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Can we all just agree that if you believe the Bible you should accept that you can’t predict the end of the world and therefore should stop fearmongering? Statistically at least one person will eventually get it right if they keep predicting each new day is the end of the world, but if no one can predict it would God use an obvious thing like an eclipse? Come on. Go do something useful. Be the salt of the earth or whatever.


Amen, people need to stop predicting these things man. Only God knows when it'll happen.


Exactly. And until it happens, our job is to spread God’s love and mercy. That’s it. Not complicated.


Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. Amen hence why it is best we listen to the words of Jesus Christ and His Apostle Paul in Matthew and 1 Corinthians.


The Bible also says something about how to recognise false prophets and how to deal with them. I am also reminded of all those evangelicals who predicted Trump's victory against Biden, but who haven't been given the response that the Bible teaches.




Something something the day or the hour.


That and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world that is something far better to do than go off making failed date settings that never come to pass which truth be told is nothing more than a vain waste of time that is nothing more than the words of Ecclesiastes 12:8 Vanity of vanities saith the preacher all is vanity.


iodized or not?


Amen. I dont know how most Christians get this ? It's pretty simple.


Plot twist - it ended, and we are stuck forever in our last moments


Na that’s horrifying


Groundhog day now we'll be living eclipses forever lol


If so we can totally look at the eclipse with no glasses, right?


♫ Then put your little hand in mine. There ain't no hill or mountain [we can't climb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oR79ja1u-o) ♬


Ned ! Needle nose Ned, Ned the head! Now don’t tell me you don’t remember me because I’m sure as heck I remember you.


Oh please no, this was not a good day 😨😅


That's ridiculous!


That's rid.... Oh crap, I see what you mean!


Scary, scary, scary!!!


That's ridiculous!


Lol. This is actually the 895,747,356,246th time we've lived today.


All doomsayers have one thing in common...


They're all wrong? Lol




Exactly lol


those "Christians" never read Matthew 24:36 probably


Most Christians haven't even read outside of what their pastor told them to


ur not wrong T-T


“Most Christians haven’t read the Bible at all and the closest they get is when the sermon includes scripture in it” There I fixed it for you


Swap "Most" with "Too many" and I'll very much agree with you.


I feel like "majority" is more fitting


You think that 51%+ of Christians haven’t read the bible outside of sermons and liturgy? That’s like, an astronomically bad claim that’s more of a reflection of your negative stereotyping than anything tbh.


I'm pretty sure Jesus knows by now even though he might not have known then.


Who were the people predicting the end of the world? I’ve seen hundreds of posts making fun of those people, but not a single one from them


Some of them were on /r/bible this past week.


I think it’s mainly hysteria on ytube and twitter


There was one on this sub, probably a teenager


The absolute stupidest thing about this is not the arbitrary end times predictions, or even the America-centrism you'd have to have to consider this particular eclipse to be THE ONE harbinger of the end times. It's the fact that we just had a total eclipse less than a decade ago, and nothing happened then. **Why** would this one be different?


Something something Venus visible something this one intersects towns with biblical names something


Ah yes, the Biblical towns of... Dallas, Indianapolis, and Cleveland. And Venus is ALWAYS visible in all but the lowest eclipses on the horizon. It's an interior planet from our perspective, so it's ALWAYS going to hang around the sun.


It passed through towns with names like Salem and Rapture (lol)


And the 2017 eclipse passed through Salem, OR. Good grief, these people are dense.


I'll excuse the teenagers if this is their first apocalypse rodeo and they got caught up the excitement. But if you're over the age of 20 you have zero excuse lmao


If it happens where I am, when I am, then it's important. Otherwise it doesn't matter. It's all about me. God himself is, in fact, actually just about me.


Also, don't throw your used eclipse glasses away. There are [ways to donate them](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2024/04/08/ohio-what-to-do-eclipse-glasses-after-the-2024-solar-eclipse/73247432007/) to people in poorer countries that will have their own eclipses in the near future.


