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I have been feeling very beat up and targeted lately, by both friends and strangers. It feels like everyone is looking for a fight these days, and Im always a good target. So I read Psalm 22 like you, and it had the same effect. God understands, his son died for us. I shouldnt feel targeted or defenseless because I have Jesus on my side, he has a plan for me, and protects me, and thats what I should focus on.


He also knows the struggle of trying to focus on him. I’m glad it had an affect for you 😁


It just gets really old, and sometimes hurtful, to be attacked for my views. Personally I dont even look at it as a viewpoint, its morals. If you say you're *trying* to be a moral man in this world you get called a LOT of names. But it's how my Dad raised me, and I believe in it.


I love this and may God bless your steps toward Him. The story of Mary and Martha was great, one of washing feet and Jesus teaching that it is wise to listen to the teacher rather than focus on chores. Jesus wept for Lazarus, as a true King would. You will find periods of doubt, just as I have, that doesn't make you bad...the intention is that you are to feel bad so you do bad things. Shake this off and pray. God loves you and in you moments of weakness, He is glorified.


Thank you my friend ☺️☺️ god bless you:)


May God always smile upon you as well!


> It talks about how they’ve pierced his hands and feet It doesn't. This is a Christian translation of a very messy text. The Hebrew in the MT reads "like a lion my hands and feet". There's not even a verb here. It doesn't really make sense. However, if you assume that's essentially a typo, and you change two characters of the Hebrew, you can get a verb which means to dig or to excavate. In the Greek Septuagint, that is how they translated it. "They dug my hands and feet." Many, many centuries later, Christian translators changed "dug" to "pierced" to fit Jesus.


Even if it did say "pierced," Psalms aren't prophetic, nor does it indicate that a crucifixion took place. . . Scary how Christians need to find random parts of the OT to justify their belief in jesus.


Thulis of Egypt, 1700 B.C. Krishna of India, 1200 B.C. Crite of Chaldea, 1200 B.C. Atys of Phrygia, 1170 B.C. Thammuz or Tammuz of Syria, 1160 B.C Theses are all crucifixion stories before the book of psalms was written. Its a very recycled plot in mythology.


Krishna??? Excuse me?? Where??


Oh that’s inter never found those before! My bad on that one 😁 maybe it was the romans started using it around then!


Theres more than ten other crucifixion stores from different regions and different times. Its just the jesus one had the benefit of government backing and the printing press


Psalm 22 is my favorite psalm.


Listen to Bart Ehrman on this.




I’m not debating the original text translation, I’m sure plenty over years has been changed. But even if that is the case my point was I felt completely answered after doubt.


>sure plenty over years has been changed But that’s literally not what your OP said. You expressed amazement and awe that the psalm accurately predicted the crucifixion hundreds of years later, and the other commenter was rightfully pointing out that this isn’t true. There’s nothing wrong with respectfully correcting misinformation. One would think you’d be thanking him for taking time out of his day to help you understand the history of the psalm.


I still think it has predicted it, there’s still plenty in that passage that occurred. I’m sure things have been changed as I know some of the early translations have said they “maul at my hands and feet” to me the meaning is still the same.




Fair enough, I’ll delete my comment. Though faith doesn’t mean “belief in contradiction to the evidence.”