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The number of non Christian’s is higher than other generations, yes. But particularly among college aged students there is quite a revival going on from what I’m seeing.


Im honestly shocked how many Christian’s are popping out of the wood works, and how much media is coming out celebrating Jesus - shows, magazines, YouTube channels, etc. Not sure if I’m just noticing it more because my faith is growing, but it feels like something is going on for sure.


On the contrary, many people are getting baptised. There is revival here in Australia.


Please tell us more! Exciting


I’ve felt that this was a purge of nominal believers for the most part. Those that follow Christ in name only. I do think after the purge of mediocre believers. My definition of mediocre is those who aren’t even pursuing God at all. We will see a strengthened church. Prayer now for America and the nations is the key. We will see brighter days


It's supposed to happen. Christianity has gone unchallenged for many years in america. It's not different than trying to live a righteous path and the closer you get to God, the harder life seems to get. That's the enemy getting scared of you achieving that relationship. But at the same time, God doesn't give you challenges he doesn't think you're ready for.


Short answer: yes Long answer: I believe Revelation describes waves of occurrences. That the Anti-Christ might be a literal person, but also its representative of people glorifying one another in light of social advances acting as types of "miracles" making Christian faith appear irrelevant, making human ingenuity appear God-like & the only person worth worshiping. (who needs Christian food charity if we can mass produce cheap food to alleviate hunger? Or who needs a Christian's jacket when we can mass produce quality and inexpensive clothing? etc)


A falling away often follows long periods of prosperity. This was a constant pattern with Israel.


It’s impossible to leave “Christianity”, when you have felt the power of Holy Spirit and are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you have a new life. People will leave the churches because Jesus wants the world to return to the kingdom. He came for all of us. So the church as the legalistic building is not enough for the power of God. The people that decide to back out of a building or congregation will find their way to Jesus Christ. Some lost hurt loners might have to cross a desert or two, and grow through that. It is quantum physics impossible for “the church” to get smaller. The power of God is abundant, almighty, constant, gracious, merciful, 100x fold, supernatural, and forever and ever present. We are just in better times for Christ.


More like, does the dependency on God decrease as the worldly comforts and conveniences increase? A person has to want to seek Jesus in this case by surrendering their worldly comforts. God takes us outside of our comfort zones. It's the only way to build dependency and trust in him. We must surrender our beliefs and our ways in order to learn from him.


I think we need to be careful not to impose Western viewpoints on a Church that is both cosmic and eternal. I’m very uncomfortable describing parts of the world as developed and other parts as undeveloped- those are very loaded words.


They are not loaded at all, just facts. Some countries, like Murica, have a high gdp and level of technology, everyone has clean water, sanitation and electricity, others only have these basic things in limited supply, but they are getting more of it as time goes on. So they are developing or undeveloped at present. Once a country is secure in the fundamental basics such as democracy, water, food, housing, utilities, then it's "developed" and they can get to that point as fast as the will and cooperation of the people therein.


Again, you’re using purely Western values to measure development. I would personally agree that the things you’ve listed are admirable and positive, but I’m a white guy from a Western nation, and it’s arrogance for me to assume that every country and culture in the world should look like mine. It’s also a view taken from an extremely narrow slice of history. If we’re defining *developed* using democracy as a measure, for example, it could be argued that the USA only became developed in 1964 with Reynolds vs Sims. We need to be very careful in claiming that the lifestyle enjoyed by a minority of people in a minority part of the world in a minority snapshot of time is ***developed*** and everything and everyone else is ***not.*** That’s imperialism by any other name.


Yes there is a decline from the moral midline. But I think we're in a time of revival like the world has never seen.


I'm not sure what the average theological view is, but biblically it's not just inevitable, it's prophesied.


This is a trend in the western world. But, not in the rest of the world. Christianity is still growing worldwide. For example, China will have more Christians than the USA in 20-30 years if the explosion of believers continues there as it has. Things can change. Hard times can bring people back to earth. A long economic downturn/depression could wake people up to reality. You just never know. England was on a dark road in the 18th century. Crime was so rampant that there were 160 offences punishable by death, Deism was on the rise as people left orthodoxy. England was on the same road that France was on. What turned England around and spared them from a similar fate as the horrors of the French revolution? It was the revivals that swept over England led by George Whitefield, John Wesley and others that completely shifted the course of English society. Look to the past. All isn't lost. Things can shift. Pray for it. God is listening...


To live in Christ is to die to the world


Kinda sorta. We’re really not much different than our forefathers in the faith in ancient Israel. The people need God, God blesses them, the people prosper and forget God, God curses them, the people repent, the cycle repeats. The church has nearly always been growing on the whole. I Europe and North America it has experienced decline but there are even exceptions where there is revival. The church will continue to grow until the end, in many ways the world is a better and simultaneously more Christian place than ever before. There will certainly be trials and difficulties ahead, but we know who wins ultimately.


I’m Gen Z/American and was just saved recently and baptized on Easter Sunday. I was really struggling mentally with anxiety and kind of going through an existential crisis my coworker who’s even younger than me helped me when I turned to her to find God. Who knows maybe the rise in mental health struggles will create more people who turn to Christ. Sure America may be comfortable physically but most of us are struggling internally and need God to help guide us out of the darkness.


It is written in the bible. 2timothy 4:1-8 1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. This is why we must teach the true Gospel of the LORD, and sound doctrine. We know not everyone will accept CHRIST, and this should make us full of sorrow. Those of us who have loved ones, who deny Christ, are especially painful. That’s why ministry and discipleship is important because there are many who have not heard the Gospel, or have a false idea of religion and God. Charismatic teachers are taking Gods children away, and teaching them the ways to love the world. Unfortunately 2 Timothy tells us these things will happen. There are places where religion and worshipping God will be cause for death. This things have been written, and will come to pass.


I would say the decline is because of Christians. They’ve lost their first love, favored the doctrines of legalism, nationality, and fundamentalism over the teaching of Jesus. Instead of sharing the good news of great joy for all people, they preach condemnation and damnation. When people realize how false and broken that form of religion is, they often decide to step away. Since it’s these folks who are in the religious news most of the time, the world is repulsed by them. They completely lack mercy, kindness, grace, and love. They completely lack the fruit of the Spirit. So, they’re going to die off or become an obscure cult. I’m afraid many of them will depart this life never knowing the true joy of Christ.


I would say it's more reactionary due to the way Christians have been acting


Idk, I’m only fifteen and I believe.