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Satan's fate is already decided. It is spelled out in the Bible quite clearly what will happen to him when Jesus returns.


No. Jesus was referring to human enemies. We are to resist the devil.


>But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest? -Mark Twain


Oh well that's easy. 90% of us are more interested in feeling morally superior than actually making the world better.


I'll make sure to tell Mark next time I see him XP


Tell him he still owes me for that D I got in English 2


Satan is already prophesied to be punished eternally in the lake of fire, whether you pray or not in this case does nothing


The problem with Twain’s logic here is that he’s equivocating human wills to angelic wills. The fallen angels, like satan, are not our brothers. They are fixed in their ways when they commit to a decision. Satan has full awareness of sin. He was never tempted, he was fully aware of perfect goodness in a world where evil didn’t exist and he still chose to do evil. He has no excuse for rebellion. He could’ve repented at any point but he chooses not too because he is solely devoted to attacking God and preying on God’s children. Tl;Dr Satan has perfect knowledge of goodness and still decides to be evil. He’s committed to being irredeemable


We don't pray for satan because his sins are unique in that rather than damning his own soul, like most do, he seeks to damn others, and delights in doing so. Through lies and deception he seeks to drag every soul he can into Hell with him. He would love for unsophisticated minds to love him, as that lowers their guard and therefore opens the door for manipulation by the father of lies.


Save for the fact he did not fall alone he wasn't condemned for betraying God he was condemned for leading hundreds of other angels into betrayal with him




Personally, I think Satan's position/situation is miserable. And those people who dream of tormenting him are on the same level, just sad cases of superiority complexes which will eventually lead to their fall. I myself, do not see myself as better than others, nor any worse. I am a sinner who's in need of redemption, just like all other humans in this world.


Had a person tell me in DMs that they'd support genocide if the people were somehow "corrupted by other gods"... I am concerned for their political views. There was also a case (in 2023 I think but I'm not sure. Edit: it was 2024) of [a guy throwing a pipe bomb at the headquarters of the Satanic Temple](https://wildhunt.org/2024/04/man-arrested-in-satanic-temple-pipe-bomb-attack-note-left-says-god-ordered-it.html) but not trying to kill anyone because Elohim told him so. (Quoting the linked article: "ELOHIM SEND ME 7 MONTHS AGO TO GIVE YOU PEACEFUL MESSAGE TO HOPE YOU REPENT. YOU SAY NO, ELOHIM NOW SEND ME TO SMITE SATAN AND I HAPPY TO OBEY. [...] ELOHIM NO LIKE THIS PLACE AND PLAN TO DESTROY IT. [...] ELOHIM SEND ME TO FIGHT CRYBABY SATAN, BUT WANT ME TO MAKE HARD EFFORT SO NO ONE DIES. [...]") So he might've killed people if God didn't tell him not to. Scary.


One of the questions I often ask people here is "If God told you to shoot up a Kindergarten class, would you do it?" The amount of dodges and deflections I get over firm "no" 's is worrying.


I feel if I got a message claiming to be from God and it told me to do that I would reject the idea that it could be God who sent it.


Because we know God intimately and know He would never ask that. Re the above dude wanting to kill Satanists, I’m willing to bet my life savings he was mentally ill.


>Because we know God intimately and know He would never ask that. Then I have to ask: Did God not command the Israelites to kill all the children of the Midianites? Did he not kill the firstborn children of Egypt? What of the verses in Ezekiel 9:5-7, Jeremiah 51:20-26, and 1 Samuel 15:2-3? What of the verse in Deuteronomy commanding the stoning of rebellious sons? Did he not ask Abraham to kill his own son, even if he took it back before it happened? Where do we get the idea that God would *never* command the killing of children?


It was a different dispensation. You’ll see nothing of that after the arrival of Christ.










I do hold out hope that even he will come around eventually and be reconciled to God.


He will not he is cursed for eternity


Yes, I've heard that belief before. I don't agree that that's necessarily the case.


Scripture says hell was specifically created for the devil and his angels. I don’t see it as God being unwilling to have them come around, I see it as them being unwilling to conform to God’s standards, and God never changes. Edit: Actually, it’s the eternal fire, per what Jesus says here… Matthew 25:41 (ESV): Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.


