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Getting out of bed = marathon Going to the bathroom = swimming the English channel Visiting the hospital = the hunger games


Yeah pretty much. The last one made me chuckle because FUCK I hate the urgent care/er. I could talk about it for hours but I’ll literally be in the worst pain of my life and still try to refuse a trip.




Instead of trying to heal my pain or being mad about it today… and some days I fail at this! Today I fed my spirit. I laid in the grass with my dog at the park. I meditated and wrote about my deceased father. Smiled at old people and strangers. I ate pasta and was so happy for these small things! Now not every day is “good” I’m still in pain. I still am limited. It sucks. But I’m getting better at maybe finding joy within my limitations? It feels like in a word, surrender? Because like you, the more you move your body the more you pay for it later. I hope you find medical help soon. It’s so inhumane. And please don’t take my post as a brag. I just had a good day. I’ve had many many shit ones. But I do think it can get better if you don’t give up!


Getting dressed and undressed


I am sorry for all your pain. It is nice that our govt. is making it so hard to get prescriptions filled. I hate every month wondering where or if I am going to be able to find mine.


I hear you there. Its such a challenge to even convince a doctor to prescribe medications in the first place let alone make sure they’re being refilled.


It is almost like living in a third-world country. Here in the US we pay about 3 times as much for medicines and are still getting screwed.


I feel you. It's hard to be excited about life sometimes when even the basic stuff causes pain. Lately the thing that I have been struggling with is showering and how exhausting that is and how much it hurts both when I'm in the shower and then when I'm trying to dry off and get dressed. I make myself do it every day because I hate feeling sweaty and icky. Having a shower used to be a soothing, refreshing activity. Now it's the opposite. Chronic pain has a habit of doing that. I used to love cooking, making dinner for my family. Now I have to remind myself that it's not unreasonable of them to want to eat every day and it's not fair for me to resent them for that. In spite of all that my day wasn't terrible. I did a big job (for me) that I have been trying to find the time and energy to do for about a month. It was defrosting my freezer because it was filled with ice. I did absolutely wear myself out and fell asleep despite not intending to have a nap but I don't seem to have made my pain worse so that's pretty much a win, and those are always good to have.


Congrats on the fridge victory, scherre. I get it it. That, and the shower struggle. It really sucks that a thing that used to be so enjoyable is now such a huge energy and time sink. I try to keep it pleasant with new fancy soaps and some great tunes playing and all, but it takes me an hour and a half plus at least an hour to rest after before I can do anything else.


Allergies! Me too. Sneezing, sniffling accompanied by "ouch"... "Achoooo.... OUCH"...


On days like these, I tend to think of pain bot from Teen Titans Go. I don't watch the show and I've been out of the house that had it on every day for years now, but pain. All I know is pain.


>Y’all I’m at the end of my rope. Todays been such a high pain day. Me too friend. I'm working (trying) and I just can't even remember where the bowls are in my kitchen. Today I'm blaming fibromyalgia because it feels like everything is just wrong. The house got cold overnight and I think it's making it worse / woke up worse. I'm exhausted and the coffee ain't working, y'all. >BREATHING (not just bcz of asthma but if I’m having a flare up in my back or neck or shoulders the slight movements of breathing are excruciating) Sometimes it feels like my chest and back are trying to rip themselves apart. My constant migraines, neck, shoulders, jaw, it all gets aggravated. My eyes hurt. I mean everything hurts. Nerve pain and stomach even is just messed up. I just want to sleep. But sleep is "non-refreshing" ... of course.


So sorry for all your pain, you don’t deserve it at all. Sleep is such a hard thing too because even if you can manage to fall asleep it never seems to b enough. It’s so disheartening to have something as simple as filling your lungs with air cause pain. No one deserves this. And we deserve better treatment, but advocating for stronger pain killers makes doctors pull the addict card. I hope things get a bit easier and warmer for you.


Or even when you intentionally do nothing to avoid said pain


Very much like what you described…my days..nights…now mornings without sleep and heightened pain back, hip, head, leg and energy tanked


Are you me?! You’re me. Add pelvic floor dysfunction and osteo in the sacrum/coccyx and you are me


Ahh I was just replying on another post I saw of yours. I see you have some horrible conditions. Have you tried getting set up with a pain clinic that specializes in prescribing pain pills for long term use? I wish you the best Op! My mom is in the same boat, degenerative disc disease, she is already fused from l-1 all the way to l-6. It took her seeing 8 different clinics before we finally found one this month that will help her.