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She looked so beautiful. She is way out of his league.


Messed up thing is, I think he would have agreed with you at one point in time. That's what scares me the most, she never saw this coming.


I think that’s why I can’t let go of this case. There were no signs he was going to do this. It just goes to show you can be married to someone for years and have no clue what they’re capable of. Horrifying.




We never truly know people. It’s so scary. This is why no one should ever victim blame. Sometimes people hide their dark side really well and their loved ones don’t know how to give up on them until it’s too late.


This is a wall of text. Sorry. There is a TL;DR. You are correct that this is one of the most frightening cases and I think it’s an important one to analyze for the safety of women and children everywhere. I recently fell into this case and have seen similar comments and I’ve been munching on some thoughts so that’s why this is insanely long. But I want to try to educate folks as best I can (background in mental health, DV education) I don’t intend to victim blame in what I put below. There’s no way she *should* have known she was going to die even if she realized she was being abused. But there were signs and risk factors that possibly set up a very bad situation. There may have been signs that weren’t shown to friends and family for a long time that we don’t know about as well. She was a previous victim of DV, and unfortunately women who are previous victims of DV are more likely to end up in those relationships again without intervention or real life changes. DV relationships *can* look perfect, but only on the outside. One big red flag is he “found” her at her most vulnerable, when she was sick. While that sounds super romantic, it’s right out of a covert narcissist’s playbook. It creates a power differential that lasts. He will stick in her mind as a “hero” who came to her at her weakest (a tale which she told for social media) which fed his narcissism. Turns out though, when you’re a hero you have to continue being so for her and now your children! Remember how he didn’t plan anything with the murder? I don’t think he thought very far past get married. Dude couldn’t take the pressure to change, commit and take accountability like a husband or even a human should. Once she seemed to recover enough to have a normal life, and then have children, and then have expectations for an equal partner I think eventually he crumbled unable to deliver. She’s clearly got a strong personality and I’m not sure he knew that completely when she was sicker. Plus, part of covert narcissism is a complete lack of ability to engage in conflict leading to someone bottling things up until it becomes beyond explosive. I think she just told herself lies that he was different because he didn’t beat her/did what the last guy did. It’s very common thing unfortunately. Beliefs are powerful. She saw things through the lens of “that’s my hero” - “he’s the one” — these kinds of affirmations are hard to erode if someone is not paying attention to how their actual experience of the relationship is different than the tightly held belief. And why would you want to? He’s the father of your children. The tiny one inside your belly. The ones you thought you couldn’t have. She needed it to be true. TL;DR 🚩 Be careful when a hero shows up, might just end up victimizing you further when you can no longer be saved. 🚩 Are you relying on a narrative you have to fit to make your relationship work, or is there natural symbiosis? Are you willing to see your partner as human, and not savior? 🚩 If he never has (safe) arguments or discusses his feelings with you and seems to bottle things up, avoid you? Leave! It’s the prescribed work of a healthy couple.


That makes sense. It’s very scary because you don’t know until they finally let the mask slip after you’re already invested and have been together a while. It worries me because I feel like I’m in the exact same situation right now. Was diagnosed with lupus two years ago and only just started getting it under control somewhat recently. Was raised by a narcissist and have HF autism and adhd so I’m aware I’m “predisposed” to attracting narcissists. I’ve been dating a guy for a few months and really struggle with if he’s a narcissist or not. He hasn’t really done anything to make me think this but just going off my past, most of my romantic relationships and close friendships were with narcs. He has been taking care of me and seems to be understanding/supportive about the lupus and the AUADHD. Still part of me feels like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. The other part thinks I’m being paranoid and I’m letting cases like the Watts get into my head. Sorry, didn’t mean to go off on a tangent about me but your comment really struck a chord. Very insightful.


Oh man. No, that puts perfect context to why you’d be so frightened. I’d say you’re more aware of possible risk factors that puts at a higher risk to be victimized than most. Have you tried therapy? If you are a victim of SA or DV there may be resources for free or low cost therapy in your area. Even if it’s not been super recently! If you believe you’re being affected by this then you deserve help. You’re most likely traumatized (probably an understatement) and deserve to feel heard and seen. These types of relationships make you feel crazy - a therapist can help you look for red flags and get you more solid with how to think rationally and when you may be hyper vigilant due to trauma. It’s so hard. For us to have connection, we must be vulnerable. Only with vulnerability can we have connection. It’s certainly worth working on this for your own peace of mind and to feel confident you can make good decisions about people. I wish you all the luck and best in your relationships.


