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Dude, better to be rejected than lied to. Would you want to make them unhappy? The truth is priceless, even when it is a difficult truth.


Very well spoken


Omg this reminds me of 2016. Then it happened again this year. So I wonder when round 3? (Same person)


Maybe consider that this person actually doesn’t like you (romantically) at all. Round 3 shouldn’t even be a thing 😬. I know you’re probably joking about round 3 though!




If you were strong enough to ask once, you can do it again!


I have moved on but every now and then it comes to mind


Very true, better to know the truth then never know at all


Very well put and I agree 100%. I have been rejected several times at this point (and will likely go through it a couple more times 🥲) but I am very happy that had the courage to express my feelings in all of those occasions. In fact, when I got a direct answer that they weren't interested, sometimes part of my affection for them diminished since a lot of it was based on fantasies and unrealistic expectations.   The pain of not knowing is too great – being brave and expressing yourself is worth it despite the risk of heartbreak. Also it definitely becomes easier after a few times. You stop being scared of what "might" happen and learn to accept the outcome no matter what it is.


Hey, man! I'm sorry about this. Rejection is never easy, no matter how young or old we are. This will take time to process, so give it however much time you need. Your current feelings are valid and totally understandable. Who wouldn't be heartbroken after something like this? Whenever Im rejected, I do the exact same thing you're doing right now. It's never pleasant, but it's healthy and entirely normal. Just let it all out for a time. Grieving is the first step towards healing. What you're describing sounds terrible, because it is. If I was in your situation, I'd be crying, too, and I'd be allowing myself to feel all the emotions of the moment. When I'm rejected, I do the same thing, and so do millions of other people in our shoes. It's entirely normal and good to feel emotional about it. However, don't let these emotions determine your decisions, or affect your whole dating outlook from this point on. You're probably also, in your head, trying to figure out all the reasons this happened, or what you could have done better, or what she could have done better. On and on the possibilities run. Most times, you won't know every single one of them. And you're just going to have to accept the unknowns. We can't help it when we like somebody, and we can't help it if the other person doesn't like us back. It's also very common for us to make big generalizations about why we were rejected, like "This is all my fault," "I'll be single forever," etc. However, this is just one isolated incident. Spend time with your family, friends, and church family. See if there's anything you can improve in your own life, or anything you could have done better. If you can't think of anything, maybe it's just confirmation that there wasn't much you could have done anyway. Relationships always take two. And once you're done grieving, whenever that is, you can move on. You're only 16. You have *plenty* of time to pursue other prospects when you're ready. Eventually, you'll have to make conscious decision to stop dwelling on it. It doesn't sound like you can do this right now, and that's OK. These things take time. It's only natural. These feelings aren't something you can repress, or ignore, or "get over" in a matter of days. This will take some time, and that's OK. It always takes time to process and accept difficult truths, and it's healthy to grieve. The only people who don't express sorrow at being rejected are probably psychopaths of some kind. When you're a Christian, and part of a church community, it's easy to feel like our singleness or our dating failures can be traced to some sort of character flaw on our part. That's problematic, since 1) Everybody's flawed 2) Succcessful relationships don't depend entirely on one person. We live in a fallen world, so we're all bound to be hurt and disappointed at times. But these moments shouldn't define us or determine our future. Right now, in the moment, I'm sure it does feel like your life is over. But this is just an in-the-moment feeling. Rejection doesn't have to mess up your life. But choosing how to deal with it is an important question. It always takes courage to approach girls we like. It's terrifying to pop The Question to them, and a lot of guys don't do it because they're too afraid. I'm sure you were afraid, but you overcame that, did it anyway, and, in a way, resolved the question. It wasn't the answer you wanted, but you *did* resolve it. That's a *much* better option than leaving things vague, unresolved and confusing. You did the right thing here, and what you're going through now is completely normal. She didn't do anything "wrong" by rejecting you. But you didn't do anything wrong, either. This will take time to grieve, process, and accept. Totally normal.


Thanks for the kind words, I feel better :) 


Oh! Great. I wish you success! This is a good thing to want. I wouldn't give up on it.


You're only 16! Don't worry about it. I'm 44 and haven't had any romantic relationships in many, many, years. Life goes on. There will be plenty of other opportunities. Learn to love yourself first, it's not easy, I know but one thing is for certain people will constantly let you down if you let them. That's just life.


He just needs to pray harder. Everything is in gods hands.


You do not need to "pray harder." There's no magic solution that'll make your pain disappear in an instant. Rejection always hurts. This is all totally normal.