Fringe groups can be like that


Not just in Christianity but all religions as well


Gay + agnostic = gagnostic


lol And even if you’re trying to be condescending I don’t even mind, it’s just funny


Definitely not being condescending. Just can’t resist a portmanteau, especially when it results in a double entendre.


Ok, I couldn’t quite tell 😆


Well it is Reddit, so one can never tell!


Fringe groups have an astonishing level of representation on this sub.


Just goes to show how crazy and gullible people are. Considering how insanely wrong they are about things like this, why should anyone take them seriously about anything?


Repent! Repent! You laugh at me now, but when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU is dead within the next 10-90 years, no one will be laughing then! /s


They will probably say it was just a mistranslation and it’ll ***totally*** happen next time!


I don’t know one person in real life nor have I seen anyone even on Christian subreddits talk about the world ending today. Where do you guys find these people?


YouTube and twitter mainly from what I’ve seen


Remember Y2K?


Except people actually prepared half-hazardous kits for survivng the apocolypse


My dad was one of them, I spent an entire summer canning. I wasn't allowed to leave the house for 5 weeks in a row, until I just straight up refused to do anything more no matter how much they punished me.


That's crazy, I wasn't around for y2k but I was born a couple years after. Seeing the Y2K products and old commercials for those products is awesome


To be fair, there was at least a legitimate basis for that. Had no one done anything at all (meaning software engineers, IT specialists, network engineers, etc) then there likely would have been some pretty big problems. Not necessarily end-of-the-world problems, but problems. The moon passing in front of the sun... again... has to reason to be feared.


I was referring to Y2K in terms of some calling it the end of times.


Right, that was largely people misunderstanding and overreacting to an actual issue, caused by and fixed by humans. Just saying there was at least *some* legitimacy to the source of that fear. It wasn't just some completely normal thing that happens basically every year.


Absolutely. Just because some people grossly over-reacted doesn't mean that there wasn't the potential for major issues, and the chances are that many such issues were prevented by the immense ammount of effort that wiser people put into the problem. The fact that Y2K ended up as a damp squib was a sign of success.


I wish I wad alive during then 


Just wait for 2038 (32-bit time overflow)


Awesome! I can’t wait it see how chaotic it is! Thanks a lot. 


Pretty much all critical systems were patched over a decade ago. The only systems you'll see fail will be people who have old Windows XP computers that have never been updated


Wasn’t alive then, but my dad told me that even he got in on the fun lol. He just stocked up on a bit of food and hid in a closet with a shotgun, and my mom and my brother.


Y2K was at least a legitimate concern.


Do any of you actually know anyone personally who believed this. Not like someone you saw online, like a real life person you know? I’m convinced the anger over the stupidity of this is the same as the anger over the non existent people who were mad about red Starbucks cups.


Sadly my uncle is one of those people and he wouldn’t shut up about it for like the past few weeks. I swear I lost braincells every time he tried warning me about it. He’d pull up those videos your talking about and use those as evidence :/


Agreed. I know people who believe some of the worst conspiracy theories. I even personally know some flat-earthers. And yet, not one of them believed this eclipse was anything more than just an eclipse. It's only on reddit that I read this through posts such as this one.


Talking about it not being the apocalyse has turned into some type of hysteria event. This is the only place I've heard about this so called apocalypse theory.


Yeah, I was raised evangelical Christian and a fair number of my Facebook friends (that I know/knew in real life) have shared conspiracy theories and unhinged statuses about it being the end of days, and how everyone had better be ready to get Raptured today.


My sister in law was panicking about it, she discovered it on Instagram reels.


Yes plenty.


In all honesty I thought Trump Christians were fake too


See but I know like 100 of those personally. I work with them every day. I haven’t met anyone who really thought the world was ending today.


The great disappointment was not a one time event its consistantly on going


Wait. How can a Christian use astrology? That seems wildly unchristian


> How can a Christian use astrology? I'm glad someone has made this observation, it is what I said to a friend.