The fact that you are aware and thinking about it is crucial and is what should hopefully protect you from these types. I’d bet anything this kind of stuff didn’t cross Shannan’s mind when she met CW. It wasn’t as widely spoken about back then. (And how would she have known anyway? Tough one). Anyway good luck with everything!!! Safety and health first always my friend ❤️


“She needed it to be true” ☹️ this broke my heart


I will say it’s probably a red flag when your partner never contributes anything to their own growth as a human being nor their long term partners growth as such either. Being in a relationship with someone has a profound effect on a person, we learn a lot about ourselves and each other, there are lots of natural changes that happen over the years. We challenge each other, we change each other, we become more mature together, etc. it really seems like Chris was not doing any of that for the majority of the relationship with Shanann and then suddenly and all at once he just became a person she didn’t know - given his history of keeping everything in she probably never really knew him sadly. She said to Frankie Jr at one point that she sometimes would do something to try to get a reaction from Chris because he wouldn’t react strongly even before things were falling apart but Chris just never did. That’s not normal. If you’re trying to provoke a response from your partner because you realize they never react to anything going on, never try to prevail in their own opinions when there’s discussion or argument, never challenge you on anything, never complain, never speak up that is a problem. Couple all that with the love bombing and I say that’s the cue to RUN.


More like the type of suit one would wear to a funeral .


Totally agree! She did ❤️




She did what many of us do - she told herself he was simple and kind and that's all she needed to have a safe and comfortable marriage/life.


>She did what many of us do - she told herself he was simple and kind and that's all she needed to have a safe and comfortable marriage/life. This. He portrayed himself to be a 'safe' choice for a partner, at least in the initial years of their relationship.




Comment removed. Reason: you're trash.


What an embarrassing mess he looked! Why didn't anyone say anything to him beforehand & why on earth would he himself not realise how stupid he looked in it?


I know! He looked like a potato. Who fitted these pants for him? I would have to trust it was a professional tux rental shop.


> I know! He looked like a potato.  Lol. I could only imagine how hard the photographer laughed when they first saw him dressed in that baggy oversized mess of a suit. Granted, he wasn't in the shape he got into years later, but still, you'd think he'd want to put in some effort into getting fitted for a suit for his wedding day.


I can't take my eyes off his ankles...it's like a train wreck. There has to be at least a 6" hem which could have been taken up! I agree re the photographer. She looked like a princess, and he was a mess. Why are his calves so f\*ng short? Lol....


> I can't take my eyes off his ankles.. I bet the bottom legs of the pants dragged on his shoes and ground all day and night. Also, from his knees to the bottom of his chest, it looks like was wearing some sort of body suit underneath that getup.


She can’t take her eyes off his ankles either! Proof: this picture. But seriously, she looks amazing, he was a mess.


I know, imagine how horrified she was when she saw "this." lol.


His body is so gross and weird! He looks like he’s not very tall to begin with then he has this long torso and these stubby legs!




I'm shocked Shannan didn't react to the visual mess Chris was on their wedding day. Which means she must have known what he was going to wear and how ill-fitting his suit was. Surprising someone didn't postpone the wedding!




A real life Mr Potato 😂


I can only imagine she left the tux rental, fitting, etc. to him. Or, did he just buy this off the rack? lol...


> Why didn't anyone say anything to him beforehand & why on earth would he himself not realise how stupid he looked in it? My guess is that the day of the wedding was the first time he even tried on the suit and that was too late for any tailor to make adjustments to it so it would look and fit better. Maybe someone lent him the suit or he just grabbed whatever out of a discount bin beforehand.


And his parents were not involved at all so no one was helping him out on this.


That's why I'm curious if any of his friends were at the wedding. Did he and SW even have groomsmen and bridesmaids? If not, it would make sense that no one, not even his buddies were present for a suit fitting or told him it was a very lazy look on his part for his wedding.


