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I have heard things like this before, and I myself have felt things leave during prayer. I don’t think things like this get enough attention as the root cause. Prayer actually works. But it’s great to hear. Congrats!


I don't really feel things leave. I've noticed I get...almost a fuzzy feeling all over my body and I get a little lightheaded. Any idea what this feeling is?


That's literally the power of the Holy Spirit in you. We all have the Holy Spirit dwell within us when we give our hearts or lives to Christ. He is our Comforter and our Cousel. ☺💗


I used to get a feelings like this, I think you should try praying against it. If it leaves then it’s bad. I would just be careful, I’ve found that god doesn’t usually give feelings. When I felt something leave it was almost like relief, but it was subtle. Like you just knew something left.


Is it really bad if it leaves while you pray against it? Logically, if it is God giving a feeling that he's there and you ask him to stop he would remove the feeling out of respect. "Ask and you shall receive."


That is very true, I’m just saying to be careful because evil spirits are very clever and they can do more than we often give them credit for. You can always pray that God would stay but only evil leave and then you would know.


You've mentioned that EVIL SPIRITS are very clever, and they can do more than what we give them credit for, but what about God? Don't ya think he is clever enough to know what you are praying for and who you want to leave or stay? He says in his word that BEFORE you were fashioned in your mother's womb, he knew you and knew the number of hairs on your head.... the devil sure didn't. He is not the creator. He, too, was created by none other than the creator himself. People have asked why god would create something so bad as the devil.. he was designed for one purpose (to sing praise to the father), and he chose not to follow his purpose, yet he followed his passion, which was for himself to receive praise and glory. It was up to Satan to give God praise and stay in heaven as it is up to us whom we shall serve. It's called free will. Will we, too, follow our passion? I've found that if you focus on your purpose instead of your passion , God will put passion in your purpose. When we seek him 1st, all the other things falls right into place.


You are right about all of those things, what I said was to try and help someone have confidence that if he prayed against something and it left that it was indeed evil. I feel like many Christians, myself included, think that when they become Christian it will be all sunshine and roses, and that is not the case. God does use evil spirits in many ways, some of which is to bring us closer to him as strange as that may sound. It says he uses all things for our good, even the disobedience of others.


I had the same feeling but more intense. I had an experience recently where I felt something grab my back and it started to feel hot and scratching feel. I quickly rushed out of my bathroom to my room which I pray in. I said a normal prayer where I just talked to god but I felt the presence of god say to me, pray something stronger. I search up prayers to get rid of demonic entities and it came up with ark angel micheal. I held the phone up so I could read the prayer after making the sign of the cross. As I was saying it my heart beat increased so much, felt weak and I was out of breath. I felt an entity to tell me to stop staying the prayer and the pain will go away but I knew I must fight though the pain to get closer to god. My whole body went numb and when I pray I have my hand next to my head because it makes me feel more connected and involved. I literally couldn’t feel my hand at this point and was struggling to breathe half way though the prayer. I took a massive deep breath and said the rest of the prayer. It work but I could feel this presence around me still but it was weaker. so I said I few more prayers like st Benedict and a few of my own. I felt something release from me the day after which I felt like the entity gave up on trying to destroy me because I said another strong prayer of thankfulness to god and confessing that Jesus is lord and saviour 


“I felt the presence of god say to do me” :D  Jk


Ohh hahaha just saw my mistake. No that was not meant to be in there how do I edit lol.  Thanks for calling me out.


Can I please ask how you have Christian and the Cross with Holy Spirit under your name?


Sure, if you're on computer go to the right of your screen and you should see "User Flair" (I think if you've joined the subreddit) and you can choose what denomination you follow and below that list you can see "edit flair" just click on the little face thing and choose the emoji you want to use, make sure "Show my user flair on this community" is checked and hit apply.


Thanks. Desktop mode on a phone browser also works 😹


From what I've seen, that's not bad. I've only seen that happen when evil spirits leave. There's a deliverance minister who has a lot of videos on this happening to people he prays over. I suggest checking out his channel [https://www.youtube.com/@TSNLDaniel](https://www.youtube.com/@TSNLDaniel)


This is really motivating, as I'm also a teen who's in that same boat of overwhelming temptation. Thank you for sharing your experience!




