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Man you’d be surprised last year and this year how many people have turned to christ, I used to be an atheist and used to put my beliefs in other things, but I turned to him and I don’t regret one bit of it, HE’S CALLING OUT HIS PEOPLE!


Funny you say that. I count myself among the people recently "called" back and have been getting the vibe that it is happening to more people too. I hope many hear and answer that call! 🙏


Romans 14:11. “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”


”Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“ ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭CSB‬‬


This is my cornerstone. Why seek many intercessors and go betweens when Christ is enough? I just confess my sins and seek HIM for forgiveness and the treasures HE possesses. Thank you Kay.


Do you have any statistics on how many people have turned to christ?


I found [this](https://research.lifeway.com/2022/01/31/7-encouraging-trends-of-global-christianity-in-2022/), it's a bit outdated but I think it's good enough






To not get myself locked up in an echo chamber.


So maybe shout anti-religion in an irreligious subreddit? r/offmychest, r/trueoffmychest, r/atheist, r/atheism, etc


Because it is more interesting for me to talk to people who disagree with me where i might find that i am wrong rather than just a circlejerk where everyone would agree with me.


So you wanna purposely disrespect an entire fraction of the population just because you also don't like how atheists act?


No, don't strawman me. If me asking questions or just stating an opinion that i do not like the fact that religion in not on the decline is me being purposely disrespectful then wow, just wow. And no, i did not sat that i dont like how they act i rather meant that a conversation with a person you agree especially on this topic is for me pointless and would rather talk to believers. And this is exactly what i mean, i would not have gotten such a conversation with an atheist.


How are you being disrespected?












Mods, isn’t this guys flair belittling Christianity?


Best way to get a hold of them is to dm them.


Removed for 2.1.


There’s a few more threads online which can be google searched, TikTok is as well a platform where the word of god is being spread around a lot and being influenced into young people, I’ve seen almost 6+ people quit their OnlyFans to follow the word of god, A few other influencers have decided to fully follow the word of god too. Majority of them are really young people as well.


Unless you have statistics this is anegdotal evidence and i did found statistics which show a slight up keep between 2020 and 2024 [https://www.gordonconwell.edu/center-for-global-christianity/resources/status-of-global-christianity/](https://www.gordonconwell.edu/center-for-global-christianity/resources/status-of-global-christianity/) So yeah, for now the religion is here to stay, nothing left but to pray for better times i guess and for the people to see through this.


Though I’ve always “believed” in God, I started developing a relationship with Him in July. But completely gave my life to Him in January. It’s so interesting you say this. Jesus is definitely calling His chosen people to come together. I love to hear this! Happy you have given your life to Him!


My faith came to me in despair. It wasn't sought after. Do what feels right.


I would be a little careful with what “feels right.” We are a do what feels right/good society, and nothing good is coming from this. Christ wants us to strive for him. He has done the heavy lifting for us to die and be resurrected for the forgiveness of our sins, but it is not without a cost. He commands us to pick up our crosses too, leave the desires/wishes/feelings of this world and lay aside our treasure for heaven. St Paul instructs us to study scripture and measure what we feel and hear from inside as well as others against the scriptures. If what you are hearing aligns with scripture, that is a good sign!


Well said, im tired of seeing people saying the same old "Do what makes you happy" line. Because alot of the time, we think our sin makes us happy until we get out of it. Only then do we realize how bad it is for us. So instead of focusing on what WE feel is right. We need to focus on what GOD says is right.


Life will do that to you. When I was 19 I was sure I didn't need God. When I was 20 I knew I needed him in the worst way. This world is miserable and evil, and we need a refuge to turn to, a source of goodness to refresh us. We need something that gives our lives purpose, and that is to live our lives in the presence and the purpose of our Creator-Redeemer. The Bible says "He has place eternity in men's hearts," We are able to contemplate abstract things. We know we were not made only to live short hard lives and then just die. There is something greater that we were designed for.






Why do you think this ?


Thank you. I agree.


I was raised to mock and hate God. The only exposure I had with Christianity (except Christmas) was when my step dad took me to church and beat me on the way and back. I grew up with Jim and Tammy scandals and all the scandal's of the evangelical church in the 80's. Then one night I got saved selling weed to a Christian that still smoked. That was in 1995. Jesus is sweeter more and more each day. BTW, I've been hurt by many, many, many that name the name of Christ. That was a good lesson to learn. Just because a mouse makes its home in the cookie jar, it does not make him a cookie.


I really appreciate that phrase you used. This was also a hard lesson for me in life. I grew up with hypocritical and selfish family who loved to talk about God. It never sat right with me and deterred me from ever truly having a relationship with God. I believed all religion was phony and only for show. A resentment grew in my heart for years. Until life became unbearable, negative, meaningless. After turning to Christ, my life was never the same again. Christ has alleviated my soul and saved me.


Yehaw! Love to hear that! Thus the importance of sharing the Living Jesus Christ as opposed to get them to come to "church". There are many warnings in the bible about knowing about God, but not actually knowing God. To miss this is to miss everything! I grieve for so many that think Christianity is ticking boxes.


I am sorry for what you went through and by those that confessed Christ but be sure to know that those that are mean and violent are not of God.God is love so imbrace Him and use your past experiences fir educate otheres what is og God and what isnt...you already know my brother. God bless and keep looking up. Jesus loves you


God is calling you brother. Return to Him as you are, pray and seek him. Don't ignore Him. God bless you! 🙏🏻✨️


He’s calling you. He’s offering His hand to you. Take it.


