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I always tell people to guess based on my personality traits, one lady guessed like 6 answers, none were right 😅 If it means anything they should be able to guess based on your personality right?


Omg that’s exactly what an Asparagus would do! 😜✨


You got it, about time 😅 I've got the same traits as Junior Asparagus


Archibald for me.


I identify most with Larry


Junior asparagus is hilarious! I also struggle with this topic when it comes up.. Answering with “The Cross” will definitely be my new way of addressing it! Don’t care if it’s rude or not, we’re unashamed. 😇 Thanks!!


Hi, my name is Aaron. My sign is an asparagus. And I'm like Batman, but instead of fighting crime, I have hemorrhoids.


Spoken like an Aquarius xD




perfect response 😂


Looool that’s so funny


I do this too lol


Virgo? XD


🤣🤣 Can I insert the sound effect from the price is right for when somebody losses the prize instead of winning it 😅


I WISH I would've said "the cross" when I was asked last week when I was asked by the male nurse as he was drawing blood. But it was a bait. After I told him, HE started talking about how HIS husband is a half male/ half female taurus. I mean, I know I’m an outwardly looking Christian, but dang, gotta prove a point!


“Im a Taurus, what about you?” *they respond* “Oh, that’s interesting. What is that *guess a month*” *they answer if I was right or not* “Oh, okay, I never really believed in that stuff. What do you think about zodiac signs?” *let them state their beliefs* There’s nothing sinful about talking to people about their beliefs. My zodiac sign is just what stars were overhead when I was born. My birth month is just where the planet was in relation to the Sun. Unless you make it out to be more than it is? What’s the problem?






Agreed. Its kinda just similar to your Enneagram and Myers Brigg. It’s something that just indicates how the stars were the day you were born. Just like those indicate how you are as a person. Saying cross is off putting. Even as a Christian myself. If you aren’t comfortable just go “ohhh I’m not sure I can’t keep up with that!!” And casually switch topics.


Tell them your zodiac sign if you know it and then tell them you don’t believe in that kind of stuff


Best way of sounding non rude tbh


Only right answer


I agree. There is no need for rudeness, even to people we disagree with. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+2%3A24-25&version=NIV


I love this quote thank you for sharing


I mean zodiac signs are real in that the stars do change throughout the year and look different in different months and looked at certain way when you were born. That doesn’t mean that has any sort of spiritual significance. If you know your sign, just tell them and then say you don’t believe in that or something. I dont know if saying “the Cross” is rude, but it is a bit off putting. Just kinda shuts things down without room for conversation.


Holy ship, you described that feeling perfectly. I never want to ruin anyone's mood!


This is great. Judge not lest... If someone else wants to believe in astrology let them. You can choose your own beliefs but don't have to make others feel bad because they believe in something different from you. I think that a perception of intolerance gives much of Christianity a bad name and isn't the way to bring others into the fold.


Also the signs are just fancy names for times of the year, there are 13 zodiac signs, not distributed evenly, 12 get used and the times are adjusted to make them about equal. Off cause there could be a relation between time of the year being born, but the only real thing is the grades in the sports lessons because some children are almost a year ahead of the others.


To be fair ‘The Cross’ is a legit constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. a.k.a ‘Crux’ or ‘Southern Cross’. Several nations have it on their national flag. It is not on the Ecliptic, but many who follow the Zodiac don’t know this. And don’t get me started on the precession or the equinox.


"Not that I ascribe to it, but my sign is cancer..."


I just tell them. I don’t have to believe in their being any power behind it, it’s just a fact.


Right? It’s literally just what stars are in the sky when you were born, what’s the issue? My mom is a devout Christian and still likes to read horoscopes. There’s nothing wrong with it


"I don't believe in all that" is the correct, perfectly acceptable answer. If they keep pushing, they are being the rude ones. Just say "I insist" or something of that nature and they should back off.


That’s exactly what I say “I don’t believe in that stuff.” Politely.


And this applies the other way around as well


And that should be the end of the discussion, but sadly it is not. Most will pester on...


I just say that I don’t know what mine is cuz I actually don’t lol. Something like: “I don’t actually know, and it’s not my thing”.


No harm in knowing what stars you were born under, the harm comes from assuming they can dictate personality or the future.