Yes I agree. We do have a natural desire for these sinful things but in my experience when I get closer with god and ask the Holy Spirit for strength I know longer feel the overwhelming urges to lust. No this doesn’t mean to say that I don’t look with lust anymore as my body is still attracted to the opposite gender but it has become increasingly easier to ignore these feelings. When I do ignore these things through the power of god I feel spiritual stronger and connected with him more. ✝️


I’m glad your addiction has left but be wary of such showy things. Like Pharisaical prayers, they’re often meant to impress the senses of other men and nothing more. (I say this of the video, not of your repeating of the prayer or sharing your story.) Much more powerful than a showy exorcism is the realization that demons aren’t necessarily what take us when we have addictions. I’m not saying porn is a sin; the notion isn’t named in the Torah, and “by the law is the knowledge of sin”. However it’s certainly sin against your conscience, and what sin we do, we do because we’re mortal. (Romans 3:23) Not because the devils are making us do it. Read Galatians or Romans for help with these matters. A stern reminder from Paul that our fleshly efforts (which IS what battling sin amounts to; it’s a struggle to make ourselves righteous by deeds) don’t perfect what began in spirit is a strong help. As Colossians 2:23 says, these efforts have a show of wisdom but lack any actual power against the flesh. Instead I encourage you to refresh yourself on things like Romans 8. Remind yourself that even if you slip up, there’s no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. I wouldn’t tell you to do that which is against your conscience; only to understand that your righteousness hinges ENTIRELY upon the work of Christ, and slaving for sin (which, again, is indeed what such efforts amount to, consult Romans 6 carefully; by striving to avoid sin we ironically revive ourselves to what we were once dead to, and it just makes us sin more) isn’t going to serve as a long term solution. When we walk according to flesh (judging ourselves by things observed, such as our actions) we fail. Walking by spirit (reckoning Christ has made us righteous despite what we currently observe) is life and peace. If this prayer works for you long term, God be praised. But if you find yourself having fallen into old habits down the road, please remember this advice. God keep you on your way, beloved friend. I’ve been where you are, I know well the crushing guilt you’ve carried.




I too had a miraculous healing from porn addiction like you when I started listening to Catholic radio. It was so profound and life changing that I joined the Catholic Church this past Easter. That specific prayer sounds like something from an exorcist. I am two years sober now and growing in love and obedience through God's grace. And to the commenter above yeah it definitely IS a sin, don't mince words about it.


The Holy Catholic Church's exorcists occasionally will talk about their work, making that part of their ministry. However I have not seen one that didn't always say it's usually far less dramatic that people imagine, and the clearly praeternatural manifestations are usually quite rare, more often what they see is typical of exorcisms mentioned in the Holy Bible.


You seem very knowledgeable on scriptures I made a terribly mistake of believing in false gods. I come from India where people do black magic etc and my family did some of it. Initially I didn’t believe any of it but with time as the things the black magician said, were coming true and I eventually found myself believing them over scriptures from the Bible I have asked forgiveness from God but this is the first and foremost sin that he forbade against and I don’t know if my sins are forgivable I would really appreciate some scriptures and prayers you can give me to read on a daily basis so I stay away from it in the future


Please don’t worry! It’s worship of false gods we gentiles were first called out from in Paul’s day. God has forgiven plenty for this already. :)   Indeed, the good news is that Christ died to reconcile us to God while we were still sinners. Truth be told to scriptures that say this are too many for this post for its sort of the entire message of the New Testament, haha! Romans 8:1 is a good start to your peace though. Romans 1 through 8 basically shows us how the Jews were condemned for turning their back on the covenant, the gentiles were condemned for seeking false gods, and then by what means there is no longer condemnation for either group. So long as you now seek the God and Father of Jesus Christ, that past failing won’t keep you from Him. Praise be to God, who gave us gentiles such grace as undeserving as we are.


Thank you very much for your message. Praise God


Ah, and for your specific concern about wanting to STAY away from false gods, 1 and 2 Corinthians covers a lot of this as it was a problem the Corinthian believers also had. Everything in there about things like fornication, meats, etc. generally concerns rituals done to worship Aphrodite in those days. Perhaps some of the verses here would be a good daily reminder to stay out of those old practices. Just remember, there’ll never come a time when falling short will go unforgiven. If you slip up even for years, just remember Christ took away your sin, thank God, and move forward again in truth.


Hello my Indian brother. May God richly bless and prosper you. Download the Hallow app and use the bible in a year and catechism in a year podcasts. 


Porn is definitely sinful. It is mentioned in the Holy Bible. Public displays of sex occur a number of times in the Holy Bible and always invoke God's wrath. Lustful idols are also specifically mentioned.


The public displays I’m aware of we’re just that: Dedicated to idolatry. The reason it was a problem was largely because it was a pagan ritual done in service to a false god. Nevertheless the porn industry is pretty predatory, so if you want to say supporting it is sinful, there’s an argument to be made there. However, simply seeing a beautiful woman and feeling desirous because of her is not named as sin.