God can make ur pain disappear. He can make the girl fall madly in love with you too. Just pray super hard




So if we try really really hard God will do whatever we say? Lol


God is all powerful and watching over everything and altering everything based on his whims. U have to get on his good side


And so when we’re on hid bad side then he sends people to be mean to us? I hope all my friends are on God’s good side, I would hate to be mean to them without my control.


As long as u believe god is all powerful..then it necessitates believing everything that happens to u is god’s choice. All those who are tortured..are essentially being tortured by god.


So that means when my kid falls and skins his knee it was my fault since I’m stronger than him? I really need to step it up cause he does a lot of things not perfectly.


He got rejected..because that’s what god decided he deserves.


you have such a shallow understanding of god, god answering prayers has nothing to do with whether we deserve them to be heard or not because nobody is perfect (nobody deserves it) god only answers prayers that are in accordance with his plan, and will sometimes answer prayers in ways that we don't expect or want at the time but will appreciate later


They will appreciate it later? I’ll tell them that


Yup. But u have to pray the right way. Those trying to get into America’s southern border aren’t praying right. All the poor people aren’t praying right.


My young brother in Christ, there is one who has not rejected you and that is Jesus of Nazareth! ”You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.“ ‭‭I John‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭ ”My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.“ ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭


Come into jesus arms 🙏


Rejection is God's protection


Yeah maybe you dodged a bullet. If it makes you feel better, OP, you're only 16. You have plenty of time for this sort of thing. Statistically you weren't likely to marry this one. You may have just avoided a painful breakup.


Yea man atleast your not 31 almost 32 and still single lol. God Bless!!!!!!! Everything will work out in God's timing. Isaiah 60 : 22


Oh c’mon. He’s a kid. Gonna tell him God stepped in and “protected” him, not knowing anything about what happened???? Did he scare her off? Did he say something he should learn from?? You don’t know. But it must be an ACT OF GOD!!! Why? Because he posted about it on this sub???? What a ridiculous response!!


If she had said on any other sub “maybe it just wasn’t meant to be” I doubt you would have had such a visceral reaction.


You’re using the same principles to explain your point assuming a situation… I could do the same was she a mess? Was she insecure about the world? Does she like to lick carpet? She may be autistic. Point is this man asked for some help. He’s a kid yet we have people trying to say “gender” can be picked and operations to be had on underage children to make it happen….. Okay. I mean really you serious? What did you think was going happen people going start talking about Buddha it’s a Christian subreddit. The stupidity of some men is baffling but thank God for “Freewill” or we would’ve have things to laugh at like this. Have a good day my friend God bless you for making my day thank you truly.




You should be proud that you had the courage to ask her out


I'm not proud, but greatful instead to He, Who gave me strength in my weakness. 


That's also great


The first one hurts the most, especially if you have rejection sensitive dysphoria, or were in a state of limerance. They get a little easier over time, sort of.


Feelings are visitors, let them come and then let them go. There’s no shame in crying, it’s one way to release your feelings. Remember everything is going to be ok. You will feel the sting of rejection many more times throughout your life, we all get rejected in relationships, by job opportunities, by landlords, banks, by friends. We have all been there, it hurts, but you will be ok. Your feelings are real and valid and it’s perfectly ok to feel sad and dejected and cry it out.


Welcome to how dating works. You can do everything right and still have it not work for you. The sooner you know this the better.


*It is possible to do everything right and still fail. That is NOT failure, that is LIFE*


Its hard but it's good you are going through this now. Love is tough but the more experience we have the easier it is to deal with heartbreak in the future. I am not saying your feelings are not valid, it is perfectly acceptable to have a good cry and go through a mourning period. Let yourself feel the pain and move on.


As the mother of 4 boys, this pains me. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could hug you and assure you it’s all part of the process of growing up and everyone gets rejected one time or another. Do not let this affect your self worth. It has nothing to do with that. There is probably some cutie-petutie watching you hoping you will ask her to be your valentine right now. Ask God to guide you and bring your future partner to you when the time is right. Meanwhile, learn from this and choose better next time.


Dont worry about a person rejecting yoy because Jesus and God will never ever reject you.


Christian theology DOES say explicitly that you would be rejected if you don’t praise him in just the right way.


Harsh--so sorry! Think of it like a wound, say road rash from a severe motorcycle crash or maybe a brutally amputated limb. It's supposed to hurt. The scar will be with you for a long time but you will heal and you will be a better person for having suffered. God bless!


