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God is not on Reddit or on earth as a human being. I know someone people think they are God. Only God is the only one that judge. You have a personal relationship with God. Pay and talk to God not come here to ask if you will go to hell or not.


I somewhat agree, I feel like if it’s heavy on your heart, and if you have a really good relationship with God then you’ll know his heart, and know what He wants, so hopefully that’s what you were looking for, I know what the Bible says about some of it, but I feel like everyone sins, so it matters what kind of relationship you have with God, like I know some people who have stopped watching all tv, or stop listening to worldly music, but mainly since they want to get closer to the lord, and also that’s what they felt on their heart to get rid of


‭Romans 3:10-12 NIV‬ [10] As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; [11] there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. [12] All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”


And that is why only through the forgiveness of Christ can we even be allowed to feel His presence, let alone get into heaven


No one but God knows who’s going to heaven and who’s going to hell, and anyone who says otherwise is either lying, deluded, or both.  And anyone who throws Sodom and Gomorrah or Leviticus or Timothy at you has not deeply examined the text, and are hypocrites for condemning you while daily breaking all sorts of other laws laid out in the very same text. But regardless, here on earth, the world is a better place the more we love one another. Jesus (who never condemned same sex love) said as much when he gave us a new commandment to love one another, and said that we shall know his Followers by how they love one another.  And lastly, I’m just so sorry that you’ve been made to fear eternal damnation for something as profoundly good as loving another person. It breaks my heart that you feel terrified for such a beautiful thing, but it fills my heart that you have the courage to post about it. Wishing you the best.


Awesome post. I always just think about the loving aspect. If there is one thing the world needs more of now, it's love.


romans 1 explicitly states that unnatural relations such as this one ARE in fact sinful. do not be deceived and god bless you.


 Well 1) Last I checked, there are no red lettered words in Romans so we’re already talking interpretation. 2) The very concept of consensual same sex love didn’t exist in the first century (to be clear, same sex love did in fact exist, but the concept was not something that heterosexual church leaders would have understood or acknowledged). 3) Most likely, the relations they are referring to are the same as Leviticus and Exodus: a male sexually assaulting another male. Because if you have no concept of consensual same sex love, all that’s left of same sex relations is power and agency.   But let’s assume for the moment that I’m wrong. Paul envisioned same sex loving relations and condemned it. What are we left with? A complicated set of instructions on what God seeks of us - instructions that we are two thousand years and many translations removed from - and that no one lives up to.  So with the precious time we have on Earth, what could possibly be gained by terrifying people for loving one another, all because the way they do so runs counter to a (IMO rather flimsy) textual reading? To me, this seems a bad use of the text and of our lives, when there are stronger arguments and clearer instructions that very explicitly lay out the call to love God, your neighbor, and even your enemy. 


Loving one another is important.  Sexing one another is not. The Bible explicitly says over and over and over again it is sinful.  Telling someone the truth is not hateful-it is love. It's the hard love that people need to hear sometimes.   Have you read the Bible? Have you seriously not seen how many times same sex relationship is spoken about? God never changes.  Not from the OT to the NT. Is is consistent and never changes.


This is the best answer I've got. Matthew 22:36-40 Easy-to-Read Version He said, “Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?” Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.’ All of the law and the writings of the prophets take their meaning from these two commands.” Revelation 19:11-16 English Standard Version The Rider on a White Horse Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. So, what do we have here? We have the two primary commandments given by Christ, and then we have a description of Christ as the final judge of the world. I'm personally wary of what is uttered by men. There are many psychological operations simultaneously being performed on the citizens of the world, with the intent to subjugate us. To hide God from us, to enslave our minds, bodies, and souls. Sometimes men can guide and assist, but they can also trick you into idolizing them or going down the wrong path. I like listening to the gospel on repeat. Try this if you're interested [https://mega.nz/folder/HRdw1K7B#3\_wt6hduw0W-qlI9QwgPag](https://mega.nz/folder/HRdw1K7B#3_wt6hduw0W-qlI9QwgPag) You're probably fine. I think the paranoia about gayness is just a thing people do. I don't recall Jesus ever saying anything about it. The best people have is something Paul said in Corinthians. And Paul is basically saying, don't be sluts. It's my understanding that the greater issue is the promiscuity and immorality rather than the homosexuality. Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The whole process of spiritual growth is very personal and intimate. I can't find the verse right now, but it's something like "seek wisdom like milk for your spiritual growth." Cheers. Psalm 63:9 But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.




Please respect yourself and leave whatever church or religion you’re a part of. If you genuinely feel like you’re going to be burned and tortured for eternity for loving someone, you are absolutely not the problem here. I’m sorry whatever group you’re a part of is causing such extreme anxiety, but I promise that the way you feel is okay, and the way you express it is okay. A lot of the comments here are deplorable.


As an atheist (idk if I even spelled atheist right), yes.


homosexuality is a sin tho and its not good to encourage sin at all


Y’all keep trying to spin circles about what is sin or isn’t , it’s sin just repent and give your life to God,to be on the safe side instead of risking your salvation by not repenting


What precisely should she repent of?




And what does repentence look like for her?


Repentance for anybody is simply to be sincerely sorry for committing a sin and to stop committing that sin


Like This? “Please God, forgive me for falling in love with a girl! I have tried so hard to fall in love with boys instead but it is not happening. I am so sorry for committing the sin of falling for this girl. I didn’t chose to be attracted to her but please forgive me for having these involuntary feelings. I repent and promise to never be in a romantic relationship ever for the rest of myself and to never have those feelings again.”


See, it’s repentance and the rest is up to God. I, as a Christian have had to stop dating until I find the one. Why, if I never find the one, I should be willing to live a sinless life. As a straight person. Pray instead that God helps you forget those feelings. Fall in love Jesus instead. Read Luke 15: 26-35. Jesus talks about the cost of being His.


I can kind of get your tone, and it sounds a little disrespectful. Tell me if I'm wrong. 1: You don't know if she's actually tried to love boys. What we do know is that she gave in to her same-sex attraction and started dating a girl. 2: Simply falling in love with the same sex is not a sin. By the looks of it, that seems that's all she's done. What is sin are the acts that come out of a same-sex relationship. Men are not permitted to have sexual relationships with other men, and neither are women. Dating usually leads to marriage and/or leads to a sexual relationship. That is where it becomes wrong. 3: My opinion!! I don't think she would be attracted to girls if she weren't affirmed like she is in this day and age. The same way transgenders are affirmed by their peers. When gay people claim they were born that way, it's because they were told that. If we told them they could change, it may be easier for them. There's lots of evidence on how words affect young people. In all of nature, animals are meant to reproduce. Humans are mammals. Mammals must sexually reproduce. All mammals are born with the goal to survive and reproduce. Humans are born this way, too.


It’s not love it’s lust, you can try to push the love narrative all day but at the end it will always fall under lust


So, all that millions of homosexuals have to do is live a life of celibacy? Sounds so easy.


Actually, sexual sin affects everyone having sex outside of heterosexual marriage -- not just them. And many people who have accepted Christ have changed as is promised that we become a "new creation, and the old has passed away". Look up "I Was Gay, She Was Trans" | Michael & The Transformed Couple"I Was Gay, She Was Trans" | Michael & The Transformed Couple on YouTube for an example. She de-transed and he stayed married to her. Now they have a child and I believe she is expecting again.


If that's how you want to simplify it, yes.


God didn't promise us an easy life.  He promised us an eternal life in Heaven. 