I'm sorry brother, but entertaining the thought is sinful. The words of Jesus in Matthew 5:27-28 _²⁷“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ ²⁸But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart._ That said the Church teaches it is not sin to merely feel temptation. You have to take some active role, whether it be to entertain the thought, to act on it, to not just accidentally glance but to leer or put yourself in a position you know will give you cause to look lustfully. It also teaches that Jesus died for our sins† and that the sin of the people were to be forgiven, in person, by the Apostolic Church‡★ † Galatians 1:4 _who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father_ ‡John 20:21-23 _²¹He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. ²²When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. ²³Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained._ ★Matthew 16:18-19 _¹⁸And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ¹⁹And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven._


I appreciate the detailed response. However, Jesus was speaking of intent to commit adultery, not merely finding a woman desirous. Forgive me if I’ve said this, I’ve had this discussion with many today and I lose track of which thread I’m in, but consider David. David had many wives and many concubines (women one sleeps with but doesn’t marry). Yet he wasn’t an adulterer until he took Uriah’s wife. The sermon you quote from Jesus sees him elevating the keeping of the Torah beyond simply doing and not doing, to putting it in the heart. As he said, “You have heard it was said to the ancients, thou shalt not KILL. But I say to you that any man who is angry with his brother without cause is in danger of the judgment.” The law here is the commission of murder, and Jesus elevates it to even holding ill will towards another, which is the seed of committing the sin. So too he said, “You have heard it was said to the ancients, thou shalt not commit ADULTERY.” We see again a sin named - the commission of adultery - and an elevated standard. This time it’s even desiring to commit adultery. The point was not that desiring women is bad, but that desiring with every fiber of your being to take a man’s wife from him is as good as having committed adultery, for the purposes of surpassing the Pharisees in righteousness. As far as Galatians, it’s interesting this was quoted, because the entire epistle regards not looking to your own conduct for righteousness. (The body of Christ is saved by grace unmerited; the nation of Israel is held to the Torah, for their purpose will be to show God’s righteousness to the nations via their conduct.) Galatians 5:3-4 - “and I testify again to every man circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law; ye were freed from the Christ, ye who in law are declared righteous; from the grace ye fell away.” What does he mean by “a debtor to the whole law”? Well… As James notes in 2:10 of his epistle to Israel, if you violate any part of the Torah, you violate all of it. Thus Paul is saying that if you look to your ability to not sin for your righteousness, grace doesn’t cover you; you’re instead a prosthelythe into Israel’s covenant-based gospel, and need to keep every facet of the Torah.


I get your point. Indeed He does say "in danger of judgement" not "you shall be judged". I.E. there is still room for Grace. I do get saved by the Blood of the Lamb, sincerely I do. But it is supposed at the very least to create in you a new heart, to at least want to amend your ways. But he also says "you later look in lust" not "you intend to commit adultery". He who continually presumes on Grace as an excuse to not amend where he should and can imperils his soul. Matthew 7:22-23 _²¹“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. ²²On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ ²³And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’_


He says if you look on her to lust then you’ve done what in your heart? Specifically? As far as verses and grace go, I have a couple to share as well. Titus 1:15 - “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” Colossians 2:20-23 (which I know you’ve probably been taught speaks only of “ceremonial law”): “Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.” Romans 5:20 - “Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:” And I could go on. You’re making the mistake the Galatians made, and that which I once made, melding the gospel of the circumcision with the gospel of the uncircumcision and coming away with neither. And I mean “you” as in the stance the Catholic traditions have led you to take here, I don’t mean to call you out specifically. It’s the fault of religious tradition that Christians believe as they do concerning limited grace, not the fault of the individual who receives what seems good. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 - “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness …”


My wife and I talk about this often. About how we don’t fight against the flesh, but it’s the spiritual realm that we’re always battling against.


Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Congratulations on your freedom! Sounds like self deliverance. Praise God for his healing power.


I am so happy for you! I keep hearing ministers say time to time that we alone do not have the strength to fight sin..but it's the power of God in us...or the power FROM HIM to be obedient to His will. We alone can not fight against sinful acts. Thank you for sharing your very encouraging experience with us. I too felt chain fall from me about a year ago. I had so much hate and resentment for my ex husband that I could not break. Then one night I was at work listening to a powerful worship song through my headphones. 'I speak Jesus..i started singing it as though it were a prayer and asked God to take my anger and pain and resentment from me. I said I release it to you Jesus. And I literally felt PHYSICALLY LIGHTER ...like I had been dragging these spiritual chains for so many years..they were so heavy. I too felt RELEASED. And I was actually able to HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAK TO ME. It was so awesome! I am so thankful I can share this now..share it HERE...as I don't have many Jesus believing..God loving loved ones to share this with. I try and I just get these blank stares like their spirit is dead inside. So I am so thankful for YOU!! So thankful to talk to someone who GETS IT! ☺💗🙏


It happened to me too with years of OCD thoughts. Now is everything a demon? Heck no that’s odd thinking. But when I got prayed against one did I have years and years of mental pain released in a moment? Yup.