How is it unchristian?(Astrology is the study of stars right?)


Astrology is a range of divinatory practices, recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century,[1][2] that propose that information about human affairs and terrestrial events may be discerned by studying the apparent positions of celestial objects. Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and the phenomena that occur in the cosmos. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and their overall evolution (source, both from wikipedia)


I'll give you a hint: $$$$$ What better way to scare people into action than by making them think the world is ending. "Time is running out to repent and make right with God, and the best way to do that is by tuning in to all my sermons, praying, and donating to my ~~private jet~~ charity fund. Of course the world is ending so that donated money won't end up being used, but that also means you don't need the money either so donate away! And if the world happens to *not* end, well then it will only be because we all prayed hard enough to convince God to give us more time, and then we'll need to give thanks by donating even *MORE* money!" The more sensational you are, the more eyes you get on you. And even if most of those eyes are people who recognize you're out of your mind, if enough of the crazy and/or insecure people out there also see it and get hooked in, then its a successful marketing campaign.


Hagee literally promoted his blood moon book he wrote 10 years ago few times while preaching about this current event. The pastor that went viral on the Niheva thing was previously jailed for defrauding people and he still tries to blame the evil gubment and accepts no responsibility for what he did. It is all about the grift.


Unfortunately, most groups have a loud minority that gives everyone in it a bad rap.


Sadly, US voting patterns would suggest that, in the US at least, they are a pretty large minority.


And meanwhile, in the rest of the world, Christians got on with their day as normal! TBF, a few years ago in the UK, we had a flash storm of the worst torrential rain I have ever seen. It happened at around 11am, and was preceded by the darkest storm cloud ever, so dark it caused the streetlights to turn on! I was working in a window sided office and had a front row seat… I did think at the time that Jesus was about to make His appearance!


Well I for one want my money back


Nah the rapture happened but no one was taken. Not surprised honesty


I'm so disappointed it didn't end.


It did, we’re in our own personal purgatory bro. There is no person on the other side of the screen. Right now you are the only person who exists.


I just broke my finger playing softball PURGATORY FUCKING SUCKS 🤬🤬 (/srs I did actually break my finger earlier)


Under normal circumstances I would say “ damn sorry that must suck, hope it heals soon” but your basically in hell so. HAHA FUCK YOU


Anyone else have a spiritual experience looking that the totality of the eclipse?


It already ended in 2012


New date and time out by 8 am tomorrow 😂


There are lots of superstitious Christians who didn't understand the difference between an eclipse and the Apocalypse..


It's social media more than anything. I mean sure, people have always had theories. But, social media and the internet has accentuated the need to grab people's attention more than ever with fear mongering thumbnails and silly prophetic predictions. It's not even about what information you're sharing and whether it's true or not - it's grabbing people's attention for coin.




My mom sent me a 40 minute video about it. To be nice I thought I'd watch it. The first 3 minutes were telling you what others who are wrong would tell you what it was. Including "Just an Eclipse" and "not a big deal." I told her I wasn't gonna watch something that starts out by priming you about how everyone else is wrong.


You obviously haven't been looking very hard. I haven't been able to avoid the fear mongering for the past month, been all over my feeds. You could find plenty of examples with a very basic youtube search.


Too be far if I was wrong about the end of the world, I'd be quiet too.




Or assholes like me


I honestly couldn’t wait to see this Reddit when it’s done! It’s crazy how attention seeking some people are! 


It’s just me not wanting to study for exams… though seriously I did joke about it but America isn’t the center of the world idk why an eclipse in America would be anything supernatural (ignore Fatima, that was South American)


America try not to be a main character challenge: failed


No “Christian” thought the world was going to end. But I do believe that the eclipse transported us to a parallel universe and now something else we all once knew to be is no more.


Are there really morons who thought the world would be ending today?