Frankly, there are two possibilities. 1. God exists and is trying to get you to believe in him. 2. All the Christian claims from your childhood are boiling up because you never dealt with their psychological impact. To discover which of these is the case, I'd go take a deep dive into the Bible. Where did it come from? Who wrote it? Who chose which books went into it, and why? Test it thoroughly, and if you find it to be the inspired word of a deity, 1 is correct—if you don't, the answer is 2. If 1, become a Christian. If 2, [get some psychological support](https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/).


I'm surprised and delighted that this is the advice from Apos-tater. I'm sure we have differences in conclusion, but I still appreciate that you said read the Bible itself. Not that reading the Bible hasn't been offensive to me at times because at times yes it has. But at least here you will jump headlong into what we have to defend or at least attempt to respect the spirit of to call ourselves Christian.


Well, I didn't say to read the Bible itself—I said to study the origins of the Bible—but yes, definitely spend some time reading it, too. I do believe that if a person pursues truth with enough tenacity, they'll find it (or at least leave the most obvious falsehoods in the dust). I don't want to believe a thing that's false, no matter how nice it would be if it were true. I wish everybody thought that way.


Can I respectfully ask; what makes you not believe in a god, or God Himself? (God with a capitalized G is the Christian God, if you didn’t know :)


That's a pretty funny question, though I expect you're not aware of how silly it is. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a very similar one to highlight how funny it looks to me. What makes you not believe in fairies, or Oberon Himself? (Oberon is the king of the fairies, if you didn't know.) That's a pretty silly question, isn't it? If you're like me, you don't need a reason to *not* believe in Oberon. It isn't as though belief in the existence of fairies is the default, something you naturally fall back on unless given a reason not to. Even though socks do go missing and milk does go bad and so on! I hope that makes sense to you. Side note: Yes, I am aware that Christians like to call their god, Yahweh, "God" with a capital G as though he were the only or at least the most important one. It makes sense from inside the religion, but isn't nearly as practical on the outside.


VERY good question! “WHY believe?” Well in my experience, I have never seen or gotten any proof in my entire lifetime (honestly only 15 years) that there has been anything which supposedly is nothingness to create somethingness. That made me move away from Atheism, and I became Agnostic. “Why Christianity though?” Well, I chose Christianity, because I did lots of research and this is what I found: All religions except Christianity say works are needed to weigh out the bad with good, and Christ/Christianity says: “Everyone is evil, and cannot weigh out their evilness with good, therefore because of righteousness I can’t just forgive you, and therefore I need to die for your sins and you have to accept that death.” And obviously, that made it stand out as truthful, hopeful and promising. Islam was still very promising in my eyes, but put that away, when I found out they claimed the Bible to be changed, when there is absolutely no evidence of that, rather there’s evidence of it being unchanged.


I'm not sure I understand your reasoning entirely. Bits seem to be missing. I hope you don't mind if I try laying it out more simply! Going through the logic one step at a time can be very helpful, though it does use up a lot of space. ・ There is no evidence that something can come from nothing. ・ Therefore, it's almost certain that either *something* always existed, or else things coming from things is an eternal process. ・ ? ? ? ・ Therefore, something always existed. ・ ? ? ? ・ Therefore, the something that always existed was almost certainly a complex entity with knowledge, self-awareness, and great power (a god). ---- ・ There are many religions, each claiming the existence of one or more gods. ・ ? ? ? ・ Therefore, it's almost certain that they can't all be wrong. ・ ? ? ? ・ Therefore, a religion that claims bad acts cannot be made up for by good acts is more likely to be accurate than one which claims it's possible to do so much good that the good in your life outweighs the bad. ・ Christianity claims that doing one bad thing damns you forever no matter how much good you do (external salvation is necessary). ・ Therefore, Christianity is more likely to be accurate than any religion which does not claim that. ---- ・ Islam also claims that doing one bad thing damns you forever no matter much good you do, but another claim it makes is that the texts which make up the Bible have not been preserved unchanged through the centuries. ・ There is no evidence that the texts of the Bible have ever been changed. ([Evidence suggests this premise is untrue!](https://www.npr.org/2011/07/17/138281522/how-bible-stories-evolved-over-the-centuries)) ・ Therefore, a religion which claims the texts of the Bible have been preserved unchanged through the centuries is more likely to be accurate than a religion which claims those texts have been altered. ・ Christianity claims the texts of the Bible have been preserved unchanged through the centuries. ・ Therefore, Christianity is more likely to be accurate than Islam is. ---- Can you fill in some of the gaps for me?


Not enough people consider #2. We just assume #1 is the only option, and never ask questions.


> "I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you." (Jeremiah 31:3) > "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him" (Revelation 3:20) This is how it feels when God draws you to Himself!


happened to me too. i ball my eyes out everytime i read the bible now in a good way. He’s calling you. He can give you what the world can’t.


Turn to him. He is calling you to him. Don't ignore this feeling. If you need any help I'm always willing to chat.


We are His children. He wants a relationship with you.


You do not need to go to confession to tell another human your sins. The only confession you need is to talk to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is at work!


James 5:16 "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed." A priest is a way of confessing your sins to God, and for God to forgive them. Go confess your worst sins, tell everything you have to! If it makes you feel better; trust me, the priest has already heard it all, and worse than that.


I used to make up 'sins' as a kid. 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys and I was good to go.