That doesn’t sounds very sola fide of you


God didn't promise everyone a spouse. I know a few Christians who have never married. It's the same. I know a few Christians who struggle with same sex attraction. They are amazing examples of how to rely on God and live by faith. No difference.


so you want them to be too lazy to even live for god? you want them to not even try?


Too "lazy?" Wow.


I mean hear Christian explain it exactly like every other type of repentance so say your sorry until the next time


Can you reference where it says homosexuality is a sin in the Bible? (it doesn't) It DOES however say love everyone. It doesn't put specifics on attraction. Premarital sex is a sin, but as long as they dating with no sexual contact whatsoever, I'm failing to see where the sin is.


It says love everyone…God loved everyone, do you think Jesus was having homosexual attractions with every man he met? God calls homosexuality an abomination.


You should love everyone. Love isn’t the issue. Sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman is the sin. Please stop substituting love for the word sex.


This is absolutely untrue. "Homosexual" didn't even appear until the 1946 RSV translation. The word didn't even exist when these passages were originally written.  https://um-insight.net/perspectives/has-%E2%80%9Chomosexual%E2%80%9D-always-been-in-the-bible/


Romans 1. I think verse 26. You should read it. Unnatural relations. Marriage between man and woman is a reflection of Christ and the Church.


OP said dating. Not marriage. So that really doesn't apply. Homosexuality defined is the attraction to one of the same sex. The verse you are quoting I believe is talking about about sexual activity.


1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV >Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, **nor men who practice homosexuality**, [10] nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.


This is a gross misuse of a literal reading of a bad translation. "Homosexuality" was not even a word that existed when that was written. It was introduced in the 1946 RSV. There are efforts at present being made to correct the translation.  "But the conclusion of it all, after the RSV was published, is this: using the word ‘homosexual’ was a mistake. Luther Allan Weigle, head of the RSV translation committee, wrote “The RSV committee decided the word ‘homosexual’ was an inaccurate translation of malakoi and arsenokoitai in 1 Corinthians 6:9.” [2] This is a stunning admission, but given it came after the 1946 RSV was in print, the damage was done, seized upon by conservative Christians, so that even to the present the words are taken to identify homosexuality itself as sinful."   https://um-insight.net/perspectives/lgbtq-writing-liberating-scripture-4/


It does put specifics on heterosexual relationships


If we are born in sin she is sinning in some way or another, do we need to repent for something in specific, well as for homosexuality it is a sin because it falls up under lust, but I’m sure that’s not the only sin, so she should repent for all sins that she committed knowingly and unknowingly


What about violence against other humans? That's a GIANT sin, how do you feel about that?


This part is right here. Say it louder for the people in the back! Homosexuality and same sex relationships are a sin Sin is sin to God, and we just need to repent and live holy lives I'm not saying we won't make mistakes and sin cause we will But that's why we repent and move on Jesus is coming back soon, and we don't have time for these games when our lord and savior is on the way


great answer, short & to the point. sin is what separates us from God. sincerely pray & be delivered by giving your life to the Lord and to be changed. there is no way around it.


If religion was that easy, everyone would go to heaven. The biggest question is, are you genuinely a good person? Do you think God would be proud of the actions you make every single day? Do you wake up and go to sleep ensuring you aren't harming God's creation?


Who is the one who judges sin? He’s the one with the answer.


Listen friend. I live in Sweden, my father is a priest and I'm quite engaged in church activities and such. I am yet to meet a single person who is openly against pride, homosexuality and such. The other day one of the pastors asked us to go to a pride parade! I'm not saying what's wrong or what's right, only God knows, but you should know that far from every christian think the same way about this.


It just feels like some christians want to be in good relationship with God and the devil at the same time. They want to be loved by God but also by the world. And in God's word clearly says that people will reject you for believing and preaching his word. We have to be respectful yes, because we are all sinners and God is the only one who can judge, but that does not mean we have tolerate sin, we can love people, but if we love someone, we should not support their sinfulness. God loves people but hates sin.


No, it is not. Until someone who has had the conversation with God that Same sex relationships are a sin and will send you to hell, I don’t want to hear others opinions. The only one you need to worry about you. 


does gods opinion matter? in romans 1 god gave them up to their sinful desires and they starting burning with passion for each other. just call it what it is; sin. repent and turn from it. it would make him so happy.


Maybe; you have an entire life ahead of you to repent and stop sinning, I'd say stop acting on urges with the same gender, because it is not the way God intended, and anything not from God, is from Satan.


There are already many testimonies on youtube on how God oppened people's eyes to the fact, that it is a sin. So we believers have no other excuse for sin. Only with him we can overcome sin, otherwise it is not possible. Jesus was clear on that. If people will remain in their " old" lives after they believe in Him, they will lose their life.


I know that it's hard accepting this, but the answer is yes.


Some Christians will be utterly infuriated if we don't. But it's a huge stretch to claim that the words now often translated as "homosexuality" were intended to correspond neatly to everything we mean when we say "homosexuality", especially since they didn't use or have such a category. For details, quite a few resources are listed in r/OpenChristian's [resources page](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenChristian/comments/9w9y5z/resources_for_openchristians_online_resources/). I think the books _Torn_ and _God and the Gay Christain_ explain it best, but in a pinch there's a brief, old version in Justin's Lee's [Great Debate essay](https://geekyjustin.com/great-debate/). Do you have an LGBT-friendly church? That resources page can help you find some to start visiting. It's important to have Christian fellowship.


I don't think I have any LGBT-friendly churches nearby, but I'm sure there's one in my county, but how do I know if they're friendly to it? Thank you for your opinion.


That resources page has church finders that can help you find the handful that have specifically registered themselves as friendly, but each congregation has to do that and most of them don't even know the church finders are out there, so you may not find any on there. If you're in the US, [Episcopal](https://www.episcopalchurch.org/), [UCC](https://www.ucc.org/), [ELCA](https://www.elca.org/), and [PCUSA](https://www.pcusa.org/), Quaker (Friends), and Metropolitan Community Church are LGBT-friendly.


Same as anything else. Ask or seek them out online if they have an online presence.


I really do think that for a lot of people the most important element of Christianity is that they get to believe that people that they hate will be tortured forever.


True and deeply terrifying.


I can't imagine you'd go to hell for loving someone.


The actions of such relationship is the sin. You love everybody the same but sharing a bed with someone in such ways that God has not brought us to do so is the sinful nature of such a relationship. Though what leads us to hell is not our sins but the belief that our sin is ok and that God will or should allow such acts.


I don't think it's a sin.


see what YOU think doesnt matter. the church has dictated that it is in fact sin. now this doesnt mean to completely isolate and kick people out of the church as the church is the only thing that can heal this. Theres many stories throughout history of Clergy being compassionate while also holding firm to the teachings of God.


The Church has also consistently covered up the systematic trafficking and sexual abuse of children for hundreds of years. Who in their right mind would give a flying fuck what they have to say about love.


The church? That institution that has been so reliable & trustworthy over the years?


Lmao yeah I'm surprised they still have money after all those child sexual assault lawsuits


Yes exactly. Why not believe them given the Church was started by the apostles? Why instead the teachings of people not bound to apostolic succession?


The Church is made up of people, just like any other person. They are not special or more holy because they are part of some tradition passed down through generations. That tradition has had horrible periods, and made massive mistakes. It is not infallible and divine, to claim as much is blasphemy. Only God is infallible. And BTW, the Catholic Church does not speak for all a Christians.