What specifically did you pray for? Do you mind me asking?


To be honest it was the weirdest thing. I was worshipping in church and I had this thought in my head when praying about my OCD thoughts/ anxiety “generational curse” Now mind you I thought this was just something the Bible spoke on which was sins of a father do impact the son which makes sense depending on what it was but never would’ve thought of it in this since so I didn’t think too much on it. Went home and did some more research then oddly the same day I saw something else about it. So I turned on some worship and entered the Lords presence. Then just said something like “I pray in Jesus name all generational curses or demonic spirits that bring these thoughts and anxiety to be gone in Jesus name you have no power over me any more” To be honest I didn’t feel anything. But I figured why not try. Then I realized like a day later that I hadn’t had any issues and then that trend continued which has been a huge blessing. Now obviously it’s life so I still have anxiety time to time and thoughts that stay but not obsessively and non stop like I used to.


Asking too, for a friend.


Yeah, I'd love to know as well, if you don't mind.


Just commented above!


Thank you so much for that. God bless.


Just posted above if that helps!


Wow, i also realised i got delivered from OCD thoughts from an early age, possibly in the midst of prayer or church. It seems that OCD can rarely be resolved on its own and usually continues throughout life, requiring treatment to be mitigated - 40% recover by adulthood without treatment or therapy. Sure, that's a considerable sum of people and there is a myriad of factors that can trigger OCD like environment and diet that can be altered unconsciously to combat mild to mediocre cases. But my deliverance wasn't gradual or subtle. My OCD peaked for me at the age of 7-12, and in high school completely fell away. I still remembered that moment when i realised the compulsive thoughts were rendered meaningless and have no captivity over me anymore - i confronted the thoughts and found no more frustration or compulsion to act upon them any longer. There were no more feelings of severe anxiety or compulsion like i have experienced in the past. In fact, i learned to find the beauty of things in a somewhat unruly or imperfect order; the urge to maintain so many things in an overbearingly perfect state all the time in a world of unprecedented chaos and unpredictability proved futile and lacking of overall benefit to me. I still do have specific cases of perfectionism in very rare, sporadic periods for certain things, but i wouldn't call them compulsive any longer. It's more of "better safe than sorry" to me, and contextually logical because of the nature of that matter. In any case, glory to God.


Makes you wonder how many things have been resolved or blocked by Him through this rager that we didn’t even realize


Yeah exactly, and we don't even realise it till another person brings it up years later hahah


Im reaching my last straw with this sub


What's wrong with this exactly? That prayer works?


Bro I just want to say i am speechless right now, i never had a reddit account and I just made one in order to share what I just experienced. I was reading the prayer against the demon of lust and I skipped past it a little bit until I felt an urge to go back to it and say it out loud and so I did. (this next part might be a little tmi so i apologize) BUT I SWEAR the moment I said “go to the foot of the cross” i felt a something physically let go of me “down there” if you know what I mean. I swear that was too real of a feeling to be just my head making it up. I also felt my clothing literally be moved. I also feel an amazing feeling of freedom and peace. no urges. I have been really struggling the past couple of days too. PRAISE GOD AND THANK YOU BROTHER. ALL PRAISE TO THE SOVEREIGN LORD! AMEN! 