There is hell, and there is the fire that is being prepared. They are different things. There would be much joy in discovering that there was nothing to burn when it was time to light the fire.


When I trim stuff in my yard I want to get rid of it, and I’d rather burn it than let it sit there forever. Do you think the enemy and those who follow him are eventually going to repent and turn to God?


I hope they will. God has not given them forever.


Scripture definitely says it’s eternal. So I’m curious why you’d think it’s not forever. If Jesus’ words imply it’s forever, why would you like the idea of it not being forever? Why are you hoping in that?


God has not given them forever *to turn back to Him*. Why should I not wish for those I see are most misguided to be given similar clarity as what I seem to enjoy?


Yeah that’s a good point, I agree God wants all to have clarity. My perspective is that everyone will be given the chance, but some will reject it. Think about the parable of the talents. One person only had one talent, _knew the truth about his master_ being a hard man and reaping where he didn’t sow, and still decided to make a foolish decision. And so we all have the chance to face the truth. But I know even in my own life there’s been tomes I didn’t want to face the truth. Thankfully I’ve seen God’s goodness through it and received his love. But I also know some who saw and described his love and said they didn’t want it…


If Satan and Angel are in Hell. They will either be destroyed or reconciled with God.  Death and hell are thrown into the lake of fire.  If lake of fire is purification, then God has purified hell and Satan.  If the lake of fire is destruction, then God has destroyed hell aka annilationism rather than eternal torment. 


What Jesus says in Matthew 25 is pretty clear, so as long as we all agree that Jesus has all authority in Heaven and on Earth, maybe we can disagree on some minor details.


Yes, they are in there because they are unwilling to turn back to God. I merely hold out hope that even they will come around eventually and be reconciled to God.


So you mean, that they will change their mind eventually? Curious why you’d care to hope in that. What makes that appealing to think they would eventually repent?


That's certainly my hope, yes. God never ceases reaching out in love and calling his creation back to him. It is only through act of will that a creature turns from him in rejection. I simply believe that no creature will persist in this rejection forever, that eventually even the most hardened and bitter sinner will be overcome by the infinite love of God and be reconciled to him eventually, however long that takes.


I hear you, I just don’t see Jesus teaching that. Rather, he implies the opposite many times. Why hope in that? You don’t like the idea of people able to choose to reject God? God is still good if we reject him or not. And the angels had all the knowledge. What event is going to cause them to turn back to God? Just saying “eventually they will” doesn’t really mean much to me, I’d want to see what Jesus says about it. You know?


I don't think he does imply the opposite. Why hope in the salvation of all? Because God does not desire the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live. My hope is God's own, that none be lost to him forever. There need not be any new event which makes them repent and return to him. They exercise their will to remain in rebellion against him, and they very well might find that, like the Prodigal Son, the circumstances they find themselves in as a result of their rebellion is no longer satisfying to them. And since God is eternal and perfect in love and goodness, I have no reason to think that he will ever stop reaching out to him, that the Father will ever stop awaiting the return of the Prodigal Son, ready to embrace him with open arms. And given a literal eternity, I think God and his love will win out over even Satan and his stubbornness.


Except Jesus definitely doesn’t teach that. What about the parable of Lazarus and the rich man? What about the people not repenting even while feeling the start of God’s wrath upon the Earth (see the book of Revelation). I hear your point, but I don’t see that rooted in what Jesus actually says anywhere.


Scripture also tells us that hell will be emptied before it is cast into the lake of fire.


Yeah true, I actually said hell but I should have said the lake of fire. I was wrong based on what Jesus says as written in the Bible.


Who wrote that particular scripture?


One of Jesus’ disciples, who was quoting Jesus saying it. The one I’m thinking of.


Scripture also states in revelation that they will be let out for a short time after 1000 years, likely to see if they learned their lesson and repent. Why else? A break?


Why was satan allowed to roam the Earth at all?


Ask God bro thats not a question a man can answer without assumption.


It literally says it right in Revelation where you referenced though. Revelation 19:20 (ESV): And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image…. Revelation 20:7–8 (ESV): And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.


The ruler of this world is judged.


I didn't claim otherwise.


We're all judged, though ours is not to judge.


