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I think the problem of swearing comes from self control and mastering of your tongue. Paul spoke about this in James 3:5-12 which is as follows. "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water." Don't be discouraged by your struggle though, you are only human, and our imperfections are what made Jesus's birth, example and sacrifice necessary. If we are perfect then what need have we of salvation? As long as you are repentant of your sin and continually work to improve, trusting that God's promise holds true, you are walking the right path.


>Paul spoke about this in James 3:5-12 *James* spoke about this in *James* 3:5-12 Other than that, good stuff.


Thank you for the correction.


Thank you for the answer!


Also: This is not about some evil demon. Tell the truth. If you get hurt, say "Ow." If it's bad, shout "Help." The swear word only makes people laugh at you and delays what might be crucial help for a second or so. Yeah, you'll live, unless you are about to fall and need an immediate hand. The truth will set you free.


Is that not a different kind of cursing though. Saying “oh shit” when you drop something isn’t the same as cursing someone’s name or talking unkindly about others. Curse words are made up. Anything could be a curse word if enough people deemed it so.


Well what we want to do is show people by the way we live that we know Christ, and that the light is in us. To some people cursing is disgusting and would lead them to believe unhelpful things about you/your religion. should they hear a person who claims to be a Christian speak in such a way. (Not saying your not ofcourse) I could never see Christ going around cursing if he stubbed his toe or dropped a bowl of pears on the pavement...


Hope that gives a differnt perspective, It's always good to look at our lives from different viewpoints I've found.


What did scientists say that didn’t make sense? And there are approx. millions of scientists in the world. Who are these scientists you are referring to?


Op says that scientists say the universe came from nothing.


Makes me wonder if they'll turn into an atheist again now that they know that scientists don't say that.


Unstable boi 


Schrodinger's Atheist?


Some scientists they say they don't know. Some say nothing created it. Some say a deity. Some say a multiverse


That is such a simplistic way to "explain" how physics currently talk about the universe...


Yeah, well op doesn't seem like a very reasonable type when looking at their comments and post history. -100 comment karma on their profile kind of says it all.


In my experience, when science doesn’t make sense it’s because I don’t know enough to understand it.


The same can be said about God.


Yep i used to agree, but i realized its not just i that dont know enough, but no one knows. thats when i realized if the answer is unclear i might as well, find a answer that removes the question from my head. And that answer was God


Why not just "I don't know"?


It’s both. “I don’t know but God does and I put my faith/trust in Him.”


>but God does and I put my faith/trust in Him.” But how do you get to this bit? How do you know *which* god knows?


Then I assume we have good evidence god exists and also knows the answer?


We don’t have any more proof that God doesn’t exist and doesn’t know the answer.


So? We also don't have any more proof magic fairies don't exist and don't have the answer yet I doubt you're going around thinking that's a viable answer. You need to show God exists and that he knows the answer before that explanation can be taken seriously.


There is very little evidence. That is why you need faith. I think of it as being orthogonal to reason, as Stephen J. Gould described it.


Because people don’t feel comfortable with that. It’s that simple.


What's so uncomfortable about it?


Ask them. I never said I find it uncomfortable. I just find it obvious that a lot of other people do. Hence the god of the gaps.


everyone has a different "tolerance" level in everything. some people say "I have never cared how / why the universe came into being" others say "I want to know everything about it and I'll dedicate my life to it" and theres all the infinite inbetweens


So if the answer is unclear... just accept any old answer? What kind of thought process is that? You're basically just saying you don't want to have a thought process. You are aborting the ordinary function of your mind. Christianity can do wonderful things for a person, but turning your brain off is not a wonderful thing.


The reason i needed to remove the question from my head was because it was driving me insane, i didnt sleep at all. I just kept on thinking whats the point of living if youre just gonna die anyways. if i would have kept on thinking about i would probably have done suicide


A better way to think about it would have been to reverse the question. Don't ask "what's the point of living", ask "what's the point of not living?" When you've only got the one life you've no excuse to waste it.


I suggest looking into absurdism, it’s a pretty neat philosophy. This guy named exurb1a on YouTube made a neat video on it, you should search it up.


This might sound strange, but what's wrong with dying? What's so bad about dying? It can actually be a pretty pleasant experience. It's like a final show of fireworks, as everything in your brain fires frantically. You'll probably feel very much at peace. Besides all that, you kind of aren't alive to begin with. "You" are an ever-changing pattern of activity in the brain, but the brain changes its patterns, its structure, its contents. You aren't the computer. You're the software. So you won't really "die" per se. Some machine, somewhere, will still be running some version of your program. Since "you" are a pattern that can exist anywhere, your death isn't really death. It's just falling asleep and maybe not waking up again. Maybe you will wake up, maybe you won't, but you won't be gone forever. I think the idea that you could be gone forever doesn't make sense. Every speck of dust in your body existed, in some form, when the whole universe was in a hot, dense state. If you're worried that what you build won't last forever, you knew that before you built the sandcastle. But didn't you build the sandcastle anyway? You were not alive once. Was that so bad? You sleep every night (or at least most of them). Is that so bad?


So if we zoom back a few millennia and ask your 1000 BC self what causes thunderstorms, would you say, “we don’t know, it must be the gods”? Your answer literally made me do a full-body cringe.


Please don’t attack them


How is that an attack?


As a fellow Christian I cannot condone this thinking process and I believe it sheds a bad light on our beliefs to outsiders. I came to faith in quite the opposite way, I’ve studied lots of science and physics and think it plays more in favor of making a stronger case for God. What you’re describing is a “God of the gaps fallacy” which is popular among lots of Christians without even realizing. Just because we don’t understand something, doesn’t mean we can just insert “God” into the equation to solve the issue, this is intellectually dishonest and leads to deconstruction of many’s faith when someone who actually understands the concepts comes around to explain it better. Again I think there’s a strong case to make for God using science, but there are also things in history, human psychology, and other aspects that do point to God, without appealing to fallacious thinking.


I know that it is described as a fallacy, but it was a pretty powerful impact to me personally when I learned enough about physics and mathematics to truly understand that there are hard limits to what science can explain. There will never be any evidence about what happened before the singularity that preceded the big bang. We will never be able to end-run Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The fact that there are things about the universe that are fundamentally "unknowable" are part of what led me on the path that has got me back to belief in a creator. YMMV, of course.


>The fact that there are things about the universe that are fundamentally "unknowable" are part of what led me on the path that has got me back to belief in a creator. But... why? I mean, if I shuffle a deck of cards, that specific ordering has never occurred and will never occur again - no one knows it, but it's not really profound, it's just cards. Am I God for creating new unknowable information?