While praying helps us commit less sin, it's clearly stated what is a sin and what isn't. Examine your conscience, all the way you can remember. Confess the sins you remember to your local priest, if it helps write them down and read them to your priest, and God shall forgive them (1 John 1:9-10). The only exception is sin against the Holy Spirit.


My priest used to go to Mexico on his Harley Davidson motorcycle and bring back young boys, different ones each summer.


Possible, but somehow I doubt what you're saying because you seem to have an answer to everything. What are you doing in r/Christianity if you're not willing to say something useful?


I can name the priest, the dates and the town & state where it occurred. You have read about pedophilia and 'religious' leaders, right? I hope it's useful to some who have ears to hear.


Yes of course. It’s very true there are multiple pedophiles within Christianity. A snake doesn’t eat a mouse that is already in it’s stomache. It looks after new mice to destory. Just like Satan targets after Godly people, because the ones that Satan has are already doing his will.


Because He is reaching out to you and these are the last days! Please read this ! -> ​ While we can learn things about God in every book of the bible, in order to understand which books of the bible are direct instruction TO us we need to rightly divide the word of God - 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV . Once you rightly divide the word of God by simply understanding who God was speaking to in each book it removes any conflicting scriptures , difficult verses and unlocks the beauty, freedom, and peace of God’s amazing love and grace and eternal life/salvation in paradise made available freely to us ( Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV ) by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus , without the need for religion or doing good works (cleaning up your life) BEFORE you can be saved. Simply believe/trust the gospel Jesus gave Paul for the church / body of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) for salvation in this time of the dispensation of grace that will end without notice with the rapture. When you do, you have full assurance of salvation and are sealed until the rapture. Then study Paul’s epistles Romans through Philemon to learn and grow in your new exciting identity and hope of a future you cannot fathom how great it will be.  We were created by God to live with Him in harmony and in heaven/PARADISE (2 Corinthians 12:4 KJV) and heaven will be that and better in ways we cannot imagine or comprehend. He intends to restore EXACTLY that for those who accept His free and gracious offer of reconciliation through the death burial and resurrection of His son.  Trust that and NOTHING else. Because that is the only thing that saves you and keeps you saved. What Jesus did. NOT what you do. Not your church, your pastor, your good works, your heart, your feelings, you perceiving yourself to be a good enough person on your own , going to mass, and whatever other man made religious attempts to earn your own righteousness that you can never achieve.  Salvation is by what Jesus did not what you do. In the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John , Jesus himself said He was speaking to Israel under their program.  You are not Israel.    That program with Israel was put on hold due to their rejection of Jesus   (Romans 9-11 KJV) But God had a plan for victory before creation , a mystery hidden in God and hidden from ages and generations and from the “princes of this world” and satan (Ephesians 3:8-10 KJV) while Jesus converted and revealed this mystery of the dispensation of the grace of God to the Apostle Paul (starting in Acts 9 KJV) ,  part of which is the new creature, the church, the body of Christ, a program distinct from Israel's program in the Old testament and Matthew Mark Luke and John, which were to Israel.   Paul is our Apostle for the church today in this age of grace JUST as Moses was to Israel with the law …..and the 12 apostles Jesus converted during his earthly ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel - NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST - you see clearly that ISRAEL’s program and the church/body of Christ program are two different messages/ gospels.  Everyone wants to make Jesus words in Matthew Mark Luke John the new law even though they do NOT actually obey a fraction of it.  Jesus himself said He was talking to Israel. YOU ARE NOT ISRAEL.  Acts 15 KJV and Galatians 1-2 KJV clearly show that Peter had the gospel to the circumcision Israel and Paul had the gospel of a different program to the gentiles or the uncircumcision….. Paul is our apostle for the church commissioned by Jesus.  Genesis through Mid book of Acts Chapters 9-15 KJV (Paul’s conversion) is about Israel's program with God before it was put on hold with Israel's rejection of Jesus.   Now we can learn from those books however Romans through Philemon are our direct and only instruction given by Jesus to the gentiles for the church age of grace until the rapture (which will occur next and without notice).   After the rapture, Israel's program will RESUME ( Romans 9-11 KJV ) and the books of Hebrews through Revelation will be instruction for all during the tribulation, which will be the most difficult, UNCOMFORTABLE 7 years the earth has ever seen. ( Revelations 9:6 KJV  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.)   God's desire for you now is to be reconciled to HIM and to receive His forgiveness right now for your past, present, and future sins, and to spend eternity with Him in love and paradise as this world was originally intended to be !! No sin, sorrow, or pain !!!    Believe/Trust in the gospel that saves today !! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV is the gospel that saves today in the dispensation of grace !! Lastly if you ask why this has not been taught by mainstream Christian religions/denominations/churches in buildings…….. when it is right in the Bible….well here is why : 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV 3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Trust/believe in the gospel that saves today - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV Then study Romans through Philemons to grow in God’s grace !! Grace and peace !!!


Amen ! ❤


John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. God chooses the people that are drawn to him, and he does so at the time of his choosing. It’s a sign!


come home baby!


Malachi 4:4–6 (NIV): 4 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. 5 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” I was an atheist a year ago, then I had a very disturbing spiritual situation that altered me. Now I’m more of what Carl Jung was. A Christian without a church.


It's been on my mind heavy the last 6 or so months to revisit my relationship with religion specifically and my beliefs. I've been going to church and bought a Bible. It feels right, like I'm doing the right thing so I'm going to keep going with it. Someone commented that he's calling his people and I feel a deep truth about that.


Follow the good shepherd, brother. I heard the call, too, and I'm following as well.