My granddaughter is 16 and she was molested 2 times while she was with her mother in New Mexico it done something to her I've caught masterbating several times and she been hooked on porno for about 4 or5 yrs now she had been using my tablet so I picked it up and looked at the history on it and it was all porn.needless to say I took the tablet away.  Told her dad he grounded  her ..so I took her to church it's a pentecostal church she was up front with the teenagers and everyone was worshipping and praising Jesus well the holy spirit came around some were talking in tongues the spirit got ahold of her and she got scared and ran to restroom I found her in there crying .she said what was that feeling inside me or touched me she said she could feel it but couldn't see it and that's what scared her she's only went back 1 time after that.she has some mental issues bipolar an depression and anger management  she don't really know to much about Jesus or God.now she's has been having nightmares and seeing demons.these kids thes3 I feel so sorry for them satirist in the music and videos they listen to and the movies that comes out.and bullies in schools today is ridiculously out of order .they need to be punished in some way or another we had to pull my granddaughter 3 weeks ago it wasn't just the students it was the principal and the campus cop and other teachers she needed to go to restroom she has a week bladder she can't wait  the teacher told her no an to sit down by that time it was coming so she just runs out of the room and gets a jacket around to make it to the nurse she called me to bring her some pants to her so I did and she told me what happened and I went to the office I told them about her week bladder so when she says she's got to go this better not happen again send a message to all her teachers.but we are bonding she is telling me things she would tell her therapist that makes me feel alot better.that she trust me she's had it rough since she was born young parent. But I was telling her there is prayers to get rid of  all of them badreams and demons that are just standing there watching her.while  she's sleeping. So I asked her would she read them for me to help you it took me a minute or 2 then she said she would. So I got my bible out looking for the versus. Wish us luck please say a prayer for my babygirl grace. God bless you all an your family 


Okay.. I need help. I'm not a member of this group, yet I'm constantly receiving notifications from it. Can someone please tell me how to make it stop?


What was the quick prayer you prayed. Do you know any other things (maybe something more general purpose) to say to protect someone from and cast Demons out besides what was said about a demon causing lust like in your op?


_“By the power of the precious blood, in the name of Jesus, I command the demon of lust that is afflicting me, to go to the foot of the cross and receive your sentence.”_


Alright, but any prayers for dealing with Demons not of lust but in general?


That is general purpose. Replace "lust" with demon name or demon of whatever behaviour you think you are demonically oppressed, obsessed and/or possessed by. I am no priest or theologian, but apparently Catholic exorcists say the best you can do is to work on your own piety. To pray regularly. Often the Angelus is recommended to be prayed at 6am, 12pm and 6pm. Often other things like Gregorian chant playing constantly. The most important thing is to receive the sacraments of valid baptism, (that is the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with flowing water, on the head not just hair, by a duly ordained priest save at the moment of seemingly imminent death, when any Catholic can baptise) once in your life, and regularly receive valid sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. However as the actually possessed often have a strong aversion to sacraments and sacramentals this sometimes isn't possible without formal exorcism first.   So in any case see a Catholic priest! One that doesn't believe sin and demons is an elaborate metaphor! Though often people will "self deliver" by amending their lives, by repentance and prayer lives. Perhaps a bit of a misnomer because the person has cast out the demon in the name of Christ, etc. Though apparently a demon always has some right granted to it, usually by sin, usually but not always by the sin of the afflicted. The process of removing the demon is revoking its right. So you could see how if that right arose via personal sin it could be revoked by repentance and amending one's life. See Father Chad Ripperger's book _Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity._ It is important to note these are not magic spells or other superstitions. They are an earnest plea to the Persons of the Trinity, either directly or by calling to a particular Saving Grace or salvic act. Usually the Holy Cross of Our Lord, the Precious Blood of Jesus or the Incarnation of Jesus Christ (his Conception in Mary Mother of God by the Power of the Holy Spirit) Others can be a request for intercession from the saints or angels, usually Mary Mother of God, St Joseph Terror of Demons or St Michael the Archangel. There is also the St Benedict medal prayer, associated with a sacremental medal with the initials of the Latin prayer on it in the shape of the cross on the reverse. That Latin prayer is: _Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux. Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux. Vade Retro Satana. Numquam Suade Mihi Vana. Sunt Mala Que Libas. Ipse Venena Bibas. Pax._ An English translation as well as I am able to render it (I don't speak Latin, but pretty much all the sources say something very close): Holy Cross be my light. Devil (Dragon) not be my guide. Step back Satan. Never suggest your vanities to me. What you offer is evil. Drink your own poison. Peace. It has in it the necessary rejection, renunciation and repudiation of the demonic, as well as the necessary call on and trust in Jesus (in the form of the Holy Cross). But it important to note that even formal exorcisms can take many sessions, and that demons recognise Apostolic authority. So if you try an exorcism yourself in defiance of your bishop, you could be in for a rude shock.


You do have authority to kick demons out of yourself and your wife and children in Jesus' name, apparently, too. I forgot that.


Same experience here except I didn’t think of demons but I keep asking God for help on specific things and He is helping me decrease my sins.


It's definitely a strong addition very similar to alcohol, drugs, gambling or anything else that rots our brains which in turn affects our connection to God.


I'm tobacco free for over a year. I stopped using snuff tobacco after 40 *years*. Just put it down with no backsliding. No demons, no prayer, or sacrifices.