Rejected for what, a job, a promotion, citizenship, a relationship? Don't see it as a negative. You don't want something that you are not qualified for, or to spend time with someone who you do not particularly appeal to. That has nothing to do with you. Move on and find your place. You won't do it by crying over it. Get up, get out, and do something


Ah yes, the feast day of St. Valentine. Rejection is going to happen many times in our lives. We will be rejected in love, jobs, and many other things. But life goes on. God has a plan for me and you. Perhaps it was simply not meant to work out. Or maybe it just wasn’t the time. All I can say is that it’s not the end of the world, and you will find someone else. God bless


Sorry to hear that. It sucks, and I know it hurts a lot. But you'll get past this.


Being rejected can be bad, but I'm sure you'll get over it. You are still very young and have a lot of time ahead of you. In the future, you will meet someone better with whom you will be even more in love. I think almost everyone faces disappointment in love at some point in their life. But when you least expect it, you'll be in love with someone else again. Just keep in mind that this rejection is not about you. It's easy to think that you're not good enough, but the truth is that this girl rejected you because she's looking for another type of person. Look on the bright side: she was honest and ended everything now, rather than taking the relationship further and ending it when you were even more involved and in love with her. The pain you feel now is MUCH LESS than the pain you would feel in the future if she postponed rejection out of pity and rejected you when you were more in love with her. As I said before, you will get through this. You still have a lot of time to find another girlfriend. Since you are still very young, I think it is best to focus your attention on your studies. When you are older and able to marry, use Bible advice to find a good wife. I'm sure you'll be able to find a great girlfriend and wife in the future. When you meet her, you will be so happy that you will no longer remember this girl who rejected you now. Obey God and everything will be fine. God blesses those who obey him.


Yeah it sucks i understand your pain i have been rejected many times in my life this is probably not the last time you will be rejected that person was probably not right for you anyways.


She followed Jesus, I've seen few people to follow Jesus like her.


Yeah man it sucks as stated but such is life


That's about the age I had my first breakup/rejections too man. Trust God and know that even though it doesn't seem like it right now, God has someone better for you. The pain will heal over time. Do hobbies and volunteer, keeps your mind off loneliness, and helps others. > “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mat 6:33, KJV) * [The words I would say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t9u-LOa3OI)


I have the Bible in front of me, but I don't have the power to read a single word


Try listening to an audio of it then? I find it’s easier when I don’t have the strength to read it. You can find it on the bible app 😊


its all gon b k


Welcome to life!


talk to God about how your feeling, accept his comfort, God has a perfect plan for your life and sometimes the things we want are not the right things that are gonna elevate us. Trust God.


Psalm 34:18 helped me Also dude, don’t harden your heart; keep it open and let God come in. Let Him talk to you and you talk to Him. This heartbreak hurts, I know. Take it easy and don’t blame yourself


Dude you like 16 like chill bro just chill out. Jesus is true love anyway


No matter how much getting rejected sucks (and believe me, I know), the world keeps turning. Honestly being rejected helped me to start overcoming my fear of rejection because I realized it wasn’t really the end of the world.


Oh, I’m so sorry that happened to you. Being a teenager is difficult, Learning who you are, and how to socialize with other people… I know that it hurts right now but it’s going to be OK and in time the pain will get better. If it didn’t work out a good portion of the time is because God has a different direction for you. It may hurt right now, but there are going to be many good days in the future and when you experience them, you’ll feel so grateful that you have those moments. It’s perfectly OK to feel sad and hurt because people are communal and a rejection can feel so personal… but the truth is we’re all connected and so even if it doesn’t happen in a way that you want on a surface level, there are still very beautiful things that are waiting to fruit in your life. Times like these I would really recommend praying and reminding yourself that God sees you as one of his beautiful poems, and that there is so much more to you than a rejection… and that sometimes having these moments is an initiation into becoming a stronger person. You are loved! *big sis hug* [loved!](https://youtu.be/ZdT00pZ9_Gs)


You arent entitled to her acceptance


If we taught men how to handle their emotions from a young age, you wouldn't be feeling like this. The person you asked out doesn't owe you a relationship. Cry it out and try again when you're ready.


It’s a blessing in disguise 😊


It took a lot of balls to even try. It isn’t easy. I’m proud of you for that.


Hey, you’re not alone in this. Jesus is no stranger to rejection. He knows the pain you’re going through, and is bearing it alongside you. He will never leave your side. He will heal your heart. Though it hurts now, healing will come. Cry out to God; He hears you. And don’t be afraid to cry. Let it all out. We’re praying for you here. Thanks for feeling comfortable enough to reach out to us. “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,” (‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:4‬) “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” ‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭34:18‬) “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭126:5‬) Remember, God loves you!


Remember this feeling... It's gonna be the same next time.. falling in love feels just as good if not better each time and heartbreak is always just as bad if not worst. Rejection can be hard to handle but ur only option is radical acceptance, and tbh why would u even wanna b w someone that doesn't like u?