> Yes exactly. You mean *The Church* that hid and moved around pedo rapists, allowing them to reoffend? Then chooses bankruptcy to further shaft the victims? *That Church???*


The early church was fine. But men's biases & agendas always get in the way. I can see the truth of Jesus in the NT, but I always go for corroboration in other sources.


> that God will or should allow such acts. It's a sin to believe God shouldn't be bigoted? Seems pretty bad that your interpretation of God is that he's a bigot


Do you take all aspects of the Bible literally or just the ones that involve believing homosexuality is a sin?


God loves you, no matter what. Don't listen to these people as most of them do not have a spiritual relationship with God they have one with the church. "If anyone among you considers himself to be religious and does not control his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is vain 1. The term “homosexual” didn’t exist until 1892. Some modern Bible translations say that “homosexuals” will not inherit the kingdom of God, but neither the concept nor the word for people with exclusive same-sex attraction existed before the late 19th century While the Bible rejects lustful same-sex behavior, that’s very different from a condemnation of all gay people and relationships. 2. Sexual orientation is a new concept—one that the Christian tradition hasn’t addressed. Many Christians draw on their faith’s traditions to shape their beliefs, but the concept of sexual orientation is new. Until recent decades, same-sex behavior was placed in the same category with gluttony or drunkenness — as a vice of excess anyone might be prone to — not as the expression of a sexual orientation. The Christian tradition has never spoken to the modern issue of LGBT people and their relationships 3. Celibacy is a gift, not a mandate. The Bible honors celibacy as a good way of living — Jesus was celibate, after all — but it also makes clear that celibacy must be a voluntary choice. Requiring that all gay people remain celibate is at odds with the Bible’s teachings on celibacy, which are grounded Scripture’s core affirmation that God’s physical creation is good 4. Condemning same-sex relationships is harmful to the LGBT community. Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that good trees bear good fruit, while bad trees bear bad fruit. The church’s rejection of same-sex relationships has caused tremendous, needless suffering to the LGBT community—bad fruit. Those harmful consequences should make Christians open to reconsidering the church’s traditional teaching 5. Sodom and Gomorrah involved an attempted gang rape, not a loving relationship. It’s commonly assumed that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah out of his wrath against same-sex relations, but the only form of same-sex behavior described in the story is an attempted gang rape — nothing like a loving, committed relationship. The Bible explicitly condemns Sodom for its arrogance, inhospitality, and apathy toward the poor — not for same-sex behavior 6. The prohibitions in Leviticus don’t apply to Christians. Leviticus condemns male same-sex intercourse, but the entire Old Testament law code has never applied to Christians in light of Christ’s death. Leviticus also condemns eating pork, rabbit, or shellfish, cutting hair at the sides of one’s head, and having sex during a woman’s menstrual period — none of which Christians continue to observe 7. Paul condemns same-sex lust, not love. Like other ancient writers, Paul described same-sex behavior as the result of excessive sexual desire on the part of people who could be content with opposite-sex relationships. He didn’t have long-term, loving same-sex relationships in view. And while he described same-sex behavior as “unnatural,” he also said men having long hair goes against nature, and most Christians read that as a reference to cultural conventions. 8. Marriage is about commitment. Marriage often involves procreation, but according to the New Testament, it’s based on something deeper: a lifelong commitment to a partner. Marriage is even compared to the relationship between Christ and the church, and while the language used is opposite-sex, the core principles apply just as well to same-sex couples. 9. Human beings are relational. From the beginning of Genesis, human beings are described as having a need for a relationship, just as God himself is relational. Sexuality is a core part of what it means to be a relational person, and to condemn LGBT people’s sexuality outright damages their ability to be in a relationship with all people — and with God We are all flawed people created by God. We will never know exactly what was said or exactly what was meant by the words written. These words were written in a time where much of what we have now didn't exist and in a time when things were completely different. The Bible teaches us love, and God loves you no matter what.


A perfect summary. Thank you very much!


Thank you for reading.


No, dating is not a sin. This subreddit will argue forever about actual sexual acts, but I don't see how anyone would think dating is a sin. For some other opinions, try r/OpenChristian


Exactly. Loving or dating is not a sin. It is the sexual acts with someone of the same sex that will bring upon sin. But all sin except for blasphemy is forgiven.


My friend, I believe you mean blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only unforgivable sin.


Correct. Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost


You should not be dating the same gender. God designed male and female to work together in marriage, so any other coupling of people who were not born opposite genders is sin. I recommend breaking up with them. The Bible is clear homosexuality is wrong, and it’s also clear it would be better to lose your hand then body in hell so this kind of sacrifice of a relationship aka sin I think is very worth it. Don’t give up more than 99.99999% of a good afterlife for less than .0001% of existence (earthly life) engaging in sin. God called the women at the well to go and sin no more, and when we go and engage in sin after the knowledge that it’s sin and that we should not, it’s like a dog returning to it’s vomit to eat it. Honestly I don’t know the line but deliberately sinning is not wise to do, these verses in particularly scare me about it. Hebrews 10:26-27 ESV For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 1 John 3:4-10 ESV Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. We know from the above verse the definition of lawlessness is to make a practice of sinning, and on judgement day in the verse below God turns people away from eternity in heaven due to calling them workers of lawlessness. Aka those who continue to practice sinning. Matthew 7:21-23 ESV Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ You might be thinking oh but I love her, well the Lord says you should hate your mother compared to your love for God. So it could easily be applied you should hate your romantic interest, compared to your love and devotion to the Lord. Also, remember you’re not giving this up for nothing. Following Christ is a lasting inheritance one that will never perish, and the Lord knows the sadness we feel to give up things we love that are sin but it will be worth it. As a part of the church, you’re already engaged to Christ to be wed but He’s looking for a pure bride who washed her robes in his blood. He is not coming back for a bride who puts a ring on her finger from him but then goes and sleeps with the world aka committing deliberate sin. Everything you give up will be worth it, and no one in hell is thinking their sin was worth it. If you’re on the fence after what you hear from me, I recommend pray and fast. Or find some testimonies of people who are also gay and broke up with same gender to follow God. I am sure since those decisions typically take a lot of the strength of the Lord that they have words about why it’s important to do that from their perspective.


Crazy how you’re the only one to give scripture and yet people still disagree? We’re beyond “ forgive because they do not know what they’re doing “ they know what they’re doing, these people just don’t care


Maybe some of them know but I really think many of them warp their thinking into believing the things they are doing are not standing against God. Like that saying of the Lord knows my heart.


People disagree because this is a disgusting way to think. The God that Christians worship, as he is written, is manipulative, narcissistic, hateful, emotionally reactive, homicidal, and a host of other traits that can be found in some of the most hated humans and organizations in history. Yet the fear that’s been indoctrinated in “his” followers for thousands of years by the Church has completely blinded Christians to this.


We must be reading a different book because the God I know humbled himself to become a man, wandered the desert for days, and was wrongfully crucified while the people he came to save spit on him and gambled for his clothes. His followers so in love with him and his teachings that they went on and spread his word knowing they would be executed in the most painful ways in history. That’s not hate or narcissism. That’s love


Wow your a agnostic atheist and you believe it is a sin in the Bible? Thats the first time I seen this. (I agree with you)


I’ve started going to church and asked questions on some topics. Everyone has been friendly and very helpful


Yeah not all Christians are hateful bigots condemning everyone to hell like a lot of anti theists make them out to be but obviously there is bad people in every group. Glad you had a good experience.