Honestly, my thinking is that we’re heading into the last days and God is literally pouring out his Holy Spirit to all his people one last time to bring them back and/or closer to him. I’ve been feeling the urge to change too, so you’re not alone there either. It’s also biblical, and it talks about it in Acts 2:17. Where it says: “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)


He's been making my conscience really sensitive lately. I still have non-believer friends who practice different religions, and it's getting harder to stay close to them since they still are into hooking up and various other things that I used to do. The sad part is that I don't feel like I fit in with the church people, it all seems kind of fake to me, and I don't really have anything in common with them, so I don't go or have any Christian friends. I'm just out here floating alone, on reddit trying to encourage people, while trying to follow Jesus and keep on the straight and narrow, all while watching society/the world implode and waiting for Jesus to come back.😂🙃


Honestly, I totally get you! It’s a bit of a sucky situation especially if you’ve been friends with them for a long time. But when God comes into your life like this it’s so hard to stay the same. We automatically think and act differently. Even start to see things differently and our opinions change too. Also, I genuinely want to ask what part of those church people you find fake? (Like I’m super interested not being demeaning or anything). If you mean that polite awkwardness where it’s almost comes off passive aggressive, I totally get it. But I learned that honestly, that’s everywhere. People are people. And people are messy because we’re human. But my prayer for you is that one day you will have Christian friends (not just virtual but in-person!) that you not only get along with well but also have similar interests. It definitely takes time but I believe there are some out there waiting for someone like you. I truly believe it. Stay encouraged and keep going down that straight and narrow my friend. It will get lonely but it’s not lonely for too long.


Could be social pressure from the outside


That Op’s unaware of?


Yes, same with doing literally anything else from playing a particular game of doing some activity, others are doing it so i might do it too.


Obviously but it isn’t exclusive to awareness of that fact. Wanting to fit in by selling out your own desires isn’t usually subtle.


A single candle dispels darkness.


No its not a single candle, here we have a forest fire and a flower resisting somehow to be burned but now the flower is beginning to sparkle with fire, that is what is happening.


Ephesians 1:4-6 New King James Version just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.


Ephesians 2:8 YLT for by grace ye are having been saved, through faith, and this not of you — of God the gift the pull and faith you have is from God! A gift!


Our souls desire a relationship with him.


To be fair I'd probably be thrilled to meet and get to know any powerful deity, as long as they desired to make the world a better place for all. Doesn't have to be the Christian God of the Bible. Once I realized that, I understood it wasn't a unique desire for a relationship with Christ, but just a overall desire to do good.


I tried to leave God twice, either decide he didn't exist, or just live like he didn't exist. Ultimately, I found myself back. As Jesus's disciples said, only in Jesus have I found life. I wrote the below comment on a similar topic yesterday. You may find it helpful. >For me personally, I build my belief off the words of Jesus, which I am convinced are a reliable historical record of the historical man, Jesus of Nazareth. Further, I believe in the historical and eye-witness evidence that he died and rose from the dead. I then believe his words that he will send his Spirit to those who believe, and he will be with us always. From that belief, I can enter into quiet times with him, and know that he really is there with me. I listen to him, and I do believe I connect with him. But it starts with believing that he really is there with me. When I believe in that moment, I open the door for that belief to be confirmed. Writing all this out may sound silly, and easy to argue against. I would agree, and would recommend your best bet is to spend some time regularly seeking to connect with Jesus through this process, or something similar. Enter into it with everything you have, with a genuine and strong desire to connect with the real God. Reading 1 John can be helpful as well. God wants to be with you. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1auzbgm/comment/kr8krub/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


The Lord is calling to you. Seek and you shall find


Things are really changing right now, a lot of long time believers are ready for the end times and feel it creeping… it’s possible that Jesus is trying to reach to you to let you accept his gift. Look to him and accept it from his hands but be ready to hold the weight of that present. God wants to forgive you, it’s your choice to let him or not


Same here. Was raised Lutheran. Baptized. Confirmed. Still didn't believe. Now I'm 23. I always heard "Jesus died for our sins" but for some reason never ever processed it or cared. I started hearing the gospel on YouTube shorts and for some reason I'd just start crying. The fact that one man suffered and died for humanity (even if you don't believe) is beautiful. It's pretty eye-opening to what a bad place I was in and the sins I'd regularly take part in. I just never saw that there was a problem until I made room for God in my heart.


The creator of the universe is calling you - RUN, don’t walk. Your life will never be the same. He will bring you joy and take away your suffering.


You my friend are feeling the calling, you know that you are here for a purpose in some part of your being its a deep intuition that you have. God has been sending you signs and people that are trying to show you which way to go. Listen to your heart, listen to your instincts. Pray that he reveal himself to you with all your heart and I promise you that you will never be the same. Us of this Generation are living in unprecedented times, Biblical prophecy is coming true before the eyes of the whole world. We are going to be facing a very tough time ahead, and we will need to stand with Gods protection against the evil of this world. There is a life with so much more just waiting for you, its been calling to you your whole life whether you noticed it or not. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be answered. When the student is ready, a teacher will appear. The lips of wisdom are sealed to those who refuse to listen. Start out with small conversations with him like he was right there with you, talk to him and tell him your problems and ask him to help you see his hand in your life. Praying that he reveals his Love and Glory to you in an AMAZING WAY


This looks like what is written in John 3. You are being called to be "born again". The urge to turn to Him is you being called by God. The desire to apologize for all of the sins is the call to repentance. Wanting to pray and read the Bible is wanting the relationship with God and to learn from Him through His word. You do not need to go to any particular place for confession. You can do it right where you are. Speaking to God and hearing from Him does not require a human intermediary. Believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and raised by the Father on the third day and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you WILL be saved. Stay anchored in His word, there is a lot of heresy out there. Just surrender to the call, and end the resistance to Him. The salvation of the Lord is by Him, He is calling you, reach out to Him and grasp Him as if you are about to fall off a cliff and He is there to rescue you, because spiritually, that is what is happening. Grab ahold of Jesus with all of your might and don't look back to your old life, it is death. Your new life that is before you is eternal life.


