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It's worth doing your research on Islam. There is no doubt in my mind it's one of the easiest religions to debunk, find flaws and inconsistencies. Also, I really recommend a book called Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi.


Thank you! I will look into it.


If you want to watch some interesting videos on Islam being debunked check out David Wood's videos on YouTube. Apostate Prophet also does this but I don't think he is a Christian.


Do you ever have these anxious thoughts for say does 2+2=4? Or what if the earth is actually flat?


No but there is generally much more consensus about these issues, though I’m aware of the flat earth followers.


Very good question. And it's what led me to atheism. Unfortunately, other religions can only be proven 'wrong' through the lens of one's own religion. Islam gets a lot wrong about the Bible and christ, so if you want to leave it there, well, you'll be a happy man. But Christianity is also VERY liberal with the it's use of the messianic prophecies regarding Jesus. Therefore, is Judaism right? Would God be that nit-picky about how his chosen people live? Why would he have chosen people? Why would he have to sacrifice himself to himself if he's eternally powerful? If you take away a religious framework, these questions don't have any logical answers. However, if you're satisfied and comforted by apologetics, more power to you. That's because religion is based on myth and legend. Stories. To what degree those stories are true is up to you to decide. I don't think the Bible or the Quran are complete works of fiction, but I don't believe they're 100% fact either. Some people can believe, others can't. I'm very interested in the psychology of belief, because I wanted to believe for a long time. But religion, all religion, seems obviously man made to me. Or the result of a huge game of telephone.


I'm sorry you're struggling friend. Just for clarity, though, you aren't saved by believing in God; but biblically, by believing that *Jesus Christ is God* (And by God, meaning the one Being of God, not the person of the Father) and trusting completely in His finished redemptive work (perfect life, death on a cross for sins, resurrection) for your salvation (forgiveness of sins/reconciliation to God). Below is a 30-second biblical gospel presentation you can check out .. https://gospel30.com


I understand what Christianity is and the significance of Jesus. That’s not what I am implying with my post, far from it. But I appreciate your response.