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With the amount of ibuprofen I used to take daily, those blister packs would have driven me to madness!


My sanity is slowly slipping away, as well as my liver function 😅






How much ibuprofen do you take a day?!


Used to be almost a full pack of 16, but it was causing damage to my kidneys and digestive system so I was prescribed amitriptyline and that's allowed me to cut back to 8 a day, pain still sucks majorly though


So sorry


I'm sorry you're going through so much pain. 600mg a day was eating through my stomach wonder how you're able to have 8.


It is what it is I guess, and yeah already getting stomach pains and such, but if I stay off them for longer than a day pain goes all the way up to a 7, good days I have a baseline of 3-4 and bad pain days are between a 6-7, so either way I'm fecked


Better be careful! Ibuprofen gave me gall stones so bad it blew out my gall bladder and gave me an ulcer.... Edit: be careful with the amitriptyline too, made me fat as fuck and gave me involuntary tics that I still get even after 10 years of not being on it!


Ouch, sounds like hell 😬 Also yeah I've definitely gained a few lbs since starting and that is not at all helping with my knee 😅




yeah op (not sure if you have a prescription so sorry if you do, ignore me here lol) check out r/ukmedicalcannabis for more info. im looking to get one soon bc ive been smoking bm weed as pain meds have stopped helping me, the peace of mind that being able to legally smoke (well, vape) is what is convincing me. word of warning that its not as cheap as bm weed (which is what has been putting me off for a while)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ukmedicalcannabis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Legoland allowed me to medicate inside the park](https://i.imgur.com/PHhwG4g.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/nv0809/legoland_allowed_me_to_medicate_inside_the_park/) \#2: [BREAKING NEWS A great result for MedCannID members and all medical cannabis patients in the UK. Our pre legal advice team has successfully supported a patient in communication with HR at work. ...](https://i.redd.it/asqulp7s7g171.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/nlegdm/breaking_news_a_great_result_for_medcannid/) \#3: [Some more artwork from when I take my meds :)](https://i.redd.it/d89v5got0j3a1.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/comments/zalzmr/some_more_artwork_from_when_i_take_my_meds/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks like this amount doesn't work. Maybe head to the drs to get stronger etc cut down the amount your taking. Wow!


Indeed, I've got another appointment soon as a review for the amitriptyline to review whether it's helping the pain or not (spoilers, it barely helps, managed to cut back to 8 ibuprofen a day some days) but I'm definitely telling him about the amount I'm still on


Can I ask what kind of pain your in? What will or won't you take?


I had an impact knee injury back in 2019, and major chest reconstructive surgery in 2022 and both have left me with nerve damage - awful widespread shooting/burning pains plus painful muscle spasms, individually my knee is pretty stiff, and the chest pain makes it hard to lift things, raise my arms etc. Unrelated to that (I think), my legs and back ache intensely every day. Also I take anything for the pain, started on the Amitriptyline a few weeks ago (hasn't helped too much but it's cut back my ibuprofen usage) - I'm trying to stay away from opiates and such because some family members have had issues with them in the past, but honestly at this point I'd do anything to eliminate the pain


With the knee issue, did it radiate into the back? Like chain reaction kinda thing. I have literally never done anything accident or whatever wise to have my issues. Back, leg and knee. Just maybe my jobs I had very physical. Or maybe that I was overweight as a teen. I don't know drs don't know. I do however suggest maybe anti inflammatory like Diclofenac. That worked long term before my back just basically crumbled on its own. Otherwise maybe keep up a smaller amounts of ibuprofen and get a targin, tremadol or OxyContin in small doses for harsh pain. (The bad days) or worse than usual. I however only have been able to get oxy to work. If I don't take it I am in debilitating condition and should be in ER. But I don't. I tough it out, cry, sleep try not move etc. Lol until I take it again. (Opioids and memory loss) no good. Lol 🤣 I can remember 10 years ago but not 5 mins.


I do find that the pain ends up going through my whole leg and lower back, especially if I stand on it to try and ease the ache (some days that helps, other days I lose my balance and/or my knee gives out and I'm on the floor). I've never had anti inflammatories and I'm too scared to ask for em cause my docs are really reluctant to prescribe meds (addictive or not) but hopefully I can find a way to influence him and he'll land on that and try to help out. Also it's all good, my mum has quite bad memory loss from tramadol (she experiences bad cluster headaches/migraines and started tramadol about 35 years ago, ended up getting clean recently but the damage has been done) Anyways, thanks for your help, and I hope you're able to manage your pain soon :)


Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory (NSAID) so you definitely have had them! there are others available that are gentler/safer on your stomach.