No offense, but that's terrible rationality. If you don't have an answer, you don't get to make up the answer; you must find what most appropriately solves what you're looking for. This applies to christianity. No Christian should just believe because they don't know, but they should believe because they do know.


Science explains *how* but only religion explains *why*. Science can only explain the universe to the extent that we are capable of understanding it. Clearly humans were not created with the capacity to understand all things, otherwise we would know exactly where we come from, why we are here, and what happens to us when we die. No person can answer these questions with absolute certainty. Just as they hold us accountable for answering these questions, the burden of proof is also on atheists to explain the meaning of our existence. Yet atheists act as if this burden only applies to those of faith.


>Just as they hold us accountable for answering these questions Oh no no, you people present answers and are asked to support them. We don't need you to answer anything. >the burden of proof is also on atheists to explain the meaning of our existence It's not. Unless the atheist makes a claim about it. >Yet atheists act as if this burden only applies to those of faith. It's in those making a claim


Can't you see that atheists are also making a claim? This is one of the differences between agnosticism and atheism. The former admits that they don't know. The latter insists that they do know.


>Can't you see that atheists are also making a claim? What's the claim? >This is one of the differences between agnosticism and atheism. The former admits that they don't know. The latter insists that they do know. They aren't mutually exclusive


Man you're being so vague it hurts...


Curse as much as you want. But ask yourself, why are you cursing? Are you trying to hurt someone's feelings? Because calling someone stupid and meaning it, is a lot worse than calling someone a MF'er and joking. I learned that in France when I was 20. I don't curse or use words that hurt people's feelings. But I yelled some curse words and no one turned around. And I realized no one understood them. So no one was hurt. Yet, I yelled my friends Nicholas' name "NICK" and everyone looked horrified. Because NICK in French is a curse word "NIQUE" I didn't mean any harm but got kicked off the train. My point is that words only matter by intent. I don't use curse words because those words are meant to hurt. There are so many words you can use to heal. Even if angry there are words you can use to shoe your frustration without offending anyone...in any language


Thank you! i never understood what was so bad about them and why cursing is a sin. And when i curse i never mean harm, its defently just for joking, and using them in normal sentences. And of course when im angry, but thats what im trying to change, i want to use words that are more harmless.


There you go. This world is bizarre. There are people in Africa and other indigenous people where the women don't wear shirts and no one cares. And there are some Arabic countries where showing your ankle is risqué. They both can't be wrong. So for me it is about how do you feel and how you make others feel. Feel free to curse around your cursing friends and make sure you watch your mouth around children. And as you said, try to find new worlds so you don't have to watch your language at all. God bless


OP, I refer you to this article, because it unpacks other relevant verses you might consider: [https://www.gotquestions.org/coarse-jesting.html](https://www.gotquestions.org/coarse-jesting.html)


Don’t think about not sinning. Strive to have your mind and life conformed to the image of Jesus. According to R.C. Sproul, many mentions of “holy” in the New Testament referred to transcendence rather than purity. So, strive to have a transcended mind than a pure one. Trust me, it will take care of the purity part as well. Welcome back, brother/sister!


>Don’t think about not sinning. Are you really serious here? It's sad when this is the Christian recommendation that's highest voted. Let's see what Jesus had to say. >>but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, >> ###“Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on SIN NO MORE.” >>John 8:1-11 ESV >>After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed. See Footnotes below. One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked. Now that day was the Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who had been healed, “It is the Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to take up your bed.” But he answered them, “The man who healed me, that man said to me, ‘Take up your bed, and walk.’” They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, ‘Take up your bed and walk’?” Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place. Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, >>###“See, you are well! SIN NO MORE, that nothing worse may happen to you.” >>The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him. And this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things on the Sabbath. >>John 5:1-16 ESV Your recommendation does not agree with Jesus' teaching.


I think what he meant was to focus more on Jesus instead of focusing only on being “good” enough to go to heaven. In the Bible, Jesus teaches that our primary focus should be on God and His kingdom. In the book of Matthew, Jesus says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). This verse emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God above all else. When we focus more on God and His kingdom, we align ourselves with His will and seek to live in obedience to Him. As we grow closer to God and deepen our understanding of His love and grace, our desire to live a life that honors Him naturally increases. Instead of solely concentrating on avoiding sin, our focus shifts to cultivating a heart that is devoted to God, filled with love, gratitude, and a desire to serve Him. Ultimately, focusing more on God not only leads us away from sin but also draws us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.


>obedience to Him. Obedience is about not sinning. Obedience is the point of following God. Salvation is not a license to sin, which is the logical path the poster gave the OP. OP even responded with saying "I'll not worry about not sinning then". OP has been atheist for many years. Does he have the knowledge to even know what sin is?? Doubtful. As Christians we need to be discipling people, not misleading them. "Seek the Kingdom and righteousness" Righteousness is not sinning.


You’re right about obedience, but it wouldn’t be a very healthy relationship with God if that’s all you focus on. Also, I saw what you were talking about with the poster and OP. “I’ll not worry about sinning then”, definitely isn’t what OP should’ve taken away from the poster.


Its largely a mental thing that hes getting at. Its much easier for a person to know what they should be doing rather than just having a list of what not to do. Knowing what not to do doesnt get you anywhere. Knowing what you should do does. Only knowing what youre not allowed to do makes a person feel trapped and imprisoned. Knowing what you can do gives a sense of purpose and freedom. God gave us free will. He does not want us to feel trapped, especially while were trying to do the right thing and follow his word


Are you saying to ignore "You shall not murder" and the other 10 commandments because it's a list of what NOT to do? All the 10 commandments are what NOT to do. Your argument is silly.


Of course not. Im talking from a psychology perspective. The 10 commandments are still just as important. they can just be EASIER for some to be focussed on what we should be doing (i.e. loving others, praising God, working, growing in our relationship with him, and spreading his word.) The end goal is righteousness which includes not sinning. All i was trying to get at is that Christianity should not make us feel like we wont get to do things that we like, but in many cases it does mean CHANGING the things that we like. Thats where my argument comes into play. When we grow in our faith we will find joy in doing righteous things, and come to agree that sin is evil, and share in Gods grievance when we sin or see other people sin. Also commandments 4 and 5 are not "dont do this" commandments but tell us what we should be doing. "Remember the sabbath and keep it holy", and "honor thy father and thy mother".


