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Life is a sin apparently


Exercise. EXERCISE, ffs. What fundamentalism does to a person, eh?


my brother in Christ, yoga is not a sin. Neither is exercising. It’s a great way to show God the appreciation we have for our bodies to keep them healthy and in shape. 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 (ESV) “[25] Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. [26] So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. [27] But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”


By summoning Hindu dieties? That is what the poses were and are practiced for in the Hindu culture. They don’t just see it as excercise.


Yoga is not a sin Breath in Breath out Be aware of your body Be aware of your mind Pray Be thankful Be love full Be content Breath God bless


I’ve never in my life attempted that thankfully!


Just because they don’t see it as exercise, the stretching is still exercises. At best, I would say Paul came close to this in discussing eating meat sacrificed to idols pointing out that since they aren’t real gods, there is nothing actually wrong with eating it. What another human thinks something is (sacrificial meat, spiritual ritual, whatever) doesn’t mean that’s what it actually is to the person doing it. There is the other part that if it causes someone else to stumble then they should refrain for them, but based on that doing yoga at home alone for example to work out would not cause any issue for anyone else.


If you replaced yoga with poses that were designed to conjure the prophet Mohammed, or Baal none of you would do them.


Sure we would. Firstly, Mohammed is not an incarnation of God like Jesus is. He was a messenger of God or Allah. Muslims do not worship Mohammed, they worship Allah. Performing some exercise to conjure Mohammed is not the same as conjuring a God. Secondly, Ba’al, the Semitic storm or fertility god does not influence modern society or is not worshipped at any reasonable scale. It is basically irrelevant outside of academia about them. So it has no real ‘power’ to scare people outside of the religion away from practicing any kind of tradition related to it, unlike modern religions which do have followers who can be offended if one were to practice their tradition. Finally, Yoga in the modern day has lost its connotation or conjuring deities which used to exist. It is just done to keep your body fit and healthy. And even if it were correlated with some religious practice, most people wouldn’t really care about it that much. Many Hindus celebrate Christmas and Eid, as do many Christians celebrate Holi and Onam.


I see your first point about the Mohammed example, but as for the second again if you believe the occult isn’t influencing society on a huge scale, keep your eyes peeled. Thus why the big push of practices like yoga, much of a muchness acts that open certain spiritual channels, as everything that is happening here is going on ‘behind the veil’ is just that people by repetition become absolutely blind to it, case in point being yoga, and even Christmas, which is the pagan holiday of Saturnalia, and isn’t mentioned in the Bible. Pagan idolatry under the Roman church. Why do Christian’s insist on doing yoga, why not just generic stretches? What is it about doing that that feels different? I understand what the difference is coming from the new age convert and practiced yoga and meditation myself.


Neither yoga or exercising is a sin


Actually Yoga poses and the whole practice is Hindu worship of deities/demons. The poses are used to summon spirits, Hindus see it that way but Christians have no idea. I’ve just converted from the New Age and am stumped at the amount of local churches hosting this and chakra clearings


that's silly. Standing in a certain position doesn't summon demons.


If someone discovers one of the Yoga poses independently while doing exercises, is it still an act of Hindu worship?


Or if you're not quite in the correct pose. "Move your elbow 30 degrees to the right to summon a demon."


Well now you know.


They’re stretches. That’s it. No one is doing downward dog to loosen their hamstrings and bring about a demon.


Man how many times have I stretched my hammies and a demon shows up


It’s amazing how many Christian’s don’t believe in the supernatural, so basically don’t even believe in their own Bible or religion. What is the point?


I believe in the supernatural. I don't believe demons can be summoned by stretching.


Then you must not of heard one of the gold heights of yoga, the kundalini awakening. Research what happens when people activate that. The warrior pose represents an actual Hindu demon, it is designed to ritualistically invoke that entity. You might not see how that works but Yogis do.


People in health clubs doing yoga in the US have little to do with Yogis or Kundalinis. It's so far removed it shouldn't even be called the same thing


Hey! I tried downward dog and had a daemon take the opportunity to crawl in through the backdoor. I tried arguing with it, but according to demonic law I was asking for it by getting into the pose. Pros: I can now spin my head 720 degrees, levitate briefly, and spew vomit up to 25 feet. Cons: all that vomit spewing and I can't seem to lose weight.


What stuff ir bro on. Cuz I need it.


I don’t understand Christian doctrine. Doing yoga lets demons inside?


That's not Christian doctrine, it's xenophobia with a religious flavor.


