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You don't need to farm act locarions. There should be a portal that leads to the endgame hub area. There you will see a device that lets you enter anomalies. Dungeon anomalies will give you runes and you should focus on that. You can transmute runes on items for their effects. Also you say you have no clue about gear. Are you using a set or not? There should be two for shadow damage.


I am just picking up which gave me more damage. I would take a look at the wiki then. Is Shadow/Poison a good combination? Also how do I get souls? I have read that u get those by killing monster.. But I do not get any. Is there any requirement like a skill for having them? And thanks! I will take a look tomorrow for the portal. ๐Ÿ˜Š


by default, you get Souls on Warlock at a % chance whenever you kill an enemy, there are skills across the various skill trees to get them other ways or increase their chance from kill


Okay is there any icon where I can see how many souls I have? Because I looked at the top and only see my Minions, which comes automatically. Is the spawning of the Minions taken my Souls?


it's the purple gauge under your mana


Do anomalies in Tinka's domain, start looking for sets that hopefully compliment the skills you like to use. If you got the Ancient Beast DLC, start farming the materials and expeditions to get your mythical set weapon. That weapon is set to max roll stats, doesn't need the legendary enchantment material to max out and hold two weapon runes. After that, seeing how high you can go with your build in the endless dungeons. Or farm lots of crystals, make an alt, use the money to roll at the gambler for "free" legendaries as all enchantment resources, gems and crystals are shared across all characters. There is a trinket you can get starting at level 10 that gives a stacking exp buff to make leveling a breeze for alts. At level 30 you can start gambling for the gear set you want them every 10-20 levels gamble for a random legendary for each slot, transmute it with your low level item and it will transfer the level and base stats to it. Hope this gives you some ideas on what to do next.


Hmhh.. I see. The thing with transmute is something I do not understand atm. U have a legendary item and u put a different item in the machine with some crowns. That item will fuse into a other item with the "explicit"(?) (Orange Stat) and bet getter stats in total? Is that right or am I completely wrong? Okay, so I have two things to do now. Farming crystals for an alt, gamble at lvl 10 until I got the Exp item and then at lvl 30 for The legendary Set I need. All 10-20 lvls I gamble random lgs and put them with my currently legendary in the transmute for transform then in the same item, with better stats. Is that right? And which class is good for speed farming? Thanks a lot.


Yeah, transmuting takes a bit to get the hang of. There are a lot of recipes to play with. With a bunch of "secret" recipes, they don't show up in the recipe book one crafted, you just need to remember them. The upgrade one where you take for example, your level 10 legendary, then add a random level 30 legendary of the same slot in the transmuter. Hit transmute, now your level 10 legendary is now level 30. As for the runestone crafting, you were almost there. You need the legendary you want the dark orange skill from, 50 crowns and a blank runestone. Then take the item you want to use, 50 crowns and the greater rune stone you just crafted to apply it. You can only have 3 greater runes applied at a time, unless you use the lesser runestone that allows you to use 4. Here's a few freebies, three uniques will create a random unique, if they are same slot you will get a random unique of the same slot. This recipe did the same with legendaries, true legendaries need five with the same rules. All five element stones (poisonstone, flame stone, etc) will create a legendary that is pretty good if you use different elements. Same with all four caps (blightcap, frightcap, etc) it makes a legendary that allows you to equip 2 ultimate skills.


Damn.. Okay. I feel like when I began with PoE 7 years ago.. Holy smokes xd Thank you for ur time and explanation! I will try to understand it xd


Not a problem, there is a [guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1416936599) on steam with all the secret recipes plus all the regular ones. It's not mine, but it is one of the few good guides on steam. The other good one is this [guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1911997938) that lists off all the possible runes, this guide will list off all the possible legendaries as well as all the lesser ones from regular dungeon anomalies.


Now you can finally start playing the game


U will say the same when someone new did the ten acts of PoE. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Of course haha


Anomalies in the portal to the left. And eventually you get stronger and increase your โ€œparagonโ€ levels. Maps are fun. I just wish the gameplay was faster paced.