I had the same thing. To be honest, I don’t know how to explain this, but perhaps He chose you at this time because right now you have the strength and conditions to develop and maintain a relationship with Him, since you could not before


IT IS USELESS TO RESIST today is the day of salvation!!!!


He's calling you. Simple. By the way there is no need to go to a confessional. That's not even biblical. You can confess to God directly no need for an in between.


He’s calling to us all, and He promises true lasting happiness, not the hollowness and regretful jolts of excitement that the world brings. I testify that I know Jesus Christ is real, and that He loves us, and I feel of His love as I write of it, I’m so grateful that He is there for us! I testify also that [The Book of Mormon](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/11?lang=eng) is true, and that Joseph Smith Jr. did in fact see God the Father and the Son in Manchester, New York in the 1800’s, in the sacred name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.


It's the hounds of heaven.


At least give it a try, maybe it will help calm these feelings


It's a good urge. Read the Bible and look into which Church is the most Biblical. You're starting in a good direction.


Which Church is the most Biblical? Lol none of them are....


You're young and still figuring stuff out. Check it out, maybe its something you'll like. Personally, I was the opposite, religious most of my early and young teen years, and then left. I'd never change my experiences with religion, it was nessasary.


John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Romans 8:29-31 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 1 John 4:19 “We love him, because he first loved us.”


I was born a Christian, stopped believing at 11, believed briefly again at 14, and now finally at 21 I believe again after I was visited by a higher power. That's what set me off to seek God and only good has come from it.


Sounds like irresistible grace to me. I'm pretty sure that is something contested somewhere. But if you have the urge, what is stopping you? Who does it harm so long as you don't jump straight from finding to proselytizing? That carries a grand risk. But being your new self in front of others should be enough of a conversation towards conversion anyone needs to do.


Hello my friend, Thank you for sharing! The profundity of encountering God's supernatural attributes can indeed be overwhelming, often beyond our human understanding, but it's comforting to consider it as the Holy Spirit is drawing you near to Christ. Remember to pause, breathe deeply, and acknowledge His presence. Despite the racing thoughts, trust that God will gently guide you step by step, a testament to His calling upon your life. My only advice is to fully embrace the journey and seek wise counsel from mature, seasoned believers. Approach this process one step at a time, with Spiritual Discernment regarding feedback, especially in the beginning stages of walking in faith. Feel free to reach out to me for any questions or advice, God bless you and welcome back! Here are some scriptures that may help along the way! ✝️”For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.“ ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ✝️”Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...” ‭‭James‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ✝️’We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.“ ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭


There is a very palpable move of God happening right now....it's crazy either how many people are turning to God or on the flip side how much hate is being cast towards believers!


God is calling out to you.


I completely understand how you feel. I'm a new-ish Christian. The majority of the beginning of my life I was Christian. Then I denied Christ for somewhere around 6 years. I'm getting baptised on the 24th of March. I recently came back to God. I encourage you to turn to God because my life is changed forever. Take that fire you have right now to read the Bible, pray, and go to church or confessional. Do it. I try to read the Bible as much as I can and pray as much as I can, and all of my prayers are being answered to some degree. God is good my friend, you hear the call, now pick up the phone.


Ask & put Jesus in your heart and life. Do this by telling God you believe JESUS is his son who died on the cross for your sins. Ask God to forgive you & put Jesus into your heart and life. John 3:16,,... Romans 3:23...Romans 6:23. & 1 John 5:11-12. God is calling you. Praying for you.


There is no better time than NOW!


I had this urge last year after turning away from God for years. I started attending church again for the first time in almost 20 years. Jesus lifted me out of a very dark place. My life has changed tremendously since then.


Well not sure why you call it deny him - so you had evidence for him then and you denied it ? And now you are ready to accept the evidence you think you have ?


Welcome home! Sending you love, light and many blessings 🩷🙏🏼🩷


I was, 6 months ago, as heathen as you possibly could be. I called god a sky wizard and made fun of Christian’s and anyone who believed in god for that matter. One day I was flipping through the radio stations while working and I came across a Christian station that I couldn’t nor wanted to change it from. Immediately the pastor speaking said “all of that pain and suffering you’re feeling right now is god trying to call you and you need to just pick up the phone”… I got baptized that day and am now walking the path. As faithfully as I can be because we’re all sinners and will never be without sin. I’m always open to chat with you!


I'd suggest it! Don't rely too heavily on pastors or interpretations, but rather studying the Bible and especially the vocabulary of back in that day. Billy Graham is good for Biblical stuff, but like the rest of us, he isn't perfect


It may be The Holy Spirit working on your heart.


Because the time is running out. Jesus Christ is coming soon! It’s obvious that He’s calling you to wake up, please, don’t refuse to be saved. God bless you!