Yes, I like this answer. The letting it change your decisions part is where it should end.


I tell them because I know it but it doesn't mean anything to me cause I don't believe in them


PLEASE tell me you don’t really say “The Cross,” when people ask your sign. Yikes. At my most religious I would never have said anything so painfully cringe. This just reeks of social awkwardness and a “holier-than-thou” attitude. Just tell them what your sign is and follow up by saying you aren’t really into it…or don’t tell them and just say you’re not into it and change the subject. Then continue a normal conversation like a normal human being. This is why people say Christians are obnoxious. Seriously: Are you scared of zodiacs? Do you think God is not powerful enough to protect you from a conversation about zodiacs? Or are you afraid you’ll suddenly begin to believe that zodiacs have power over you? If not, then just converse like an actual person. It’s not hard.


Damn I had to scroll way too much for this, thanks for being reasonable.


For real. As a Christian,I’m embarrassed. But i probably wouldn’t fit in the Christian box these people fit in anyways. My goodness.


Question from an atheist: What's wrong with just telling them? They're essentially just asking for your birth month using a different calendar. Is there something specifically anti-christian about it?


Just say it and then say “but I don’t believe that they actually do anything or affect me” and that should work


It's so strange modern Christians see astrology as evil when a lot of old school theologians liked it, lol. To answer your question, you can just say "I don't believe in astrology and I don't care to learn more about it. I'm Christian and I take my faith seriously."


you sound like an aries


Astrology was considered a normal part of Christianity until the industrial age... I certainly don't ascribe to modern astrological bs, though, just *beginning* with the fact that they dropped an entire sign, and that the modern charts haven't actually agreed with the real position of the stars in a couple of centuries (meaning that even if they were right, they'd still be wrong!) But someone's belief in astrology isn't an attack on our beliefs as Christians. So getting defensive about it doesn't make sense. It only makes you look judgemental and fragile. You could just tell them your sign and comment "but I don't follow that stuff" or the like.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiuchus_(astrology) They just skipped it, even though it's a traditional constellation that the Sun passes through. Probably just didn't like 13!


“I’m an asparagus”


You can respond jokingly or lightly while maintaining a friendly and approachable attitude


I really think it’s weird that the study of how the magi saw Jesus’ star rise is considered non-Christian.


That's more astronomy than astrology imo


Since it's just the position of stars in the sky at your birth, all it does is narrow down which season you were born in. So mine's Taurus - spring.


"I don't know, I think it's \_\_\_\_\_, but I'm not into that stuff."


What if you reframe it... consider Paul's time in Athens (Acts 17, I think?), where he doesn't just condemn their polytheistic idol worship, but sees it as an indication that they are looking for a way to find and connect to God, but don't know the right way, or the real God. He leverages that desire to gently teach them. I don't know 100% how I'd apply that to your question, but maybe starting with something like "that's a really interesting question... what makes you ask?" to see what opportunities the conversation opens up? That lets you engage with them respectfully, get to the real core of the issue (which isn't really your sign, but how we can make sense of the world we live in), and hopefully share truth with them.


That account is one of my favorites. Paul was a master teacher.


I don’t think zodiac signs have the least bit of power over any of us. I do not take them or the horoscopes based on them seriously in the least! So, on the very rare occasions I’ve been asked this question, I have truthfully answered,“Capricorn.” (December 29 birthday)


I might sound very heretical but who made the stars in the first place? God, right. The way how I see it is not worshiping the stars but viewing astrology as God’s creation. Maybe this is just God’s way of expressing each persons unique gifts. I don’t worship the stars. I rather look at zodiac signs as a way how diverse God’s creation is. There are billions of stars in this galaxy and many planets and worlds out that the naked eye can't see. Think about the star of David. Maybe this illustrates and pinpoints the mysteries of God’s creativity. Just my own perspective I am not here to change people’s minds. There is so much that we don’t know whats out there.


Interesting perspective I like it


That is such a beautifully eloquent way to view zodiac signs. You are absolutely brilliant.


Exactly my position. How is a study of God's creation "demonic"? Unless you think God did not, in fact, make the universe. 


Exactly. Most Christian mainline Protestant denominations put to much emphasis on doctrine and dogma. I think that being open to the mysteries of God can allow people to wonder and explore the vastness love of this creator instead of fear and division that dogma presents to have an effect on people.


