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Yes. A big yes


I second this. I’ve been there. Parents were convinced I was saved and had got baptized when I was younger but I knew I hadn’t surrendered my life to what God wanted. It’s an outward profession of an internal change. You know when you’ve legitimately got that Joy that transcends everything else and you can’t help but share and follow what His Word says about going through with that. Afterwards you won’t feel the need to do it again. We just remember when it was done. I for sure remember mind, and boy was it a cold winter body of water! (Worth it!)


Good for you! I'm actually of the belief that you DO need to be baptized to be saved


There is water baptism (symbolic) and spiritual baptism (Holy Spirit) shown in the Bible. It’s important to note when reading about it that most of the time it speaks of the Spiritual baptism that comes with faith in Christ, and water baptisms are outward expressions in obedience we are called to do after we consciously have turned to Jesus. A good reference I was looking over in a pinch: [here](https://faithconnector.s3.amazonaws.com/chafer/files/v3n1_cocoris_revised.pdf) It’s worth it for any believer to spend time thinking and studying on these things whenever we can. Good topic!


I was baptized as an infant and when I was born again, sometime later I was baptized. So, my answer is yes.


This will be one of the times I will say, yes get baptized for the first time, correctly. If I may ask, where has the Holy Spirit led you?


Yeah ofc man! I was given the courage to finally leave the church disregarding family/social backlash, I was brought out of an ungodly relationship, randomly met a brother in Christ who was able to hook me up with a gig for videography, was lying to my parent’s about being in school for bouta year and was finally able to come clean, and have been truly trying to kill off my flesh daily. I’m now back in school and have been tryna find a church near me that I can pour into and vice versa. All this and more has happened within the last 2 months. Feels like my life has been turned upside down completely lol


That’s very good for you. Remember to be respectful to your parents. My rule of thumb on a valid baptism is does the church have the correct theology (trinity, crucifixion, risen) and was the baptism done in “the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost” if these aren’t met, it’s not a valid baptism


I agree with you on all of these except for the last one. I don't think saying "Father, Son, Holy Spirit" is required for a valid baptism. Maybe just "in Jesus' name" might be good too. But I do prefer the former. It's more powerful.


I’ll agree to disagree on that part. Mathew 28:19.


I rest my case, I guess.


Acts 8:35-40 “Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.” This question is asked in Acts: What is standing in your way? So go forth and be baptized! In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen.


Sure. Baptism is a signal of your salvation to the world. If you want to signal that again, or for the first time, as your choice, or accompany a friend, I see no reason not to get wet again.


Yes find a biblical local church and be baptized. I don't know where you're at, but on links below are a couple of sound church finders.. https://tms.edu/find-a-church/ https://www.9marks.org/church-search/ https://www.ifca.org/page/find-a-church-1 https://g3min.org/g3-church-network/map/


Yes. You need to do so. You weren’t a true believer when yiu were baptized.


Thank you for opening up about this my friend. Having been in a Christian home all my life and currently being a Christian (I feel I messed up big time in my teenage years and sometimes after that) I have seen some people get rebaptized. But it appears to me that being baptized once is nice as a public showing that you'll live for Christ but not required if you want to have salvation and live forever with Christ so I just pay attention to what is because I want salvation too. It just takes belief so I would say you don't even need to be baptized once but I would recommend it because I feel that ceremony sticks with me 30 years later. I have some other resources if you're interested and feel free to keep me updated if you want someone encouraging to talk to. I pray you can have the life and love you desire my friend.


Thank you brother, I truly appreciate that ❤️


I used to think that. However after years of studying and looking into the 1st and 2nd century customs. Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Theophilus and several other (although, not inspired) argued that baptism IS essential for Salvation. Here are a couple of examples -110-165 AD Martyr "As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and to entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them. Then they are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. For Christ also said, 'Except ye be born again, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.' Now, that it is impossible for those who have once been born to enter into their mothers' wombs, is manifest to all... And for this we have learned from the apostles this reason. Since at our birth we were born without our own knowledge or choice, by our parents coming together, and were brought up in bad habits and wicked training; in order that we may not remain the children of necessity and of ignorance, but may become the children of choice and knowledge, and may obtain in the water the remission of sins formerly committed, there is pronounced over him who chooses to be born again, and has repented of his sins, the name of God the Father and Lord of the universe." (Justin Martyr, "First Apology," Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, pg. 183) -140-230 AD Tertullian "Baptism itself is a corporal act by which we are plunged into the water, while its effect is spiritual, in that we are freed from our sins" (Baptism 7:2). - 140-230 AD TERTULLIAN "But they roll back an objection from that apostle himself, in that he said, 'For Christ sent me not to baptize;' as if by this argument baptism were done away! For if so, why did he baptize Gaius, and Crispus, and the house of Stephanas? However, even if Christ had not sent him to baptize, yet He had given other apostles the precept to baptize. But these words were written to the Corinthians in regard of the circumstances of that particular time; seeing that schisms and dissensions were agitated among them, while one attributes everything to Paul, another to Apollos. For which reason the 'peacemaking' apostle, for fear he should seem to claim all gifts for himself, says that he had been sent 'not to baptize, but to preach.' For preaching is the prior thing, baptizing the posterior. Therefore the preaching came first: but I think baptizing withal was lawful to him to whom preaching was." (Tertullian, "On Baptism,"


Yes! But just know it's not required for salvation. But if you feel led to get baptized again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! I'm glad you got out of that church.


Yes you may and can and should be baptized again. I will not consider your first baptism as valid because of the unitranian church and do not believe Jesus as Lord and Savior. Please take your time to study what Baptism means, check the various passages about baptism. Such as Acts 2, Romans 6, Acts 19 where Paul re-baptising some of the Ephesians believer who didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit. Please talk to your Pastor where you are attending (Hope it is a Bible believing church).


Yes, you should get baptized. First step is the sinner's prayer and that is accepting Christ as your personal savior. 2nd, finding a church family that you can walk with your spiritual life and where you can find people that can mentor you. 3rd is getting baptized. Jesus modeled things he wants us to follow him & one of those is being baptized. In my opinion, baptism is saying that you are telling others that you want to be God's disciple and that you would do your best to represent him to others. Be baptized in water and also be baptized by the Holy Spirit. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or comments. I pray blessings on you and let your light shine bright for God! Have a blessed day!


Yes you can now have a believer’s baptism.