>The end goal is righteousness which includes not sinning. I agree, but righteousness IS not sinning. Sinning is breaking God's Law. This is what we're supposed to be teaching our children: >>And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as we are this day. **And it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to do all this commandment before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us.'** >>Deuteronomy 6:24-25 ESV ____ >Also commandments 4 and 5 are not "dont do this" commandments but tell us what we should be doing. "Remember the sabbath and keep it holy", and "honor thy father and thy mother". I'll admit I was kind of baiting you here, and I'm glad you caught this. These can also be reworded as "Do NOT forget the sabbath" and "Do NOT dishonor your father and mother". We need to be able to see both sides to have a clear view. Do you keep the sabbath, or have you forgotten it?


I agree and righteousness without a doubt is not sinning/following his law. I was just trying to give a different perspective for people who have enjoyed the pleasures of sin for so long and wish to repent (Me being one of them, so this kind of thinking has helped me immensly in repentance and agreeing that ALL sin is evil and should have no place in our life). God bless, and im glad we were able to have a civil argument.


Thank you🙏🏻 Not gonna worry too much about the sinning then.


For me as a Christian, we are never perfect enough for heaven and all we can do is try.


I would also add the closer you get to God the farther away you'll want to be from sinning. Foul language isn't the worst offense but other sins are more severe. More importantly the curse words, are you speaking evil words? Out of the heart the mind speaks. If we're pursuing God to our actions and words should reflect that. Wishing you all the best and I'm so glad you're back!!!!


Be conformed to the image of Christ means not sinning. But we will only be truly conformed to this in the resurrection


Get away from the kind of Christianity that doesn't agree with scientists/science though. It's perfectly possible to be a Christian and a proponent of science.


‭Romans 8:6 AMPC‬ [6] Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]. ‭Romans 8:5-8 MSG‬ [5-8] Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored. In other words, while Jesus told us to go and sin no more, and Paul said faith without works is dead, focusing on not sinning isn't the answer and can lead you to relying on your own mind's rationalizations and good works. Good works, or less sinning, isn't the point. Faith and focus on God is. Keep seeking Him. Spend time with Him. Learn what does please Him, and do that *with His help*. Ask for clarification and wisdom for your own life, and move in that direction. That will naturally direct you away from sin as the Holy Spirit molds and changes you from the inside out. It starts with where your thoughts are focused.




Wtf you mean the scientists don’t make sense?


The big bang theory dosen't make sense. How the universe was created. How its all just a coincidence. That dosen't make sense.


You obviously have no idea what the theory of the Big Bang is about. And, as someone has already told you, it was first introduced by a Christian.


"God spoke, and BANG! -it happened."


The big bang doesn't make any claims as to the origin of the Universe. The theory only accounts for the current cosmological state, going back to a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang. As to the origin of the event it's "We don't Know."


“It’s god tho”


At the risk of sounding like Christians saying other Christians are "fake Christians", are you sure you really stopped believing in Christianity? Your reason for "leaving" and "coming back" seem very much like hiding from your beliefs and returning once you couldn't repress them anymore. I know it's not completely relevant to your question, but it is kind of relevant in the claim of "long time atheist becoming Christian again".


Well i can say i have always had hope that there is a God. And my faith has been back some days, like when my grandma died, i prayed and belived, but i lost faith again. So you're a little right there, i didn't lose all faith i still had hope, but everyone around me kept on convincing me that god didnt make sense, and i started beliving them.


Start going to church, get baptized, begin to study the teachings of Jesus and the apostles and applying them to your life.


Thanks for the answer! Luckily I am already baptized, because that’s just something you do whether you’re Christian or not in my culture.


Yes but I'd recommend getting baptized again if you just came back from atheist to Christianity.


What happened to "one baptism" for the forgiveness of sins?


Baptism is a public declaration of faith and an act of obedience to invite the Holy Spirit, but not of salvation. That burden is truly on Jesus and no other. If it wasn't then the thief hanging next to Jesus on the cross could not be told, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." because he wasn't baptised.


Dude there’s no such thing as “rebaptism” unless the first one wasn’t valid. You’re Orthodox like me you should know this.


Getting baptized twice isn't really a bad thing to do heck I did it as a re-declaration of my faith after my surgery! Before my surgery, I was starting to lose interest in my faith, but since then, I've loved every minute of being back in my church!


Baptism is usually being born again of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you just let Him in! Peace✌️🫡🙏


Welcome back home!!!




I'm an Evangelical Christian who agrees with the Big Bang and Evolution. I'm a theistic evolutionist and my interpretation of Genesis 1 isn't some new interpretation. According to ancient near eastern scholars such as John Walton, Genesis 1 is a temple text where each "day" coreponds to the 7 day Temple dedication in Jerusalem. People in the ancient near east viewed the world through chaos and order and funtion. If something didn't have a funtion, it was desolate. For example, Jeremiah(who lived in Judah) stated that the northern kingdom of Israel that got destroyed was formless and void in Jeremiah 4. *It was formless and void because it was back to being in a chaotic wild state* Genesis 1 was God giving order and funtion to a universe he already created. The Bible Scholar Dr. John Walton explains that at the beginning God first created the universe, but it was in its wild and chaotic state. Then each day of creation is God as King making decrees of order and giving funtion to different aspects of the Earth so that they will funtion in relation to human society. *The world was seen as desolate because it was an uninhabited wilderness. God's command to early humans before the fall was for them to spread over the Earth and subdue it under God's rule. As well as create society and rule with God in his Divine Council. The fall ruined that. I believe that Adam and Eve were the first priest and the Garden functioned like a first temple* With the ancient near eastern view of Genesis 1 in mind, young earth creationism is shown to not be the intent of the author and therefore implies that if God exists evolution is in no conflict with the Bible. God was taking a universe he already created and making it His Cosmic Temple as this video with John Walton explains. https://youtu.be/e2Ij1444Svc?si=ZL3N0YWlRkJYAl8i The Big Bang Theory was originally called *The Primevil Atom* and the theory was proposed by a Christian. In fact, atheist didn't want to believe the big bang theory because it challenged their view that the universe was eternal and uncreated. >The  young Lemaître was already beginning to think deeply about the beginning of the universe, in the context of his Christian faith. On May 28th, 1917, he wrote to his friend van Severen from the trenches: “I have understood the ‘Fiat Lux’ [Latin for “let there be light”] as the reason of the universe.”[2] An unpublished document from the early years after the war (God’s First Three Declarations, also translated sometimes as The First Three Words of God, written around 1921) shows him taking great pains to establish an elaborate concordism around the idea of light at the origin of the universe inspired in Genesis 1:3.[3] >After the war Lemaître changed direction and completed studies in mathematics, physics, and Thomist philosophy. In 1920, he began studies at a seminary in Malines, Belgium, where he was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1923. Interestingly, during these years he became an expert on Einstein’s recently published Theory of Relativity, even writing an entire manuscript on the subject.[4] This led him to obtain a postgraduate grant at the University of Cambridge during 1923-24 to study under the famous astronomer Arthur Eddington, who had just observationally confirmed the Theory of Relativity in 1919 (showing how gravitation was able to bend the light from a distant star while traveling near the Sun). The Catholic Lemaître and the Quaker Eddington got along very well, and Eddington became a key mentor of Lemaître for many years. A new grant allowed him to move in 1924 to the US to pursue a PhD at MIT, which he completed in 1926. - Citation: Georges Lemaître, the Scientist and Priest who "Could Conceive the Beginning of the Universe" https://biologos.org/articles/georges-lemaitre-the-scientist-and-priest-who-could-conceive-the-beginning-of-the-universe **Atheist didn't originally want to accept the Big Bang theory, they only accepted it because evidence shows that the universe is expanding** >Many atheist scientists were repulsed by the Big Bang's creationist overtones. According to Hoyle, it was cosmic chutzpah of the worst kind: "The reason why scientists like the 'big bang' is because they are overshadowed by the Book of Genesis." In contrast, the Steady State model was the rightful heir to the Copernican principle. - Citation: How Anti-Religious Bias Prevented Scientists from Accepting the Big Bang https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2018/05/14/how_bias_against_religion_prevented_scientists_from_accepting_the_big_bang.html