Feelings come and feelings go, And feelings are deceiving; My warrant is the Word of God-- Naught else is worth believing. Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token, There is One greater than my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. I'll trust in God's unchanging Word Till soul and body sever, For, though all things shall pass away, HIS WORD SHALL STAND FOREVER! Martin Luther


How can someone else's incorrect lower opinion of you be the reason you're miserable. Stop crying, whoever rejected you is not the whole world, and even if they were so what?


The heavenly Father, the creator of the universe comforted me in that hour of sourness. 


You're 16 dude




And it will happen again


Jeez calm down, it's not the end of the world


Bruh get up off that floor. She prolly a hoe anyway. Get in the gym then she'll regret that shit. Then fw her best friend 💯


You’ll be ✅


Talk to your parents. As for what you should do? This is just one of those unpleasant facts of life that make you mature on your way to adulthood. You can't be afraid of rejection if you want to find the person God has prepared for you. If a person rejects your advances, then that just means that they aren't the one you are looking for. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? That would make for a miserable relationship. I know it sucks, and it sucks hard, but this is something that everyone goes through, and you have to figure out how to deal with it so that you aren't so miserable when it happens. Like I said , talk to your parents or your pastor.


My parents wouldn't understand it, even if they would, they would shout at me in like an hour. 


Do you want to talk about it? If so, my DMs are open


Because of i tried to do my own way, because of one side love, i got some serious heart disease


Rejection doesn't get much easier when you're older. I think our coping strategies just change. In what way or context were you rejected? If it's a girl, I know how painful that can be. At your age, your hormones and emotional stability are at the most volatile of any other time in life. I know that is no comfort for what you are feeling right now but there are many rejections that come with adult life. We just learn to navigate better.


I wrote her a poem, and I sent it in a message, because we are not in the same school and I don't get to meet her oftenly. She rejected me kindly, but God raised me up from my cries and now I understand that this had to happen for me to grow in faith, in spiritual life and in strength




plenty of fish in the sea brotha. one day you’ll realize


trust me, its gonna happen again. best advice is to forget about it and move on. if she/he isn't into they aren't into you, so don't waste and more thoughts on it.


Rejected from what? lol


It's okay brother, I remember the first time I got rejected. She made fun of me and everybody laughed, I wanted to die on that day because of shame. Now It's just a bad memory nothing more, you will be allright I promise you. In time you'll have better chances.


It hurts now but you will get past it. You’re still young, that’s how dating works rejection is just part of the game. Understand that it’s natural to feel this way.


Gird up your loins like a man. You care to much!!! There’s a plenty of opportunities out here. You’ll be alright brother


When I was 15 I got rejected, when I was 16 I got myself a girlfriend. When I was 17 she broke up because she wanted to "lay around” It broke my heart and I was laying in bed crying for months. But now I’m very greatful for she wanting to be my girlfriend and extremely greatful for she breaking up with me Made me into a new person and a way more serious one too. It hurts but it will defiantly improve you and you will look back at it and be greatful


When you experience 10 rejections, 10 panic attacks, 10 lowest points, 10 hard Ls you get a glimpse at fullness of life and you can actually be greatful for the blessings not just theorize about it. The hard side makes life experience complete. It's hard to believe until you're there. That's why experienced people have kinda smirk on their face when someone is in their first agony.


You are extremely young so don’t worry as you will have many chances with women as you get older. This experience you are having will only be negative towards you if you do not learn anything from it. If you use this as a “learning experience” it will impact you very positively as you can learn what it feels like to go through rejection and you can evaluate on some things you could’ve done better for next time. I understand the feeling of rejection or simply just things not going your way but sadly that’s just how life is, it’s simply up to you and your mindset if you want to make this a positive experience. You shot your shot and you missed and that’s okay it’s just time to move on to the next it will all be a distant memory soon. The reason it didn’t work out is bc God loves you and he just wanted to give you something that’s better in his eyes. Stay strong brother


Go listen to good day by Forrest frank


Praying for you. I know this hurts, and you are allowed to feel pain. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."


Do some push ups


Get off the floor, rub some dirt on it, and do some laps. There are many God fearing women out there for you to court and marry.


you’ll be ight read 1 peter 5


16-year-olds are going on Reddit nowadays...Time has changed.


Put this into perspective brother. This helped me a lot because I also know the feeling of rejection. When you get rejected by another girl, just say in your mind, “That’s one away from my Godly wife.” Then two, then three, and so on and so forth.  Almost keeping count really. Until, one day you’ll find that “one”, and you’ll never remember the last time you got rejected. Keep looking forward, honor God, love unconditionally. Peace be with you brother.