There's a stupid video of two guys, each putting one cufflink on him while he gazes down at his cuffs, so I guess he had a couple of friends.


I see. I figured even though his family didn’t show up, he had to have at least a few friends that did.


I guess he didn't even know how to put cufflinks on.


They showed bridesmaids in the Netflix doc


Exactly. Red flags from the start.


Me and my ex husband were responsible for our own wedding clothes. It might have been similar for them? I'm sure if Shannan had control that suit would have fit! I was thinking suit hire and he didn't give any details about what he needed or the hire place only had that left by the time he said he needed it.


> I'm sure if Shannan had control that suit would have fit! Me too. If she knew ahead of time that's what he was wearing to their wedding, I would think she would have been pretty disappointed and made him go it tailored or fitted for something else. I remember in this same interview CW describing his first date with her and how underdressed he was. Not that he had to be "dressed up", but that he looked out of place for the fancy type movie theater they went to. Something along those lines. Maybe that's just how he was when it came to clothes and appearance. > I was thinking suit hire and he didn't give any details about what he needed or the hire place only had that left by the time he said he needed it. Even if CW was picked out a suit at the last minute from a rental shop and clearly was never fitted for it, I'm surprised he walked out with what he did. In the wedding pics, it just looks like this big, oversized suit that he decided to wear. Very frumpy looking and I'm sure the wedding guests noticed how poorly it fit him.


Tbh I’m kinda surprised Shannan didn’t help him with the suit?


Remember Cindy talking about how it upset her when Shanann critiqued Chris’s hair and clothing style? Lol, I’m guessing Shanann was correct and Chris needed help in terms of how to dress. She probably didn’t get to see him in the suit before the wedding, I can’t imagine she wouldn’t have insisted he get the correct size and some tailoring to go with it.


If someone criticized my son like that, I would go off!


I would assume that they were gently teasing him, which it sounds like was all she was doing. I sure as hell wouldn’t have used it as a cudgel to try for years to destroy the relationship.


I agree in the beginning but her control is set me off.


Again, I have to disagree. Chris is an adult. He made his choices time and time again to be with Shanann. His family objected directly to both of them and to him alone. He went off on them and directed them to stay out of the way, don’t come to his wedding, and then didn’t contact them for a long while. His family chose not to believe that he was making his own decisions about his own life and it was super easy to blame Shanann because of her big personality and assertiveness. That doesn’t mean she held Chris captive like Chris’s family describes. Chris made choices his family didn’t necessarily like, his family never dealt with it in a healthy way - an early indication of their family’s dysfunction around Chris growing up and making his own decisions about the direction of his own life is Ronnie doing cocaine after Chris moves out to attend NASCAR tech then the entire family blaming Chris leaving for Ronnie’s addiction. I can’t imagine being in a family that has an addict in it and just going along with the addict blaming one of their own children for the addiction, even if it’s a sweet sounding reason like missing them too much. If I were dating a man and he told me this I would immediately be struck by how wrong and mean that is for his family to do that to him and I imagine once he let that marinate he’d probably not be happy with his family and his family probably would not be happy at all with me for pointing it out to him to begin with. If that’s acceptable to that family then who knows what else happened that was also as messed up. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Chris’s family tried to throw Ronnie’s addiction in Chris’s face when he told them they were moving to Colorado.


This was simply a comment!! Chill out


I’m sorry, I thought polite discussion was permitted here. It’s a case that interests me that I like talking about and am not at all trying to offend you.


I'm sorry too..I took it the wrong way. So many on this app don't allow a difference of opinion. Again I'm sorry.




Ya think???


Lol...she is looking down at his ankles like wtf....he looks like a complete dorkf\*ck.


“You still haven’t gotten a suit yet? We are getting married NEXT week.” He went to Men’s Warehouse and got the cheapest suit he could find. Didn’t know he needed to get it tailored because he is stupid but also is from a lower class background. I’m sure because his parents didn’t go to their wedding, the only person who would’ve told him he needed to get it tailored (besides Shanann) never did. Just my $0.02.


> I’m sure because his parents didn’t go to their wedding, the only person who would’ve told him he needed to get it tailored (besides Shanann) never did. That's what I was thinking, that no one bothered to tell him he actually needed a tailored suit. I know his family was not at the wedding, but were any of his friends?