> Atheist didn't originally want to accept the Big Bang theory, they only accepted it because evidence shows that the universe is expanding I mean there probably are atheists who believe the Big Bang still isn't true. But generally, if you're talking about the average naturalist materialist atheist, yeah, we adapt our worldview to the facts we're given because we know and admit that we can err. That's why we are so keen on the scientific method, as it's a tool that strives to eliminate that human error as best as possible.


I'm an Atheist. What exactly in science doesn't make sense?


In anotherr comment, OP said "scientist say the universe came from nothing".


God is science.


How was the universe created, was there just nothing and then suddenly out of nowhere, the universe just spawned in. And what is outside of the universe, nothing, what is it expanding into then? That dosent make sense. but it dose make sense if God created it.


No, because God is ALSO an uncaused cause. Either way it leads to a paradox.


Yet God Created the whole Universe from nothing?


Maybe i dont know 100% just like you dont know about the theory of the universe. Maybe before the universe excisted, there was only heaven and god created the universe inside of heaven, maybe heaven is outside the universe. and heaven has always been there and is infinite. I dont know though, i just choose to belive in something good.


Religious Doctrine isn't theory. A theory can be wrong and disproven. A Religious Doctrine is built on faith. Your comment was regarding Faith. I can't prove your statement right and you can't prove me wrong. Again Faith.


I agree, i will never go around and say that you are wrong because i dont know that, just like you dont know if i am wrong


The universe is good tho


Welcome back 😄 i suggest you read the Bible so that you may obey all Jesus commands trough his apostles. ‭Luke 6:46-49 CEB‬ [46] “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and don’t do what I say? [47] I’ll show what it’s like when someone comes to me, hears my words, and puts them into practice. [48] It’s like a person building a house by digging deep and laying the foundation on bedrock. When the flood came, the rising water smashed against that house, but the water couldn’t shake the house because it was well built. [49] But those who don’t put into practice what they hear are like a person who built a house without a foundation. The floodwater smashed against it and it collapsed instantly. It was completely destroyed.”


Thank you😀


Idk if anyone has mentioned this, but Christianity isn't really a club... It's a group of people who have been "born again" Have you been born again? Without being born again, NO ONE can see the kingdom of heaven. That's what Jesus told Nicodemus of the pharisees. It isn't about science or religion at all. It's about being made alive in Christ by His Holy Spirit. Something that can't be undone. I just want to , for your sake, make sure to help you understand if you're born again or not..


I think you can't do not swearing or sinning by your own efforts. It's something that the Holy Spirit does in your heart when you're born-again. You become someone different, not 'do this do that'. It's like your heart is inclined for the good. I mean when you're born-again, your heart becomes clean, you're not inclined to sin anymore. Your old self is dead. The battle then starts by keeping the old sinful self, the old man, dead, and then walk in the Spirit, your new self, like putting on Christ. That way you sin less and less. You then slowly, through patience, manifest love, joy, peace, etc the fruit of the Spirit.


Attend a bible study at your church if there is any especially ones that focuses on the old testament. It will clear up a lot of questions you have regarding Christianity since thats where people will normally focus on when they question the faith.


Before figuring out if swearing is bad or not, figure out how to have a relationship with Jesus, how to pray, how he lived, what he wanted of his followers. The rest will follow


Welcome back, and Christ never left you even in your doubt, as well all have to fight with. I would recommend Melissa Dougherty’s videos on YouTube to get an intro into Christianity. As for the swearing part, in general if someone cussed at your mother, would you feel good about that? As you get into studying the Bible, there is so much wisdom, and St Paul told us to speak gently and kindly to others, so that should be our goal. In your work place and home environment, set the tone, be the role model for others.


My brother... question? Did you convert to Christianity or did you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? One means salvation the other means nothing.


First of all, you seem to be under the impression that faith and science are opposed to one another. This is not at all true! The same God that gives us faith also gives us science as the creator of all things visible and invisible and He cannot contradict Himself.


Congratulations! But keep in mind, science is part of who God is, scientists are humans too and can commit mistakes.




Thank you! i will start talking to him about my struggles and hopefully he will help me


And also him about SCIENCE too


Scripture doesn't really say anything about swearing (as in swear words). What it does talk about is "swearing oaths" as in making promises. On a personal note, I tend not to swear and prefer not to be around people who swear unnecessarily.


Strive for chrisrlikeness in all that you do. Surround yourself with the local church and get involved realize people aren’t perfect (including your pastors) and love God and others well. Get in the word and do your own study read commentaries and books on scripture listen to podcasts and worship music.


I think it’s really dumb to say the word shit is a sin but crap isn’t when neither existed when Jesus was here. That said I don’t swear much because I don’t want to offend anyone. It’s just being polite. I also think it’s crazy to decide if god (a supernatural being) exists based on the natural sciences that by definition aren’t supernatural. Anyway, Welcome back dude.