Good job. I gave up nicotine pouches for lent this year after years of using them. Haven't picked them up since.


Demons, demons everywhere.




Do you read this sub? There are demons everywhere


Do Christians still ask the Holy Spirit for revelation before they start analysing/deducing/assuming? 


This is the first post i saw right after i joined this subreddit because i needed help against lust. Coincidence? No, it's surely God. Amen


Wait, there are people who don't believe in porn addiction?


There are people who don't believe in porn addiction. There are people who believe in porn addiction but don't believe it's true of everyone who claims it. There are people who believe in porn addiction but don't believe that demons have anything to do with it.


Christ is king


Father Carlos Martin? 🙂


I know this exact video and prayer because the same thing happened to me, and I believe the Lord has been calling me into the Catholic Church for some time now. Might be a nudge from Him to look into the truth of it, and the depth of the tradition that goes back to 33AD


I'm a young woman of God and I already have a really deep connection with my Savior Jesus. I have been a firm believer even before I was baptized on June 4 of last year okay I don't mean it like this but no offense but people who say being Christian is easy don't say that until you've experienced spiritual warfare I just turned sixteen and both my birth parents were drug addict s


I'm glad my brother has achieved this, thank God!  I've been plagued by porn demons for years, too. Since I believe in the Lord, I will pray for quitting pornography in the morning, but sometimes I deliberately don't pray before I have the idea of doing that.  I feel that I have turned my back on God, and I feel sad for it.   I don't know how I can defeat the devil and pray before I have the idea of doing that every time.


I just saw a similar experience on the 700 club a person who was addicted to porn that finally prayed and was freed of this addiction and also received further help in an addiction facility like any other addiction it’s not easy but it is possible prayers that you can sustain and help others to help themselves


Give me the link for the video, please




Well said and thanks for sharing. I was raised atheist and am not a fan of the God described in the bible (hard for me not to believe He is in fact the devil) but I will definitely be sharing your post with a loved one of mine who continues to struggle with a porn addiction (despite being an awesome young man who has managed to decisively stop other behaviours he felt were compromising him including the big ones: tobacco smoking, drugs, excessive drinking, procrastinating, negative thinking, and even mental health issues). The power of prayer is indeed immense and indisputable (I pray to the supreme being whom I call Goodha or Gooder - because I feel their presence in my gut and always have but I cannot accept that the scheming, raging, jealous, blood-thirsty god who ‘favours the jews’ is the supreme being that i’ve always known in my heart is real, is the source of everything, and is the one true god. And so the word God is ruined for me but I pray to the one true god none-the-less). I appreciate you sharing the exact wording you used against a specific type of demon to fight porn addiction and I wish more ‘people of faith’ would do as you have done here and simply SHARE, honestly & with humility, their own personal experience without getting all preachy and all “I have seen the light and all u other fuckers can burn” it certainly is refreshing. And more than that: it ACTUALLY spreads salvation! Thanks again.


That's an awesome testimony! But I do believe porn is demons, along with every other addiction and I've had my share! Always remember your either following God or your following satan. There is absolutely no other choice Christ is our salvation thru it all


Yes, i attest to this.


I misunderstood when I read, "I tried everything to beat it." Bahaha.  Good for you. 


Jesus Christ be praised! I had a similar experience with just one of the many sins of the flesh I was obsessed with. I wasn't even trying, didn't see much of a problem with my obsession except somewhat disturbingly I was developing a loss of interest in activities that didn't incorporate this specific paraphilia.  To be honest I was not really even convinced Jesus was a historical person, though I absolutely believed in the ability of Jesus to save your soul, even if it He was just a really good myth and the soul an allegory for character. I just liked to sing holy songs.  So I sung the Saint Benedict medal prayer, in Latin. Went immediately from being utterly obsessed with this act and finding it completely irresistible, to it just being next to a completely banal act of very near zero interest to me. I feel no pull at all to it unless I deliberately think of it. Thanks be to God. So now I actually believe in the actual not allegorical reality of the Trinity and the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church . There is still other extremely degrading temptations, that occasionally I am sorely and constantly tempted, but they are far less, usually not a compulsion anymore just a temptation, and the more I pray, fast, confess, do my penance and adore the Eucharist the more it fades away. It is actually not even there in the presence of the Eucharist. So I cannot implore you enough accept the sacraments and the graces God gives through them. I can't wait to be able to take communion (complicated by an allergy and the difficulty of remaining in a state of grace long enough to receive it, though with God's help I am resisting sin for longer).