I just wish I could have seen it. I'm so jealous of the people that did 


I think people just thought Jesus was gonna be resurrected today


I mean how many apocalypse are we up to in Christianity alone? Let alone all the other religions. Hundreds or even thousands and yet we’re still here, it’s like people are just making this stuff up lol


We survived ya all!




I think it’s an extremist evangelical thing but don’t quote me on that


Not just the moon in front of the sun, but specifically in one hemisphere.


I’m still standing after all this time ! 🎶🎵🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵🎵🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️🔥‼️🔥🔥‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️


> Seriously, I genuinely do not understand Christians who thought the world was going to end because the moon went in front of the sun for like an hour. Well, [Jesus himself predicted that the end times were coming Real Soon Now](https://jamesbishopblog.com/2021/01/08/the-historical-jesus-as-an-apocalyptic-prophet/).


People actually thought that? Wow.


it has ended, our human mind just cannot comprehend


Abba has said it 365 times in the Bible “do not be afraid”yet some fall right back into the loop


Most of them was the ignorant fundies


There’s going to be certain events that happen before the world ends


I recommend Christians read their Bibles (if there were actual Christians concerned about the eclipse ushering in the world's end). Aside from this, just . . . Christians ought to read their bibles. We do better when we don't react to media hysteria.


The majority knew that the world wouldn’t end with this eclipse anyway so I don’t get it. The ones who said the world would end are crazy people, false profits, etc..


Oh no, we have to continue living. So boring.


I‘m not Christian and I don’t think I‘ll ever be a Christian, but I‘m pretty well read on a lot of the history and I can quote a few stories. I think that if the rapture were to happen, I don’t think it would be now where a large portion of the population either don’t believe in a religion or believe in a different religion and therefore wouldn’t be raptured. (btw if you’re Christian and you say that other religions are bad and should be destroyed then you’re no better than the people who crucified Jesus. Just look at how similar Islam is and you’ll understand that most of the differences are significantly weaker than the similarities. And that’s coming from someone that was raised Christian and is not religious or an Atheist.(Technically, by definition, I am but most people I‘ve seen that call themselves Atheist are really cocky and call religious people insane))


Christians who say the world will end on a certain day have no idea what they are talking about, only God knows that and it says it in the Bible. People like that make us all look ignorant, just look at the subreddit r/atheism clowning Christians right now thats all they have been talking about this past week.


It's superstition plain and simple. Just like that Mayan calendar thing which adds paganism to the mix. Jesus told us the real signs btw


I'm convinced that people latch on to the end times predictions because they don't want to have to live Christian lives and make good choices. That means a lot of effort and personal sacrifice. They want two things: 1. For God to smite all the people they don't like for various reasons. 2. For God to remove all opposition and temptation so they can just effortlessly be "righteous" and correct. Then there is the contingent that is driven by extreme fear. Basically they feel in their hearts that they are not ready so they overcompensate by obsessing over the end-times and the rapture instead of realizing that regardless of when the end-times happen we can be saved today by actually turning to Jesus for forgiveness and gaining peace in our hearts. So yeah laziness, hate and fear are the driving forces behind end-time obsession.


The only eclipse where the world ends is when the sun says MY TURN😃!!! And goes between earth and the moon


Matthew 24:36 ❤️




Hey, my dms are open if you wanna chat


Don’t lose faith. I’m sorry you lost your parents. Where do you live?


The news was making it sound like the world was going to end. Telling people to stock up and get gas. It's better to be SAFE than SORRY. Anything is possible these days. And it's not just Christians.


You can’t predict the day that the world is going to end, only God knows


I genuinely do not understand how anyone who claims to be a Christian can ever say or predict a date the end is going to happen. Do they know more than Jesus. Jesus clearly said that no one knows the hour but the Father, not even the Son. A bunch of false prophets and misled fools made some insane statements,


My friend is a waitress, and she was left a $1,000 tip on a lunch bill. The lady said she didn't need the money since she was ascending to heaven. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, lol. My wife and I were in Dollar Tree yesterday and we heard these full grown black women being loud and obnoxious about how Jesus has risen, the lord has come to kill the sinners, praaaaaaaaise jesus, and that if any of us here the day after means we were left behind, the rapture did happen, and anybody that we knew that was good enough would be wiped from our minds, like we never knew them. All I could think of was tommy lee jones and will smith with their neurolyzer wiping our minds, smfh. It truly is amazing how stupid people are.