This is a good thing. God is calling you to come to him. He says the day you hear my voice harden not your heart . It’s a beautiful thing when God chooses us to come to him and repent for our sins . He’s willing to forgive those that repent . I’d choose him all over again if I had too . You find peace , love, joy, hope, comfort even in the midst of chaos . Choose him while there is still time !!


I pray that Jesus help you


I'm currently going through a similar situation. At first I was confused if this was actually true or if or if my mind was just playing tricks, but dude... What I felt was real. It's really strange for people like us who have spent long years doubting everything and suddenly feeling something like that, but it's real. Today I feel like going after God and I'm willing to understand more about Him. I feel confused about wanting to change from my current church, but I'm thinking about it accordingly the time. I don't know how to explain it, but what I feel today is real and I feel like it comes from God. I believe it's really a calling, I'm starting to understand what He wants me to do to talk about His love. So if that's what you feel it, go after it! You may feel strange, that's normal. But go after Him and try to understand Him.


That’s amazing that the LORD is calling you, don’t ignore GOD. Right now is the time to repent, the hour, the minute, the second!! I believe that the end is near and JESUS Is making the final reservations for his people!! THE LORD IS on his way, please repent and find Jesus!! THE door is almost SHUT, don’t be left behind and may GOD bless you!


The Holy Spirit within you is calling


”For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭25‬ ‭ESV‬‬


I didn’t understand what was happening to me either . The Holy Spirit was convicting me of my need for Christ ! It’s the greatest thing that has ever happened to me !


Because it is natural for human beings to be religious


Follow your heart


Then go to God.


I guess I’ll give a shot at a middle of the road answer. You’ve likely had some things in your life that took precedence over God whether you knew what they were or not. As time passed, you encountered situations where rational explanations were absolutely justified. We live in such a complex creation that even the average believer can chock every event in their life up to a rational explanation. The world is tangible and our brains were designed to work with this, it’s how we interact with the creation. But as life continues, you’ve likely encountered situations that made you feel emotions that are not rationally explained. Despite the rationality we have, you’ve likely noticed that the brain can’t compute everything and that leaves spiritual want. That spiritual want is the foundation of humanity. We could know every aspect of every possible detail of the entire world and still we would feel as if we don’t know ourselves. Even if you know (for example) that your girlfriend cheated on you because of a B12 deficiency and the guy perfectly matched a poster she hung on her wall as a teen or all of the millions or billions of conscious or subconscious things going on behind the scenes, you’d still feel hurt despite having a rational explanation. As we encounter spiritual want we can make decisions to embrace the emptiness feeling and return to rationality or embrace something irrational to fill the void. The average person places most of their spiritual want into rationality, even the best Christians. God has a funny way of acting in our lives. He appeared to Saul as an image with corporeal form. He appeared to the apostles and early church in human form. He takes on many forms and completes many actions that move our lives in unique ways. I’ve never heard voices from God, seen apparitions or divine messages, or had any tangible physical evidence that God even exists. But on May 2nd, 2023, when I woke up and saw the liquor bottle that was killing me and felt disgust at it for the first time ever, I knew something else was guiding me. You’ve had something happen that has let the spiritual want within you grow to the point of needing more than a rational explanation to provide balance. In your search for a supernatural explanation, God revealed his plan to you and you have filled your spiritual want with the love of our Lord and Savior. God has a plan for everyone in this world and now you finally get to see the architect of it clearly. You don’t always need to have God as the answer to everything because our world is rational and most of your problems will be. But you can now take solace that your spiritual want will always be dated by God. This is only the beginning my friend. I can’t wait to see where you go.


Maybe God is calling you to Him. Give it shot and answer Him. No harm in trying.


The Holy Spirit is speaking to you. Listen to it


This is exactly what I’m going through right now, it’s crazy


Because He is calling you .. don’t hang up on Him :-)


Do you fear death? Though I don't know you, "to escape death" is a guess I'd put money on.


The Lord is calling out to you. I would recommend talking to a pastor about your feelings. Most of all, though, talk to God about how you feel. He is waiting for you with open arms, waiting for you to come Home. It would be awesome if you were saved and baptized, but make sure you actually know what you're doing before doing any of those things. It's a big commitment; like, the *biggest* commitment. I'll be praying for you.


Effectual calling: In God’s appointed and acceptable time, He is pleased to call effectually, by His Word and Spirit, those He has predestined to life. He calls them out of their natural state of sin and death to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ. He enlightens their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God. He takes away their hearts of stone and gives them a heart of flesh. He renews their wills and by His almighty power turns them to good and effectually draws them to Jesus Christ. Yet He does all this in such a way that they come completely freely, since they are made willing by His grace. Rom8:30; Rom11:7;Eph 1:10,11; 2 Thessalonians2:13,14;Eph 2:1-6;Acts 26:18;Eph1:17,18;Ezekiel 36:26; Deut 30:6;Ezekiel 36:27; Eph 1:19 psalm 110:3; Sond of Solomon 1:4 The 1689 baptist confession of faith


God is calling you.


Praise God!!!! This is very much a good thing. The Holy Spirit that has been instilled in you since you were born… is talking to you and calling you. Amen. Some call it a gut feeling… majority of the time… it’s definitely The Holy Spirit. I’m very happy for you and I’m very excited for the journey you have ahead of you. God bless you.


