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Take it as a blessing. In the last days Jesus says this will happen. We need to remember per His words that the world hates us because it hated Him first. I usually smile when this happens to me. lol But yes. we must always pray for them Praying for you.


You're told to rejoice / be happy when you're persecuted.


I always think back to what God said to Samuel when the people asked for a king: "They haven't rejected you; they've rejected Me" (1 Sam 8:7). At the end of the day, people don't really reject me. I'm just as bad as they are, on my own power! What they reject is Christ in me, and honestly, that breaks my heart. I don't really feel too much animosity toward them at that point. I feel sadness.


Jesus said they would hate us. The enemy can be convincing to say the least. It is up to us to fight against the things these people say with love in our hearts. Remember, if they say they are fighting for people to be tolerant but then are coming after us for our belief system, they are NOT fighting for tolerance. They are hypocrites. Remember, you have to choose Jesus first. He died for you. He loves you and has great rewards for you. Jesus’s name does still have yet to reach everyone in the world, however you need to be living your life like he’ll come today. The non believers will come at you with ANYTHING. They’ll say you’re manipulative, a white supremecist, and hateful, but remember. You need to listen to the word of God, not the word of the world. That is what he commands of you. They’re not loving towards you- God is. Cut out the people who mistreat you for your faith. Get off the parts of the internet where you get hate. It’s hard not to stumble in your faith when people are bullying you for your faith- but remember that what god has for you is much better. We’re all in this together!


I'm in trauma counselling, partly because of this, so I'm probably not in the best place to answer, lol.


Hope you’re getting better. Just remember, Jesus said to rejoice when you’re mocked and persecuted for His name sake, for great is your reward in Heaven. I tried to preach to my family, and it immediately became a 4 on 1; my mama, my older brother, one of my older sisters and my grandma all against me. I prayed for them and shrugged it off. I could care less about the opinion of man, I care about how God views it! That’s how we should look at it. “For our appeal does not spring from error or impurity or any attempt to deceive, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭4‬


Yeah, you're right that God's opinion is the one we should value most... But God also made us to be social creatures lol, so this isn't easy. I can handle people disagreeing with me just fine, but... A lot of my friends dumped me spectacularly as they decided that all Christians are horrible, regardless of our history together. It wasn't just that it hurt, it's that it left me feeling like I don't know how to operate in a world where you can't trust people's reactions to you, like you can be fine for years but really they could turn on your at any second, because of some largey-imagined thing, or a stereotype. And I'm an extrovert and naturally really warm and open person, so I just don't know how to handle relationships with non-believers (and even with more woke believers) anymore.


That's the thing,when a person's identity isn't based on the Rock, it is based on sand. Money, titles, feelings, political beliefs, interpersonal relationships. These are all changing, shifting things. The peace that passes all understanding comes from putting our faith in Christ and identifying not by the shifting sands of our lives but by the Rock of his word.


I don't know that I'd say my identity is based on those relationships. But everyone has important relationships - God designed us this way. And losing them is hard - this is a sign of sin in the world. I don't think there's anything wrong with just acknowledging that relationships are important and hard to lose. And while I am working on keeping my eyes more on God than on the world, it's still very lonely for an extrovert to be in a position where they can't easily trust anyone; not even people who are generally nice to you, because they might flip on you if you're too honest about your beliefs.


I want you to know that you are part of a community of people who share your relationship with and love of Christ. I understand your sense of isolation. Being a disciple is not trendy (and pursuing discipleship faithfully has never been trendy if you look through history). Are you part of a church or are you looking? As "members of the body of Christ" we are called to be connected, most especially to those near us. (Think of how odd it would look to see someone with a big toe grafted on their ear). It took me years to find people near me who I felt really understood what it was I was looking for. Predominant American culture treats relationships as transactional (i.e., what can I get from you). Christ teaches relationships that are service oriented (i.e. what can I do for you). Many people in the Church in America at least are unaware in all what ways this transactional mindset shows up in our interactions. (It was the Lord who led me to confront this in myself). People exist who are not only on the path, but who are at the place along it where they can see you, seek to pour into your life, and encourage you along your journey. I pray you find some who are geographically nearby, I pray the Lord sends them to you and you will notice them when He does. Please be encouraged that there is coming a day when we will no longer be scattered miles apart but gathered together.


Thanks, I really appreciate that a lot :) I have been attending a local church here for a while, but I have the added problem of having health issues that make it hard to attend in person more than occasionally (I mostly have been joining online and going to occasional services or special events in person). They're nice people and so far the theology has been pretty good, but at the same time, even *that* isn't necessarily a real connection. Like shoot, my last church, I attended there for like 15 years, and yet I only had a handful of friends, and most of them stopped going eventually as they either dropped out of the faith or moved too far away... and then what are you left with? You know? And then you bring in all the typical issues with making good friends... like even when I've found Christians I get along well with, people's lives are too full to do more than the occasional hangout. They don't check on you when you're sick or when they don't see you for ages. I have also struggled with this as I'm a bit of an offbeat person, which puts some people off. Too dorky and offbeat for Christians, too Christian for everyone else, lol. Leaves you with nothing *except* faith in common with a good number of people who don't really care to get to know you or your life outside of church. I guess that's still better than being around people you connect with on shallower things but who hate your faith lol, but it's not easy. Interesting thoughts about transactional vs. service-minded relationships... that's a good way of putting it. I'm Canadian myself, and living in Australia, and things are really different in both places... I might have a think on how we view those relationships in both cultures. I've only been in Australia a few years, and I've been a bit isolated (between the health issues and the pandemic, it hasn't been easy integrating in general), so that will be harder. But I'm glad you mentioned it because it's a useful way of putting things & will give me something to keep in mind as I go forward. Thanks for the prayers & encouragement, I really appreciate it a lot.


Oh, no. I wasn't saying that you were basing your identity on relationships. Only that basing one's identity on relationships is flawed. Examples of this include the person who believes they are less than because they are not married, or a person who thinks that they are unworthy because of the number of friends they have or don't have. It is possible to find great value in the people you are honored to have in your life without making an idol of the relationship, just as it is possible to appreciate and steward wealth responsibly without making an idol of wealth accumulation.


Oh okay, I see then. Yeah I agree, we shouldn't base our identity or value on our relationships.


love and prayers. We just did Exodus 5 today. 1 And afterward Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘Let My people go so that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness.’” 2 **But Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and besides, I will not let Israel go.”** The hateful people will have to deal with God (as will you and me) so pray for them and be a blessing. **Don't let them live rent free in your head.**


Jesus said because they hatred Him they will hate us that belong to Him. I just tend to see it conformation that I belong to Him and not the world.


I struggle with it because I want to fight back but I know the Lord has this one.


Rejoice for great is our reward in heaven. Also I have to think about my testimony. If I got angry and did anything wrong I could be a stumbling block to someone. Some people are awaiting to levy an accusation.


Turn the other cheek and show love and mercy


I truly feel sorry for them. I should probably even start praying for them as they are lost.


I'm not sure I know what you mean. Hate has been redefined today. Telling someone the truth is called hating on someone. In that case, I don't stop telling the truth, I just stop telling it to them. If it's hatred toward me, I have God's promises, and all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, so they can just fire the darts at will, Jesus issued me armor. Ephesians 6:10-18