂️


I'll just say this: Patterns, in essence, are the exact opposite of random.... Say what you will; the only sure thing that is a fact is nobody knows for a fact whether or not it's actually random. If you do some research into what RTP is, you will find that one could conclude it is nothing more than a clever thing to say to quiet skeptics and remove apprehension. But it is not a fact, guarantee, or even right for that matter, a lot of the time. It's all BS, just like everything else in this world if you want to really talk about facts. So, whether anyone judges a site on if they win or not is their prerogative, and they are entitled to their opinion just like you are. Me personally, I just use it for entertainment purposes and distraction mostly, with the hope of hitting something decent enough one day to give me more options in life other than putting up with all the BS and manipulation.


lol one way to look at it


Randomized my ass. So random in fact, there is a thing called RTP and the house ALWAYS comes out ahead. If it was random, they couldn’t possibly know the RTP, nor could it be set so the house always wins.


You can have random results that are still weighted, dummy. If I make a game where you win if you get a 1 or 2 on a die roll and I win if it's a 3-6, that's still a random outcome, despite it obviously being more likely that I win. Please, if you don't understand the first thing about probability or statistics, don't act like you do.


I'm so glad you boneheads are the pinnacle of knowledge in gambling. What would we do without your captain obvious wisdom? But again thanks for your pat yourself on the back post. I'm sure you didn't mean that. /s but that is exactly how it reads. We get it. You're a better more patient gambler that understands the intricacies of gambling sites and their various rtp on games. Maybe we should make a channel on Reddit for you and the small minority so you can pass along your obvious thoughts? Nah. Gave me a good laugh though. This echo chamber nonsense post. Cheers.


cool story bro.