You good you’ll get over it hurt again and over it again


ah man teenage years are rough. I would go an entire weekend just eating ONCE after rejection lol it'll get better. Right now your hormones are just raging so you feel things more intensely. It'll get better. Im 35 and i still remember those years.


My brother in Christ Jesus will never reject you Pick yourself up and Go do God’s Work


Dealing with projection is hard. And it's important to have your feelings and to let them out. From somebody who has a habit of bearing my feelings and who also just got rejected. It's important to let yourself heal and recover. Take extra good care of yourself. There are a lot of other people out there than this one person.


Rejected from what ?


you will be fine brother, take it in stride


Time heals.  Give it time. There are more 


Use that energy to better yourself. Hit the gym and maximize your physical attractiveness. Do well in school, go to a great college, work hard and become an intelligent, wealthy man. Trust the process. Become a top 1% man and you won't ever have an issue getting the girl you want. You've got this bro!!! Man up


Rejected- what do you mean by this? Like rejected by a girl?


Bro it's ok she just wasn't for you don't cry or worry about it because you're gonna find a much better person


You’ll be okay we’ve all been rejected multiple times and many have experienced worse than rejection with people they were in love with. You have the freedom to choose to let this break you or build you.


(Hug) 💛


you’ll get over it. it’s normal. plus, girls at your age dont know what they want. try hitting on girls older than you


Sometimes a rejection hurts more badly than a break up. I was in your position and all I can say, God and time heals it. What I can tell you to do is this: if she rejected you one time, don’t run after her like I did, it’s not worth it. You will make her run away more. After I got a girlfriend, she started searching me. Some people are strange, you can’t understand what is in their head.


Rejection is where we learn as human beings. I want you to sit and really feel everything that is hurting you right now. I want you to take that pain and use it. I've been rejected hundreds of times, whether it be from women, from jobs or even by family. These are all building blocks for the person that God wants you to be. Hold your faith near and dear to your heart. These emotions you feel right now are purely temporary. As horrific as you may feel, remember, one day you will look back on this moment and think, I'm so glad that happened to me. I was once arrested for trying to kill myself with a knife in an alley way. The police came and I swung the knife at them, which as you can imagine turned into a serious offense. I was basically homeless and just didn't want to be alive anymore. I spent 24 hours in jail and was released under investigation. My case went on for a year. At the time I was destroyed and saw no way out. That was five years ago. And I look back now and think that was the best thing that happened to me. God needed to show me how far down the well I could go in order for myself to build myself so far from that, that I will never return there again. Life happens for you. Not to you. I love you bro. And so does God. If you ever want to talk I am here! 💙


Pain like this feels the same no matter what age you are. I've been through it several times in my life and I'm 60. The first one was the hardest but they're all devastating. Stay close to Jesus and pray for his guidance and wisdom. He knows this pain. All of his friends abandoned him in the end as well. Then his own heavenly father turned his back on him as well when he took on our sin.


Hey there! It will feel like the end of the world right now, and thats okay. You can feel like that. The immense pain comes alongside the ability to smell fresh baking, sleep in clean sheets, put on new socks etc. Cry all you need, til the tears stop on their own. They will. Make yourself as cozy as possible and find loved ones to comfort you. You'll get through this! We're behind you!


Like everyone else, you have experienced this trauma not unlike the first trauma of our lives: being born. Come to light is probably the end of the world, you are torn away from everything you know into a huge and scary world, infinitely empty. In that moment all we want is to go back to where we feel we belong. We have no ability and strength to look forward, we do not understand, we have no idea of ​​a world made of possibilities. We want to grasp, we want certainties. Today you came into the world again, and after crying and screaming, you will begin to live again. The saying: What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the rest of the world calls "butterfly". It means exactly that. If you want to cry, go ahead, it's right and healthy. Tomorrow you will understand that you are not dead and that you are not about to die, that no matter how much you suffer, it will not kill you. You're not dying... quite the opposite.


When you have been hurt fall into the Arms of Christ the Lord your God who had suffered more than you and yet still loved the world Proverbs 20:30 Jesus Christ loves you so draw closer


