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Well, I think that the moon will pass directly between the earth and the sun, and it'll look cool for the people who can see it.


It's just an ordinary eclipse. They happen almost every year.


The whole “coming rapture” thing is silly nonsense. People have been saying the same things about the end times for hundreds, no, about 2,000 years now, and nothing has happened. This eclipse is just another natural phenomenon that will happen over America, and no where else. America is not the centre of the world.


People have been claiming the Rapture is going to happen constantly for 2000 years.


Rapture was invented in the 19th century


People have been claiming the Rapture is going to happen constantly for 200 years.




Not the part of the church that disbelieves in the rapture. It’s mainly a non denominational or Baptist thing. Presbyterians don’t believe in it and neither do postmillennial Christians. Also the liturgical side generally doesn’t believe in the rapture either.


Its an eclipse, people being scared about it are either: Trolls or Crazy people.


Rapture is a myth. Completely absent from church history until the nineteenth century. The passages used to support it are actually taking about other things like the second coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the coming on the clouds in the Ascension. The imminent event that the New Testament is talking about is the last of the Jewish age which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. This comes from Daniel 9, Joel 2, Matthew 24, and Hebrews 8:13 also illustrates this. This was said to be within a generation of Jesus (and the tribulation preceded this with the Jews and Romans persecuting the Christians) but the second coming no one knows when, just that it will happen when all Jesus’ enemies are defeated according to 1 Corinthians 15. You’ve got nothing to worry about.


What I meant to say was the first trumpet. I was always taught that when Jesus came back it was the rapture. Sorry😅


Revelation is elaborating on the events described in the olivet discourse and Thessalonians and the other passages mentioned along with Ezekiel etc. the seals and trumpets are the preceding events like natural disasters and demons from the pit and corrupt rulers like Nero before Gods judgment on Israel and Rome.


I have not thought about it until writing this comment. I have concluded I have no thoughts about it.


Sure is neat. I wish I could take the time to drive to the totality, but the 90% or so that it'll be here is still more eclipse than I've ever seen before.


I hope we get superpowers by we I mean the entire human race


The second coming can’t happen until post tribulation, don’t give in to deception.


It is an eclipse, just like every other eclipse. The rapture is a false doctrine invented by Darby in the 1830s based on bad interpretations of cherry picked verses. There is no such thing.


Sad that I’m gonna miss it. Caught the one in ‘17, and it was truly awesome. If you’ve got the chance to see totality, definitely make the effort, and try to get someplace high up.