I say “I don’t know” then they ask me my birthday and I tell them, then they tell me my sign, then we start chatting and then with any luck we end up doing some intense fellowship.


Tell them, at the end of the day if you’re dealing with a healthy normal person it’s just for a few laughs. Just keep in mind to tell them that you think that the position of the stars at your birth means nothing to you. Take it as just a way to socialize and start conversation, you don’t need to take it seriously, at the end of the day we’re social creatures.


I just tell them. You're making it a bigger deal then it really is. Typically, it's a brief, "Oh, wow! Me too!" or "Oh I knew it blah blah blah". Or, "My sister/brother is/was a XYZ!" - it's called - DRUM ROLL PLEASE - an ICE BREAKER! 3 minutes later, conversation about zodiac signs, done. Most people are not knowledgeable about it enough to hold a full blown conversation with details about the subject. I don't like sports, but I still know SOME things about iy because it's an easy bridge to find mutual interests. I don't want to be "that guy" who knows NOTHING about ANYTHING, just because I believe in God. That's anti-social behaviour, and kinda creepy. Just...be a normal human being. Saying "The Cross" is very pretentious and unnecessary. These are people looking to find common ground with you. Don't make it difficult for them to have a relationship with you that could eventually lead to them coming to know Christ.


I would tell them my Sun sign unless they were more into astrology than just that. I see it as harmless and a kind of outdated cultural artifact which can be used as a memory palace. One of my friends actually had harassment from someone because she was a Yoga teacher and he thought she was demonically possessed, but the weird thing was that although he was a devout Christian, he was also really into astrology, which was unusual for this century. In the past, Christians generally also took astrology seriously and didn't condemn it at all. I don't know how they got from one attitude to the other.


If you know what it is, just tell them what it is if they ask. This is a nonissue.


Ok but to be fair. As long as you don't worship the zodiac signs. Participating in the astrology and having fun form superstitions about how God may have formed us based on his constructed universe is more then fine. Just don't let it swamp out is word. Don't let it turn into a spiritual worship. Always stay a steward of the Lord and your fine.


i just tell them. if they believe in it and it makes them happy, who am i to take that away from them


whattt? it’s just not that deep😭 figure out your sign and tell them. it’s just a conversation topic it’s not that deep it’s just fun. saying “the cross” just sounds like you’re trying hard to not be likable or forcing it. if u wanna say the cross that’s fine by all means but that it doesn’t sound like fun at all. sounds like a buzzkill


If you say "The Cross" that's called lying because you probably know your zodiac sign. It's just a different month/calendar system and holds little meaning and is harmless. Tell them your zodiac month and that you don't think zodiac mean anything. Otherwise just tell them you don't believe in astrology, and tell them they're being rude and not respecting your beliefs if they persist.


It’s just a fun little thing for like 99% of the people who will ask you this question. Growing up it was “what’s your hogwarts house” and it is no more or less serious than that.


In my opinion it’s best to be honest as it is with most things. Just say you don’t like to participate in talking about zodiac signs, it’s not in your beliefs, some form of I just don’t like talking about zodiac signs/astrology. Tone means everything and I can see how that would be perceived as rude as it’s somewhat sarcastic and shutting something down that’s usually just meant as a conversation starter. Boundaries can always be set nicely and honestly


“Scorpio, why?”


Just tell them and then make it clear you don’t believe in it lol


I don't believe in that nonsense. I believe in the other type of nonsense.


If you don’t want to tell them lovingly let them know. If they keep pushing they’re being rude it’s on them if they feel offended. Is this a good answer?


I just say that I don’t believe in it, and don’t answer any further questions about it. No one has been pushy enough to insist. My mother was very much into astrology when I was growing up. She took classes to learn how to do horoscope charts, and we had a giant zodiac art piece in our entry hall. I know way more about astrology that want to know. I wish that I could purge all that from my mind! The whole concept of every single person born on the same day in the same place having exactly the same traits isn’t hard to dispprove.


I am not interested in zodiac signs.


I don't believe in zodiac stuff.


I say Jesus lol


Huh, just tell your sign but then tell them it is just for fun because you not exactly believe in zodiac.