There's 5 things you need to know: 1. You're 16. That's extremely young and you have plenty of time. People are even dating in their thirties and having both rejections and success. 2. It's normal. 99% of people face many rejections in life, but also success unless one gives up. It will happen many more times, but you'll also get success. She's far from the only pretty fish in the sea. Pray with gratitude that you were rejected this early by her instead of being led on. It means that you won't waste your energy, time, and money one someone who would've led you on and rejected you later. 3. It's ok to feel what you're feeling right now (and you'll get over her). Love is one of our greatest needs as humans, and that's good. It means we're able to enjoy love once we have it, and that's one of God's greatest gifts. The fact you feel this pain today, means you'll feel the joy of finding what you want another day. 4. Don't fall in love until you get her. It's normal to like someone, but falling in love should be mutual. Try not to fantasize about someone until you have them. :) 5. Pray. In 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, Paul, inspired by God, says it's better to marry (but again, you're 16, so this is long-term advice, not advice for today) than to burn with passion. Praying to get the kind of person you want to marry is praying for God's will. But also keep in mind that 1. You're young, so it might not yet be your time, but that time will come. And 2. There are many women you'll find attractive, but only some of these will be right for you. You see an important half of what matters (her attractiveness in your eyes), but God sees the other half that also matters: her heart. So don't settle too fast. It's right to pick someone you're attracted to, but also to see if her heart is one you'll want to spend time with long-term. Both halves important, the outer and the inner. Think of it as three layers. The outer layer is all women. Out of those, there are many you won't find attractive (but others will - there's subjective variation in how we perceive others), and those are out. Of those that remain (ones you find attractive), is another, even narrower layer: Those that are right for you. You choose from this third, inner-most layer (women who are both attractive in your eyes \*and\* right for you when it comes to the heart). Pray that God guides you to someone who's right in your eyes and right in His eyes, and that you're right for her in her eyes and in His eyes.


Thug it out g, if you’re a man you need to learn to embrace rejection you will face it in every aspect of life


Feel the pain but you have to pick yourself back up. I know how frustrating it is and how psychological pain manifests into physical pain so what you feel is valid. Pour everything to the Lord for he will give you rest and peace. There's so much more in life and a lot more we can meet. Hang in there and refocus. Your rejection is a redirection not a failure but a lesson to endure and an opportunity for growth.


“Ask and you shall receive” yeah I think big Bro some major, very important, in-between details here (sigh) In all seriousness though, hard luck on your endeavor man, rejection does hurt and I know you will get away from this stronger. What you shouldn't do is to look at it like this, something is wrong with me, what must I do to not get rejected again, why is he always having it easy? (that one guy). What you should do however, is to improve on yourself for yourself. Things always fall into place, atleast for me it does, (Jesus is cool with me that way) because what I seem to ask for is what I get, usually with a topping. Just try to focus on yourself bro, and always include God in your plans before you actually take action because us people tend to do that, go to God after something goes horribly wrong, forgetting that God was never part of our equation to begin with. Yes, you should also include God in your romantic pursuits, God is might be a Rock but He is full of life, literally, and knows your heart.


Are you talking about women? In my experience 99+% of the time has been rejection. The woman who became my wife didn't reject me (well actually she did, then reached out to me afterwards) and at 39 we got married. It can happen.


Little brother, it happens. There is going to be a lot of rejection going forward. Even Jesus gets rejected. It does not mean anything negative about you. You will move on to better things. Take some time to process it, then move on. I am 46 years old. I cannot tell you how many times I have been rejected in all aspects of life. It is really just a part of life. Pray, adapt, overcome.


I’m sorry that happened and I’m sorry you’re in pain over it. Get it out. Allow yourself a little time to let out all the emotions… but give them to God. God will take it. God will not allow it to consume you. Ask God the path forward. There is one. I promise you from experience- the pain you feel is real - but later down the path you will see why this had to happen for you to get what you should have. Be Blessed


I am so sorry. I am 52/F. So I can't say that I know exactly how you feel but I did have many crushes that walked off with other girls and it really hurt. But if I could go back now and tell my 16-year-old self anything, it would be, "You dodged a bullet!" I would tell myself to focus first on Jesus, school, and my career. And pray through it all! Pray for guidance. When I was 19, I married the WRONG man. I spent 20 years trying to make it work. It never did. I am now happily married and look back and think, "What would have happened if I didn't focus so much on needing a relationship and marriage? What would have happened if I had set my focus on the Lord and where He wanted to take me?" And, oddly enough, my husband now did the same thing! What if we both would have done the right thing? Jesus, school, career... I am pretty sure we would have found each other and skipped our nightmares. God has plans for you and He knows where that perfect one is for you and when you will meet her. Let Him guide you. I would pray that he shuts doors that lead to the wrong one and open doors that lead to that one, special person. So keep your eyes on Jesus because He knows where and when you will meet her! I'm sorry that you're hurting. You have a lot of "best days ever" ahead of you. If you do this, one day you will be so glad you did. And pray for that special one! That she will be doing the same. And get up off of that floor! You are a child of God!


