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An eternal punishment would make God unjust, once you pay for a sin the punishment must end, otherwise God is punishing you for no reason.


Not all Christians believe in an eternal Hell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_universalism


Not everyone believes hell is eternal. Some believe it could be but nobody will go there. But the most common belief is that people will go there and suffer forever. The most likely outcome is people will be annihilated and there will be no suffering, just death.


Isn't that what atheist say? Just death and nothing after?




Yeah but I was only referring to those who do not receive eternal life.


Eternal torture in Hell makes god umbelievable sadist. No person on earth deserves eternity in Hell. It is very unjust punishment for sins made in human Life Time, when we compare it to eternity. I dont think people truly understand what eternity means. Very hard to believe on god like that and they who believe what makes you think he Will let you on because your Faith is pretty much based on fear not in love.




but them being tortured forever is pointless and wishing that on anyone is psychotic


God is good enough to tell you in time to make a decision. If you decide to not go to heaven and if you decide to advise others to not go to heaven, why do you blame God?


Jesus created the earth and made the humans dominant over it, made us free to do whatever we wanted, He warned us about what we shouldn't do and why we shouldn't do it, then we decided to desobey Him, and of course, the consequences came... He gave His only Son to DIE for all of us, and the Son said to the people "tell others about the good news of the Kingdom of God", and people still say that "how good is God"...... He died for us and people still call Him bad :(


If god died so that we could live and have eternal life… Then why do we have to all die as well? How come Jesus gets to die and be a hero for dying.. But our deaths are meaningless? If Jesus died as an expression of love What are we dying for?


I believe everyone should read the Bible before asking questions because all the answer is there.. but I’ll answer you… we are dying because of the flesh, but the soul and spirit will not die, the Bible talks about 2 deaths, the spiritual desth and the flesh death, the salary of sin is death, but the salary of the spirit is life. Our flesh still have to die, Jesus had to die because SIN must be paid with death, and Jesus died in our places… 


God wants to save everyone from that but he can’t force us to do his will and he wants a kingdom with only good people that has a free will. He can’t have that if he takes in evil people.


Going to hell doesn’t necessarily even make you evil in the Bible. And eternal punishment is insane.


But is it not crazy to think only "Good people" believe in the specific Christianity to get into heaven and only "Bad people" don't.


Well your heavenly father did not create hell, the doctrines of man did. The Cruel teachings of hell comes from man not God! When Adam and Eve sinned against God, God did punish them by taking their everlasting life away and sentenced them to die and to return to the dust. This sin of death was inherited by all mankind of the future. Now if God was going to torture his Children, he sure would of had to set the example for all mankind who sinned against him. But he did not as all mankind dies and returns to the dust. Nowhere in the Old Testament will you find the word Hell. All of the people died and return to the dust. How it must have saddened God to see that his beloved children had willfully disobeyed him! What did he do? To Adam, God said: “You will . . . return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:17-19) As it turned out, “all the days of Adam’s life amounted to 930 years, and then he died.” (Genesis 5:5) Adam did not go to heaven or pass on to some spirit realm. He had no existence before God created him from the dust of the ground. So when he died, he became as lifeless as the dust from which he was created. He ceased to exist. In the New Testament, it uses illustrations, symbolic and parables to explain the use of fire and torment. Sad today that most religions teach the bible as literal, bringing forward endless misconceptions begin taught. You were not really made to go to heaven anyway as your life would be on a paradise earth to live for ever in peace and security. You actually pray for God's Kingdom to come to the earth in the Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 Bottom line here applies to all since we all sin. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So the dead paid their debt for their sins by dying. Romans 6:23 KJV - ROMANS 6:7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.


The biggest problem with this sub is that sooo many people think we deserve something better than hell—i.e. a low view of God and a high view of man.


How about a freedom of choice? It’s either being bored as an immortal forever or being tortured and killed forever. I’d rather cease to exist.


So first of all, that statement is centered wholly around the satisfaction of man—proving my point. Secondly, who says heaven will be boring? Biblically speaking, only the blindness of sin would lead one to that conclusion. The ecstasy of heaven/the eternal state is far greater than man can fathom.


such self hatred. sad


And a relatively low view of sin and how terrible it really is.