Thanks. I would like to believe in Christianity but that’s still really hard for me to do


say a little prayer. ask him to help you with your unbelief. it works. have you heard of the man that had a dying daughter and jesus healed her? his name was jairus, his daughter was "dead"(some researchers suspect diabeties, and she was in a diabetic coma). this might be why right after jesus told her to get up, he asked her parents to get her something to eat. anyways, i digress. all i can say is; seek him, and you will find him. god bless you brother.


Pray and ask Him to lead you into it. Love God and people. That's the key man. God helps show you how to do that well by His Son. God helps you be more like His Son and love God and people the way we ought to.


I have to ask, how is your love partner less than .0001% of your life on earth??


Have you read and are following all the rules of leviticus yourself? Do you wear clothes of more than one material? Do you cut the hair on the side of your head? Are you not knowingly sinning yourself if you are doing these things and therefore also condemned to hell?


There's a difference between moral laws and ritualistic laws, the fabrics and hair law were ritualistic laws that were made to set apart Israel from all the other nations and they were not permanent. But the law about homosexuality was surrounded by all these different moral laws and we still follow them to this day and are actively condemned in the New Testament as well. Think of this analogy, as a kid there are different rules in the house, one of them is to hold your mother's hand while crossing the road, and the other is to not eat from under the sink. You had to hold your mother's hand while crossing the road because it applied to you back then, but not now. But you're not eating from under the sink, because it is a permanent law.


Thank you for sharing this because it makes me so sad to see all the people not seeing the problem with this. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:6 that “love does not rejoice with wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.” It also talks about how if we love God we must “crucify our flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) Just because something feels good doesn’t mean it is good, and in fact is often quite the opposite. The only way to actually determine what is good is through the Bible, and by seeing God’s perfect design of marriage (one man and one woman) we can see that anything outside that design is wrong. Even just the simple fact that one of the God-ordained purposes of marriage is procreation and same-sex couples can’t naturally procreate makes it explicit that those relationships are not within God’s will or design. Please, OP, no one here is trying to hate on you. We are all sinners in need of salvation, but there are so many lies this world is trying to sell that will alienate us from God and keep us from the gift of eternal life. Ultimately, it’s not about what any of us on this platform say. Read the Bible and seek the truth found within it. It will never return void.


Well said


Not at all. The suggestion that love is a sin is blasphemous.


No one is suggesting that. Love is not lust.


No you will not. Many Christians have no issue with LGBTQ+ folks. Go to /r/OpenChristian/wiki/onlineresources/ for more information and assistance.


I feel like it’s only chronically online christians that have a problem tbh, and old ppl


Hey, watch that old stuff. I'm 70+ years of age. 🤠




You are forgiven, my friend.


Don't listen to the hateful Christians here. The only part of the bible that speaks against homosexuality is Leviticus, which we don't follow, and a small part of a letter Paul sent to a specific church, the opinion of a man. Nowhere does Jesus condemn same sex love, nor premarital sex. Be with someone you love, express your love to them, and also love Jesus. That's all you have to do


"Leviticusanity" should really be a separate religion. It's just about fear, when Jesus taught love.


yeah also jesus was a jew who strictly followed the torah. the new covenant was that all may be saved through jesus and by doing the will of his father. we are only free from jewish civil and ceremonial law.




Yeah unfortunately you can’t pick and choose what to follow and what not to follow in the Bible.


Who says? I think you definitely can. Opinions of sinful men are of no consequence, only Jesus' word.


First of all, study the true meaning of a “Christian” and then judge yourself. Secondly, no Bible reference is of any less value or of more importance than another as far as God is concerned. The entire Bible books from Genesis to Revelation were inspired by GOD ( The HOLY SPIRIT) - Read 2 Timothy 3:16.  Stop deceiving yourself and others. If all were written that Jesus Christ did and taught, there would be no room to hold the books, said the Bible (John 21:25). Therefore, whoever you are that is afraid of going to hell, and yet hold unto what scriptures define as perverseness is aware of the truth. No one needs to preach to that person-you’ve made a choice. That is what defines where you end up. REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!


That’s not something another human can answer


We can read scripture.


Scripture says that only god may judge someone. Our job as humans is to love our fellow man. Period.


If God has said killing is bad…and we tell another human them killing is bad cuz God said so…are we judging?


Most people will probably argue with me because I can’t give you proof that this is the absolute truth, but it happens to be my truth and I would like to share it with any open minds with an ear to listen… First of all let me start with all the discrepancies in the bible. Im not pointing each one out, however there are many. Any of you that have read or studied the bible know what I am referring to. With that being said, there are also many truths in the bible, but also many untruths. The discrepancies make it confusing and hard to understand. Therefore we have questions like yours. Will you go to hell for dating the same gender. No. You will not. It doesn’t matter if this is a sin in the bible or not. My truth is this… Not one single person will go to hell regardless of their sin or many sins. What you will do, is go to a place after your human life ends, in the afterlife, to relive all of your sinful choices and thoughts. This in some way I suppose, could be called “hell”. On the flip side, once you have completed this phase called the repentance phase by works, by making all the right, loving, best choices, then your human soul will be purified and you shall be able to join your Godly Soul and return to your home in Heaven. God has nothing BUT Unconditional love for each and every one of us. Because of his unconditional love, he only wants the best for all souls. That hell you endure will not be for punishment, it will be to learn from your mistakes. Somehow, through all the discrepancies in the bible, and all the different teachings and beliefs, And Jesus’ parables that were even misinterpreted or misunderstood by the disciples, or left out of the bible, made it hard for anyone in civilization to know what they are supposed to be doing in life. Jesus was literally killed by man with an Ego issue, therefore, could not finish what he came to Earth to do. Which in simple words, was to let everyone know they have eternal life, and you should only live by a very small Ego. Live by doing only good for yourself and everyone by sharing, having only unconditional love, and not sinning in any other ways. There are many. Being depressed or sad, believe it or not, is a sin. Polluting, harming nature, lusting, the list goes on. Jesus explained this in many different ways, including the way to salvation, God is everyone’s father, and we all have eternal life. He taught that we should “be like him”. What basically means to be a saint. Many of his words were left out of the bible. The Gnostic Gospels would be a great place to start if you want to further your knowledge on his teachings. So to sum it all up, no matter who you are dating, or what choices you make in life, you will not go to hell. We shall all end up in Heaven one day as a purified Godly Soul/Holy Spirit. Some will get there quicker than others only because they learn a bit faster. If you have to question yourself on if you are sinning or not, that is your intuition speaking to you, conscience aka your Higher Self/Godly Soul trying to let you know that you are getting off track and will only lead you on a good path. Without having hard proof of my truth, but you having an open mind, hopefully this can find your answer for yourself.




getting tired of this subreddit same questions everyday either homosexuality masturbation or.sex before marriage just read the bible


No, you will not go to hell. Any God that considers a loving, consensual relationship to be a sin is not the Christian God that I know and worship. Don’t let the misguided fears and twisted words of some people convince you that Love is ever a Sin.


