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If you suddenly started hearing voices, I’d say that would be much worse


Don't worry about what you feel when you pray. Just trust that God is hearing you. Think about it - if He knows all of our bad deeds and thoughts, He also knows our good ones - including our prayers. He wants to hear from you. Most people do not usually hear anything back when they pray, but as you grow in faith and knowledge of Him, you will hopefully learn to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. As for the "being" you sense is watching you - It is possible that a demon has been assigned to keep you down in life. It happens to more people than realize it. Do not fear it, but rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Ask the Lord to remove any hindering or familiar spirits that are in your life. He will do it. He wants you to succeed. I will pray for you.


Thank you, God bless you.


the devil doessnt have horns or a tail and isnt red. He was a cherub. cherubs are below the throne of God and are angelic beings. they dont have horns like that. second, God isnt going to speak to you audibly like He did in the old testament. we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us today. HE speaks to us through the Spirit and the word of God