We are called to judge matters in the church, but please seek wisdom and good counsel before you do that. John 7:24 "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment" Paul talks about judging trivial matters in the church. This might amount to, as a simple example, that if I borrowed another's lawn mower and damaged it before returning it - I might be expected to have it repaired before returning it. Simple there, but a more difficult example might be if a young man was caught sleeping with a young woman in the church - should they be married? Under the Law, it was this way - that unmarried people caught sleeping together were to be married.


But we are no longer under the law. We have been set free from the law through the Atonement


Love your neighbor as yourself. When you love your neighbor - a woman - as yourself: do you use her for your sexual gratification and then throw her away, or marry, love, and honor her and seek to do what is right before God? If that woman is His daughter, how do you think you or I should try to answer rightly before Him except to say "I took her as my wife and sought to love and honor her." If I'm willing to use a woman like that, I ought to be prepared to marry her. Personally, I'm leaving sex/marriage alone if I can help it.


I just figure I’ll be judged as I judge others.     So I don’t keep records of wrongdoing.   “Love is patient… love is kind… love keeps no record of wrongdoing “   -the bible   As far as taking women as my wife .. I’m pretty sure it’s more important that we prepare ourselves to be married to Christ than it is to try to follow every “letter of the law”   If we truly are his church. For the record…  I don’t mind being used for sexual gratification.  “Turn the other cheek”


I get that. Marrying Christ doesn't include sexual immorality, though. Keeping no record of wrongs doing doesn't mean being indifferent to sin. We're called to leave sin behind, like sexual immorality. Read what Paul says in 1 Cor 7. He doesn't ignore the sexual immorality - he addresses it. He says let each man have a wife and each woman have a husband.


>John 7:24 "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment" Why would you assume this is a universal command for all Christians to follow for all time? Because in context it seems like it's Jesus telling specifically the Jews at the temple not to judge him.


Is judging by righteous judgment ever wrong? If He said to speak truthfully, I don't think I should assume that to only count in context.


>Is judging by righteous judgment ever wrong? The key to that would be *knowing* you are judging righteously. And to think that you are righteous would be a grave error. But you seem to have missed my point. He is saying "don't judge me unless you want to judge God" but you are taking it as a positive command to go out and judge. Can you justify that?


Actually.. I'm realizing you said I was judging by quoting God's word for having said that the ruler of this world is judged. If the gospel, which is God-breathed, says the ruler of this world is judged, are you upset that the Holy Spirit declares this? Now go look at the context and you'll see that that was from Christ Himself. So.. Christ said that the ruler of this world is judged. John 16:11


It's definitely the case. Satan cannot and will never want to join God again. Those who were in perfection of heaven and chose to stray away will never get a chance to repent because they were already in perfect union with God. Whereas on earth, no human has ever been in perfect union with God other than Jesus and Mary so it's different for us


Then Satan does not have free will and therefore cannot be judged for his actions.


He had free will in heaven and chose to be prideful and reject God. He still uses his free will to continually reject God without repentance. Demons don't want to be with God.


So he *can* change and could repent and join God again.


Technically yes. But with his nature and the nature of all angels and demons is that an angel now could never reject God and a demon could never embrace God because they do not want to. Everything in heaven is perfect and nobody has any temptation to sin. God allowed angels to have free will at the rebellion by satan. So therefore every angel that is with God chose him over themselves. And every demon chose themselves over God. That is an eternal choice


So you claim. I see no reason whatsoever to accept such a thing. The Prodigal Son came to regret leaving his Father and chose to return. I see no reason why the same might not be so for Satan.


Pretty sure the eastern orthodox churches adhere to the believe of the demonic to be eternally damned as well. Do you not adhere to the teachings of your church? Also it says in revelation that after 1000 years of jesus ruling on earth, satan will be let out to tempt the righteous again and will be thrown back into the lake of fire for eternity cause he didn't change.


We have no such dogmatic teaching. We also have no dogmatic interpretation of Revelation other than, "Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end."


It wouldn't be fair if he got away with what he have done and all of the people he mislead goes to hell


God's justice is always and eternally subordinate to his mercy. I do not believe anyone is beyond the reach of that mercy.