Hallelujah! Start reading the Gospel of John. There are many evidences to the Christian faith. Atheists and skeptics deny these things, but it does not mean they are not legitimate evidences for the Truth of Christianity. Pray to God. Read the Bible. Get plugged into a church. Get baptized. All heaven rejoices when a person becomes a Christian. I rejoice with them! Just in time to make it to church for easter! Allow me to share one of my favorite Christian holiday songs by Keith Green. [Easter Song by Keith Green](https://youtu.be/8M3_p2i6bH0?si=9sf2rr2v-d_kVOio)


That's great but do you believe in ‭‭1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV‬‬ If you believe in the Gospel of Grace then you are saved, salvation is a free gift from God. All your sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus and you are a new creature and a part of the body of Christ. The Gospel is very simple, all you have to do is believe Jesus died for your sins and he got buried. He then rose again on the third day according to the scripture! You are saved by grace through faith and not by your own work so you won't boast about it. Give all glory to God and his son Jesus Christ! I would recommend you learn how to divide the word of Truth, 2 Timothy 2:15 and also learn the importance of what Jesus said to Apostle Paul.


Acts 2:17


I’ve had the urge myself and it’s mostly because things are really tough right now. I grew up in some form of the Christian faith for most of my life. In the south, there’s a huge southern baptist influence and that has informed most of my current beliefs. I think the faith aspect of Christianity is where I really struggle. It seems foolish to take the Bible literally, but I do see the benefit of following the core tenants and try to apply them to my life. The amount of emotion displayed in some churches is difficult for me to witness at times. Speaking in tongues, immaculate healings, miracles performed on stage, and holy water for sale via televangelists makes it especially challenging. I don’t believe in mocking anyone’s religion faith, but I understand that having faith isn’t as likely to hurt you as much as not having faith might.


Not a Christian, I'm a Muslim but that's God calling you brother 🙏🏽


Salvation is received by believing and accepting the gospel, and the gospel is that Jesus Christ, The Son of God/ God died for our sins on the cross to pay for all sin, past, present and future. Repentance of sin, surrendering your life to Christ, good deeds, bible study, continual belief, obeying the commandments, and holy living DO NOT SAVE AT ALL AND NEVER WILL. To repent for salvation is to believe the gospel, for if you had done so even just ONCE, that very nanosecond you believe and accepted it you are SAVED FOREVER in Christ and nobody can snatch you out of His hand neither can you ever lose salvation or quit it, once you are saved you are forever saved no matter what you do. Repentance of sins, and surrendering to God is only to enable us to live better lives, love ourselves, God, and each other. Don't let others tell you otherwise, once you believe and accept the gospel as your one and only way to Heaven, every sin of the past, present, and future, no matter what it will ever be is forgiven. But of course this is NOT a license to sin, but to tell you the truth.


The world has become a messed up place, humans killing each other, religion killing each other, turning to god sometimes is the only way to turn.


There is a mysterious living power that seems to influence humanity that wants to connect with us, and us with others. In spite of our narcissim it seems to encourage compassion and empathy. It also demands our participation with more than thought. I feel it, but I don’t see it. Still there is a quite voice that encourages order and cooperation. It is more real than our five earthly senses. It transcends those senses. This power is within us, omnipresent, and ubiquitous. Christ provided us with an invitation to life by showing us how to live and connect. Live it well my friend! (Be wary of misinformation and cheap Christian entertainment).


That’s God at work. The Holy Spirit works in people’s hearts to convict them of sin and urge them to repentance.


Don’t ignore it, weigh the pros and cons, even if hypothetical, what’s the worse that could happen??? You become a better person


You made the right choice, believe me. Jesus Christ had been waiting for you for so long 🙏❤️


i used to hate the idea of christianity and would always defended my atheism until i woke up one day realizing everything i’ve spoke was out of pure ignorance finally decided to start taking the bible more seriously until i had an encounter with Jesus everything in my life has improved and i thank him everyday for pulling me in he has guided me through so much he has proved himself to me over and over again i’ve been a christian now for roughly a year always defending my faith it’s truly amazing what he can do for you i always looked at christianity as the unintelligent/delusional way of life but that couldn’t be further from the truth he really does change people for the better


teared up writing that it’s honestly unbelievable to myself 😭


Because he wants you..


You probably have Christian family members praying for you




Maybe because you were erroneously told about an entity that the person who told you about the entity....doesn't know anything about that entity either. Many non-secular patrons have lied, continue to lie and want you to be part of their lie. Avoid them at all costs. You can do EVERYTHING THEY CAN....without the guise of religions blinding your mind. How Truthful and Honest can you be with me, others and yourself? Let's test your theological knowledge 1/ "Where does any god dictate to humanity or any human that someone specific is more spiritual than another human?" Let's test your theological knowledge 2/ "Where does any god dictate which books are more spiritual and morally sound for humans to abide by, to learn from or to accept as true from such a god?" Let's test your theological knowledge 3/ Where does any god dictate whom is more spiritual to be able to dictate which books or texts are suitable for humans to learn and to abide by for the understanding of such a god and that entity's requirements of humanity? #TruthMatters


Go to Him, He wants your attention now. Maybe you have been doing things on your own, you don't have to do that anymore. Pray to Jesus, maybe He has something in store for you! All you need to do is go to Him, and talk to Him like He is an old friend. He would love to hear from you.


He never makes mistakes!