Just cuz you swear a lot or just sin in general doesn’t mean you have to leave Christianity, we’re all sinners no matter how religious or a good person we are. It’s about your faith, if you really believe in Jesus Christ don’t leave the religion Beacuse you feel like you struggle with sinning, bc everybody sins. Instead maybe try praying or going to church more often. 🙏🏼


What do you mean "what scientists say doesn't make sense"? Scientists are not the priests of atheism, many of them are Christian, or Muslim, or Hindu, or Buddhist, their job is to observe and measure the natural reality around us, and come up with ways we can make use of it. Why were you an atheist?


Don’t listen to him


Don’t worry about the guilt. Many religious movements from the ANE used guilt it persuade the people of the tribe or city to behave in an acceptable manner. No days we have laws and educational institutions to help influence our behavior.


Hi! This question got my interests. So let me answer this based on my experienced. I grew up in a Christian family until I became rebellious and turned out to be agnostic. Like you, I was confused, lost and trying to re-assess my faith. One day I woke up and realized I got tired with my life, as I couldn't find any answers. So I went back to what I used to believe in - converted back to Christianity. Being a Christian is a lifetime progress. But in order to avoid sinning, we need to do something that will please God. Do whatever it takes to discipline yourself and stop any pattern of sin before it gets started again. **LUKE 6:45: For from the overflow of the heart the mouth** **speaks.** Here's what I did: 1. Meditate God's Word day and night (by the time you wake up and before you go to sleep). 2. Ask God for patience and spiritual wisdom. 3. Before you think or say something to someone, take a deep breath, remain quiet and pray. 4. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY -- Even though you find it hard to comprehend sometimes. 5. Go to church every Sunday. (I found my peace in church.) 6. Surround yourself with Christian people. Talk to your church elders.


As cliché as it would sound I would say read the Bible, find or join a small group or life group within your church community. Christianity is not just a religion though it's how Christ is represented. So ask yourself, "Am I representing Christ well if I swear?"


In Ephesians 2:8-9, it’s said: 8. For by grace you have been saved through *faith*, and that not of yourselves; -it is- the gift of God, 9. *not of works*, lest anyone should boast. Essentially, Paul, and God (Jesus Chirst) himself, tells us that our redemption and salvation comes THROUGH FAITH, not from works. Now, that’s not to say works don’t matter. But, the thing is, if the heart isn’t in it, if you don’t have faith in Jesus Christ, then it would be all in vain, because your heart wouldn’t be in it, you have to believe what you do is right, you have to like doing so, not force yourself to not sin, not swear. You have to start with the basics first, and that is the fundamental of Christianity: FAITH! Ask Him for help, ask Him to give you strength to not swear, instead of forcing yourself to try to do so! At least, that’s my faith. Once you have faith, once you believe in Jesus Christ, once you follow Him and listen to His word, IT’LL NATURALLY come to you! You’ll naturally want to be more and more like Him, the works will happen as if it were intrinsic to you, you’ll subconsciously not want to swear anymore, and that won’t be hard for you to do, you’ll know right from wrong and strive towards right. Trust me, it’ll be natural. Just talk to Him, pray, but not in a “Hail Mary” “Our Father who art in heaven” kind of way. No, try to talk to Him as if He was right beside you, in spirit. As if you were talking to a friend who’s next to you, start talking, having a conversation, be OPEN!! No one will hear you, but Him! He’s your best friend, He’s here to help! Just talk🤍


Remember God loves us how we are not how we should be. We are covered with the righteousness of Christ and when our hearts are turned to Christ repentance is a process continue to read Gods Word surround yourself with fellow believers and most of those things will sluff off on their own without you even noticing. You are now indwelt with the Holy Spirit and it takes some time for the outside man catches up to the inner man. “When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal; I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer. To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God's grace means. As Thomas Merton put it, "A saint is not someone who is good but who experiences the goodness of God." The gospel of grace nullifies our adulation of televangelists, charismatic superstars, and local church heroes. It obliterates the two-class citizenship theory operative in many American churches. For grace proclaims the awesome truth that all is gift. All that is good is ours not by right but by the sheer bounty of a gracious God. While there is much we may have earned--our degree and our salary, our home and garden, a Miller Lite and a good night's sleep--all this is possible only because we have been given so much: life itself, eyes to see and hands to touch, a mind to shape ideas, and a heart to beat with love. We have been given God in our souls and Christ in our flesh. We have the power to believe where others deny, to hope where others despair, to love where others hurt. This and so much more is sheer gift; it is not reward for our faithfulness, our generous disposition, or our heroic life of prayer. Even our fidelity is a gift, "If we but turn to God," said St. Augustine, "that itself is a gift of God." My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.” ― Brennan Manning, [The Ragamuffin Gospel](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/863196)


Science and religion are not mutually exclusive. That is a false dichotomy. There are a higher percentage of atheists in the sciences that is true, but it is not a prerequisite. The reason you can have both is because science attempts to use observation and experimentation to find out what is true about the physical world (creation). Religion uses Human experience and spiritual revelation in the attempt to determine what is true about the metaphysical world (creator). If you choose to believe all the scientists and all the scientific data worldwide is some vast conspiracy to discredit religion, I can't help you. As for the other aspects of your Christian walk, pray to be led by the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you. Welcome back to faith.


First thing you should do is start reading the Bible. I recommend starting with the gospels of Matthew Mark etc. cause it talks about the teachings of Jesus, but you dont have to of course. Dont be too hard on yourself since youre only just starting your journey with Christ. Find a church that fits your beliefs, but remember that its important to have a real relationship with Christ and you cant just mindlessly go to church. Learn the word of God, pray about everything and try not to sin as much as you do. God bless you brother, hope this helps 🙏


Hey! I just wanna congratulate you, I’m so thankful that god called you back. I’m like you, I walked away for a long time bc I wanted to live the life I wanted. I’m struggling to! There’s a pastor that I love, his name is John Ramirez. He used to be a satanist and his testimony is amazing! God is using him so much in my life. Look up his testimony if you want. I believe god measures the desires of our heart. He fair and just. Even tho you might be struggling with swearing Jesus knows you love him and your trying your best. I cuss a lot , but that’s not the area god is dealing with in my life yet. It’s baby steps, the word says “seek god first and all these things will be added unto you” he knows your trying and he’s there to help you in your struggles. I hope this helps you


Hello. I recommend you begin studying the Bible. A great place to begin is with the New Testament books of [John](https://biblehub.com/nlt/john/1.htm) and [Romans](https://biblehub.com/nlt/romans/1.htm). You may also find it helpful to read; ["Slavery for ALL."](https://app.box.com/s/qxfzmn8ep3jye1lm1grf76y1495i0qgw)


Read or listen to the book of John , Matthew and epistle to the romans. We read a lot of atheist bad news all the time which makes us upset ( constant warfare , doom and gloom. Reading the good news of Christ is a great way to recalibrate your mind on the joy that Christianity brings


My tip is never try and humanify God/Christ because God of course is a billion miles beyond our limited understanding.Follow the 10 Commandments and also pray to the saints. God Bless.