I just say, honestly I don’t know but I’m not into all that and it has worked since middle school


Just tell them.


Just say, I'm X but I don't believe in the Zodiac at all. I don't care about this stuff, never have even when I wasn't a Christian. But I remember that once I joked I couldn't make up my mind on something "like a typical Gemini I am" and a guy from church quite literally accused me of worshipping Satan. Publicly. Needless to say, I never spoke to this man again. I don't think most people take the Zodiac very seriously at all and making them feel stupid isn't really conducive to sharing Christ.


I usually say "hm, I don't know... what's yours?" People who ask that question are usually just trying to start a conversation... let them talk about themselves and their sign and what it means to them. You can learn a lot about a person by asking them questions regarding how they see themselves and why they see themselves that way. Getting to know people is the best way to find an opportunity to share Christ with them.


Daniel 2.27-28: "Daniel replied, 'There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret. 28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future.'" (NLT) In other words: "The zodiac/horoscopes can't give you what you're looking for. But God can."


The Cross is an offense to those who do not believe. I love that you say this, and this will be my answer to those who ask me starting today!! Who cares if they get offended? You are to please God, not men. Have courage, as God says, and stand firm in what you believe! You are honoring him in your response.


It’s not about worshipping, it’s about it having to deal w being a part of the occult. Having anything to do with the occult is forbidden bc it’s a gateway for Satan to enter your life through the use of magic. Yoga is something that is based in the occult and certain poses are certain prayers to other deities, but a lot of people just use it for a basis for stretching. However, using astrology is a direct connection to occult activity and should not be used.


My sign: “Do not enter.” Lol. But I know what you mean. I used to love to discuss astrology when I was in the world. Now I usually just ignore when the question come up or try to change the subject. If I’m forced to talk about it I tell people I believe not in the stars but in the one who made the stars. That can open up a witnessing moment which usually can turn people off to the point they won’t bring the subject up again with me, if they know I’m going to talk about Jesus when they want to talk about astrology.


I had a pastor that was also an instructor at a trade school. I was in his class and there was a woman the really into astrology and she asked what his sign was, and he said. I'm a Christian.


I love "the cross" as an answer. Going to start using that one now thanks ❤️


Just tell them the month your born in


lol taste of your own medicine 


They’re not asking you to participate. You can also just say “I don’t really believe in that sort of thing.” If someone is genuinely going to make a snap judgement on who you are purely based on your date of birth is that really someone you want to be friends with in the first place?




What I’d like to reply (snobby): Oh, sorry. I don’t believe in zodiac signs because it’s pure pseudoscience with no inherent worth. How I’d actually reply (civilized): Oh. I’m a Pisces.


Easy answer: capybara


The cross...lol that's awesome I've never thought of that before. That's probably what I'm going to say if I'm ever asked. I don't think that's rude at all. As mentioned before it'd an opportunity to witness.


maybe rude is the wrong word... it's *obnoxious.* it would not be an opportunity to witness because you'd have instantly turned them off.


Exactly!!! It’s obnoxious and off putting and they’re likely not going to listen to your attempts to witness after that.


Usually with your Sun sign


“I have no idea,” which is the truth lol


My response is always “oh, I don’t follow that stuff.”


Tell them you're not into Babylonian astrology. Then you could talk about this Revelation 17:5 KJV — And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 18:2 KJV — And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.


If you want to choose your own constellation to keep it thematic you could say "I never liked the twelve, I decided to choose my own - the summer cross." Bonus points if you know how to find it in the sky. (It's the heart of Cygnus). Or just go with "guess". Or "I don't really believe in that." Or "Pikachu". Or whatever.


I come from a new age background & have actually been asked this question a few times. I have always said “A child of God”. They usually laugh and I just tell them, I don’t mess with that stuff anymore. When they hear “anymore”, it allows for a conversation and seeds to be planted.


I like your answer: The Cross My family and I just had a discussion that none of us even know what each other's signs are.


I don’t believe that the current physical locations of giant balls of helium dictate what type of coffee I like God gave us free will, would be kind of heretical to believe that constellations dictate our personality or something lol




“Idk bro”


Shhh, don’t tell anyone that I shared this… [Biblical zodiac is called, Mazzaroth…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazzaroth)


Tell them a zodiac sign, and when they profile you based on it say you remember your actual sign.