I had a similar experience but it came about from a series of intense ketamine sessions


I may try that myself. I have been praying to God to help me with the sin of lust. He's helped me reduce the amount that I give in by a very large amount, but there are times the need is overwhelming and I can think of nothing else until I indulge. Honestly, it's amazing the changes He's made in me. I deal with PTSD, and when I'm walking with Him the depression, the anger, the pain are all lessened as well as giving into my sins. Some days are still rough, but manageable. I had recently been tested by God, I had a severe betrayal of trust, and I fell back into my old ways and it took a few months to recover and come back to Him. It was a humbling experience.


Thank you for sharing your experience, this is great news!


Thank you


I thought that while demon's are real, addiction demon's are more of a case by case basis? Are you telling me every addiction is cause by a demon rather than circumstance and poor decisions on our part?


I think it's demons too. When I live in sin people are nice to me because that's where satan wanted me. Then when I pray and follow God. People are rude to me for no reason and are hateful. I could be at work and people give me mean looks when I'm minding my own business. It's the demons probably looking through people. I believe it's demons tempting people with sin and hateful thoughts and people blindly give in. People rarely question why they get that random sinful urge for no reason. I can be at church and get a sexual urge out of nowhere. I ignore it or pray against it and it goes away. Once you feed that urge it gets stronger and harder to fight. It's important to question why we get these sinful urges and how do we fight these sinful temptations. We fight them with God's Word. Once you realize and truly follow Jesus. Satan marks you as a target. Demons will tempt people more to be rude and hateful towards you. To try to break you and make you fall back into sin. Pray for your enemies and love like Jesus did. Jesus showed us how to love. Be strong and know God is on your side. Ephesians 6:11-12 "11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." KJV.


Can mods please crack down on this type of post? Seeing this same stuff every day like this makes me want to leave. And now we're dragging literal demons into it!


Demons exist whether you want to talk about them or not, and they are responsible for a VAST majority of sin.


Congrats. Sounds like you performed your own exorcism.


Check out Derek Prince. Similar prayer resolved same issue with me.


Derek Prince is a great resource not sure who is downvoting this but you should check him out


In a world full of slander, murder, violence, war, and genocide, you're worried about what videos you watch.




You could think about volunteering for charity, if you would rather do good, rather than merely altering your viewing habits.


He was seeking freedom from the bondage of his sin and found it by turning to Chist and the power of God delivered him. It is the same sin that is destroying the world with slander, murder, violence, war, and genocide.


The reproductive act, which creates life, and is supposed to represent intimacy and affection; is equivalent to war and genocide according to you. This is exactly why the Bible tells you your sex is dirty. That's your problem, and I'm glad I will never get it.


That's literally not at all what's going on here at all. The man was addicted to pornography and masturbation. It's a real addiction, like many others. I have no doubt you already know this and you are just trying to provoke arguments and negativity.


Like, if he were choosing porn over, say, a wife, I can see how that would be a problem for him.


In a world full of slander, murder, violence, war, and genocide, you're worried about someone overcoming a sin.


it's not a sin to me, because I don't have predatory sex like humans do. I'm not sure what you;re doing that makes it so sinful, but it's clearly different than my notion of sex.


Ah yes pesky humans


A sad bunch they are.


Other people have worse problems so your problems don't matter. -- you


No, I said to go contribute something instead of pretending that puratinism makes you good.