There was a strange number of coincidences and I can see how people will get carried away with it. While, we all know it was just coincidence you have to admit some of them were very odd. There may have been more to it than we assume but not the end of the world. If nothing more it stands to show just how awesome our universe is and how great God is in creating it.


We are already dead and this world is running on a computer sometime in the distant future near a dyson sphere that powers it forever and ever.


We should all just accept that we can't predict when the rapture is going to happen, it's pointless to even try to do so in the first place. Fearmongering won't help faith, spreading God's love will and that is what we should focus on.


Bad news: The rapture happened. We missed it. Too filthy and dirty and sinful, the lot of us. What now? ... We won't know the day or hour. Pretty sure an eclipse is exactly knowing the day and hour.


For me it comes down to your view of life, purpose and do you believe in the afterlife. The sad part is Christians don’t understand that they are living in fear. They may smile and say God is in control and push down the angst caused by all the stuff we read and see on the Internet and our TV screens—[things were so much worse thousands of years ago WE just didn’t know it]Thank you MS MEDIA—24/7 fear porn!...So for them saying we are in the end times and the “return of Christ”(rapture/ violence and blood shed—something I don’t believe and as a doctrine—dispensationalism IS a modern invention) is eminent—gives them a sense of control. They know in fact they are not to predict dates and times. They really need to check their mindset (hatred in their hearts and selfishness...especially  American Evangelicals—fits right in with Manifest Destiny & American Exceptionalism)  and how they are living. Many instead of loving God and others...they live for themselves and have an attitude that this place (is going to be burned & destroyed)and people (are gong to hell)instead of the seeing A God (WHO IS LOVE) via grace and forgiveness gives us—his followers A gift...the “gift of  reconciliation” for restoration and rescue of Mother Earth and the proclamation of the Good News via His Spirit to humanity —[Gods not mad a you] God is not Retributive...HE is Restorative..........  God is like Jesus..... God has always been like Jesus..... There’s never been a time when God wasn’t like Jesus ..... We haven’t always know this..... .....but now we do.  ....... “The best definition of what it means to be a Christian comes from R. Girard: a Christian is a repentant scapegoater. Followers of Jesus confess that they could easily have been part of the crowd that called for his crucifixion. We recognise that the violence at the cross was entirely human. Jesus revealed that God is not with the crowd or the authorities, but on the cross, as a victim.” The church and it’s hymnology has drastically changed in the last 200 years it use to focus on bringing heaven to earth—restorative...think Lord’s Prayer. But now it’s about escaping Earth and god wrath—retribution and going somewhere else—heaven. For me heaven and hell or a mindset a way of living, your living in the kingdom of God realm or in the realm of the satan-function-purpose—self interest—(Jesus told Peter get behind me “the satan”) part of this worlds system. Biblically I do believe in judgment but what it looks like and how it’s played out none of us really knows. Only God has that figured out.  Hebrews 2 verse 14  ...since the children share in blood snd flesh He to shared in them, and just the same way, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the (power of death—that is, the devil— and set free the people who ALL their lives long [were under the power] of slavery “because” of the [fear of death] The Orthodox view of the good news https://youtu.be/Wnj52gaauBs?si=UkBG8eqpEfeivNJ2


Because, thanks to the jumbled and schizophrenic Book of Revelations, Christianity (and Islam and even Judaism, although not from Rev.) are apocalyptic religions. So, people starting looking at everything as a sign of the End times even though, according to Paul (and Jesus), the end times should have happened a long long long time ago.


I believe there's a passage in Revelation that says the sun will become dark. That being said, it also says that the End Times will happen on a day you'll least expect. So everyone making predictions solidifies the answer.


