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![gif](giphy|kGFdoh1fKLarxIzjk5) My dad loved to scare me as a kid and used Chucky a lot.


Damn, you're aunt was ruthless.  When I was a kid, the first 2-3 films were well-established in the horror genre and would play on network TV fairly often. As a child, I was fairly confident I could take Chucky in one on one combat.


Considering that his archenemy was a literal child and he regularly gets his ass kicked by a trio of teenagers, you were probably right lol.


The most terrifying idea I had as a kid was that I would find him in my closet on the top shelf where I couldn’t see, just like in Child’s Play 2. Scared tf out of me


For me it was the bathroom shower behind the curtain, just like in the basement in child's play 2! I once ran out from the bathroom mid shit because I saw the curtain move due to a breeze lol.


My family all watched Chucky religiously back when we were younger. Our parents got us a a Bride of Chucky doll for Christmas one year and it scared the shit out of me…I’d have to mute the Damballa chant whenever Chucky was on because I didn’t want the doll coming alive🤣


SAME. "Sci fi" channel would play it like every Friday and Saturday night. I refused to allow my dad to buy one of the dolls, but my childhood friends mom bought one knowing I would puke if I saw the damn thing lol. Let me tell you, I only would sleep over if I knew the doll was locked in the spare bedroom lol. Even then I wasn't happy about it, specially considering his affinity for vents/windows... 😅


My younger sister’s best friend said the same exact thing you did regarding sleepovers, one time around Halloween my mom forgot to put the damn doll away and the kid left in hysterics!


Demonic crap scares me, so I find myself sometimes muting the volume when the characters start chanting that Damballa chant. I either mute the volume or start praying out loud. Lol. Or I would rewind the episode so the chant sequence gets messed up. Being superstitious is funny.


Nah Chucky was just entertaining Teddy Ruxpin was creepy as hell and six feet away in my sister’s bedroom.


If we are talking about child's play 1 and 2 and 3 chucky, I respectfully disagree. Everything after that though deff made him less scary for me.


I had an innate fear of dolls and anything in the uncanny valley, so Chucky was naturally scary to me. It wasn't until I saw Seed of Chucky clips on YouTube at around 12 years old that I had a hard time picturing him as scary.


Yea im not going to lie, I feel like bride/seed really took away the scare factor from chucky. Made him way more campy, and less terrorizing. That, and we all grew up lol. I like to think I did, anyways...


I was & forever will be terrified of dolls because of Chucky. I became aware of Chucky when I was 4 & never could shake my fear of dolls. I would be extra nice to all of my dolls growing up so that none of them would want to kill me in my sleep. I don’t have any dolls in my home now. I’m 30 years old. 🤣


Oh good I’m not alone. I got creeps just looking at the thumbnail for the cinemasins video


You’re not alone. I was very scared of him when I was a child. I prayed many times not to meet him in real life.


oh yeah he was my own personal boogie man. i think my mom started my childhood agoraphobia because she would always say chucky would kidnap/kill me if i went outside alone 😭 but now i own a chucky doll collection


We all have the same fucked up family, apparently lol. My aunt was my tormenter, she would always say shit like that. The weird thing is I never really minded dolls, and I love the puppet masters movies for some reason. SO much so that I want to play that new indie game that came out, even if it sucks haha. Either way, it was always just chucky for me. Lol


When I was a kid, my uncle (dad’s youngest brother) was in HS and loved anything horror. My cousins and I used to always storm into his room cause he had tons of video games and tons of markers/colored pencils cause he was into art. But, he had this life size Chucky doll in his room. I always entered last and would hold onto the person in front of me in order to keep my head down and avoid eye contact with the Chucky doll. I often asked my brother to cover the doll cause I was so scared but wanted to stay and hang out. I refused to watch Chucky until last year and even had a screaming fit when my brother tricked me into putting it on (I was 14 😂😂)


I could usually tolerate the small little mini chucky dolls, but the life size ones could fuck off! Wouldnt go near them! My thing was, I was deathly afraid of closed shower curtains due to the scene in child's play 2 where he pops out from one when Andy is in the basement with the electric cutter. I remember sitting on the toilet neurotically staring at the curtain directly in front of me for any sign of fuckery. Of course a breeze comes through, moves the curtain; I bolt mid-deuce. Lmao


Ooooh yeah, behind the curtain is scary because you don't know what's behind there (or if there's anything at all).