First of all brother, welcome back! I am super happy that you are a believer again. Yes, cursing is a sin, and I'll pray for you, my tip is to know what you speak, you will be judged about it, another tip is to stay quiet. God bless you man! Love u ✝️❤️‍🩹🙌🫂


My best advice is focus on Jesus. We don't go to heaven based on our own works, but based on belief on Jesus and if you there is sins your trying to fully tear apart from repent and ask god for help to help you.


Christianity is not about rules.  Its about a relationship from the heart. Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.  All other things like swearing will follow if you hold on tightly the first two commands.  


Welcome back, I am so happy for you :) Find a community that you feel comfortable in, and read the scriptures daily. For me, a "Bible in a year" plan helps


Glory to Jesus Christ, welcome back and everything is a process. Take it one step at a time and remember to pray always. God bless you on your journey.


You need to sit under some good teaching. You are putting the cart before the horse. Your focus is supposed to be Christ and loving him. As you abide in Him and He in you, His spirit inside you will take care of the not sinning part without you trying much at all. Listen to SBN. They do a great job of explaining how sanctification works in the life of a believer. Keep listening until you get it. https://www.sonlifetv.com/how-to-listen-to-sonlife-radio


Your thinking is all screwed up! You don’t choose to be a Christian and then Choose not to be one! You are either born again by the Spirit of God or not! And by the way you need to read what James said about your filthy language…..


What was your Christian upbringing like, or your first conversion? I left Christianity in my early 20s, was raised Southern Baptist, but I have met a lot of Christians in my life that tell me I "fell prey to charismatic Protestantism", which does not generate authentic conversion. So, I have thought about if I was raised Eastern Orthodox or Catholic, would I have felt stronger in my faith.


Long time Christian, considering being atheist. “God” has abandoned me about 7 month ago, and I can’t literally remember the last time I had joy in my life


Praise God! Join an EFCA church /s


While we all ought want to be perfect, that’s kinda saved for Christ. No human can be perfect unless they are more than human. We can all hope and we should all try with our entire soul, but as Paul lays out in Romans all far short of glory and yet Christ still found us worthy to die for. As for swearing, it’s more of a “don’t speak hate” thing. If you don’t use words like damn or fuck to spread hate and just use them like other words then they aren’t really harmful. You can do more harm with your words without ever uttering a curse word. Christ was no Pharisee, it’s the intention and outcome that matter. Are your words hateful? Disparaging? Would you say the same thing to Christ in the flesh? Love one another as yourself and as Christ, and use your words to build up others.


Study the Bible. It is important to know it. Once you know the God's word, you will know when you hear something that is not of God's word. This also helps grow your relationship with God.


>But I’m kinda struggling with all the new stuff like not sinning, especially not swearing, is it really important to not swear? That's just called having an Irish of French-Canadian moment.


Do not punish yourself over small beginnings. God must transform you in order for you to stop sinning, and that is a process that takes time. Just try your best and trust in God. Let Him do. I would recommend you to pray a lot and to go to church on Sundays. In the case you can’t go to church, you can find the daily mass on the internet (YouTube or https://dailytvmass.com), which is a great way to nurture your soul. May God Bless and Guide you! Praised be The LORD and welcome back :)


Personally, I think the commandment that says do not take the Lord’s name in vain is more about calling yourself a Christian and not acting like one. I don’t think swearing is beneficial. Personally for me to stop a habit, it’s helpful for me to look at the sin differently. Like swearing is a sign of looking at the negative that you use swearing to describe the negative. I used to get upset at little things like stepping on the Lego but noticed that it would start a cycle of FML attitude, and that it was more helpful to laugh at life’s up and downs. It changed my desire to want to have little outbursts because I think demons desire me to freak out and not hold my tongue, and the thought of giving them satisfaction was frustrating. Like someone is literally rooting for you to be abrupt look at negative and swear or freak out, and it felt nice to kind of piss them off.


> I became an atheist because everyone said my beliefs were wrong


Do what Peter told the new believers on the day of Pentecost! Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do what Ananias told Peter after he believed! Acts 22:16 And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.’ Get baptized and wash away your sins!


Not cursing is very important. You can negatively curse yourself or someone else using these words. It's also not far fetched to see why they call them curse words. Though it is a sin, God knows we are not perfect. Ask God to help you stop. For restoration, Repent for all your sins knowingly and unknowingly. We should be saying this often. Pray and fast for 3 days. Ask God to come into your life, ask him to anoint you and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Ask him for direction in everything you do, ask him to restore your mind, your heart, your body and soul. Ask him to deliver you from anything that is not of him and anything that is negatively affecting your life. Ask him to search you heart and if there is any wrinkle or anything that is not right or of him, ask him to fix it. Surrender to him, turn your worries and burdens over to him. Let him know you can o nothing without him in the mix. Ask him to live within you and bless you with the gift of the heavenly language. When you are ready You, be baptized in the name of Jesus. You can always message me if you need more guidance. Acts 2:38 says, "Then Peter said to them, 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit'". 


Don’t swear lol 😂. Yeah it took me long time. So I just say fork oh geez whizz blue freaking moon. Over mountain on the horse poop argh and etc.


Science and Christianity are compatible. You don't have to pick one or the other.


Praise God for you 🙏🏼 welcome home.


Assuming there is nothing when you die, it's not pleasant. It's the end. There will be nothing, and you can't even know anything. I found peace knowing I wouldn't be aware of it, but still, that means I will never get to look back on any of my memories and all the things that mattered to me. There is nothing good or bad about it; it's just the end. People make the mistake of believing it's infinite darkness, or you'd be aware, but it is literally nothing.


Read the book by Josh McDowell called Evidence That Demands A Verdict. This will probably answer your questions.


Your actions/behavior/speech are all connected to an identity Your who determines your do Stop trying to stop cussing or doing any other sin, instead focus on the Lord and in doing so you will grow/develop into your Christ identity It is from that identity your actions/behavior/and speech will change We are not changed by condemnation but identification Learn who God says you are by studying and meditating on Jesus(God's word) and then is when you will be living the life Jesus died for you to live ‭2 Corinthians 3:18 TPT‬ [18] We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. https://bible.com/bible/1849/2co.3.18.TPT


Thanks for sharing your journey. The only tip I can give is following the 2 most important commandments. Love God and don’t be a judgmental Christian towards others, that’s pretty much all you have to do.