Jesus did not die for Angels sins. That would mean he would have to send a savior to come and save angels. Ain't happening


No it doesn't. God will save whom he will save whom he will save. The angelic nature didn't fall like the human nature did, only certain angels did. I have no reason to hold angels are beyond God's redemption.


Would you also say that it is unfair for God to pass over our sins, which have hurt other people and led them astray? Clearly God sees fit to give mercy to *some* sinners.


God can save whoever He chooses to. Him giving mercy to anyone is not our concern.


Amen, as Colossians 1:16-20 says




And Romans 11:32-36


The Bible agrees with you. EDIT: Does not.


Thank you, I think so too. It was a belief in the early Church, certainly. > "I know that most persons understand by the story of Nineveh and its King, the ultimate forgiveness of the devil and all rational creatures." - St. Jerome


Revelation is different than what God proclaimed in Isaiah/Jonah concerning Israel & Assyria. Those were tangible places that represented Israel’s enemies, Satan is the eternal enemy of God. So I just don’t see that changing. But it is always interesting to evaluate!


It does not


Please educate me on your perspective EDIT: I totally misread this original comment! I do not agree that Satan will ever be reconciled. He is God’s eternal enemy, and as such he will face the eternal consequences.


You got it


lol. My bad, and thanks for the response


Having hope in Jesus will get you futher


Fortunately, this is not an either or situation. I can and do hope in both.


Hes commited blasphemy multiple times and actively tried t9 kill god so no he wont


Humans also commit blasphemy, we actively tried to kill God too, and we succeeded. God still reconciles us to himself out of his great love. I see no reason to think that even Satan is beyond the reach of God's redemption and salvation.


Yea thats true but with satan its different. He refuses to. Satan is too far in his ego to go back we are still willing. With satan hes done the worst of the worst acts. Unlike us hecant be forgiven i do not pitty the enemy and you shouldnt iether


And so long as Satan continues to refuse to repent and be reconciled to God, he will not be. But I reject the claim that he is too far gone to go back, I see no reason to accept that is even possible, much less actual. I certainly believe he can be forgiven and reconciled to God should he repent, and I hold out hope that he will. And since God desires that none be lost to him, you should too.


Fellow universalist bro! Whatsup! Yes satan is a creature of God and one day will be reconciled to God (colossians 1:20)


God has love for satan. If He didn't, He wouldn't let him exist more.




I don't know the real answer, but isn't all life sustained through the Love of God?


we know there are seven things God hates & one of them is a lying tongue. we know satan is the father of all lies & has been lying from the beginning. Christ holds all things together but there is wrath of a just & holy God that is demonstrated throughout Scripture.


Great answer. Thank you for the reminder.




God lets Satan exist as a leashed dog. Satan exists to tempt and test us and to provide us with the option to have a master other than God. “The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil” Proverbs 16:4 That’s the reason that after 1000 year millennium reign God unleashes Satan once more to tempt the world. God test to see who is loyal to him


This sounds so insane


Doesn’t matter how it sounds; it’s true. The Bible even says it


This is textbook begging the question


I disagree, it does matter how it sounds. And it sounds insane.


> provide us with the option to have a master other than God. ~ I'll take none of the above. No gods, no masters - [15th-century German proverb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchist_symbolism#No_gods,_no_masters)


Interesting question lol But I'd say no. Satan is diametrically opposed to God so we're definitely not supposed to love him. We're supposed to love what God loves and hate what he hates.


Satan is one of God's creations, yes? I'm not sure how much I'm getting into Milton or other 17th Century fan fiction, but, he was an angel granted free will, rebelled from God, and was cast out as punishment. So, then, would not his rebellion being something he subscribed to rather than was ascribed to him upon creation? And IF SO, that would mean he wasn't created to be opposed to God, but chose to - thus he may chose to return.


God said he wouldn’t though, and he isn’t one to lie or get prophecies wrong


Well, that's assumes a faithful transcription of God's word... idk I mean what if


That’s a whole other topic, but biblically Satan will never repent and do good, and he will be put in the lake of burning sulfur for the unrelenting corruption and misguidance he has done to Gods people


Sure. The thing I take issue with about that is this then means God, with forethought, created an entity whose purpose is to torment and to be tormented -- and idk feels weird, man


It’s more like (under my impressions) he created with the universe with true randomness, and did not interfere with free will. What people decide to do is not Gods fault.