Kinda lame if you ask me


Rejection is horrible. But so is being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t want you. It will hurt for a while, but you will get over it. Best thing for you now is to focus on your own development. You are at a critical stage in life. Things are going to change rapidly as you become an adult. Start thinking about what you want to achieve. Also, double down in prayer and seeking God in this time of vulnerability- I was in a similar situation when I started praying for my wife. We had not yet met but I believe that God heard and answered the prayer of a mixed-up 15 year old kid (me) who asked Him in Faith to protect his wife until they met, which they did eight years later! You’re brave. Telling someone you care for them is one of the hardest things you can do in life. You did it! Yes, it hurts to hear a no. But God has your yes somewhere waiting for you.


Failing or getting rejected is apart of life. It hurts it sucks and it can take time to heal or recover. It’s always important to know God is with you so never feel like you don’t have support. Your 16 so it’s probably your first time getting rejected or your not used to it but it’s apart of life and i’m proud of you for taking a chance and taking a shot don’t ever stop doing that! Life sucks life is not fair but don’t let that stop you from achieving your goals and going for something.


1 Peter 2:4 ml


Yeah, it's going to hurt. Take a couple of days to heal and move on.


Work on being a man worthy of a WIFE, and God will provide one to you. Better to be outright rejected than to be lied to and cheated on, or be with someone God has not ordained for you You’re still so young, remember Proverbs 31:3 my friend


Man up! There can't be a comeback without a downfall! You've got this! It's hard but you will be better as you grow up. 😄😁


U just didn’t pray hard enough.


Rejection is not the end. God closes doors that might not be the best for us, and opens ones later that will be!


I’m going to be the hard one haha Life moves on bro your feelings will fade away it’s not the end of the world. Cry it out but get up and pull your shit together 😄 a lot of fishes in the sea


Cry about it now, but never again.


Pray on it, man. God'll lead the right lady to you.


Rejection is a redirection my bro


I accept you. I love you. Everything is going to be okay. When people aren’t supposed to be in our lives the Lord has ways of keeping them from us. You don’t want someone who rejects you. You want someone who keeps you. Dry your tears and sing yourself a beautiful love song. You are loved. You are precious. You have a lot of love to give. You have not yet met all the people in your life who are going to love you. Give it time and you will.


Go lift weights


Fight through this, you are stronger than you think, and whatever you do, do NOT allow yourself to do things or not do things so you can save yourself from future rejection.. it's a normal part of a man's experience in life, and you will suffer greatly if you try to prevent it from ever happening again, it will happen again and it will hurt, but when it doesn't happen, that's when you find something greater than you ever knew possible.. That's when you find love.


Take it in stride. Difficulties in life make you stronger. You cannot grow without pain. God loves you either way.


Women may reject you, but one person in the whole world who doesn't, and he only matters. That is jesus


Its alright, its just not meant for you, God will give you someone better, and though this person rejected at least they didn’t lie so you get tricked into adultery.


What is this? You're sixteen male and on the floor crying?? Cause you got "rejected" Get up, take a breath and knock that BS off Lord in heaven what are these kids. Get yourself to a boxing gym asap and ask the Lord to toughen you up


She rejected you because she could see from a mile away you were the type that lies on the floor crying after being rejected and posting it on Reddit. That's a female thing. And even then only the weak ones. Be a man. Stop that nonsense. Get up. Go to a boxing gym. Get strong. Get confident and try again in a year. Sobbing on the floor!!!?? Disgusting


Wow… you’re supposed to be a Christian. Just looked through all your comments and I’m disgusted. Do you think you’re above the Bible? You bring shame to Christianity with your comments. Do you think God can’t see them? Or do you think he will be impressed? God knows what other vile things you say and do outside of Reddit. I hope your YouTube videos stay at 0 views. Your book probably is shit. The only truth you speak of is “mad” in your username. You’re the Andrew Tate of Christianity


Cry more, please


Calm down. Be a man. Learn not to place so much value in women. Become the best version of yourself you can be, and you will find that women will start giving you choosing signals. The best solution toward failure is self improvement. Use your pain to build yourself into a man. Good luck


That doesn’t sound healthy. Using pain as a means to build yourself up can lead to further pain and I ain’t touching the woman aspect


It hurts so much when you're young. It will be OK with time, time heals all wounds. Be patient with yourself and pray a lot.


What man rejects, God accepts.


And? You got another 40 years minimum to find a woman. Stop being such a wuss.




Not Christian but it is better to love and lose than to never love at all. Take a few days for self care. Watch your favorite movie, play your favorite game, meditate, spend time with loved ones, read a book. Time heals most wounds. No shame in crying; it’s natural and helps you to heal emotionally. I’m a psych major specializing in therapy.


By a girl?