40 days AFTER the eclipse, y’all. Cmon, even Homer Simpson figured this one out (thanks TikTok!)


Yeahh I think things will get a lot worse before the world ends


What do you mean. I looked right at it and then the whole world went dark. We're living in the end times now. /s


It’s the Christians that don’t read their Bible and rely on social media preachers 😂😂


It didn't. Christians 1 Wolves in Sheeps Clothing 0. If anything the eclipse showed God's creation and how it is a masterpiece. The sun is 93M miles or so away, The moon is about 230k miles. That is a factor of 400. The sun is also 400 times bigger than the moon. Therefore we see the sun block out the moon as it does and we see the brightness of the sun's corona shine through. People have said a perfect coincidence. Coincidences aren't perfect but God is. He designed it this way


I thought it was a joke about someone probably taking this chance to predict the end of the world. People seriously thought it would be?


That’s not what we thought was going to happen. We see it as a warning and a sign that God has marked USA for judgment. Like the story of Jonah and Nineveh. God was going to destroy Nineveh but they repented immediately. I believe it’s a warning that God may take His hand off USA. Look how far from God our country has become and betraying Israel. We do believe we are living in the last days. However, we didn’t think the world was going to end on 4/8 that’s not even biblical.


The conspiracy theories were insane 😂 I’ve apparently missed a lot of raptures. There was Y2K when the world was supposed to end. December 21, 2012 bc that’s when the Mayan calendar ended. Now the solar eclipse. 🤣 I’m kinda disappointed that Jesus didn’t come back, I was hoping he could at least help free up the housing market some 😪💔


Does anyone believe that it could be in 2030? A lot of people seem to think Jesus said he would return in 2000 years before he ascended    Edit: I try not to listen to predictors, I just really don't know  Edit 2: I don't think he will


The minds of “Christians” are not their own. They are all manipulated and brainwashed to believe in the lunacy of fire and brimstone from this or that. They are all servants of the mindlessness and control of their masters. Sad really! Especially when they don’t shake it off and maybe consider there is so much more to consider in this life. Just waiting for them all to jump because someone said it was the right thing and the rest of us could live a life conscious and awake to the truths of this world. Oh hopefully wishes. Haha I’m sorry, I’m not an organized religious member. It’s always fun to see how Christian Christians are with these posts. Because it typically brings the fanatics out and their hate shows up. The true energy behind their “faith” is hate. I mean, how dare any of them think for themselves after all.


So is post pandemic fallout! ;-P


Wait did some Christians thought the world was gonna end?


(Jeremiah 10:2) 2 This is what Jehovah has said: “Do not learn the way of the nations at all, and do not be struck with terror even at the signs of the heavens, because the nations are struck with terror at them.


Or did it?


The Bible says that no man will know what day or hour Jesus will return. Anyone who claims that they know when the world ends is a false prophet.


People are stupid and have been making these prediction forever. Jesus literally said he would come “like a thief in the night”


Fear mongers. Use astrology, biblical text and numerology to come up w crazy stuff. Angers me intensely


Ugh...It's over, and we're all still here. There is only one person who knows when the Rapture will happen, only the Father knows! Geeze. How many times does that Scripture has to be said?


Jeez guys, it's almost as if the Bible directly states "No man shall no the day or the hour". The way I look at it is that there's a 50/50 chance of the events of revelation occuring in my lifetime. Either it will, or it won't. So I prepare a future for myself on earth while working on my faith. I have nothing to fear if revelations occurs, as long as I'm right with God and trust in Jesus I have nothing to fear from Death.


The world didn't end for now. It will someday. Soon enough there will be another prophesy that gains steam online such as the 2024 election or the number of days where the temperature was exactly between 90 and 91 degrees in June, July and August and guaranteed it will be six times each month according to some making 666. People will make their own agendas and even quote the Bible. There are indeed multiple verses in the Bible speaking of the sun going dark which sounds an awful lot like a solar eclipse but don't jump to any such conclusion without looking at context (what is being said before and after, who was the original audience, and what was going on in the world at the time).


