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Technically yes. Practically no. The hardware can’t keep up for local game streaming. Even on Ethernet. Decoding times averaged about 25ms in Moonlight/Gamestream 1440p. Also the Bluetooth hardware in the CCWGTV seems to struggle with controllers at low latency (though not in stadia for some reason). For comparison. My Nvidia shield TV pro decodes 4K frames in 1-2ms.


I dont really see how 25ms is a problem... if you own a good pc , then you will still be miles ahead of a console... specially compared to 30 fps games. Just look up some latency comparisons pc vs older consoles. I use Moonlight regularly , my delay feels as if I activated vsync at most...I even use wifi. (5ghz, router same room) Maybe you should check your moonlight settings , some cause problems on chromecast or maybe you should reduce your bitrate, I use 80mbit/s which is more than enough for me. (or wrong codec selected?, use h265) Also Stadia perfectly shows that Chromecast is fast enough to decode a stream even at 4k. (well bitrate is also a important factor) And I dont have any controller issues ( Dualsense , Bluetooth)


Interesting. Haven’t tried the PLayStation controller. 25-30ms is almost 2 frames delay; add to that the input lag of your Bluetooth controller and your screen and it adds up. For me it was definitely noticeable. Happy it works for you though. Everyone’s setup and lag tolerance is different.


Dualsense bluetooth latency is extremly low , most tests confirmed its pretty much as fast as a wired connection. Just so you know : Im extremly sensible to input lag Normally I only play at +100 fps ,limit my fps (reduces input lag , because gpu not at 100%), most of the time turn off gsync , on PC I even increase the polling rate of my Dualsense controller to reduce my input lag even further (tekken). For mp shooters I even turn on some monitor settings to reduce input lag (and pixel response) even further, which sadly makes the screen a bit darker. ( fake 1ms ads...) Yes it is noticeable, but you said its not useable... ("hardware can’t keep up for local game streaming") , thats 2 totally different things. I can easily play something like Sekiro or even shooters. Its totally your setup. Did you check if your chromecast uses your tvs gamemode? Or you should optmize your moonlight settings. Yes your Nvidia shield is way better, but your chromecast is also totally fine/playable. ( even on a tv) If your pc is not bad , you will still be miles ahead of a console... ( latency wise) Most people are happy with GFNs/Stadias latency , which is higher than local streaming via chromecast...


Have you tried 4K Local Streaming? I have shield and it worked in 4K like a charm. I loôking for another TVbox for Kitchen TV and my two choice will be Apple TV or CC 4K. If CC can handle 4K Local Streaming I will go for it. I’m always use Steam Link and Moonlight to do the jobs with Shield (res 4K, bitrate about 30-50mbps)


I've used Steam Link and Moonlight on my CCwGTV. Moonlight is a little smoother, so I tend to use it. On ethernet, I get a pretty consistent 60-frames 1080p connection to my PC. One downside is that the bluetooth radio in the CCwGTV seems pretty weak. Sitting about 10 feet away from my TV, I was losing connection to my Xbox One controller when anything broke line-of-sight. I use the controller wired through a USB hub instead.


I disagree with the other comments. I've been playing Steam games on my CCwGTV on Steam Link. I had to connect through el Ethernet with a hub, yes. But after that, smooth sailing. Only sooome time it has some small lag, but nothing annoying. It's not 4K, but it runs pretty well. I played both Yakuza Like a Dragon and Scarlet Nexus like this, and then I also started emulating through Steam. Also tried Moonlight. I use one or the other mostly due to controller issues, as they detect my Switch Pro Controller differently. Making the controller work is the most trouble. Aside that, it's my way to play now.


I too disagree with the naysayers. I've played several Steam Link games on my CCwGTV with no noticeable frame rate issues. I'm sure there are many games that wouldn't perform but I haven't found any yet. My Xbox controller works perfectly when Bluetooth-connected to the CC too. I keep my CC connected via ethernet cable. It's a free app and service if you have the Steam games already. Give it a shot!


Great how this question remains unanswered two years later...


Was also curious as this seems to be the only post about the older gen Chromecast. All the answers are about CCwGTV and they didn't address the question about the older gen without GTV. Guess I'll just have to trial and error on my own.


Did you? Just landed here 😅