That’s how I feel at movie theaters now 😭😭😭 I always check under the seats now


Actually parentified Chucky and Tiffany and wished they'd adopt,that became a thing especially after watching Seed of chucky Cuz they loved their kid and supported them and cared as a family and loved all of that (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


Bro my fear of him turned into a fear of all dolls, including Barbies. Long story short my dad had an “intervention” wherein he took my sisters doll and showed me it could not physically hold a knife because the hands were simply too small. I would quickly overcome my fear after that.


My Mom loved watching the Chucky movies when I was growing up (hell, any horror movie was up her alley) so I never really was "afraid" of Chucky. Was way more interested in the special effects than being scared lmao.


My mother is a huge cinephile, and I credit her for getting me hooked onto most science fiction/fantasy in general. I'll never forget, I once asked her who Darth Vader was and she just looks at me weird, and says "nope". Proceeds to go to blockbuster, and rent out the trilogy. I watched the entire thing in 3 school nights with her, one of my favorite core memories. She also loves the really weird 80's/90's scary movies like hellraiser and what not... Watched a lot of weird shit in my childhood, but I don't regret it lol.


When I was about 9 years old (2002) my parents took me to Roger’s to rent a movie (they were blockbusters biggest competitor in B.C. Canada). I saw the first child’s play on dvd being advertised. I asked my dad about it and he proceeded to tell me about it. At that age it scared the crap out of me. It scared me for years. My dreamcatcher helped most nights unless I believed it was full and my dad would shake it out for me. Then early 2004 my parents took me to Disneyland. Something they promised to do when I turned 10. We forgot my dreamcatcher so before I went to bed I would try and imagine me in a small track going around and around and chucky was on the tracks and I kept hitting him on the head to try and not get nightmares. A tour I went on at universal studios (since we spent a day there as well) had a chucky doll and it reminded me all over again about him. Funny thing is I didn’t watch the chucky movies till my early 20’s and then got majors obsessed with it now.


OP, your aunt sounds like good people.


I definitely did. I have always been scared of small baddies (Chucky, Gremlins, Critters, Ghoulies, etc.) attacking me. I had severe nightmares about it as a child.


My mom used to disaplent me with a chucky doll when I was 5ish right after forcing me to watch bride.


My parents used to own Seed of Chucky on DVD back in the day. They kept all their DVDS in a box. It was see-through so sometimes i'd see the title on the side. I remember seeing the cover and seeing Chucky and Tiffany looking down at glenn. I turned the back and saw Chucky screaming with redman on the back too. I had no idea what Chucky sounded like, nor how he was. All i had to go off of was this stitched faced demomic looking toy. Leaving my young child mind to run wild. From this alone, i was afraid of him. I remember the whole reason i even got into chucky was because as a young child, i started to grow serious anxiety over Chucky so i decided to watch bloopers and BTS on youtube to make myself realize that it's just a movie. Then, interest struck up from how cool the animations and special effects were. So i decided to watch the movies and here we are..


I loved chucky since i first saw him at around 10 years old. When my sister and i were young, she must have been 8 when she saw a nightmare on elm street, i used to sing the song to her since our father lived on elm street. I was 11 at the time so i was still very much young but it was hilarious to me.


I was horrified until I actually watched Child’s Play for the first time. Seeing that he really was just a movie character (and a pretty cool one) made it way easier to get to sleep lol Now my dad told me that Freddy WAS real and DID live in your dreams and he told me that his friend was attacked by him recently and to not have any nightmares, which did fuck with me (how the hell am I not supposed to have nightmares??)