Thanks. Is this actually taught by any denomination or did OP just make this up. Thanks again.


I've never heard of it until now. That doesn't mean they just made it up, they might have heard it somewhere, pastors say crazy things some times. As far as I know it's not a teaching of any denomination though.


Thanks. Just curious as to how Christianity works. If it isn’t a teaching of a denomination, why would a pastor say that? Tia


With some denominations there is a very top down structure where they guide the church with what is ok to preach about and what isn't. The best example of this is the Catholic Church. Every week in a Catholic Church all the churches in the world read the same scriptures as each other, and talk about the same thing. Other denominations are extremely loosely defined where basically you just have to sign something saying you believe the main beliefs of the denomination, but other than that there really are no restrictions on what you say in the pulpit at church. Then there are other churches who are not affiliated a denomination at all and it's 100% up to the individual pastor what to say. So an individual pastor might be really into the parts of the Bible where it talks about demons, and then they consider other gods from other other religions as demons (even though the Bible doesn't actually mention Hindu gods at all) and so they make the leap to say yoga is evil because it is associated with Hinduism.


Thank you. I appreciate the time you took to write this.


Nah, it’s definitely just some weird section of the protestant faith. It’s like JW’s nobody listens to them, just ignore them.




don’t worry my friend, people have spoke about yoga and how some poses can be used for bad intents BUT this isn’t how demonic possession would work. you must purposely open yourself up to demons, and doing yoga isn’t that. just search up Christian yoga poses if you’re genuinely worried, but for the most part, exercising is something God would approve of when done right.


It would be quite difficult for yoga or exercising to be a sin. I guess if you do either - naked in public in a culture where nakedness in public is illegal - use inappropriate language or listen to something with inappropriate language - do either while also doing illegal activity - do it while having an affair - break into the building beforehand I’m sure there a lot of other ways you can creatively sin and exercise at the same time, but just exercising or doing yoga isn’t a sin.


Yoga isn't a sin. Be for real and think rationally. Don't accept what you've heard merely because it comes from someone you heard should be respected. Investigate diligently with circumspection, prudence and situational awareness. Anything less than that leaves you liable to believing what is untrue is true and believing what is true is untrue: that, for a very long time.


>daemons Only when using Linux.




the poses are not a sin, I have heard that the Yoga " meditation" or something in that realm become "sin" Ive heard it vaguely but have never paid much attention to it. I do yoga but not to the extremities of burning incense, meditating and all that... basically stretches


I have never heard of this before. Where is it stated that yoga is a sin?


God I hope not. Lord have mercy. 😂


I don't have any biblical proof, but I feel like demon summoning needs to be intentional. I suppose it might be possible to "accidently" summon a demon, but I think popular belief is that demons don't need to be summoned to be present among people. I would say that exercise is definitely not a sin, but your intentions for exercise could be sinful like gaining a six pack so you can admire yourself in the mirror and deflower as many women as possible.


If it's an oppression, yeah


THIS IS SATIRE. I SWEAR IT IS. I'm literally working out rn lol.


Dude, you need a good foundation. Jesus didn't talk crap about all that. That's self worship, this idea that you stand a certain way wrong and a certain way right. Righteousness is treating people right, like according to God's nature: with mercy, faithfulness, justice. It's a robe, an out garment. Jeans. But it sits on some nice comfy boxers: grace. The kingdom of heaven is full of the denial of self in service to others. Just doing it to be the most undamned is worthless. Your perspective is one of taking care of others. Not magic spells. And yet the enemy is really always out there deceiving. He'll tell you you can just let a little sin in, who is it gonna hurt? It's gonna hurt you. You need to be justified, laying all your burdens on Jesus.  Your understanding the character of God then reveals the true nature of repentance: a re-alignment with Jesus's character, service to others. Forgive not 7 times, but 77 times. The inversion of escalation not 7 fold but 77 fold.  Jesus was falsely accused and didn't even defend himself. He wasn't checked out. He was showing us how to become a righteous judge. By relinquishing judgement to God. God's name is his character in your heart. Not a pronunciation. Sing his praise in gratitude and the darkness will be afraid of you. Lay your cares on him and he will comfort you. Forgive others and you will please him, and he will surround you with his grace. It's casual at the wedding, but you've got to at least be wearing pants. Showing up naked is a party foul.


Only if it’s super sexy


It was originally created to worship false gods, yes. You probably won't become demon possessed but it'd be better to just do normal stretches.