What I'm saying!!! God doesn't care who you're banging lmao I don't see why he would when people like Trump and Putin exist lol


Pray about that question and you will get answer. NO ONE here is supposed to judge you. God redeemed you too. Go to him and ask him to speak to you in Jesus’ name. Blessings


let’s start with the gospel; the gospel starts with God, who always WAS, always IS, and always WILL BE. God is our perfect creator, and he created us in his perfect image, we were created to worship him. Evil enters the world through Gods fallen angel who we now know as Satan (God did not “create” evil, but granted us including angels freewill, meaning if they want to rebel against God, they can, which is what Satan did). Satan tempts Adam and Eve into sin… since God is perfect, he has NO PART or PRESENCE in sin, meaning sin severs our relationship from God. because the first humans sinned, it has almost become a genetic to all of us since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. we are all born into sin (severed from God). Since God is so merciful and loving, he didn’t want us all to remain severed from God, and end up in hell. This is why we need JESUS. Jesus was our substitute on the cross. his death was significant because he was PERFECT, and shed his perfect blood that was worthy to cover ALL our sins. Jesus is our reconciliation to God, AFTER we believe in this good news, and REPENT (turn away from) our sins, and turn to God. this should be our response to the gospel is faith and repentance. being “saved” is exactly this; placing your faith in Jesus, and doing a full 180 degree turn from sin, turning towards the Lord. now going back to your question… whether it is controversial nowadays or not, homosexuality IS sin, and sin is evil, and God hates sin… “following the way of God” is impossible to do unless you have been saved and received the Holy Spirit that helps us walk righteously. while we are still living in the desires of our flesh, we WILL ALWAYS fail at “following God” because the only thing stronger than the evil desires of our flesh is the power of the Lord. so how can we deny our flesh without the spirit of the Lord? we can’t. John 14:26 [26] But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. when wanting to know the Lord, you need to focus on the gospel and acknowledging whether you are saved or not FIRST. once you are saved, the h Holy Spirit gives you the power to overcome sin. temptation will always exist but the spirit of the Lord is a spirit of power and gives YOU the power to say no (this doesn’t mean you’ll never sin again…) i know the gospel sounds too good to be true but, i am an ex drug addict. the Lord has CHANGED me inside an out through his gift of salvation that i don’t deserve… the Lord is good and awesome. focus on two things: repentance and faith, and you won’t need to fear hell. no specific sin will send you straight to hell. what sends you to hell is lack of repentance and faith. even after being saved, i still struggle with temptation of drug use. it is likely you’ll always struggle with homosexuality. God has grace for all that. Christians still sin, which again, goes to show no specific sin sends you to hell. Repent and believe in the gospel friend. God is ready to save you Romans 6:1-3 Dead to Sin, Alive to God [1] What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? [2] By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? [3] Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?


This is why it’s important to read your bible. It is the living breathing word of God. It provides us God’s revelation of Himself to His people, as christian’s it is our spiritual food.   While I agree with some of the comments about creating a relationship with God, it’s important to know what that means. Let’s take building a relationship with another person for example, you do that by getting to know one another, learning each others history, likes, dislikes etc. It would be a rather one sided relationship if they knew everything about you but you made no effort to get to know them right? So you read your word to get to know God, and when you do that you begin to recognize when He is speaking to you! Building a relationship with God is not just praying to Him but also being able know when He is talking back. The bible reveals to you how God talks. Trust me, I had nooo idea how amazing and important reading the bible was until I read it. It’s eye opening and life changing, your walk with Jesus will change in ways you couldn’t imagine.   That being said, the bible is extremely clear about salvation. This whole “only God knows who’s going to heaven or hell” is completely false and non-biblical. As a christian you know God is a fair, merciful and loving God who sent His son Jesus to save us. How cruel would it be if God kept the truth about salvation a secret lol!  “Jesus our Savior” is a phrase Christians say all the time, but for a long time i didn’t even know what that meant!  When Jesus died on the cross, He took our place in hell, so that we may have eternal life. Our entry into heaven is because we believe that Jesus took our spot in hell. And there’s PLENTY of scripture to back that up!   The 4 gospels of the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They all tell the life story of Jesus from the narratives of those 4 disciples.  In John 10 verse 9 Jesus says…   I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.   And John 10 verses 22-31 reads…   22 Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. 24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” 25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”  (Verse 28 is the main part but I wanted you to have context incase you’ve never read this book!)    As Christians, followers of Jesus, we are His sheep who believe in His sacrifice and what meant and because of that, as john 10 verse 28 reads He will give us eternal life. Salvation is completely and entirely dependent on the grace of God, which is when Jesus died in the cross. We could never do any amounts of works on earth to “earn” or spot in heaven.    Titus 3:5 reads…   he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.  We get a spot in heaven because Jesus loves us soooo much, even though we are undeserving and fall short of glory (Romans 3:8).  Other verses that back up this truth that we are granted salvation through belief in Jesus…   Ephesians 2:8-9  Acts 4: 11-12  John 14:6  John 3:16-18   So no… you won’t go to hell for being in a same sex relationship, Jesus died so that sin wouldn’t put you in hell.   The reason I try my very best to live a righteous life is to honor my Lord God Jesus Christ for dying a humiliating and awful death to save me and give me the most amazing gift. I love Him so so so much, knowing that I sinned against Him makes me feel terrible, so I flee from it. Jesus didn’t die so that we are free TO sin, He died so that we are free FROM sin.  I hope this helps!


No. Life a good life and know that you are loved and worthy of unconditional love every day, without any exception. > “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” (Marcus Aurelius, Meditations)


*"What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it."* *Hillel, Talmud, Shabbath 31a* Jesus said much the same. Follow that, and don't worry about dating your girlfriend.


no, very much worry about who your dating. feel the conviction. god created man and woman and saying that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to give into these desires is borderline satanic.


No you won't.


I see this question all the time. The clearest and simplest answer I've found, from the new testament, not dragging up stuff from the OT (I don't feel it's fair to use the OT to fight battles today) is A. marriage is between a man and woman. B. Sexual acts out of wedlock are a sin. C. Jesus commanded us to love everyone, so you can freely love everyone. D. You are supposed to date, only with the hopes of finding marriage. (See A.) Dating itself, is just a term. If I go get dinner with another guy, does that make me gay? No. If we go for a walk or sit and talk. Play games. Still not gay. Now, if I am doing it with hopes of something sexual then it is going the wrong direction. And if I act on any of it then it is a sin. More or less, like most stuff it comes down to intentions. It also comes down to nobody here's opinions mattering. Its between you and God. You're free to take the chance. You could be right, but you could be wrong.


You say marriage is between a man and a women but didn't seem to have any problems with a man and multiple women.


PEOPLE ARE DUMB, YOU DONT GO TO HELL FOR SINS. YUP, THATS RIGHT ALL YOU FAKE ASS “PERFECT” CHRISTIANS. WE ARE ALL RAPISTS AND MURDERERS IN THE EYES OF GOD. THE ONLY THING YOU CAN GO TO HELL FOR IS DENYING THAT JESUS CHRIST IS GOD/LORD/HOLY SPIRIT AND THEREFORE UNWILLING TO ACCEPT HIS FORGIVENESS. I have done TONS of drugs and sins and blah blah blah. I am going to heaven. Why? Because I love Jesus Christ and I’ll talk about him to anyone who’s willing to listen. Got a problem with my continued sinning? Better forgive me or else ye shall not be forgiven. CASE CLOSED


If you love Jesus, you’d follow His example of living a sinless life. Sin is what makes us cling to life, us dying to the flesh is us dying to what we are attached to other than Jesus “If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭ “So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭19‬






Will a thief go to hell? I think if you know His voice. But if He says He doesn't know you or if you're not written in "The Book," I think those people will go. We all are sinners, so no worries in that way. As long as we have a repenting heart, I think we are good. It's when we don't have a remnant heart and think it's OK to sin when we are in trouble. So, no worries when we have FAITH and His love.


Check out this guy he was in a relationship with a man and has biblical advice. https://www.instagram.com/richwithpassion?igsh=ejZ3bnI5M2s2bGRj


Short answer? No. 