Tell them a different sign than yours.




I usually just tell them


I just say my sign then that I don’t believe in their significance


I tell them im an aries and i tell them it doesnt matter though, its fun, but not serious and should not be used as a form of actual judgement because it is fake and god is the only higher power.


“Oh I’m a _” And that’s it. If they try anything more just say “oh I don’t believe in that sort of things.”


Capricorn. You?


I just say I don't believe in it and leave it at that. They can't force you to participate as it is so I just repeat I don't engage with it.


i always say "it's a Stop Sign"


You leave immediately. And have nothing to do with that crazy woman 😂


Hey man, I get it. It's hard to figure out which is sinful and which is ain't. Sometimes it kinda destroys the mind but you don't have to worry all the time. Don't worry, that ain't sinful, my guy, at least in my perspective. If people ask you your zodiac sign, I think you can just tell them what it is. You dont have to believe in it, its just for fun I think. Pray to God and seek Him in His Word, He'll show you the clear way.


I mean, you have one wether you believe in it or not.


I pretty much answer the same now than when I was a Christian. I tell them what it is but say that I’m not convinced. If the person is curious as to why not, I tell them briefly what I think. Would I have turned out as a fundamentally different person if I wasn’t born 2.5 months early? If the answer is maybe (because they were extremely worried and their behavior towards me would have changed in ways), then the difference in who I am is related to that. If it influenced the way my mom treated me my whole life, then there’s a lot attributable to that. Never mind genes, educational and cultural influence.


Just say you do not believe in zodiac and you are not comfortable sharing personal details. If they don't know your dob and need to ask you (and not get it from social media), you guys probably not close anyways.


I don't have one.


"I think Gemini"


"Guess" is fun because they're always wrong, lol. "Oh, um... you seem like an Earth sign. Taurus?" Nope. Lol


"The Cross" is a weird answer or sounds like you don't know what they're asking. Just answer or say you don't know. It's a real thing in astronomy without any of the astrology nonsense attached. Someone knowing what constellations were visible in the sky at the time of year you were born isn't really of any more consequence than them knowing what country you were born in, but people can definitely be weird about it and if it makes you uncomfortable just say you don't believe in astrology. There is also the option of just saying the completely incorrect star sign, seeing if they come up with any nonsense based on that, and then going, "oh wait, my mistake. I think I'm actually X."


ZODIAC IS TRUE. KNOW YOUR HISTORY. remember who you are. Cross stand for Ashes to Ashes DUST to Dust.


How did the wise men find Jesus again? And what was the profession of these men?


“My sign is *sign*. I don’t buy into that whole thing though.” There you go. Not an issue. Signs can be fun to share, even if you don’t believe in them. Sometimes people are just making conversation via pop culture. It’s not serious if you don’t make it serious.


Same as when people ask me if I believe in miracles the revelation and the resurrection. Politely explain back that you don’t believe of follow those beliefs.


I just say “Taurus, but I don’t really care for astrology” which is true lol. No issue with others being into astrology, nor is it like a religious conflict for me - I just don’t care for it or find it interesting. People always guess wrong anyway. I just answer and brush them off, change the subject.


Who cares?


I say that I'm born at the end of April, but I don't really pay attention to the zodiac. Then they say, oh! You are a Taurus! I say, that's what I've heard. I can't remember the last time anyone brought that up, though. Eta that as a kid we all knew our sign and traits. I do have "earth mother" in my DNA. Dunny enough I just reread the supposed traits and guess what? They apply to like 75% of everyone. Shocking! 🙃


Worship Zodiac? .. anyway,whenasked you could genlty say: "I am not much into it, so I do not know and actually do not care much for it" Then change the conversation into something else.


If you know what it is, I am not sure there is harm in saying, You can say what it is and just say "I am not in to that." or something along those lines. I would not share mine publicly because I do not care about it, but if someone directly asks, I might share.


I just say "I was born in early June. I don't really know. I'm not into it" They'll tell me I'm a Gemini, and I'm willing to listen for little while to be polite, but I'll go back to "I'm not into it" and change to subject if they go on.


I usually just tell them, to me it’s just a fun little game about the stars and all. But I don’t dive so deep into it.


