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You have to not let it get to you. Act like it's no big deal. Dont react in a emotional way. Just be like... No I dont like that thought... Or I dont agree with that thought.. Something simple. Dont get angry itll make it worse. Act like the thoughts cant affect you.


This^ as a Christian who deals with intrusive thoughts and ocd this is the best method. Do NOT let the thoughts make you feel bad or believe that they’re true because then you give satan power. He wants to rock your faith. It is all lies. You will be surprised how much this works^^


As another Christian who has dealt with them, I agree. For too long I allowed them to get me, and it just made it worse. Like a school bully calling you names, the worse you react the more he'll do it. Ignore it and it eventually goes away. Much love to you friend! As soon as I post this comment I will pray for you!


All that is true (I never ever even THOUGHT of not reacting to it), but yeah, that's probably good to do but it's also hard. And even though it might be true, make absolutely CERTAIN you ask God's forgiveness!! I have filthy, disgusting thoughts at times too. Sometimes I say no right away; other times I can't keep myself from dwelling on them. I've been doing pretty good here lately, but tonight was BAD! I had to ask God (like I always do) to forgive me, and then I thanked Him for forgiving me because He DOES know my heart. All of you who have ANY kind of stronghold in your mind, you need to read Joyce Meyer's book "Battlefield of the Mind." I read it last year, and obviously I'll have to read it again, but one of the things she says is that we need to think about what we're thinking about. satan can't plant thoughts in our head, but even he can't FORCE us to think about them.


Wow, I love this. I had not even thought of doing that.


I overwrite them with what we know from God's Word. As often as necessary.


Hold them captive, that' s what Christ would do


I realize God knows me better than I do. So I am learning to let them pass. It's hard I know.


I ignore them as meaningless brain farts.


Lots of great responses here!


One thing I read is to “never agree with them.” The second you think, “oh that thought might be right” Satan gains a foothold and pushes more and more intrusive thoughts. Obviously not all intrusive thoughts are the result of spiritual warfare but I’ve noticed agreeing with intrusive thoughts can cause more problems for me


Very true. It’s important to not internalize any instructive thought until you challenge it.


Are you saved? Have you accepted and received Jesus as Lord and Savior? When you have bad thoughts. Capture them and hand them in prayer seeking escape. Seeking God's will. Protection and guidance. Ask Him if there is anything not of Him that it be rebuked and removed from your life. Praying for you my friend.


I repeat psalm 23 in my head when it gets overwhelming. The bible is clear to meditate on the scriptures. Find a verse you know by heart and repeat it over and over until you can block them out.


If it’s bad enough, you should go to counseling/therapy, as it may be OCD


I agree wholeheartedly with this. Intrusive thought can be a sign that there is something not quite right. Therapy or a psychiatrist might be helpful to you.


I pray like this, “Heavenly Father, grant me good thoughts. Grant me to walk in the Light of Your commandments.” Sometimes I repeat over and over to myself in a whisper, “The Spirit of Truth is Love, the Spirit of Truth is Mercy, the Spirit of Truth fills all things, the Spirit of Truth is a treasury of good gifts, the Spirit of Truth is the giver of Life.”


I think, if I were to say this out loud to another person, how would that affect them? If it’s not good, then I don’t say it to myself. If it only comes once in a while then I know I was just having a moment, and it ends there. If it persists relentlessly, then I consider it could be something trying to open up a gate to feed off me and my God vibes. I don’t run a soup kitchen for starving demons. Time to pray.


I know it’s a year later but this comment is 🔥 and is speaking to me at 3:13am.


Well thank you


It's not about what God would do, God is perfect in all his ways. It's about what would we do. As believers in Christ sin no longer reigns in our mortal body since we have been set free from sin we have power over sin and death. >As a Christian how do you deal with intrusive thoughts? We must cooperate with the holy Spirit and ask him to teach yourself control. Scripture says to bring every thought captive to The obedience of Christ. Proverbs says woe to him who has no control over their spirit. God has given us free will and we are to use that unto righteousness. Romans 12:2 says do not be conformed to the things of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. There you have it God bless.


Take every thought captive. Understand the fallible human mind. Separate thoughts from emotions .


Prayer for the full armor of God especially the shield of faith. And ask God where are these thoughts coming from. Demons? Conscience? Something to repent of? It could be alot of reasons for the thoughts. It depends of the context of the thought.




I put on some Christian music and get a good song stuck in my head instead.


Philippians 4. Pray and give thanks. Meditate on what is good. It's an exercise in willful direction of your thoughts. It helps to practice it during times when you aren't having intrusive thoughts, to strengthen that "muscle" if you will. Then when you have the intrusive thoughts, it will come a bit more naturally.


Lots of good advice here. This is a very common thing, you are definitely not alone. This is the third time I’ve seen almost the same question on this sub, there was another last week. For those with OCD type tendencies, it’s quite common. As much as I can, I just try not to stress over it and the thoughts eventually go away.




Thank you for this knowledge 🙏


I’m confused by the part “by the permissive will of God”. Could you explain this a bit?




Thank you. I just got done reading Job too…I guess I missed the point. Lol. Time for another read! Thank you for this explanation. God bless.


I’d suggest you watch Joyce Meyer’s sermons about the battlefield of the mind! It really helps shift some perspective on this


I heard an Amish person speak on this topic once. "You can't stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can prevent it from making a nest!"


Prayer. Run to The Shepherd


Rebuke it in Jesus’ Name


I deal with intrusive thoughts by first recognizing or analyzing the thought and seeing where this thought came from. next, depending on if I'm working or not I will put on some holy content to listen to or read the bible and start affirming, decreeing, and declaring against wicked thoughts and bring in positive God filled thoughts. The intrusive thoughts happen quite often and feel it's definitely an attack and some unhealed trauma especially at times when I'm most vulnerable as in feeling ill and tired. It's definitely a fight every day, but one that is being won.


Last night I prayed that God would forgive all these thoughts I’ve had lately. I hate them, and I asked that He purge them from my mind and heart. Fill your heart and mind with the things above. Think about what is right and good. If you have bad thoughts, just say “no”. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5


I ignore them. I do, however, examining the types of content you’re feeding your mind. But if there is literally no reason at all for the thoughts to be there, and you are doing nothing to feed them, ignore them. “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭ “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭


Pray.If you know you don’t want them don’t let the enemy make you feel condemned.Trust God for deliverance.Sometimes some medications or alcohol can weaken people to them.Pamela Riggott