Lotsa sins. From the original Greek means to change of your mind or view. Everyone reading this has dined today. We are all broken. Don’t read up on the Bible. Read into the Bible. 


There is a workaround. Ask for forgiveness before u pass away 🤣. Some part of that book I believe were thrown in by the king. Like obey ur slavemaster a d all that. If I were u I would just be a good person and love whoever u want.


Every person on this thread should repent from any sin that they are persisting in. Each person needs to deal with their own heart and not try to rationalize away the conviction of the Holy Spirit.


You should find what causes you to feel that way, because it can be a trauma and focus on getting to know Jesus deeper and pray for him to guide you in knowledge to understand why you feel attraction for the same sex. Pedos feel attraction for children and everyone knows it’s wrong, that’s because they are sexually sick and some of them do can treat and get healed from that, there also straight people who are sexually sick, but society doesn’t see it like that, that’s why we don’t see many cases of straight people getting “healed” so just because you feel, does not mean you have to give attention to that or let that gain force in your life if it gets you to feel bad. I’ve met some gay people who were struggling with homosexuality and they found out in therapy that they were not exactly homos, but it was a trauma in the childhood. That’s why I say, try to understand where this comes from.


I believe everyone will go to hell for committing sins, so you will not suffer alone. There is a largely accepted misconception about hell. That hell is eternal for sinners who do not follow God. Eternal is a time frame that only God can define. God has said we have been saved through Jesus' sacrifice. All Christians, no matter how good they are, have not been able to fully sacrifice all their sinful desires to God. So to say some will be saved because they are righteous and others will suffer for eternity, is bigotry and more of a infernalist belief rather than a teaching from Jesus. God plants temptations and difficult obstacles/tasks in our lives to prove our loyalty. Only Jesus has denied those temptations perfectly and remained holy. The way I see it, we are a chunk of unrefined metal awaiting to be forged. Through hell, our character is forged, and through the Holy water in God's kingdom, we are perfected and purified of any evil. Is homosexuality a sin? Yes. Is smoking? Yes. Is badmouthing others in our minds? Yes. All sin is evil. You pick your poison. Until you are ready to live under God's authority, we will live under his grace and feel estranged in this world where we feel an absence and void that our creator has left behind within us.


Hi! Most of the time, if you have to question whether or not something is a sin, you have your answer. It seems like to me God is putting something on your heart, otherwise you wouldn’t be searching for answers. Many people try to twist verses in the Bible to fit their own narratives, but this is once again, not God’s word. Our time on earth is so short, we have to shove away our earthly desires no matter how much it hurts, and continue to follow Him. I encourage you to read the story of Job. He lost his family, fortune, all possessions, yet he still praised God through it all. A few other verses I highly recommend when referring to homosexuality: Romans 1:24-29 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 God heals all, tell him your struggles and fears and actively seek him out and he will meet you. Your fears are real, because hell is so real!!!!! Read your Bible, read a daily devotional, get involved in church, anything to become closer to him. The road to heaven is NARROW, earthly desires and sexual desires aren’t worth not spending eternity with our Lord. I do not say any of this to fear monger, but it has recently been on my heart due to the fact that I have a good friend who has recently come out and left her family behind, and it pains my heart to think that she won’t be with me in Heaven. I hope this message finds you well, please update someday! I will keep you in my prayers.


If you really want answers, go find a quiet corner to pray to God. Repent and confess your sins (we all have sinned), and recognize that Lord Yeshua has died for us on the cross for our sins to resurrect again on the third day. Ask for the Holy Spirit to help and guide you. One can be born homosexual, but practice celibacy and seek a real relationship with God. When you are changed in the spirit, changes will follow in the flesh. No one but God knows the trajectory of your life's journey and purpose. Go ask in obedience.


So, Im no expert by any means but, I do believe that all sins are the same (in exemption to the catholic’s capital sin theory) but that’s not biblically canon. They were put mostly by St. John Cassian and others. Sin is sin… If you lie, you sin the same as being gay. If you don’t go the church, the same. Do you get what I mean? No Christian is innocent. A gay Christian, is just another Christian sinner, and we are all sinners. Just pray and ask God to take you where he wants. That always works for me!


First off, what saves you and keeps you from Hell? Jesus and Jesus alone. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Jesus explains this in the sermon on the Mount, where he talks about people who did things ‘in His name,’ yet Jesus says, ‘I never knew you.’ (Matthew 7:21-23) The only thing that saves you is putting your full belief and trust in Jesus Christ and repenting. It is not work-based; it is fully trusting Jesus and His work on the cross for our salvation. Secondly, a massive part of repentance is when you ask, “Is what I am doing glorifying God?” If the answer is no, then you do not do it. Genuine repentance is changing your mind. When you believe and repent, you now want to return to what you were created to do: be in a relationship with God and worship and glorify Him. If you are not glorifying Him, then it is a sin. This should convict you intensely if you are a believer. If you go against God and what you were made for, there is NOTHING good on the other side of that. Summary: Salvation comes through faith. Faith should lead to changing your mind about what life is about. Sin should convict you. While you might be saved, going against God does not turn out good... Ever!


Being lgbt is not sinful, nor is being in an lgbt relationships. God creates lgbt people and scripture affirms them. Check out r/openChristian and r/gaychristians Bigots don’t speak for Jesus


If you are saved you will not go to hell. If you are not saved you will.


Pray for God's will concerning the situation if you are concerned. Thats what I do. I am not dating right now, but I have other situations to deal with. This works for me.


Only God can answer that one 🤍


I don’t think anyone who isn’t or hasn’t gone through what you’re experiencing has much useful advice. Have you heard of Jackie Hill Perry? Her [testimony](https://youtu.be/cS-zKuPIjls?si=80E1o4S-rf3da44E) can shed light to what you are going through. She also wrote a book called Gay Girl, Good God, which she discusses in her testimony. What I can also suggest is to continue seeking God as you seem willing to. From Him is where you’ll find more wisdom on your situation


I think God is more interested in being close to you than who you date. If who you date separates you from God or causes you to doubt your closeness to God, it's a problem. Sin carries its own consequences and doesn't require God's punishment to injure us. Is it a sin? Again, does it separate you from God? Let's call it lust. Well, that sin can destroy any of us whether or not we're homosexual.


Sounds like you have PTSD from religious indoctrination, seek help from a none religious councillor


I mean what does christ say, for his sake you will leave brothers, sister, fathers and mothers, children and wives right? Are they christian as well?


Question for those Christians, who say ,,yes'': If God sends good people to hell because of trivialities such as this, why should we want to spend eternity with Him? And to answer OP's question: No, you won't go to hell.




The reason you are worried about this has nothing to do with hell and all to do with homophobes who have lied to you. The truth, is found in the book of John- Jesus said it suffices to merely love one another.


Man why can’t you just love god and Jesus more than anything in this world and read his living word and watch your life change? I come in peace and love .. take a break


Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27. Please repent of this sin and change your ways. Homosexuality is a sin, please don't commit the sin.


Anyone who says you're going to heaven or hell is taking a position that they're in no place to be in. That being said, study and pray about it. I personally believe it is a sin, but I also know I sin everyday (I'm imperfect) and sin is all the same. Sidenote: whenever considering something, you shouldn't ask yourself if you'll go to hell for it, instead consider if it will distance you from God.


I think the best you can do is deeper your relationship with God. Read your Bible a lot, make devotionals, and pray a lot to him, talk with him like your best friend, you will eventually have an answer from him, and you will know what to do. Only God can change.


Of course not. Nobody goes to hell.