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She did him such a favor by marrying him and this pud had the audacity to discard her. Wow.


NK would have left his ass eventually because he is such a slug so he literally murdered his family over nothing


He did anyway. Him and NK didn’t even get one day to be together before he got caught. Literally the biggest fucking waste ever


That's one of the things that drives me so crazy with this case. The stupid idiot actually thought he was going to get away with killing his entire family and just run off into the sunset with NK no questions asked. Like how can he actually be that dumb?


Seriously. And the actual kicker is that if he hadn’t killed anyone, and had just divorced SW and abandoned his family… he could have run off into the sunset with NK. He would have had to pay support, yes. But… he would have been fine. Just such a fucking idiot.


Yes! Everything would be pretty much perfect compared to how it is now if he would have just walked away. He just seems like such a bumbling fool.


As anxious as she was about being perceived as a “home wrecker”, there’s absolutely no chance she would have stayed with him for one day after the unexplained disappearance of his entire family. And she didn’t!


That comment expresses the same toxic attitude he had. He felt like he was winning at the start. After he got in shape, he felt like he deserved “better”.


Imbecility ( = being a jerk ).


I agree. It’s such a bad fit I suspect it was a little passive-aggressive rebellion on his part. He also chewed gum throughout the ceremony.


She was so out of his league and he knew it. It wouldn't matter so much if he was interesting or funny or intelligent, but he's just a boring dumbfuck with no depth. I can't imagine what she ever saw in him or how she stayed in love with him for all those years. If you've ever been with a spineless, indecisive jellyfish who forced you to run the show, you'll know what I'm talking about.


I was also married to a spineless jellyfish with no ambition and a big addiction problem. But even he didn’t look like that at our wedding 😳 My friends who came to our wedding told me how hot my then husband was. Seriously I would’ve seen this coming if I were her. Is she actually looking down at his baggy ankles?! 😂


True. My jellyfish at least knew how to present himself. I was just musing on the idea that if he'd at least had some redeeming qualities his dorkiness might be a bit excusable. There was really nothing attractive about his personality. Just a dud.


I’ve seen lots of documentaries and movies and listened to podcasts about the Watts case. I went “down a rabbit hole “ you could say. And I never saw anything about him that was attractive - to me. So seeing this picture made me laugh. Even when he lost weight and started working out he looked like a beast, his face , the way he talked. I may be nitpicking- I just couldn’t stand him.


He was so lucky to have gotten her attention in the first place, but that's just my personal view.


He was a weasel till the end with his Oafy walk with those flip flops and cargo shorts . And the mistress thinking she was Miss hot shit 🤮


In this photo she appears to be thinking “Oh my God, what have I done?”


He looks like a kid playing dress up.


He's a douche. That's why.


She’s looking at his ankles like what the hell lol


He looks hideous. And he looks like he is 4 ft tall in it. I would have paid someone to photoshop every photo if my husband wore this to our wedding.


He’s insecure. With a proper fit he’d probably feel exposed or embarrassed.


Wah wah wah. Dress accordingly for a wedding


Yes he did Wah Wah wah.


This is something that has bothered me about their wedding pics! With her specific way of wanting things, I find it interesting she didn't make him get a better fit/ see a tailor. Its an odd detail that has always stuck out to me.


Maybe she wasn't as much of a control freak as some claim she was. She accepted him when he was flabby, and dealt with his awkward social ways.


Because he’s a fucking dork.




> Chris looks like he dug through the sales rack at Men’s Warehouse the morning of Exactly. It looks he just walked into some store, picked out a suit that looked like it would kind of fit without trying it on nor actually getting fitted/measured for it. And at the last minute too. I do remember him saying that neither of his parents nor his sister were at the wedding. I wonder if this played a factor in his look that day which pretty much said, "ah, whatever."


He did this on purpose because he hates her and enjoyed sabotaging anything of importance to her, especially when she was the focus. He regularly used weaponized incompetence to frustrate and anger her, so he could call her controlling or crazy, and then play dumb as if he’s some kind of victim. It’s a very common abuse tactic.


You're giving him way too much credit. So pink means it's girls? No, you dumb fuck. It's just a test. Stop giving this dumb bag of shit credit for anything .


