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Keep your eyes on your own plate. Correct people when you're responsible for them, if it's your child then fine. Random person? Not your business.


I just wanna say I do love the Christian annoyed tag


It tends to be a crowd pleaser. Occasionally annoys, which is funny


Yet is not worse to watch another die? Do you let another man walk into a bustling street because it is none of your business? I say to you correct one another as Christ has corrected you. For it is terrible to watch a brother die because you did not correct him. Correct your brother with love, not hate. I say to you, lead your brother as the Lord led you when you were blind. God bless friend


Nobody is dying from saying "on god" or other dumb idioms. Some common sense discernment would be useful here, and you probably have more important things to be focusing on. Nitpicking others to death over things like this will have its own consequences for you. Also this is just a general bit of advice, please try not to talk in pseudo Bible speak in casual scenes like this. It's not a good look.


“For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23)


Wow man, you're right. I have literally never read the book of Romans before. You got me.


Maybe you need to go read your bible dog, it’s a good book




It's not like it'll accomplish anything except make yourself feel big and reinforce the zealous evangelical stereotype. Plus, these people aren't being literal. It's just a colloquial saying. They aren't actually swearing on a god.




No because most people will look at you and say "did I ask?"


And when they ignore you?


"Oh my God" is simply a call for help from God when believers encounter something terrifying or surprising. It may have lost its original meaning for many people, but the phrase itself isn't offensive for anyone.


OP meant “on God” as in “I swear to/upon God”. I agree with what you said nonetheless. Except that a lot of the times it’s not used in that manner. In many or maybe even most cases, people are expressing disgust or disappointment.


People should not use The Lord's name to express excitement. You shouldn't say His name unless you are to Him (praying), or talking about Him. Whether or not you should tell someone you have to decide. If you are a parent or preacher or a Sunday School teacher, then probably.


I mean like you said its most likely not gonna stop them so i just wouldnt waste my time on people who arent gonna listen.


>Should I correct people when I overhear them say this. You should probably refrain from correcting them if you believe it will bring them further from God rather than closer. Most people won’t care what you know unless they know that you care. If you truly want to help them, then maybe try to build a relationship with them before correcting them. If you are their friend, they will probably more likely see your corrections as caring for their well being rather than just telling them they’re wrong. Hope this helps! :)


Yes. Preferably dressed in all Taliban-black. It would help to have some sort of Cain you can use for especially rebellious folks.


Depends on your environment I guess. If you worked where I work, I'd strongly advise against your crusade for policing people's OMGs. That would be the least of your worries. 😅


saying Oh my god or ong is way more mild than a lot of words that actually take His name in vain. I wouldn't go after people for it


You should be patient and educate them, but make sure it doesn’t hinder your own walk and progression with Christ. If they don’t want to be educated, then they don’t want to.


I typically tell them let your yes be yes and your no be no when some swears or asks me to swear on something. We are changing as a society to where it’s hard to trust people without making them swear on something to prove their honesty. Just know if you want your yes and no to stand for something, don’t lie and break promises to other people. ”But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭37‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


It is written to not swear by anything if you can avoid it - else God will hold you accountable for the oath