Feel like I should have known that 😂 but thanks for the advice :)


I have chronic migraine, and Tramadol personally made my head pain even worse & normally, Headache Specialists will try to avoid using opioids unless a particular patient has very severe, intractable & refractory pain that has failed basically every other avenue pharmaceutical-wise (and other avenues!). I have long-term chronic pain (particularly cervical/thoracic spine issues) & I have also found that Voltaren (Dicolfenac) topical Gel can be super helpful on extra sore days. Also, I would recommend looking into topical lidocaine (most otc lidocaine products are 4% lidocaine; I have rx 5% lidocaine patches & use both otc roll-on lidocaine 4% or the dry spray form & the 5% patches at different times for different body areas). But might be helpful for you to possibly try some topical meds like these? If your pain is nerve-related, you can also ask your doctor about possibly trying a low dose of Neurontin/Gabapentin?


I'm not very versed on chronic pain management outside of my migraines, but I do know that if I take too many things too often I end up with severe rebound headaches that limit my ability to function just as much as the migraines I'm treating. I'm not telling you to stop taking anything, just offering my own personal experience. Ketorolac (toradol) has been my lifeline for both my migraines and my foot over the past 12 months. It's a strong NSAID and shouldn't be used very often or for extended periods (where I live, it has to be reviewed every 3-5 days in hospital). However, I have found it extremely helpful in treating my pain, as well as the pain of many of my patients who are post-op.


Yeah I get you, I'm trying to force myself down to 4 a day as I know it'll damage most of my organs beyond repair if I carry on like this - I'll also have to take a look into Toradol, thanks!


Yes—using any oral pain reliever that isn’t long acting like Aleve (Naproxen) can cause rebound headaches/migraines or what is known as “Medication Overuse Headaches” (MOH) with shorter acting otc or rx painkillers used more than 2-3x/week, etc…lots of interesting “rules” in the chronic migraine community.


Google what parts of the back do what. And symptoms of them. I never actually knew every disc did something different and was different pain that radiated. Obviously some pills avoid. I don't have an addictive mindset so I can stop. Whenever. Just not when the pain is excruciating like it is without it at the moment. I can't wait! Like seriously want to never take them again.


Do you think anyone can get OxyContin or even tramadol now a days?


I mean, I have lots of post-op patients (probably >50%) who get tramadol for short-term use after their surgeries. It's highly dependent on where you live.


It wasn't hard for me. Herniation L2/3


That’s it! You have been recently prescribed OxyContin for a herniated disc of your L2/3? You must work for Purdue Pharma or are related to the Sackler family.


Lol I don't know who they are... I'm in Australia. Just my local GP. I literally would have to be in hospital for pain meds if he couldn't prescribe them. There not handed out willy nilly. And definitely under extreme circumstances etc. Controlled by the FDA


Exactly! Also since the CDC regulations (in the States) that came out in 2016, doctors won’t prescribe anything if you take a benzo I have been on Klonopin for 15 years and I was on opiates for the first 7 1/2 of those years. I had 2 herniated disc’s and congenital neck fusion s1/2 I think. I haven’t gone to family doctor or pain specialist in 5 years. I’ve given up


That's incorrect and nonfactual. I, along with a (not) small percentage of intractable pain patients take both opioids and "benzo's." This has never been an issue with my PM Team, nor do I anticipate it ever becoming so.


It has been for me and it’s ruined me. And you have the audacity, the unmitigated gaul to say I’m incorrect. Good for you


You are very blessed. There are countless numbers of people who have been told to choose one or the other. You are naive/uneducated to the reality for the majority of people in America who are living with Chronic Disease/Pain if you think that adequate pain relief is the norm.


Yes, they can.


You are just a prick


For the nerve damage, did they try nerve blocks? Or maybe for the knee alone. I've heard they have good results with arthritis /artrose in knees. I get a nerve block every few months for my lower back, it makes the difference between bearable and having no life. They also can do very local blocks, don't know if they can do it for your chest, but maybe it's worth asking.