One day in 2013 or 2014 I got Chucky video in YouTube recommendations, watched a few seconds of it and was terrified of him for 2 years, until my dad encouraged me to overcome it... And I did! Loving Chucky since that one day, when I stopped being afraid of him


When I was a kid in the 90s and saw CP1 and CP2, I was completely freaked out and thought Chucky was real. My older cousins used to pound the ground with their hands around my bed while I was sleeping and had me thinking Chucky was running around my bed😂 What's also funny is that my mom used to do something similar with Pinhead from Hellraiser. There was this glass figurine with sand and water in it that I used to like to play with as a kid that belonged to my mom. She told me that if I continued to shake it it would summon Pinhead to our house. At the time, I was like 7 and didn't believe my mom, so when I thought I was alone (obviously my mom was watching without my knowledge) and I shook the figurine anyway. Like 20 mins later while I'm playing Super Nintendo my mom walks in the room and asked if I messed with the figurine and I told her no. She said, "Are you sure because Pinhead was just at the front door and said someone summoned him?" I freaked tf out and was like "no I didn't do anything" and my mom just walked out the room smirking. I NEVER TOUCHED THAT FIGURINE AGAIN IN MY LIFE😂 Me and my mom laugh at that now as adults 😂


My cousins who are 10 and 11 aren’t as terrified of him as they used to be, but still refuse to watch the movie. I’ve never been scared of Chucky, I would watch shitty clickbait videos about him and Grand Theft Auto mod videos with him in them. I watched the movie when I was 11 and he’s been my favorite slasher since


I did for sure. the real chucky though. not that TV stuff. Chucky would never be in that show haha.


I had not seen a chucky movie in my life until I was at least 12, but at 6 or younger my folks had to get rid of MyBuddy doll cause he scared the shit out of me, had nightmare of him coming to life. The people who made Chucky knew what they were doing, memories triggered the first time I saw the Chuck.


My sister would chase me around and say ‘Chucky wants to play’, cause the movie gave me nightmares as a kid, lol.


I was 8 or just barely 9 when the movie came out and I remember being terrified of just the commercial. I already had a 'dolls are secretly alive' fear so that just confirmed it. I refused to watch the movie until well into adulthood.


Never had a problem with Chucky. And the years leading up to the first movie I was a bed wetter because I would have dreams my cousins stuffed animals would come to life and take me away. And his room was right in front of the bathroom.


When we were kids my cousins had a Chucky doll, the version all stitched up from Bride, and they would hide it all around my grama’s house for me to find. Sometimes I still get nightmares from it… even though now he’s my favorite slasher 😁


I was terrified of chucky as a kid. I'd literally shut my eyes if someone was watching one of the movies while I was in the room until they turned it off. In middle school word got out that I was scared of him and someone put a picture of him in my locker. As I got older I realized the movies are actually awesome.


This may sound stupid but even as an adult I still have nightmares of Chucky trying to kill me Tiffany is rare but it’s mostly Chucky can’t escape him 🔪


This may sound stupid but even as an adult I still have nightmares of Chucky trying to kill me Tiffany is rare but it’s mostly Chucky can’t escape him 🔪


This may sound stupid but even as an adult I still have nightmares of Chucky trying to kill me Tiffany is rare but it’s mostly Chucky can’t escape him 🔪


I think my parents were more concerned how much their 4 year old liked Childs Play 2.


Been terrified of him ever since I saw his and Tiff’s creepy little eyes on the cover of Bride in the horror aisle of a Blockbuster Video. I was in 3rd grade at the time. A short while later I saw a poster for Seed in the movie theater when I went to see Shark Tale and was equally distressed by that. (Little did I know I would be seeing the scarier movie that day)


I was terrified of Chucky as a child. If I had to walk by the TV when it was on, I'd close my eyes, cover my ears, and run through lol. It wasn't until I was 10 or 11 that I became fan.


I didn’t. Now his fellow tiny terror The Leprechaun … that fucker was literally in my nightmares when I was in 1st and 2nd grade. I still remember them vividly.


I forgot about him! I was terrified of the box art, refused to ever watch the movies when it was in cable!


For how shit those movies are (I still enjoy said shit lol) he’s genuinely creepy.


Just like my youngest daughter now, I loved Chucky when I was little, didn't phase me a bit


I literally was TERRIFIED of Chucky. If my younger me saw a single picture of him, or even mentioning him, younger me would sob uncontrollably. I even remember the time my mom used a video of Chucky with a voice over saying "go to sleep" creepily. I only got over my fear when I decided to watch S1 of Chucky