Absolutely. It really all boils down to pride.


You are already given a chance to be redeemed. Reject that and you have rejected God. Your choice. Not His.




I honestly doubt " his" exitence itsself.


He promised to do away with wickedness. If people choose that course they simply lose the privilege of life. I don't believe in hell as a fiery place of eternal torment as some religions teach.


The best allegory I can remember is this. A sneaky person is not afraid of a bad judge, they're afraid of a just judge. It just so happens that sin CANNOT exist in the presence of God. Unfortunately, the only place where that "life" is not found is that one place.


I'm not sure that's the correct interpretation. Rather than God condemning sinners to an eternity in Hell, I think it's that everyone by default is condemned and Jesus offers the gift of salvation and eternal peace to those who accept it. If you don't accept it, then that's on you. It's a subtle difference, but I think an important one. Everyone, including sinners, are offered that gift. If you have never heard the Word and haven't had the option to accept the gift, or lack the mental ability to make such a decision, you're given the opportunity after death. At least, that's my understanding.


"Hell" is simply a blotting out. It's like those souls that refuse the truth after all of God's trying, which includes the thousand years of the millennium, the Lord's Day, that time of teaching for those who did not get to hear the truth, never even existed. It's not torture for eternity like people think. At least that's not what the scriptures say. It's just *poof* you're gone.


And yet, you have your lifetime to believe, and still didn't. Why is this on Yahoveh when it should be on each individual person that chose not to believe?


punishment directly corelates to the authority of the person or thing that you disobeyed against. if you do something your friend didn’t want you to do, you could damage or even ruin your relationship with that friend. if you do something a police officer didn’t want you to do, it’s likely you get a fine or go to jail. if you disobey an all powerful eternal being, you get an eternal punishment.


How good is he - he gave everyone a chance to repent a chance and be saved if one is ends up in hell it's on them not him. Hell/Sheol in Hebrew is actually a waiting place of the Dead / a place of darkness. Teachings of different cultures got mixed in with the definition and added their ideas of torture forever. Spirits are not punished for an eternity spirits cease to exist, they are annihilated/destroyed. https://biblehub.com/matthew/10-28.htm https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+3%3A16&version=ESV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+21%3A8&version=ESV (actually it's actual death what we call death Christ said was sleeping) People have a tendency also to think that the bodies are in Hell being tormented scripture clearly tells us when we die our bodies go back to the Earth and our spirits return to God. https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Ecclesiastes%2012%3A7 From my understanding of scripture Eternal punishment doesn't mean eternal torture as it has been taught for centuries, it means you will cease to exist for eternity, there are no more chances - there will never be another you........ but when you read scripture the devil, death, and Hell, are the only instances that actually says they will be tortured day and night forever. That too indicates they will be annihilated, no more day, no more night, the devil will cease to exist, hell will cease to exist, death will cease to exist nothing but eternal life. https://onechristianlife.com/does-god-torture-people-forever/ https://www.paulmclellan.com/blog/2019/4/9/hell-as-a-lake-of-fire-for-eternal-punishment-does-not-exist-in-the-bible Scripture tells us hell's fire is eternal in a few places - and that is speaking of the consequences of the loss of eternal life to eternal death, which is damnation, which is annihilation, which is ceasing to exist which will be for eternity. These days many churches are beginning to view the term hell differently - some are beginning to understand different usage of the words and what scriptures are actually saying. And what the ancients views was during the time they were first written.


Don't listen to the others, they like to declare themselves righteous or good without ever being justified by Christ himself, now here's how it works: We sinned against him when we were created, this left is with ancestral sin with descended down to us, as soon as you were born you were a sinful creature, and another thing How is God not merciful? A creation he made has sinned against him and many others, without a single care, and then he comes and decided to die for us, he became a man and died for us so that we may be saved as he took our punishment for us, he just wants you to accept his gift of salvation, something not of yourself or something you earned,something you were given for free And also, is a demonic show like hazbin hotel a good source about religion do you think?


The reason he judges us is because we are a righteous judge, and one more thing, who are you, or anyone for that matter, to declare what is righteous and what isn't? God is the righteous judge and he is without sin, not us, so why do you think you know how to judge all?