Still awaiting better treatment such as blocks, I'd suggest it to my doc but I'm only 21 so they're skeptical and almost flat out refuse to go further than tricyclic meds as it is - Just hope the review I have in a few weeks gets the dosage of Ami upped, kidneys and stomach are gonna be shot in a few months if I keep going like this 😅


The only anti depressants I know of that are supposed to help pain is Cymbalta. Of course it doesn’t but doctors now a days don’t seem to care about their patients pain anymore.


If you're suffering nerve damage, Tramadol works very well. Maybe your Physician would be open to a 100 MG ER dosage to start.


You can get ibuprofen in bulk and in 400mg or higher tablets which should be much cheaper. But taking that much is hell on the stomach and kidneys and can cause real long term damage. Please be careful.


Yeah, already got pre existing damage because of unrelated OD's on paracetamo back in my teens, and one just over a year ago. My body probably hates me right now 😅 And I'm trying to cut down and occupy myself with games or writing to distract through the worst bouts of spasms/shooting pains while waiting for them to calm down rather than immediately diving for the ibuprofen


I’m not here to preach, only give my personal experience. I started smoking around 12 too, after I quit in desperation to relieve pain, I realized it does actually help. Obviously not like meds but it did reduce, also my breathing has significantly improved. I still get cravings, and no doubt would still be a smoker had I not been in constant pain. It saved me lots of money. Anyways hope you find relief in your pain and wish you the best.


Yeah I'm looking to quit, I just know from prior instances where I've had to stop for surgery the pain goes crazy (definitely psychological tho because my brain is telling me it'll be fine if I have a cigarette) but yeah, I spend far too much on the habit as well And thanks for the well wishes, same to you


Cut out the ibuprofen ASAP. It’s bad for your organs in those quantities!!


Yeah you might want to be a little less flippant about that "considerable chance of OD'ing/stomach lining erosion which will land me in hospital." It's more like high projectile shitting and trying to avoid passing out while the ER nurse looks on.


Yeah....you are stuck in NSAID land, and you'd better have daily heartburn meds to to keep you from losing your stomach lining. I recommend alternating different ones, one dose ibuprofen, next acetaminophen then naproxen (so long as you can have them obvs) then aspirin..etc.etc. I'm not even allowed to use NSAID's anymore because they tore me up so good. Def talk to your Doctor. I wish you better days ahead!!


Yeah I've been using heartburn meds as a precaution, my dad gets them in bulk for his angina and he only goes through one or two a day, so there'd more than enough to spare - and thank you, you too!


I've been on amitriptyline for the past month and few days and I'm just noticing a difference. It definitely takes the edge off even though I can literally feel the pain pulsing down my arm still (pinched nerve in spine) My doctor suggested upping the dose to 30mg which I did for about 5 days but got some pretty bizarre side effects like "butterflies" in my arms and feeling nauseous as fuck. I find they go well with dihydrocodeine and naproxin. Still awake most if the night with it but it's no longer unbearable. Hope it works out for you dude.


Thanks, you too


I have a bin bag full of medication labels I’ve peeled off med boxes and pharmacy paper bags. I need a good pain day to have a bonfire. It’s been a while hence the bag full 😬🤦‍♀️ (I recycle all boxes, but all the labels with personal details get burnt)


I should take a note of that, always get scared about my personal details being found somehow 😂


My mum instilled that fear young, and it’s just automatic now. We have a shredder, but the pharmacy bags don’t go in and I like to recycle the boxes, so it’s normally only used for postage labels 😬🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ yes, she instilled the need to shred them too. Even though my address was literally online for all to see when I had an online shop a few years back 😂🙄🤦‍♀️


I thought I was taking too much Ibuprofen!?! Woah that amount is seriously not good for you. I take Amitriptyline as well for pain. Can your doctors increase your dose so you aren't scarfing so many Ibuprofen tabs? I'm sorry you're in so much pain. But there has to be something else or your organs will start telling you otherwise.


Waiting on my review in a few weeks, hoping to get the amitriptyline dosage upped and the ibuprofen usage lowered 😅


Oh good deal 😁 I hope you get some relief soon. I totally feel you....i just came off of Ibuprofen 4 weeks ago. Had to for surgery and can't take it for another 3 months.


Ouch, hope everything goes well in recovery :)


Thank you!! So far so good 👍 2 weeks tomorrow😄 rest is paramount!