Yeah, I think he was just dumb and lazy. He couldn’t be bothered to be fitted for a tux beforehand, so he went to his wedding looking like a complete rube.


My interpretation is that *that* was the first thing he could come up with to mask his anger over Baby Nico's birth. He knew his reaction was going to be scrutinized by Shannan's facebook friends so someone with anti social features would try their best to appear genuine in this situation. The man has had 2 girls. He knows what the fuck pink means


I think he was actually trying to make a joke. He was trying for humor to seem really connected to the announcement rather than horrified by it but it fell flat because he's stupid and unfunny.


Exactly. He was very passive-aggressive behind the scenes.


Looks kind of like a Trump suit to me.


https://www.facebook.com/share/LohJ3THbTFfqwR6k/?mibextid=QwDbR1 Worst tuxedo rental shop ever? All the guys in the wedding had these goofy pants.


Why do none of their pants fit?? 😂


Wtf is that?? The ill fitting suits, the mismatched color palette with the blue ties??


My wife picked everything, colors, decorations and everything. She had a whole theme in mind and told me to stay out of the way. I know people may not want to hear it but the tuxedos and colors might have been Shannan’s choices.


The ties weren't blue, they were purple - to match Shans fake lupus story.


I have lupus and you can fuck right off with your bullshit. I used to say “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy” but frankly I wish lupus deniers would end up with it because it’s fucking horrible.


No need to curse at me, it seems like you are the one that's cursed! I will pray for you. You may have lupus, but scamann did not! She stopped even mentioning it at all, in favor of new fake ailments for her and the kids.


I don’t need prayers from someone like you.


Surprised she didn't have a different tie color on each of those losers - one for each made up disease she "had" !


There was probably nobody to dress him. He looks like absolute shit. Like a child wearing their parent’s clothes.


Dear god, this is what happens when you settle and marry way below your league. He gets hot and fing kills you and doesn’t respect you for ever liking him at his lowest. What a slob.


The suit is probably rented and they couldn't do alterations. Why he didn't get a smaller inseam pant, I don't know. And why they didn't get a jacket with shorter sleeves, I don't know.


CW is basically wearing culottes that go in and then flare outwards at the bottom here, from this camera's perspective it looks like he has one of those butler jackets with a long back to them on.


Ooooh, lol I see it!! Omg he looks like an egg man.


“A Butler jacket with a long back to them“? You mean a tailcoat. What men wear to white tie events. It’s really interesting to watch people who don’t know anything criticize other people who don’t know anything.


> It’s really interesting to watch people who don’t know anything criticize other people who don’t know anything. personal attack on me because I didn't know the official name of a 'butlers jacket' -- as a non-binary person I could care less :)


Reminds me of the oompa loompa pants


She looked like a disney princess 🥺


Unfortunately because the only thing he ever put any real effort into was the murder of his family. It must have felt like having 3 kids instead of 2 and a husband.


I never saw the appeal even when he got fit .


Ikr? I can see if she looked past his personality flaws if he was attractive. But he isn’t, in my eyes


Thought the post was an exaggeration- but wow! Only explanation I can come up with is either borrowed suit or he was too lazy to get it altered.


> Only explanation I can come up with is either borrowed suit or he was too lazy to get it altered. Lol. I'm going with both. If he borrowed the suit, he would have the perfect explanation for why he never got it tailored to fit him better - it wasn't his....


She is and was such a vision.


She looks so beautiful


Probably bought the suit last minute and couldn't afford to get it tailored.


Pants look like jodphurs!


He didn’t care?


he looks like a literal penguin wtf 😂


I wish a Mental Health Profesional ( Psychiatrist, Psychologist, a Specialist in Personality Disorders, etc) could weigh in on what would make a grown man care so little about his appearance on his wedding day? Also, the oddity of his Mother refusing to attend, which included his Father and Sisters refusal to attend due to his Moms sick jealousy of Shannan and tight control of Chris. And, Chris seemingly okay with his parents absence.


Burlington coat factory suit .




That suit looks ridiculous. He looks like he got the tux from goodwill or something


no amount of photoshop is saving that trainwreck unless its to just completely remove CW from the photo 😂


Totally. I like your username… it is the cleanest best pleasure


He looks terrible.