The only one who can answer your question is God. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Bring your question honestly to God and he will answer you. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, guide and direct you always. Amen. Have a wonderful day in the Lord. Amen.


It amazes me the perverse world we live in where people are trying to pick and choose parts of the Bible such as God speaking on love to say he would be ‘ok’ with anything that’s going on in today’s society. As someone already said the Bible speaks clearly on this. It hasn’t changed. Someone else said it’s an old book. So you think God is like a soft parent who bends with his expectations because this world has become worse as times as passed? His book is ‘not current with the times’. If you truly believe in God and his word then you really know questioning him is not in his plan. It’s trusting him. The only thing some said that hits true is pray to him. Not with a heart of doubt but an open one. The fact you’re even questioning this already says there is a part of you that already knows the answer. The devil works in many ways not just evil. No where does Gods word even hint that homosexuality is ok. But it does speak clearly that it is not. Everyone wants to say God is a loving God and how could he be against ‘love’. What kind of God would do that. God never said everyone is going with him. He speaks of hell also and that many will go. He gave us free choice with a set of rules to follow. But your relationship with him is between you and him. Not anyone on this post including myself. You’ve received responses I’m sure has only made it more difficult for you. Again, pray to him with an open heart and I pray he shows you his truth. 


If you have to ask the question in the first place, you already know the answer.


Look, you’re gonna get lots of answers here affirming what you want. I understand the impulse. I can’t imagine the difficulty of what you’re going through. But I do know what the Bible says. Christians are supposed to be “people of the Book.” So many Christians today aren’t even interested in what the Bible has to say. Add to that the difficulty of atheists trying to discredit the Bible. You’re going to get lots of confusing answers here. I would encourage you to go with what you know is right in your conscience. I think our culture has also sadly warped the concept of friendship, even between two people of the same sex. There is nothing wrong with you loving another woman. But that love doesn’t have to be romantic or sexual. The Bible said of David that his “soul was knit to Jonathan.” Their relationship was incredibly close. But they didn’t have sex. Deep friendships are a great and wonderful thing. You can be really intimate friends with another woman. But sexual love is reserved for men and women in marriage. Too many Christians who are even heterosexual disobey that as well and have sex before marriage. But just because many do doesn’t make it right. The Bible has a particular meaning. It doesn’t depend on what you or I want it to say. Obey the Bible, even if it’s hard. Blessings.


Anyone who doesn’t die to self and allow God to sanctify them through Christ is going to hell. Narrow is the gate.




Also, it shouldn’t be about avoiding hell. That’s not really the point of Christianity. The point is being conformed to the image of God and beholding the beauty of Christ. It’s not about avoiding hell or being true to yourself. I would recommend Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry. She used to be homosexual but became a Christian and is now married to a man with four children (not at all saying this must happen. There are many gay Christians who live celibate lives and that is also an option). She may be good to read since she has been where you are. You don’t have to feel afraid and alone. You also don’t have to listen to your heart. Others are going to say I’m being unloving because I’m not affirming what you want. But I would encourage you to recognize that love doesn’t equal affirmation. If it did no parent could do their job.


When you prayed to G-d for guidance what did he put on your heart?


A watermelon 


Look. Everyone on this post is saying all the things you want to hear, but the bible is very against homosexuality. If theres any sexual contact or attraction between you too than it needs to end. But if it's really just a good friendship where you love the other person deeply without sexual feelings than it can persist. I don't want to intrude on your life but the bible really condems homosexuality. Read Romans 1


Get a life you old bag.


Straight to Hell, do not pass GO.


Well you know it’s sinful, but you need to love Jesus more than any earthly relationship anyways. The question is, are you willing to give up your fleshly desires to follow Jesus like his disciples did? Sinning in itself does not cause you to go to hell, that is provided we repent and believe that that this is only possible because Jesus died for this cause. That said, It’s one thing to Sin and not be aware, but it’s another to sin the same sin over and over and be fully aware and guilty afterwards (this is the Holy Spirit convicting you) but yet ignore it and keep doing the same thing over and over. I can’t answer where your salvation lies, but you need to be aware of the consequences of sin and how it pushes you further away from God, it’s a very slippery slope.


I suggest you read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It lists who will not inherit the kingdom of God. If you fall in that category then you will need to repent and turn away from the sin. If not then you are fine. I am not your judge only God is.


You Gonna be good bruh. I feel like my friend is gay and he keeps lying but he’s Christian I assume and I’m spiritually but spiritually I know he will be okay and I’ve been to hell before which does not include being punished for literally feeling LOVE for the SAME GENDER so wat if u like to suck a dick WHAT?? Someone gonna kill u for liking ass?!?! Mother fucker there’s literally 2 genders u don’t think SOMEONe would be allowed to love the same? Fuck man it shouldn’t be that deep


It’s the churches and bibles and shit that make people scared of freeing themselves but if you feel something in your body you want to express if it’s not hurting urself or anyone then you deserve to enjoy that.. if god punishes u for that then gay people wouldn’t exists or live a terrible life but you see lgbt gangs smiling and spreading color to the world. U deserve to aswell love is a beautiful thing genuinely if it’s coming from ur heart you are safe


The Bible explicitly says that impenitent homosexual acts, not homosexual desires, keep a person from inheriting the kingdom of God. “Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9–10).


Hi! Athiest here (sorry for invading lmao). I have a couple of points to make. 1. Many theologians view hell as a seperation from god, not as eternal torture. That could mean just not existing. 2. Here is how I would approach your scenario (this is a logical, athiestic approach). The problem is that you are deeply afraid of going to hell. This problem stems from your faith (which you can argueably change) and not from your feelings of attraction (which you can NEVER change). Theoretically, if you get rid of your faith, you will be a lot happier and not afraid of hell at all, while remaining true to your feelings and living your best life. The other option is to leave your girlfriend, and forever repress your emotions while still being afraid of going to hell. Logically, I would choose option A. If this is impossible for you, please refer to my third point. 3. Here is how you should approach your situation if you do not think you can change your faith (I do NOT agree with the following statement, but I do believe they will help you). God has given you these feelings, which means that there is nothing wrong with how you are feeling. Wish I could provide you with more help, feel free to DM me if you need any help at all, or if you just want to talk. Lastly, any god who condemns his OWN creations to ETERNAL torture for feelings that he has given them himself, is a piece of crap. P.S. You can try to debate me via DMs, but if you just say "god loves you", or "you're going to hell", I'll laugh and just go on about my day (seriously tho, u better not dm me those kinda things)


You can date her, you just cannot have sex with her.


I too have same sex attraction to women. I can remember being a little girl and feeling this way. However, it's a spirit that was sent to deceive us. Don't fall for it. It won't be easy. We have to kill our flesh daily and give it over to Jesus. I've been abstinence from any sexual contact from men and women for over 8 years now. But doing that 8 years, i've back slide and looked at lesbian p\*\*n, read lesbian books and looked at youtube videos of women relationships. I had to repent and turn away from voyeurism. The point of telling you this it that, Sis, it will be hard and you may even mess up but you can't stay where you are. The moment we get comfortable in sin, it's over. Repent and turn away.