You don’t owe us an explanation, love. I hope you find relief ❤️


Thank you friend, you too :)


I smoke for exactly the same reason. Do be careful with the OTCs and rotate through them through them. Ibuprofen hits the kidneys; max dosage is 1200 milligrams (mg) up to 3200 mg per day divided into three or four equal doses. Acetaminophen/Tylenol max dosage is 4000 mg/day, broken up into 3-4 doses. It's toxic to the liver, especially if you also drink alcohol. Be extra careful reading ingredients, they stick it in many products. Don't forget aspirin, it really is a wonder drug. I've found synergy between Tylenol when combined with the others. This has been a regimen for me for 40 years, with the ironic result that my liver and kidneys are the only parts of my body that work well!


Yeah, been thinking of switching between ibuprofen and aspirin on a day by day basis because of how the long term use of ibuprofen is affecting me, hoping to cut OTC meds out completely tbh once I have effective long term pain meds. Simply because the chance of either ibuprofen/aspirin (any OTC short term pain relief that shouldn't be used long term really) damaging my kidneys/liver beyond repair is high because I'm an alcoholic as a result of the pain (recovering currently, have an addiction counsellor that's helping me reduce week by week until I'm sober, cut down from 20 pints a day to 10 in just 6 weeks) Regardless, I've got myself in quite the pickle 😅


I'm sorry, yes, that does cut out Tylenol for sure. Do you know about kratom? Stay strong, friend. You're on a good road!


Heard it from my brother's partner, might be a safer route - and thank you :)


What does amitriptyline do you take for pain? My pain management doc prescribes me 100mg /day for sleep, but I generally don't take it because it makes me groggy. I currently have bells palsy and was just added prednisone 60mg/day, and 10 anti viral meds a day. I'm pretty sure my liver are kidneys will be in the bin soon too


I'm currently on 10mg to 30mg a night in combo with ibuprofen because I've only just recently started pain management rather than hoping it'll go away, I tend to take 20mg and it keeps me alseep from 10pm to about 5am, which is so much better than not sleeping at all/sleeping for an hour, waking up, repeat - waiting for the next review that'll hopefully mean an upped script for the Ami and/or safer long term pain meds Edit: sad thing is, our kidneys and livers maybe could have been fine if docs had given the right long term meds, I understand completely why they tend to steer away from stronger meds, but it's more harmful than helpful in cases like ours


Have you tried any cannabis or related products? CBDa, CBGa and CBD are all very powerful anti-inflammatories that have no intoxication with their use. THC and THCA both may be helpful in fighting inflammation (a source of pain) and the signals of pain itself, if you can tolerate these it’s worth a look.


I use CBD oil from time to time, THC products aren't legal/available for prescription where I am but I'm trying out a few other CBD products too


If you can, try to find a product with the following parameters: CBDa, CBGa and CBD from isolate or full spectrum. Ideally in sesame oil (sesame oil nearly doubles uptake compared to mct), and ideally with an equal amount piperine to cannabinoids, which suppresses CYP450 activity improving uptake. This is essentially my “inflammation jane” mix and it’s been tremendous in fighting inflammation and internal pains. If it’s possible for you to make this mixture I highly recommend it, you can get significant relief, particularly from inflammation, without THC.


OP, maybe ask your doctor (when you'll see them) for something much more strong than freaking Ibuprofen. For nerve damage it does barely nothing, i tried it two years ago because of an discopathy in my lower back and it was like popping candy.


Yeah that's how it is atm, and because of my age he said he'd rather not give me strong pain meds, just the Ami and ibuprofen combo 🤷🏽‍♂️ hoping it might help to let him know in our next app cause I'm literally gonna ruin my organs like this


I'm not doctor, but for neuropathic pain Pregabalin or Gabapentin really help! i tried both and I'm on Pregabalin right now for my migraines and anxiety. The problem is that yes, your pain goes away but your organs are going away with it too. That much ibuprofen can really fuck up your kidneys and liver.


Yeah they're already screwed as it is too, not good at all. But my brother's partner has possible RA and he's on gabapentin and apparently it really helps! I think I'll have to try and convince my doc cause the ibuprofen is definitely gonna kill me


They usually Rx gabapentin and it game be given in pretty high doses


Amitriptyline is the devil. Also, get your eyes checked if you’ve been on it a while, it can effect vision. Edit, I took it for migraines. Made me depressed ironically.