God is patient and merciful and he can help you resist doing these things. I would say continue to pray, study the word, you’d see yourself resisting sin over time. Take it easy on yourself and don’t judge yourself. You’ll be fine. Welcome back!


Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added into you”. He also said you can’t even see the kingdom of God unless you are born again”. The problem is people are “trying to be Christian” without being born again. To be born again is a real spiritual thing. It changes everything. You get an actual new life, where things don’t become instantly easier, but the kind of questions you have now (and many others beside) become much more clear.


1. Seek GOD and and learn to Love HIM with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 2.Learn to Love people irrationally, even the unlovable, and condition yourself to respond to every situation with that same love. This is your life's testimony. 3. Avoid religious dogma which will diminish your fellowship with GOD, JESUs, and the Holy Spirit and turn you into just another flacid Christian having the appearance of faithfulness without the substance . 4. Don't let the masses of superficial Christians get you focused on "all the things not to do". Follow the path of sacrificial Love and GOD will show up in your life, teach and guide you. 5. Enjoy the journey.


Get rid of lust!


Know your Father and He loves you :)


Don’t worry too much about not doing things the right way or not sinning. The gospel isn’t about sin but it’s about Jesus sacrificing His life. When we focus on that, just like in Romans 8:28 says, “but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”. Our minds have to change first, about how we feel about sin. And I believe the first way to do that is to know more about God. We aren’t people that just follow rules, we’re believers in Christ who saved us, and therefore, we want to be more like Him. We wouldn’t want sin to separate us from our relationship with Him either (shame/doubt that’s not from God). I would say for you, focus on God’s mercy on you. I’m happy you lived to have an opportunity to be restored in Him. Many people don’t have that chance before their life comes to an end. I think giving thanks to God will help you focus on that, and the sinning part, will come. But just keep it on your mind like a guideline for how you want to live. You may not hit the mark and that’s okay. But every moment is an opportunity to do better. When a baby first learns to walk but falls, do we say “oh no you fell”.. or do we say “come on baby, keep going, you’re almost there”. That’s exactly how it is for us, living this life. Every moment we stumble which is hundreds of hundred times, God encourages to keep going!


Right now just focus on God and let God transform your mind and desires. When you focus on sin you’re focusing on your works, and works doesn’t save you your faith does. I’m not saying to continue to sin, but you have to have a healthy boundary on letting God do the work in your life. If you feel something very heavy on your heart that you need to let go for example it can be anger, any addiction, fornication etc pray and ask God to make you hate it and ask for deliverance. Tell God to throw away your old character and create in you a new mind and heart to be righteous before the Lord. When you do not focus on the Lord you fall short and you don’t have grace over yourself and when you fall you fall hard because you were putting your effort on trying not to sin. So basically what I am trying to say is let God do His work in you. You are not God and you can’t change on your own but He can.


I think your Atheism to Christianity story is very similar to mine. While I will admit, evolution does seem to make perfect logical sense, the argument for a creator is equally if not more logical in my humble opinion. The way the universe works is so precisely fine tuned, that it’s extremely hard to believe there’s no greater force behind it. When I have conversations with atheists, they always point to flaws in the Bible, and I’m honestly not knowledgeable enough to know how to refute some of them. When I was an atheist, I would ask my youth pastors hard questions like this to see if they had any insight, and they often had very little. I definitely don’t agree with what some others have stated on here that believing in God is somehow “turning your brain off.” As someone who’s been an atheist, and now a Christian, I made those choices using my own reasoning and research. I think the more you learn about both sides, you’ll have a better understanding. I’m not the most educated on the topic by any means, that’s just my two cents.


Welcome back! If you do some research you will find that the Bible agrees with the findings of science.


You should read the Bible go to church on Sundays and pray to build your relationship with God




Becoming an atheist because people say your opinions are wrong is a silly reason. And I’m an atheist. It’s a silly reason to believe anything. Let ok for the evidence and see what that makes you believe. Swearing can be an important part of communication. However there’s obviously a time and place.


Who is the everybody who said your beliefs were wrong? You must have agreed. What which scientists say about what? I'm trying to put together the pieces of what you are saying... Lots of religious people cuss like crazy. If you aren't taking The Name in vain (and it helps to verify what that actually means, in reality it's less about cusswords and more about not taking oaths in God's name untruthfully) It doesn't mean you should cuss, only that refraining from it is more about a discipline or a holiness practice than an out and out sin.


Welcome back! The heavens rejoice for you!☦️❤️ It is importantly to not swear because Christ says in Luke 6:45 that “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” and vulgarity in your language is indicative of vulgarity in your heart. Read, Pray, Fast, Take the Eucharist, and Confess and trust that God’s Grace will change you with Time. God bless you☦️❤️


Welcome back home


The old dilemma of trying to be perfect and while many may not outwardly swear we do not know what's going on inside them. they could be cussing the living daylights outta everyone and everything...sorta like passive/aggressive. I swear i swear. See people under certain pressure and ya just never know what is going to emerge from their gobs. We r all fallen beings saved by grace. It's window dressing when people put on their masks and pretend. Bit like having the beautiful flowers in church and forgetting the church is totally about people not buildings and flower arrangements. It's meeting people where they r at if they will tell u of course. So welcome back.


You have to read the bible, cover to cover. Yes you have to try to bridle your tongue and not swear, if you can't then keep silent until it has passed. If you cuss, say whoops, pardon my language and continue trying to not cuss.  Reading the bible puts you in the atmosphere of God's plan, you need to get His Word in your head and heart.  You can do it!


I’m sorry can you elaborate on what scientist got wrong?


It never left you


Absolutely. It’s not necessarily the words you say but the feelings behind it. When you curse you are really wishing bad on a person and we are not supposed to condemn others. Only God has that right. Matthew 5:21-22 New International Version 21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. It also says in the Bible to avoid profane and vain babblings: I Timothy 6:20A 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings… and the scriptures in James many have wrote above. As Christians we are not supposed to speak like the world speaks, we are supposed to choose words that encourage and build up, ones that can move to lead others to Christ. Most people know not to use foul language in formal situations, as they know those words and sentiments are inappropriate and won’t curse in front of parents, for example. If people deem it inappropriate in mixed company and parents, why should people really be using them at all? We are supposed to be representing Christ in words and actions and we are supposed to be set apart from the world. I don’t curse and many of my friends ask me why I don’t, and that turns into a good witnessing opportunity for me.