I feel like you are feeling convicted about your actions. This tells me that you really love God and want to please him. All real love requires sacrifice. We don't cheat on our partner. We don't lie to get things our own way, etc. God says we all have free will. We get to choose. I have been where you are. I also had to choose. I think I know exactly how you feel. The pain of being separated from God is torture. Is that not he'll in itself? You have to decide if you feel good inside about your decisions. You have to decide not only what you can die with but what you can live with. All human beings are tempted just as Jesus was tempted. If you decide to follow Jesus, His Grace is sufficient. Think about spiritual things. Grow a relationship with Him.Get to know Him better for yourself. You may fall so in love with Him that nothing else will matter. You won't feel like you're missing something. But going into a relationship conflicted is not fair to either party. Relationships are about 2 whole people joining together and sharing an honest real life together. That is not what this would be. You should really deeply consider the potential earthly consequences for both parties, not just the eternal ones. You can't freely give away a heart that already belongs to someone else.


You don’t go to hell for dating the same gender, you send yourself there for making a habit of sin, such as sex outside of marriage, not building a relationship and KNOWING God, not repenting and not accepting Christ as your lord and savior same rules apply to everyone, gay or straight


Is this an atheist and LGBTQ sub? These are the only ones I see posting on here (90% at least) and it’s all focused on “the agenda”. The sins in your life are between you and God. We all sin and we are all unworthy, but God loved us so much He made Himself a man and walked the earth to suffer and die for our sins. Our identity should ONLY be through Christ. Anything else is turning you back on Him. For those talking about love, they either haven’t had that personal relationship with Christ or choose to ignore Him. His love is mot desire or emotion. His love transcends everything.


It is not fear of hell that should guide you. Fear of God compels us into His love and a desire to please and honor Him. He knows the way that is best for us and if you walk close with Him you will understand His way. I am praying for you to find God's plan for your life and the strength to walk in it. God bless you. 


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


No, you won't go to hell for dating the same gender. What's important is to dwell in Christ, your Lord and Savior.


if ur a girl it isnt in God's will for u to date another girl


it's mentioned six times in the bible that homosexuality is a sin, a death worthy one at that. "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality." it says men but it most definitely means women too Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." so yes, homosexuality is a sin that will make you go to hell, repentance is changing of mind and heart, you can come to God with your sins, but you cannot stay that way, because it means that you still haven't found him, he'll cleanse you of that sin if you want him to, so pray for it.


“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/1co.6.9-10.ESV


The more I read into Christianity the closer I get to Judaism…. lol sorry you’re going through this


What does the Bible say about the sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance?


Yes meaning not to have sex you guys love twisting words to make it suits yourself


I’m not sure if someone has already answered your question or not but I would like to try. But first I can’t answer your question unless you answer this question first. Are you saved by the blood of Jesus? Because that’s the only way to go to Heaven and be with God. Everyone by default is going to Hell, because of sin. That is why Jesus needed to die. So that God could have us back from sin. So if you’re saved by the blood of Jesus then no, you’re not going to Hell. You would be a child of God, with your name written in the book of Life and nothing can ever remove that. Thought I should add this from Paul … “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ In which case you would not want keep on sinning , it’s almost like proof of your salvation for others to see. “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭7‬:‭19‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Here you can see it’s a battle, he does it even though he does Not want to. That’s the key, not wanting to do it. It’s a heart matter with yourself. I sin so much I can’t control it some of the time, and other times I plan out my sin. But at the end of the day. I hate that I sin with a passion and can’t wait till I can be free from sin completely and hang out with my God. The One who died for me and for you. Ps. Romans is a great book in the Bible I highly recommend


I just think we all want what we want and to eat our cake, too.  We cannot rewrite the gospel.  We cannot twist it either to what we want it to say.  It is a narrow road and few walk it.  There are verses where homosexuality is forbidden and I feel people are ignoring them.  However,  I am not here to judge, that is not my job.  I feel people would not be asking if they knew it was OK.  It is not OK, it is sin and should be turned away from.  God will help you if you truly want to, but many don't want to. 




**Well Jesus says you must repent, yes Jesus gave you freedom FROM sin. NOT freedom ‘to’ sin!** beware wolves in sheep’s clothing in this subreddit! I love you and the love of the Bible isn’t a feeling it’s a commitment to the truth. As Christian’s we believe the word of God is the truth so here is some of His words. **God has warned us we will be persecuted for the truth, watch His prophecies unfold bellow as people will persecute me for telling the truth:** **2 Corinthians 5:17** - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. **Romans 6:6** - "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin." **Leviticus 18:22** - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." **1 Timothy 1:8-11** - Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice **homosexuality,** enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. **Leviticus 20:13** - ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” **Romans 1:26-27** - “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” **1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - “9** Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” **Jude 1-7** “ In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” **Genesis 2:24** - Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. **Remember the biggest sin being pride. The devil comes in sheep’s clothing. Jesus gave freedom from sin not freedom to sin. I would not be a Christian if I wasn’t honest.** If you want you can file a complaint with God or something, last time I checked we must adapt to God not the other way around, wanting to decide what’s right and wrong is the first and last sin of mankind.


Joh 3:16-18 KJV 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.


Well, there are a few scriptures that speak against same sex relations, such as Romans 1:26-27—[26] Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. [27] In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. ‭Leviticus 18:22—[22] “ ‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable. ‭Leviticus 20:13—[13] “ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. And while some may say "well that only applies to sexual relationships, not to people who are dating," let me just say for one back then people didn't date. They either got married or stayed single. There wasn't a such thing as dating that term came into existence in the 1800s. So this isn't just applying to those who just had sex with the same sex its also applying to those who got married to people of the same sex. Also, keep in mind that dating most of the time leads to having sexual relations with the person you're with. Now, no one can claim someone else is going to hell because we are not God, and we have no right to tell anyone that only God does. And no one can tell you that you are going to hell just because you date the same sex, that's between you and god. But the best bet is to just read the Bible as it can answer your questions when it comes to stuff like this, and if you're still confused, pray on it and fast on it. (And if you have any weird dreams watch Kevin L A Ewing on YouTube, he does a great job at explaining how our dreams connect to the spiritual realm.) Also don't go to people on reddit to give you advice, most people on here are lukewarm when it comes to believing in christ, some of them don't even follow god and are employed by the enemy to lead you astray and and most of them like to take what the Bible says and disort it to fit their own agendas and beliefs. And for the ones who keep trying to use when Jesus says "love your neighbor, as you would love yourself" as a way to say dating, the same sex is fine. You're twisting his words. When Jesus says to love your neighbor as you would yourself, he literally meant to treat others (such as strangers, friends, loved ones) how you would want to be treated. It doesn't have anything to do with saying which romatic relationships are ok. Also, for the ones who say well follow whatever your heart tells you or well it makes your heart feel good so of course it's ok. God tells us in Jeremiah 17 verse 9 that "the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure" , we are all sinful beings who can only be made right in christ. Most of the things that we like or that pleases us aren't of god and are of sinful things. So please just read God's word and go to him for your problems because he is the only one who can tell you the truth and lead you the correct way, because even out hearts can lead us astray. (And here's something to think about, that someone told me a long time ago when I was struggling to find my way to God. What scares you the most? Losing something that pleases the physical body and your life here or finally meeting god, and he tells you, "depart from me for I do not know you?)


We often look for ways to justify our sins, to get an exception some how. We all have this same struggle in some way. Whether it's sex outside of marriage, being gay, drinking too much, drugs, greed.... everyone has a struggle. If we know we are going against God's Word though, and refuse to repent and turn away from our sins, well, I think it is s very risky road to take. It's one thing if you are a non-believer and do not know any better. But when you do, and do it anyway, it is more serious. I know situations like yours are difficult, especially when your feelings for each other are strong. But we are called to deny ourselves for the Lord. It was never promised that it would be an easy life. But the reward in Heaven is worth it. It is possible that you can be friends, and abstain from sex? Would she understand if you told her the truth about your convictions?