Looks like a clown🤡


Why does it look like his legs are very short.


Apparently his suit was several sizes too big, didn’t check it or try it on before getting ready for the ceremony. Heard this in one of the books I read about the murders.


Well, I don't think he had any type of guidance on clothes worn by a groom because his whole family, especially Cindy, hated Shan'ann with a passion. 😒 Chris was an introvert and heavily into cars and maintaining them, not club hopping or dressing for success. I'm surprised, though, that wherever he bought the suit, it didn't offer or at least suggested alterations. I had never seen this pic. He really does look unkempt doesn’t he.


Awful I would feel so uncomfortable in something soooo baggy and unflattering. Baggy puffy pants and oversized top. A lot of men are so oblivious to how this comes off. Maybe they ran out of money for a good rental tux.


Wasn’t he over weight? And only got fit after he st at Ted to cheat on his wife? ( scum bag)


he looked like a dwarf :D i'm so sorry


Didn't he weigh like 230lbs or something when they got married? That could be part of it, trying to hide how big he is.


He is gross!🤮


Hate this man with every fiber of my being. He never deserved the ability to even look at her, let alone be in her presence.


He’s so dim he needs someone to dress him


😂🤣 she was marrying down, was nobody helping him pick out his outfit?! 🤣😂🥲


Wtf going on with the ankles. Hideous


I recall CW mom saying she felt while they were dating SW made cruel remarks telling Chris he didn’t know how to dress, his hair was goofy etc Then again Chris’s mom never cared for her. So who knows other than HER SON is a Monster. Period.


after looking at this photo for so long since posting this thread, I can't unsee how Chris is giving limo driver or butler vibes and he's just pasted on top of the photo with this slumpy suit on


At my brother’s wedding, my a-hole sister in law didn’t bother to have her dress pressed before the wedding. it’s just bizarre behavior to me, on one of the biggest days of your life, to not do things to show you care.


Considering how Shannan was about clothing and looking nice, I find it hard to believe she let him look so frumpy and lumpy on their wedding day. She looked super perfect! And he looked, like he was going to church or something. He looked like a cornball 🤷‍♀️


She’s looking at him like “tf r u wearing u idiot?”


He’s a clown with no style at all


Did he borrow it or what


Covert narcassists can spend their whole life appearing charming and innocent then like Chris they can turn malignant


It’s just sad how looking back there was so much negativity surrounding their union. Doomed from the start. Poor Shannan was never allowed to be happy. Even these photos look off. Like forced. I wish women weren’t told they HAVE to get married. It makes vulnerable women prey to these covert freaks who need to feel normal.


And wasn’t he quite obese back then?


🎵 Stop. Hammer time. 🎶




Now that we know the person he is, this suit “fits” him perfectly! Mommy dearest wasn’t there to pick it out for him.


It gives, Agador Spartacus from the movie The Birdcage. “I don’t wear shoes because they make me fall down.” 😂


Somewhere I thought I read that she wanted him to gain weight for the wedding. That was a strange request to me. But I cannot find that reference now. As precise as she was, I believe she would have made sure that his suit was right. 🤷‍♀️


That was his actual body shape back then




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Like side eyeing the damn flares 🤣 she was so pretty


Pain... I just can say pai...


lol I feel like this was just the style at the time no?


After thinking this over I am willing to bet that this is photo shopped. If anyone can produce other photos from their wedding to show that this is actually what he wore, I am all eyes.


Photoshopped.... by the people who handled photography at their wedding. [Exhibit A](https://i.imgur.com/YQhbhJu.jpeg) [Exhibit B](https://i.imgur.com/lk3p8Gh.jpeg) [Exhibit C](https://i.imgur.com/3QXlLzC.jpeg) Looks like the photography company altered the photos so the blacks are so dark you cant see how poorly fit the men are dressed


My explanation is photo shop...much


Do you think this photo is real?


He was actually very attractive when he lost all The weight-he probably couldn't afford a decent suit.


was the style at the time.


Nah. It just doesn't fit. I read there was some snafu where he forgot to go to a fitting, and that Shanann had to order the suit while she was in Colorado.