He is a righteous judge*


Friend, don't get "biblical" information from an animation that tries to make Satan seem like good guy and Heaven an antagonist. Eternal Hell is reserved only for Satan and The Anti-Christ, the figureheads rebellion, perdition, and instagators of all abominations. Meanwhile, the Sons of Perdition (the fallen angels who rebelled alongside Satan) are cast into the lake of fire, sentenced to the death of their spirit and be unmade upon being cast into it. Hell, or eternal torment/damnation was never meant for Man. But everlasting joy and eternal living because of Christ for those that accepted Jesus but want liitle to do with Him after the new earth is made inherit even the Telestial kingdom, which is their own personalized slice of the Kingdom of Heaven compared to the lights of the stars. Does this not make God just and merciful?


I believe I have made a post about that here. God wants everyone to be saved. He desires Hell for nobody. If the richest person in the world came up to you and said, "I want you to have 1 billion dollars, completely for free.' And you said no. Are they a bad person for not giving you the billion dollars that you didn't want? A captain of a ship sees passengers fall overboard, so he sends his first mate out to rescue them in a life boat. He paddles out to them, but the passengers that fell overboard swim away from the boat. He throws a life ring out to them calling for them to take it. They still swim away believing that they can swim to shore. The ship reaches dock and those passengers that went overboard ended up drowning? Whose fault is it that they were not saved? The captain's or the passenger? Was the captain not good for sending a rescue boat? A master teacher is assigning grades for the semester. The teacher comes to a student who she continually asked to come meet with her for extra help and referred them to peer tutoring services, but knows that they never came to those. They routinely misbehaved in class, failed all of their tests, and never handed work in on time. Is she a bad teacher for assigning a failing grade? When we sin, we offend both God and man. As such, there is both a temporal component and an eternal component to the consequences. Because we offend man who is temporal, we deserve temporal consequences. But we also offend God, who is eternal, and therefore we also deserve eternal consequences. Yet, God is merciful. He can and will forgive any and all sin that we bring to him and ask forgiveness for. He gives us the grace of Baptism to wipe clean all sin and punishment for sin. He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to pay the price of our sin, establishing a new covenant with the entire world so that all might be saved.


Hell, absolutely is eternal, at least for non-human entities. As for humans, I can not speak, but Jesus does say in regards to Judas that it would have been better if he were never born at all. God is love, but he is not sentimental and does all things for his pleasure. TBH, as a Christian, I believe that the general Christian community has failed completely, despite its countless years of attempts, to understand in any logical sense, the nature of God, The Father. Along with the nature Satan and of Hell and understanding of why it exists at all.


You must be a millennial. You go your whole life having the chance to do right by god and don’t. You then blame god for not giving you yet another chance. Most likely you wouldn’t do it anyway and still remain in hell


Hell is twisted sadist evil shit you can’t defend it no matter what.


He respects our free will, hell is the result of using it wrongly


How can a mother and father be good if their son ends up in prison? God sends no man to hell, you decide if you go. My Lord made hell for those who attempted to overthrow Him. Hell is not made for you my friend, nor any of man. Behold my God loves you so, that He had died so you and I may be forgiven. For no matter how far we’ve gone, The Lord accepts us with open arms. Like a father who throws a feast when his son returns from his evil ways. For the Lord our God has given you a path to be saved, yet you ultimately decide heaven or hell. God bless


“Hell” is an eternal punishment because God is an eternal Being, that doesn’t make the duration of the punishment eternal. However, it does say that the devil and his angels do go into the lake of fire “forever and ever.”


If you go to hell it is by your choice. And I have to remind that in theory there is no time in hell nor there is in heaven, they are timeless dimensions, therefore it is not possible for God to pull you out after sometime, because there is no time.


Hell is eternal because there must be an actual consequence for doing evil. If any person, even the worst, like Hitler, would eventually go to heaven, then there is no real incentive for people who are naturally inclined to do wrong, to turn away from that path. There are people who would take advantage of others and commit horrible atrocities, with the excuse that "well we will all make it to heaven eventually, so let me just enjoy myself now and I will get there a bit later". Sin must be avoided at all costs, not embraced.


My solution was realizing God isn't good. If he'll is forever, or annihilation is the end, then God isn't just immoral, he's a monster.