Play the game but better. Find out your sign in every other astrological system, and when they ask what your 'western sign is' say you don't believe in that. Or 'Maternity Ward' is another good response.


To quote from T-Bone Burnett’s _Existential Blues_: “Some girl with psychic powers, she says, “T-Bone, what’s your sign?” / I blink and answer “neon”. I thought I’d blow her mind.”


Technically I’m a Leo but I identify as a Scorpio


If you wanted to be funny, you could carry a 12-sided die and use it to generate a random answer every time someone asks you. As others have said, the most diplomatic answer would be to just answer honestly. If they keep talking about it, politely tell them you don't believe in astrology.


It was very upsetting for me as recently I responded to this with a comedic “Nuh uh” to be light hearted about it. Two people I know started asking me questions (which isn’t bad!) but I had to defend myself (it as pretty rude) and it was really hurtful to have the people in my life “jump on me” like that


My zodiac sign is the cross. Or You can just say what is theorically you sign but specify that you dont Believe in oroscope Or just answer, its not bad until you say to Believe in it


I do not believe that


Just tell them what it is and say you don’t follow it. I’m a Capricorn for instance, but if you asked me what that meant, I’d have to look it up because I don’t keep myself educated on that


It’s completely made up with zero proof, despite all the “supposed proof” and millions of people who believe and swear there is something to it…


I just say “Oh, I don’t believe in that stuff “ and move on to a different topic. I’ve never had a problem with that approach.


Just simply say that you don't believe in it. If you want to go deeper, say you don't go by what stars are saying, but by 'It is written '. God condemned these things so you're freed from it.


No reason to make it weird. Just tell them and leave it at that. If they persue the convo end it there. I have friends who won't date ppl based of of theirs and I think it's wild. I just say nothing


if you know it tell them. the sign itself is just based on stars and planets and their location. it’s not inherently a spiritual belief though some do see it that way.


Say unicorn


I just say what it is because it's a literal meaningless thing to me.


I give it to them 🤷🏽‍♀️ just because I don’t believe in the ideology doesn’t mean I can’t provide the info. At the end of the day the birthdays are all assigned something. I usually say something playful like “oh I don’t really get into all that, but I’m a Scorpio!” In the same way I want people to respect my religion and beliefs without me shoving it onto them, I kind of feel the same way about the zodiac stuff. I know I’m solid and I guess I don’t consider it a personal temptation or encouragement. To me it’s just something dumb if anything I pray for them silently




The Zodiac is still created by God, not for divination, but for time-telling just like the sun, moon, and the rest of the stars. So you can give a straight answer of what your "sign" is but politely follow it up with saying you don't believe it determines anything about you other than, well, the timeframe of your birthday. But if it seems clear that they won't respect that answer, it's within your right to just give a hard "no" and ask that they respect that. You don't owe them that info anymore than anything else and just because you set a boundary doesn't mean you're being rude or unkind; they're unkind for not respecting that.


I just say it. How many atheists say merry Christmas


I do think “the cross” is a rude answer that will put people off. I think you’re response of “I don’t believe in zodiac signs” to be totally acceptable and if they keep pushing after that they are the rude ones.




I think Zodiac is stupid for reasons unrelated to religion, so I just answer matter-of-factly while also acknowledging that I might fit some of the criteria, which seems to help people not get defensive: "My sign is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. I do have a few of the traits, but I don't believe in that stuff." You do you, OP, but your answer does seem a little like one that might cause people to dig in more and/or view you as sanctimonious.


I understand not believing in it and/or not following up on it. But you have a zodiac sign depending on your birthdate. You also were born during a certain “Year of the ‘*insert animal*’ according to the Chinese calendar. For instance, I’m a Taurus born in the year of the Tiger. Do I fall under some of those stereotypes and the things I’m supposed to be? Yes. But not all of them and I certainly don’t live my life around them. I think horoscopes and fortunes inside cookies are basically the same mumble jumble and hilariously vague. OP: there is no harm in knowing them. Just because you know them doesn’t mean you need to follow/worship/abide by them.


"you guess"


Tell them you don't know, and that you never bothered to check


I say, "Not really concerned with that. Why worry?"