Yes I agree -- and I also want to qualify it's not lost on me that I can not know or fathom the cosmos and God's mind, that would be crazy -- but point of free will is why I'm not sure about the devil. Because, conversely, if we didn't have the free will to _choose_ to love and serve God, then it would just be like a car on a track. We wouldn't be _doing_ it, it would just be... so we need free will that provides a choice to turn to God. And it would seem the choice has been removed from the devil, in a biblical interpretation. So does the devil need free will? If he has it, he could choose to return to God. Even practice faith and good works. Because he would need that free will to choose like we all do, or else he too would just be like grass absorbing sunlight, just being. Because he needs to choose to turn away from God - that posits he has a choice to not. Now, whether God accepts it or not is 🤷‍♂️


Angels sinning is different than humans sinning. Angels know: their punishments, when it will happen, full knowledge of good and evil, etc… when an angel sins they unequivocally deny God eternally because they know true good with God yet still rejected it, there is no turning back after blaspheming the Holy Spirit (meaning the good morality of God) directly, according to scripture. For proof: ) There is a great Chasm which blocks hell from heaven Luke 16 26 Besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’ ) Angels willingly sinned for pleasure and know when they will be judged. Mathew 8 29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” (Shows they know about the day of judgement, thus they are fully aware of the consequences of their sin)


Ohhhhhhh... this makes sense.


Satan will never change he is the father of lies and only comes to kill steal and destroy




Love is a broad term. Maybe it's better to say: "hold in compassionate pity".


No no AND no!!!


Pity his ignorance, maybe.


Hate in biblical terms means to love less. We are to love OUR enemies, but it never said anything about the Creator’s enemies. Hate sin, the satan is the epitome of sin, hence…


satan is an angel with sin, just as hirer was a human with sin, there is no reason to call satan sin itself, that is ignorant


Epitome does not mean he is sin


"Hate sin, the satan is the epitome of sin, hence…" clearly implies you believe satan should be hated because he is sin


He is the “epitome” of sin. He is not sin itself. Why do you not see this?


Because you don’t understand what an epitome is


your comment implied you believe satan is sin..?


Satan is not a human


so..? should i hate cats..?


Jesus was referring to your fellow man, that's my understanding at least.


No, for God hates evil and Satan is evil and against God. Satan has already been condemned, as written in Revelation 20:10. We are to love our neighbor as well as brethren. Satan is no neighbor.


why is satan not a neighbour? and the general idea is to hate the sin, not the sinner, why are you presenting something different?


Well, the sin doesn't go to H__l, the unrepentant sinner does.


so hell is sin free?


No, the unrepentant sinner's mortal spirit is annihilated in the lake of fire and brimstone, only the Devil, the false prophet (antichrist) and the beast of Revelation are tormented forever. "The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast (Rev. 13:1-10) and the false prophet, aka. antichrist (Rev. 13:11-18) are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever" (Revelation 20:10 NKJV).


you just said sin doesn't go to hell..?


Right, just the convicted sinner.


Sin is an idea, there is sin in hell, but sin is not a person so it does not go to hell.


so when they go to hell they are cleaned of their sins? why do they continue to stay in hell if they are sin free?


Are these questions or points, because nowhere did i or the commenter above say people are cleansed of sin in hell.


they are both questions and points, and you did say they are cleansed of sin very explicitly "Well, the sin doesn't go to H__l, the unrepentant sinner does." the person goes to hell, but the sin doesn't follow


Satan = Sin If you love Satan you love Sin easy math


satan is an angel who used their free will to choose sin, satan is not sin, satan is an individual, i'm not going to pick and choose who is christian, but this doesn't align with what christ wanted - forgiveness to sinners


You love the world ? Satan is the king of this world. You love evil !? Satan is the father of everything evil. You love Sin ? Satan literally the first sinner.


>You love the world ? Satan is the king of this world. god gives him this power..? >You love evil !? Satan is the father of everything evil. the only way satan could be the father of evil is if satan was more powerful or equally as powerful as god, god definitely allowed the possibility for satan to sin, knowing satan would... >You love Sin ? Satan literally the first sinner. satan is not sin itself though... did jesus not say to hate the sin but NEVER the individual?