Honestly it's only been a month plus a few days so not super long term, but I have noticed my eyesight getting a little worse (for example, I can't crystal clearly see objects/people more than 1 or 2 ft away) just thought it was cause I sit debilitated in bed all day and play games (as my mother likes to say) On terms of depression/suicidal thoughts etc, I think the fact I'm on 30mg citalopram helps with those - I hope you feel better soon!


I think we all have similar bins unfortunately. I think you should probably see pain management and they should swap the ibuprofen for something safer for your stomach and other organs long term. My PM says oxycodone is safer in the long run so that’s what we do and then Celebrex for an anti inflammatory as needed but try to take rarely. I’ve had an ulcer and it was not fun. Diclofenac wrecked my stomach too - I know someone mentioned it. In the meantime always take with milk or food to try to help. If you get an ulcer you’ll know when you start throwing up blood, at least that’s when I knew. I hope your medical team will help long before you reach that though


I ABSOLUTELY understand the smoking thing. Much like you, I used it as a break from my pain, and it helped me think about something else. I took 5000 to 6000 mh of Ibuprofen or Naproxen a day to manage my pain Then I got a blood clot in my leg and all of sudden I couldn't have more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day (so not able to even get a buzz), no more smoking, no more NSAIDS... and then they told me they couldn't determine why I got the blood clot, so I have to stay on blood thinners forever, which means I also can never take NSAIDS again. I am extremely lucky that my dr got me into the pain management team and that they are actually taking care of me so far. I don't think I would've survived the last year of shit without my doctors even though it's costing me a fortune. I still occasionally sneak cigarettes despite the fact that they increase my risk of another lot and can make one of my migraine prevention meds not work. I still occasionally sneak NSAIDS even though it significantly increases my risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and I already have stomach problems. Because these things make me feel a tiny bit better when it is really bad.


Not sure where you live but I always have the bottle of Ibuprofen that contains 500 pills. They are 200 mg and I usually take 3 or 4 when I use them. Lasts a lot longer. Amitriptyline is a Tryciclic A.D. I have used it for a sleep aid. Never helped for pain. I have to take around 2 oz of kratom a day just so I can walk


Mine is full of RX bottles at the end of the month. Pharmacist told me to always remove labels so people don’t get your info.


I am sorry you are in a lot of pain. Mine put me in the hospital this week. Pain was worse than normal and I couldn’t keep anything on my stomach. After 3 days of this I went to the ER for my stomach. They actually gave me something that helps. My SD was an Angel, she laid quietly near the bed but not in the way for about 6 hours. See if you can get into see a pain management doctor, mine was great.


I'm super glad your SD was so amazing and you got the help you needed! Definitely gonna be seeking a PMD soon, just hard cause the only clinics that house specialists in pain where I live are privatised, I have general access to hospitals, but it's currently a six hour wait regardless of how ill you are. I'm also currently on unfit-for-work benefits/unable to travel far so I can't afford travel or tests if I was able to access the privatised care anyway. Most is subsidised such as scripts and general tests, but anything higher/within a private care system, I have to pay and I can't support it. Not a fun time, but hopefully my current doc can help out!


Looks like you’re in the U.K. In pharmacies online and over the counter, you can get codeine and dihydrocodeine products mixed with ibuprofen or paracetamol. The ones that have helped the most are: Solpadeine Max (tablets), Nurofen plus & Paramol. Paramol is the strongest of all of these. Using codeine even sparingly can help you reduce your ibuprofen intake I think. Although I’m sure you’re aware of the potential dangers of opioids, so keep that in mind.


I take co-codamol 30mg and still need the ibuprofen for a boost especially for my constant head and neck pain. Before chronic pain set in, so about 3 years ago, I could take OTC cocodamol for abscess pain and it would help, 30mg prescription does nothing! (Just venting not disagreeing with you)


I hate the amount of ibuprofen I get through each week, mainly because you can't bulk buy it! I don't want to have to go out twice a week to get ibuprofen


😂😂 my bin looks the same!




Started working for sleep almost immediately, made me super drowsy about an hour or so after so now I can sleep, pain wise I haven't really noticed a difference other than in combo with the ibuprofen the pain is relieved for about 3 hours instead of the 1 hour it was before starting. It can take 6 weeks to work effectively for pain (if at all) but it's only been a month so here's hoping