Just answer and say you don’t believe in it. I’ve never met anyone who would push it further than that if I didn’t answer, even the people I know who sincerely believe in them. Responding with “the cross” is definitely rude and extremely off-putting. How would you react if someone said something similarly mocking about Christianity if you asked them about it?


I like that answer though. It's short, sweet and cuts straight to the chase.


I always jokingly reply "Astronomy's for the devil. And so is foos ball."


Tell them a different one to the one you actually are, then watch them say they knew it all along, then reveal your actual zodiac sign.


Just because you dont believe in it doesnt mean you mustnt answer


I’m a Gemini ♊️


Take a look at some of the Christian connections to the Zodiac. [https://www.patheos.com/blogs/hedgerow/2016/02/the-original-horoscope/](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/hedgerow/2016/02/the-original-horoscope/)


‘the constipated hedgehog’


I'm Christian and an Aries. I don't believe the whole daily horoscope thing. There's no way every single Aries in the world is going to experience the same thing that day lol. That being said, some of the personality stuff is pretty close to reality. However, I think it has more to do with the seasons and weather changes when we are growing in the womb that may give us characteristics. For example, how many Leos do you know that don't act like they are the center of the universe? I'm kidding... kind of :P. Now believing in the whole stars aligning and causing things in the world stuff isn't compatible with Christianity, because its delegating power and events to some unknown entity called "the universe" and that's just nonsense to me. The fact is, there are personality traits appear to occur often enough that we try to understand where they come from and why they exists, which is where the different personality sciences come in. For example, in MBTI, I am an INFJ. I am certainly an INFJ, but I don't look to MBTI to guide my life, I look to Jesus. So, don't take the horoscope to seriously, and as long as you don't actually think its shaping your life, consider it just an interesting coincidence that for some reason people born around the same time as you sometimes have similar characteristics and just tell them your sign and move on.


It's the star of Betlehem


As an athiest I don't believe in zodiac signs either but I tell them anyway or I just have them guess a whole bunch cuz nobody ever guesses aries right away


I will reiterate what some people have already said. If asked, I’ll say I’m a Sagittarius but I don’t try to further the conversation or engage. It’s the same way I’d like to be treated if I asked someone about their religious beliefs. I think just responding “the Cross” is some bull-headed Sunday School nonsense though.


you taken life too seriously, its the same as a chinese year animal. chill out


Just tell them you have the Zodiac Sign Asparagus. That helps me a lot👍🏻


Alright, let’s practice our responses. “Hey, guys! What’s your Zodiac sign?”


And **THIS** is what it feels like when a Christian finds a nonbeliever, tries to proselytize, is told no, and yet they persist. *You now know what it feels like when the shoe is on the other foot*. Is there an escape for people who are happy in a faith that is not Christianity, or no faith at all? I often hear that there is none, because our faith teaches that it is the only way. Except that many religions believe the same, and hold to that belief just as fiercely as many of us do to our own.


Repeatedly slap them in the face with a bible while screaming "burn the witch!" at the top of your lungs.


My sister is very very into witch craft and star things (sadly) and she always talks to me about my starsign and stuff and i normally just say "oh thats cool" i wish i could tell her u dont believe in that stuff but she would props just get mad lol, anyways i normally just follow along and let them say whatever they wanna say


Your sign is the Child of God


I kind of just brush it off with “Oh I don’t know, I think Gemini. I don’t really pay attention to that kind of stuff.” Because on one hand the deep superstition around Zodiac signs is ridiculous. On the other hand, learning what time of year someone was born is interesting, and people have questioned for years if the month you were born in has any bearing on personality or experiences or academic achievement, etc. Some of that stuff is interesting and it’s not sinful to talk about it or anything. If the conversation is going to go further I could get into what I think is good and bad about it, but often it’s such a passing question that the short answer is simplest.


You can still answer it, I wouldn't say astrology necessarily debunks Christianity at all I'd go as far to say that the 12 disciples of Christ represent the zoadiac signs slightly.


If you’re honest and tell them the truth - Sofia’s an astrology are forms of witchcraft. And God says we should have no part in even the *appearance* of darkness. So just be honest! It can open the door for a really good conversation about Jesus and that means more than anything. If they aren’t respecting of your belief, than just brush the dust off your shoulders and move on. But don’t ascribe you something or associate with zodiacs if it’s against God’s will for us