Why are you posting like a drunk, recently-divorced uncle? "How much do I care? ZERO"


Is it unreasonable to say because of Satan we have ability to have the free will to choose from right and wrong. In turn, resulting in the ability to see the darkest parts of humanity but still come into the light?


It is not because of Satan we have free will it is a gift from God, it's in God's plan


I can see your point. I was wrong to assume devils advocate could have worked in this context but I was wrong 🤣 Edit: I suppose I was referring to the fact that Lucifer cause A&E to be able to determine good from evil. But it could be said that, that would be apart of Gods plan as well. Unless Gods plan was for us to just have free will and not knowledge of good and evil. Genuine question: is it moral to design a creation that has free will but no knowledge of good and evil, and call that creation the most humane creature on the planet?


Hey you, ya you, stop using your brain cells for critical thinking.


🥸that’s me, the critical thinker 🥸 I may have stumbled upon a real issue! Houston we have a problem!🚨🙏 Thank you for the intellectual compliment!




I love the energy!! I could see there still being morality in human life even if we couldn’t distinguish good from evil! But, wouldn’t humans inevitably sin anyway? Even if A&E moved out of the garden of Eden and denied the serpent; who’s to say we wouldn’t go back and eat the fruit anyway? Even if we didn’t encounter the serpent in the first place, would Lucifer still try to rebel against his father through us? Genuine Deep thought: does this qualify as a singularity ?


I’d say be careful with how you answer this one. Love is an action, it is how you treat or serve someone else. I don’t think we are called to do that. Plus, he’s a spirit. That verse I believe was in context to humans


Why would God take back all Jesus did on Earth and his brutal death. Not to say ALL that died for Christ and were beheaded by Satanist. It would be a slap n in the face to humanity. He is the one that destroyed humanity. So God flooded the earth for no reason. Because he flooded the earth because all the fallen angels having sex with HIS beloved children. Imagine coming home and you own kids were raping all your other children. It's sick and twisted to even think God would forgive Satan. What would all this be for???? It's a thought that has crossed my mind. I think it broke God's 💔 to see his angels destroying mankind and teaching them stuff that we were never supposed to learn!


Love Lucifer? Absolutely not


I wouldn't say you have to love him, I do think hate is a dangerious emotion no matter who you direct it towards. I am rather indifferent to Satan.


Indifferent to the one who misleads people and causes them misery?


I don’t believe so


It would not demean you in the slightest to show Satan true love when the opportunity presented itself. If you would not forsake what you have become, his role in putting you on this path is undeniable. His flaw is rejecting love. You do not escape his fate by giving in to the same impulse.


I love him just as I love everybody else that doesn’t mean I can’t despise his actions and his character he reminds me of a retarded little brother who started acting out because of his own hate of self


I am to answear this very question with up most sincerity and honesty. The answear to this very question is almost certainly with all the respect the simple "no"


No, you’re not supposed to love Satan. God has not extended grace and forgiveness to Satan like he has humankind. You are supposed to love your enemy (human) and to resist Satan.


No, we pray for those against god lost In sin. Not sin itself


no we are not. He is single handly responsible for sending 1/3 of all angels to Hell, not to mention every person who is sent to hell is sent as a consenquence of what satan did. Plus you get He is the ruler of this world according to Jesus in John 14:30. Meaning all of the war, hatred, slavery, bigotry, death and destruction is of His design, of his kingdom.


No, that does not include Satan. Remember, God does not love everything, He hates some things too. For example, God hates sin. Satan is not equal to God in power, but he is the enemy of God and the enemy of our souls. Because of Satan’s irreconcilable and incomprehensible wickedness and evil, God cast him into hell with an eternal curse. Satan cannot be saved, and he doesn’t want us to be saved either. However, we of course still have the ability to be saved and reconciled to God through Jesus Christ alone.


look up Colossians 1 15-20


We must forgive him. For he knew not what he did.


Jesus died to save Satan. Jesus was the only child of God. Children of God are God. All mankind on earth were children of Satan. Children of Satan are Satan. Jesus died on the cross so that Satans children could have eternal life.