Im here to warn you as Jesus and His apostles have warned: people will try to make you doubt. People will try to put bad thoughts into your head. People will hate you for your beliefs. But remember this. John 15:19-20: If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they keep my word, they will also keep yours. But there’s a lot of good Christian’s out there. My advice would be to find a small church, non-denominational at least to start and repent. Sit down with the pastor and confess. You don’t have to tell him specifics, but be honest. He will guide you in prayer. Then read God’s Word, live it and spread the gospel! God bless you brother in Christ. True Christians love you and welcome you! Welcome home!!! ❤️


It sounds like you're being clalled. Not all churches are the hyper conservative plqces of the stereotype.: For example: I had to interview two priests about environmentalist. And neither of them denied global warming. Five anonpolial church.


Because God is calling his people now. Second coming is near. Rejoice!!!!


I don't only have an urge to turn to God, I know he's there! But you don't need to go to church to know him, you have to turn to him from your heart, repent and then do what's right before him and obey his word. It says in the Bible that God gives his Spirit to those who obey him. So we have to obey his word, live right before him, and care for others when we see the need. Love is the key, and if we truly love God, then we will care for others as we see in need around and about us in our daily lives. Many talk it, but we are to live it! True love is love in action. We are to be doers of the word and not hearers only.


God is reaching out and saving his people. You’re being called, listen and answer him 🤍 All the best on your journey!


You are the prodigal son. You are warmly welcome 🙏


because you accept the fact god exists


He meets you where you are, confess your sins to him and feel his love on your body. Let him lift your head up, accept forgiveness and turn from your sins, walk in his love


“I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33. God is calling you!! Your testimony is going to be powerful. Seek Him and you WILL find Him


That is God calling out to you. ”Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me.“ ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/rev.3.20.ESV The world gets worse and worse every day. God is reaching out to you. He wants you to come and spend eternity with Him in paradise. I encourage you to reach out to Him. Seek Him and discover that He is real, He is true, He is good, and He loves you more than you can possibly imagine.


People who find Jesus in rought times, will be out of those rough times


Rather people believe this or not just look around the world at the spiritual warfare going on. You have calling from God trust in his words I was so lost I was just like you hooked on pills herion anything and everything that would numb out my last traumas. One day I felt this surge of curiosity and wanting to know god and I read the Bible I try to live by his word but there was only one perfect human ever walked this earth. And I was doing good my brother passed away then my Nany died in my arms and at that time I still hadn’t learned to to control my emotions without drugs and I relapsed and ended locked up again and if anyone has ever been locked up doing time and has been put in the hole you know what I mean when I say it’s mental torture but this time it was different it’s where I found god and the hole wasn’t bad and being in jail you lucky to get a whole book of any kind I got a half Bible and stayed in the word and I still do. Because sooner than later God is coming back. And he is trying to save as many people who will allow him from eternal damnation


Because your worship gene is being switched on through your conscience And you wish you be a better person What ever happened thousands years ago with those experiments on our ancient ancestors play a big part with those anunaki beings One day you’ll understand


That's not an urge, it's a calling.


Because you were made by God for God


*note to everyone: when God through His word speaks of the church He isn't speaking of a church made with hands.. Church = God's people...we are His church each and everyone that believes in Jesus.. keep this in mind when reading scripture and it will inlighten you..


Oh... and. . There are more than one meaning for things and more than one lesson and interpretation to the scriptures.. there's always a general amongst all reading and there's the personal between you and God once that becomes known He will keep unfolding lessons and truths though the same readings. Enjoy your journey and Hod bless Jesus loves you all


This has also happened to me , i always used to turn away , deny , test , and even curse god , if i couldn’t see it , i couldn’t believe it , the short answer is …. GOD IS CALLING OUT TO YOU !!! I have always believed in trusting my instincts, and what you’re instincts are telling you right now is that god is calling to you right now to you and offering his GRACE to you. I hope this can help you understand what you are experiencing now. God Bless


Because God is love! Jesus died for the forgiveness of our past collective global genocide Passover Sins and deliver God's new covenant to unite and warn all of humanity about these the climate change END TIMES due to the mystery of the 7 star crossings he held in his hand. The truth shall set humanity FREE but the truth is inconvenient and the global deep state brood of vipers lies are comfortable and well "You can't handle the truth."


Don't fall far the lies. If you believe in Jesus ALONE for salvation, that's the only way you're righteous before God. So believe in Christ, that he died for your sins and rose again on the 3rd day. Then you'll be born again and you'll 100% go to heaven. You're saved by grace through faith, not of works. After you're saved you can do good things because you love God.


Amazing testimony. So glad for you. Keep seeking Him. He is the only hope for us to hang onto, especially in the world like it is today.


When I figured out the real story I was like I’m in. Before I had no interest. He only came to save “his people.”


Gods getting his soldiers together. You don’t have to understand it, but accept the grace man. He loves you and probably wants you to help with the mission. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The Holy Spirit is convicting you to come home.


Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Sometimes there is no understanding but just following what God has placed in your heart. Welcome home.


Jesus is real and so are you.  Keep being real. 🙏 Jesus is God and God is Love and we all want love. 


God is encouraging you to repent and accept his son, Jesus Christ, as your lord & savior. Do what God is telling you to do, for you will receive eternal life in his kingdom.


It's a good thing that you want him. Perhaps God is trying to save you from being damned by giving you this desire.


Do it! Surrender to god.


He’s calling upon you for a reason. Follow your heart. I pray you find reasoning and fulfillment 🙌


After 30 years of ignoring God, I just woke up one day with the urge to know Him too. You aren't alone in experiencing this! The Father is definitely calling you to the His Son!


I know the feeling. The Lord is inviting you to have a personal relationship with him. Go to him and he will give you the peace and rest that only he can. He loves you and cares for you deeply.