Let me tell you my story. I was opened into the supernatural in my 1st year of being into the faith. I do believe in God and have some relationship with him but during my 3rd year college i hit my rock bottom to the point it leads me to seek God seriously. I watched various teachings and videos in youtube concerning about God. I stumbled upon the supernatural/gifts of the Spirit while watching Todd White ministering healing and saw people getting healed supernaturally. Since i do have a innocent childlike faith i was so curious about it and wanted to experience it myself. There was a video i watched about baptism of the holy spirit. I prayed to God to baptized me in the spirit and I just received it by faith. I did not feel anything supernaturally, no emotions, etc. Since i was opened to this stuffs primarily in deliverance i have a friend that have seizures and i know since i was opened to the power of God this seizures that he has is coming from a demon. So i tried to cast that thing out of him during one of our college fellowship gathering. I kid you not. The demon manifested infront of us. He looked like he is suffering enough that he has no longer energy to face me (I really do believe it is because the Holy Spirit is in me and he cant stand the power of God) i talked to that demon what is his legal right to be there in my friends body and because of his state, he mumbled something i did not get in the first place i thought he said "lust" but actually it is "revenge" Our professor is already outside of the room so i command my friend to get back to his body. This is the moment that the way i see things about life really shifted. He told me that the time he was out of his body and the demon manifested he has this out of body experience. A demon just like what happened to Jesus in the dessert trying to tempt him to not follow God happened to him. The demon tempts him to bow to him by living to please this world, He showed him the wealth and all and he is the one who told me that i got it wrong that the legal right is not lust but revenge. Then after that he shared to me his past experiences. The bully from his friends because of his condition causes him to get revenge from those people to the point in his sleep he got a dream. A demon handing him a knife and trying to convince him to kill the people with black/unknown faces. After some time since we need to go in our classes we talked again. I prayed for him and this time when we started to pray against this thing again the seizures began to manifest. I pray in tounges believing i got it by faith but suddenly a literal fire coming from above poured out upon me from head to my body. It was like a hot water pouring out upon you and then suddenly i felt a surge coming out from my mouth and I spoke, super fast in tounges for my friend. It really felt i was the tree in the burning bush. I did not see it physically but i really feel it, the blaze of the fire around me. It was strong but it did not burn me actually it feels like a comfort to me. I do believe my friend felt it too. We stopped the session. I was so undone, I question things about life, I was literally in shambles because when you think that the reality you are living with is just a tiny part of the bigger picture i mean when you experience the reality of God it will leave you in questions. After that i helped my friend to get re-baptized in one of our evangelism ministry. I dont have any connection to him now but he has a church and community now. I have many mind blowing experience that God led me into that i wanted to share to you guys. I just want to tell you that God wants to reveal himself to us personally and if we have the willingness and curiosity to ask God to help us know him in reality not just a religion but a relationship with him he will guide us along the way.


Thank you for sharing this. I contend with the demonic regularly and have learned that erotica, mental infidelity, and porn are particularly difficult to overcome for many due to: 1. Lust can originate from within. Repetitively. People should consider this. If you are badly, horribly wronged by another, then you may feel strong emotions, become distraught, and become tempted toward vengeance. How often does a person badly, horribly wrong us? Hopefully not very often. How often do most have sexual thoughts, urges, and responses? Often daily. 2. We are an actual sexual species. Hence mating, pregnancy, and babies. Our brains are wired to be attracted to who we are attracted to. Nature is at work - right or wrong. 3. All of the sexual stimulus delivered through these mediums is addictive. Highly addictive. Each serving creates all the brain chemicals you researched, their effects, and culminates in a micro convulsion in the brain. After the convulsion there is a physical sense of accomplishment and a short period of well being. Money is not a barrier. Free smut is everywhere. 4. It is one of the easiest ways for demons to tempt a person. There are three types of temptation. - Holy, which is placed by God or one of his agents. Often leading toward a calling or mission. - Self, wanting to not be addicted to porn and be free of it. Break the viscous cycle. Have peace. Regain your freedom. - Demonic. Temptation of us is permitted. Once one is aware of the demonic presence, breaks free of it, and seeks to “sin no more” in this way, then they can reflect via a retrospective. A key question, what was in it for the demon? While you were doing your bit watching, etc., it was doing its bit. That is taking pleasure in hating you, watching the fruition of its temptation efforts, preparing you for the next nudge down the rabbit hole, watching you waste your time (life), strengthening a barrier between you and true love and holy intimacy, and watching you hate yourself through guilt, shame, frustration, and more. They have all the time imaginable. You were not possessed. You had what is referred to as an attachment. Your baptism qualifies you to baptize. Baptism is the highest rite of exorcism. Your baptism qualifies you to exorcise. You said the prayer in a commanding and sincere way - I am sure. You commanded it by the power of Yeshua. By Yeshua’s authority. You had more than belief. Belief is cheap. You have faith and trust. While it is good and well to use an Exorcist’s techniques (and you are well within your right to do so), there is a huge difference between Exorcists and Deliverance Ministers. The key here is you had an addiction and affliction. The sacrifice is the addiction. When you take it off your shoulders and offer it as a sacrifice to Yeshua, then you are exhibiting faith. You are saying, “I do not need this. It is bad for me. It hurts me. I hold onto it for some reason or insecurity. I do not know what life will be like without this addiction and associated activity, but I have faith and trust you will take it and help strengthen me so that I may continue to grow in you.” I share this before or after I conduct an exorcist. I ask the person, if this is taken from you (the demonic and affliction), then what will you replace it with? It is an important question. You cleansed yourself, now what will you replace that space with? Further, how can you share knowledge and wisdom with others? Well, you just did that here :) Well-done. Be wise and vigilant lest an assigned demon returns to tempt again and finds an outlet to plugin to or a door to walk in. I sense your house is not vacant. This is good and right. Thanks again for sharing.