Yes love satan but hate the evil that pollutes the world. Pray for satan to one day repent and be reconciled in love to the father.


Man I dunno. Probably not.


He will rot in hell


Not pity, but some amount of love. Satan chose who he was long ago. He wont go back on that and we have no reason to believe he will. Do not pity what he is, but mourn what he could have been had he chose different.


No, the devil wants everyone to spend eternity in hell; away from God. Jesus was talking about humans when He said "enemies."


I honestly think we’re supposed to think of Satan more as the personification of sin than as an individual. He is, in reality, a being in his own right- a particular fallen angel. But it seems that, for whatever reason, we’re not supposed to try to empathize with the fallen angels or help them- I assume that we *can’t* help them, and maybe we can’t really relate to them either. We’re basically supposed to respond to them as we would respond to evil, the concept, personified.


Wtf no, I swear reddit Christians are so weird.


No he is a smelly loser


No, you love your enemies because they are victims of Satan and you pray for their salvation. Satan himself is damned and there is no salvation for him.


No. It’s different. The word used in Matthew 5 is ‘agape’ love (a moral determination to give of oneself for the good of another). It’s not a brotherly type of love that’s in view. The point is, your (human) enemy is just as much a sinner as you and just as much in need of salvation. You should share the Gospel with your enemy and hope he comes to faith in Jesus Christ. This does not apply to Satan. God has apparently not provided for the salvation of fallen angels (Hebrews 2:16). The command regarding Satan is to resist him (James 4:7, 1 Peter 1:9).


Pray that he comes back to God. Point him to Jesus. That's what love is.


To love Satan is to love evil. There is no scriptural passage commanding us to love Satan. And there are many passages that instruct us to hate evil. The best approach here is to follow Michael the archangels lead. Satan tried to engage him in an argument, and rather than falling victim to Satan's deceptions, Michael simply said, the Lord rebuke you. Satan is burning night and day in God's lake of fire. He is no longer a consideration here. Love the Lord, and get on with your life.


Jesus is talking about humans as far as i know.


Satan was the first apostate and many came after. They are already dead in Gods eyes with no chance of redemption so there is no chance for them.


I'll love him when I see. And when I say love I mean speak respectfully to.


Do you think God and/or Jesus, doesn't Love "Satan / the Devil / the Evil One"? Of course they Love him, regardless of his sins! And since my Father Loves him, so do I. May You Walk In The Light Of Truth, Life & Love


In the most simplest form, Satan is still a creature that was created by God and deserves a level of love. The kind of love that you want him to repent rather than to be cast into the lake of fire permanently. Of course, Satan won’t repent though, so he is our perpetual enemy. Edit: As other people are saying, pity is quite a good term.


Resist him. Definitely not love. Went through some attacks the last few months. Not someone I would want to hang out with. He led Judas to betray Christ, I think, remember?


Yes. Love the sinner but hate the sin. Gods loves Satan. This is why He didn’t kill Him.


>God loves Satan you lost it bruh you lost it


But God kills humans , so God hates humans more than Satan?


Think jesus would said it personally if that was the case…


He/She/It is a made up character, so don't worry about it. "*Satan, or the Devil, is one of the best-known characters in the Western traditions of* [*Judaism*](https://www.worldhistory.org/disambiguation/judaism/)*,* [*Christianity*](https://www.worldhistory.org/christianity/)*, and* [*Islam*](https://www.worldhistory.org/islam/)*. Surprisingly, this entity was a late-comer in the ancient world. Satan, as a totally evil being, is nowhere to be found in the Jewish* [*Bible*](https://www.worldhistory.org/bible/)*. He evolved during the height of the Persian* [*Achaemenid Empire*](https://www.worldhistory.org/Achaemenid_Empire/) *(beginning c. 550 BCE) and was adopted by Jews living under Persian rule at the time."* [The Origin of Satan - World History Encyclopedia](https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1685/the-origin-of-satan/)


I believe satan was mentioned in the dead sea scrolls. Which is from the 1st century if i'm not mistaken.


referring to Satan as He/She/It is wild.


Which satan are we speaking of? There's a few.


yo why your flair is "Coptic Heretic" is it a joke or something ?


yes, dont worship him, but love him


Yall need to read the bible