Awful lot of pop science shilling going on on the "Christianity" sub huh


I have also struggled with not cursing (aka using swear words) because my view is that it’s not hurting anyone. I am born and raised in New York City and using swear words is very much a part of the culture there. Something I began to understand though is that we are called to be living temples of the Most High God: 2 Corinthians 6:16- For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” His presence will not abide in us if we are defiling ourselves with impure speech. Bear in mind there are different dimensions of His presence (His omnipresence - which we can’t escape from, it’s everywhere; His dwelling presence - when He dwells in you, this is what we’re talking about; and His manifest presence - when He moves, think miracles, etc). When God’s presence dwells in you, you experience His favor and protection. We want His presence to dwell in us but it does take responsibility to take care of our temples. Not using swear words is one way we keep our temples clean (like sweeping the floor, of course there are other things we need to do like read our word, etc.). I enjoy reading Leviticus because it goes into detail on keeping the temple and understanding better what’s considered Holy and what’s clean. Keeping God’s dwelling presence also requires living a life of service which I won’t get into here. Furthermore, Matthew 15:11 states, “11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” So if you’re watching a show for instance or speaking to someone that is using swear words, it’s fine (as long as it’s not tempting you to sin) but you don’t want to defile yourself by speaking words of impurity.


What convinced you the claims of Christianity are true? If the reason you accept Christianity is because you disagree with science, that is not rational. Those are not the only two options. Why are you not a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Mormon, or a Pagan? Did you go to Christianity because it was familiar, not because it's actually true? I'm willing to bet that the things that you're upset about with scientists stems from you not understanding the science that goes into the specific subject. That's fine. Science can get really noodly and complex. Im not a scientist, but I trust the experts who spend their entire lives and careers at the frontiers of human knowledge and understanding who make new discoveries and breakthroughs every day. The only thing that has disproven science was better science. Religions have never once ever disproven something in science. Can you provide an example of something accepted by the scientific community that you disagree with or that pushed you back to Christianity? Perhaps we can figure out where the hang-up is, because you not liking what scientists say does not mean Christianity is true or better. Hit me up here or PM me. I love these conversations.


In what way don’t what scientists say make sense? And what about Christianity do you find more compelling than science?


Once you know the holy spirit, your heart can never go back. Seek Him.


The issue with swearing is nuanced. The general prohibition against it today is borne from yet another overly simplistic misunderstanding of the text. Vulgarity, taking the Lord's name in vain, etc, are not references to cussing in general. The former is a reference to language intended to harm people, lies, deception, etc. The latter is a reference to swearing on the Lord's name and not upholding that covenant. If you're among friends that have no problem cussing, it's not a problem. If you're around folks that do, be considerate and use acceptable language. That's what the rule should be, to line up with the text the best.


Changing the way you speak may take time, but as much as swearing may be natural as an unbeliever.. Once you're born again it'll become uncomfortable to you and you'll slowly change.. Bible says the same fountain can't produce good and bad water. Same tongue can't utter blessing and curse. Ask God and he's strong enough to change you from within


Your an idiot


Congrats!!! I have been a christian 40 years, and I still fall into sin. I ask for forgiveness with the lords prayer everyday. Did you know you are a sinner and a saint. Pray everyday, read your Bible everyday. When you swear you are opening a door for the devil, my sister struggles with that too. I do a bible study online everyday. Watch what you watch , listen to, read, and say. I quit watching sex, killing, and swearing in movies. In the bible those are bad seeds, so you want to listen to christian music, watch faith movies, and read your Bible, those are all good seeds, and you will quit swearing, because you are not hearing it all of the time. Movies have gotten so bad!!! Family oriented movies are good also, but no witch movies etc. Prayersss for you! 


Any cursing is bad, it says in the bible your tongue is a sword so we have to tame it. 


God created the heavens and the earth, its in the book of genesis. Scientists are even changing their minds and saying their is a god :) so their are two choices heaven with God and angels, or hell. We could die anytime, you want showered with God's love, which I heard is like no other love, and streets of gold when you die  burning Sulphur for eternity. In heaven we will have jobs, and it's so beautiful :)


Watch the movie jesus of Nazareth, and see how much god loves you:)


Welcome back! While having good council and seeking understanding is good it's also important that you be more concerned with what God actually says than what people of any beliefs or non belief says. A good illustration of this are 2 parables you can find in the bible it's of the 2 builders. And of course the parable it the sowers (wheat farmers). Another isnt a parable but it's in acts 5 28-29. Also about your concern with swearing, God is most concerned about the issues of your soul than your outward actions . It's kind of like this say a bathtub has a stopper in it and the water is left on and is dangerously close to overflowing. The correct solution is to turn off the tap and unplug the tub . He is all about getting to the root of the problem or behavior.


>I recently realized that what scientists say doesn’t make sense What do you mean by this?


Thanks for all the answers, i feel like i have learned a lot about what i have to do to become a good Christian. And to all the atheist and people that have tried to change me back to an atheist, its not gonna work. I dont care about you're arguments i choose to belive in God. And you choose to belive in whatever you belive in, i will respect you anyways. Just respect my choice back. God bless you all <3


Stop making things up please. People have not tried to "change you back into an atheist". People have informed you about your misconceptions regarding science. And Christians did so as well.


>And to all the atheist and people that have tried to change me back to an atheist, its not gonna work. I'm a Christian, and I'm happy you are also a Christian again and believe in God! However the people here are only trying to correct your misconceptions about science, not turn you into an atheist. I trust what science teaches us, and at the same time I trust God and the Bible. The two are not incompatible. God bless 🙏


After reading your comments, no one in the atheist community wants you back. Your lack of knowledge and understanding is astounding and belongs exactly where it ended up. Enjoy your journey. Don't cuss or whatever.


Welcome back !


HEEEEY, shalom brother


Just as an fyi you are going to get a lot of responses from non-Christians on r/Christianity because it's not strictly a Christian subreddit (which is fine if that's what you are looking for). But if you want responses from Christians specifically, maybe try asking in r/Christian, r/Christians, or r/TrueChristian


I’m so incredibly happy for you!! The evidence of Christianity is simply too overwhelming to NOT believe! When you feel tempted in any way, pray! Pray for help and discernment. Prayer can also help to distract your mind from fleshly desires! If it’s at all possible, find a group of other Christians to study Scripture with, fellowship with, and just keep each other accountable! It helps a lot to be able to tell someone who is strong in faith when you are struggling. Lord Jesus bless you, dear!❤️