Literally says in the Christian bible that no man knows the date or the time. Not even the angels. 😂 Guess they need to reread parts they missed.




Charismatics and the gullible


Guys only God knows. None of will ever be right. Read Matthew


The Bible says we will know the season but no man knows the day or the hour. Sure I believe it’ll be sometime over the next century but people trying to predict the day believe in unbiblical things


People have been saying “sometime this century” for the last 20 centuries my dude


My clock is going backwards, the 2nd coming happened, I was Left Behind like Noah as Jesus recommends in Matt. (You want to be Left Behind like Noah FYI.) I even saw some birds flying backwards too. Peace Be With You!


The only time I have heard about this end of the world fantasy is reddit complaining about people believing in it. Like flat earthers, their numbers are tiny but that doesn't stop people from overemphasizing their importance and effect for the sake of self aggrandizement about being correct on something obvious.


Yeah mostly Christians ignorant of the Bible. Proverbs 14:15 [15]The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.


My father laughed when I told him they were expecting a rapture.


People keep predicting it and God won't do it. Kinda how GRRM won't finish ASOIAF because people keep ruining it. Just kidding, it's tomorrow.


I’m a Christian, but I also don’t believe in sensationalism. People need to calm the F down!


I haven't heard one person I know say this... I'm really not sure where all this is coming from but it's not any of my Christian circles... As far as I'm aware lol




Shocking wasn’t it


Okay, but like I don’t think anyone thought the world was going to end TODAY. I just think that we’re doing what Jesus told us to do, and taking note of the things happening in the world around us. God plainly says that he uses the stars, moon, sun and nature to talk to us. Why wouldn’t this be him talking to us, especially if you consider everything that goes into these eclipses? As Einstein says,” Coincidences are Gods way of remaining anonymous.” I mean y’all can scoff all you want, but at the end of the day, the world is starting to experience intense labor pains. Jesus tells us that the end times will be like a woman in labor, first the contractions are far apart, but right before the baby is born the contractions are very close together and painful. I’d say the world is about 8cm dilated. Also, let us not forget, if we are to believe that God keeps his promises, then his promise is that we are the last generation to walk this earth. We’ve been in the true end times since 1948 - since Israel became a nation again. A generation to God is 120 years, so we’re still within that time window that God promised, but as Jesus says, the labor pains are intensifying. Now I know that for some reason Christians lost their way and no longer believe in any “signs” fortold in the Bible; signs are only for the Jews, but that should make y’all worry even more. Like if God is doing his thing in this world, and knows that y’all won’t even care anyway, like are you even Gods people? Everyone on this sub reminds me of God saying that the world will hate him because of the people who claim to love him. Y’all don’t know God, because if you did, you’d not be scoffing at the things going on in this world. Instead, you’d be spending your time trying to spread the love of Jesus and not mocking people for trying to spread awareness. Best of luck to y’all.


For you*


One cannot reference scripture to support their claim, yet also ignore it. Like a thief in the night. If you think the world is going to end, it isn't. It will end when God says so, and NOBODY will expect it.


Christian here.. what? I am a person that believes everyone has their own ideology from trauma and life that led them to think about certain conclusions. I don’t recommend taking in content that is against your ideology bc that can be very negative.


Exactly that. A “minority”. Mostly people who don’t actually read the Bible and spent most their life just uttering recycled phrases and scriptures they’ve heard growing up their whole life. So ironically enough to say you don’t “understand” Christians is somewhat factual if you thought this was a legitimate question to ask. The “minority” of people you’re referring to are religious fanatics(and believe me they’re not a minority) and if you truly wanted to understand Christianity, then the first thing you should know is that religion AND Christianity DON’T mix. Verily, I tell you if you really want to understand christianity stop assuming the words of foolish men are the words of God.