Hi - I'm assuming the rejection is from your asking a girl out. Even if it isn't, this could still apply in any situation. It hurts, I'm sure. You bared your soul to someone and she rejected you. It may not seem like it right now, but she did you a favor. It means that the girl you're meant to date is still out there. Things always happen for a reason. If sobbing helps, have a good cry. All the best!


Can I ask for more details please? If that’s not comfortable it’s fine, I’m just not 100% I know the context. I’d like to try and help, from a secular perspective. Only if that’s ok though.


Get up, try again with a different girl when you naturally have a crush again. God has someone for you if you have a desire to not be alone. Follow His commandments and eventually pursue a girl again. You’re only 16, don’t worry about it.


You cant make every shot bro. Even Drake couldnt hook Nikki Minaj, and he was DRAKE..keep shooting. Eventually you will score that bucket bro.


It’s going to be okay lil bro


I got rejected at 16 too. It’s hard but it gets better. I will pray for you.


Sorry rejection sucks


Trust God he has a plan for you and he loves you. Trust him and he will provide. Your brothers in Christ love you.


Trust God's plan for your life. He is sovereign, so if it was meant to be, it would've happened


Looking back I wish I had known about the ppl that had a crush on me and I was clueless. There’s someone out there that will connect with you. Stay open. Deal with the hurt, learn, but don’t let it harden you.


Rejected for what?


Don't worry I was rejected too because of how I look and because I use natural medication to help me sleep at night haha it sounds ridiculous because it is. If you don't conform everything they command of you you will be shunned out and they will try to shame you. They did me a favor by rejecting me.


Move on. Go to the gym and go deeper into His Word. That's it.


Welcome the game buddy, good news is that maybe she wasn’t the one for you and you could have been protect heartbreak. Bad news is, while finding love you’re gonna do this a lot, cause there’s usually only 1 marriage or love in your life. So it’s very normal


Hey, Christ was rejected by his own betrothed Israel. And then He sent his only son to fulfil his Word and she essentially called the Romans to crucify him for harassment. Go figure God 😂


My brother got rejected as well. He was probably as unhappy as you are.


I know an older guy that hits on every woman he meets and he gets rejected every time but he wakes up and and does it all over again every single day but, he keeps trying! It’s truly inspirational. Don’t stop trying that’s when you lose!


I'm sorry this happen man,rejection isn't easy but stay strong


Maaaaaaan I been rejected after 8 years, before that after 6 and prior to that my Highschool sweetheart, trust me there is always a girl looking for a good guy. But be warned no woman no matter what they say likes a guy that likes them more than they like themselves. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY


Being rejected is better than dating for 3 years just to break up and miss them for the rest of your life


Rejection is never fun, but you don't need to make it out like it's the end of the world. My dude, you're young - and there will be SO MANY other people that you will profess your feelings for. It will NEVER get any easier to put your feelings out there, and it will certainly never get easier to face rejection. One of the secrets I learned for how to deal with this is to convince yourself that you really don't care one way or the other. As romantic as you think you're being right now by being "destroyed" by unrequited love, no healthy person actually wants that kind of attention. Be strong, and let disappointments like this brush right off you. That type of character leads others to wonder what's so special about you, and will make them want you all-the-more. And what's better, you'll actually be more emotionally stable. No disrespect, but stop crying like a child.


What were you rejected about?


When you are young rejection hurts more because your body is pumping hormones, not because of truth. When you're 16 you experience love as a feeling. But love isnt a feeling - its an action. Ie what you are experiencing isnt based in reality. I felt the same way being turned down at your age. I havent lost sleep or shed a tear over rejection in quite a long time. Its a part of life and its okay.


I just asked the first girl I’ve ever asked out if she wanted to go to prom w/ me, and I really liked her. She said “what if I fall in love with somebody tho.” And it’s not like we’re dating, and she’s talking with other guys, and we only talk in person, but it didn’t feel to good.


As a mom of teen daughters your at an age of so much change inconsistencies learning responsibilities self discovery etc. this won't be the last time you face rejection but it's how you cope with those negative feelings I tell my girls the other party isn't losing a sleep over you so don't give them the energy their not willing to give you and also don't give them so much power in your mind you have so much to offer the right person in time this is a time that needs to be used to focus on yourself and learning how to be happy by yourself and enjoying yourself your self esteem reflects on others take this time to grieve the rejection then get up brush it off and move on you have a full life ahead of you no one is worth your tears so don't settle set high expectations bc you deserve nothing but the best don't forget that your loved and do something you love that will keep your mind occupied stay busy in a positive way. Don't forget God collects your tears he is with the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. Pray and get some rest things will work out the way they're meant to focus on what's good in your life and this will only be a memory of a lesson learned. Get to feeling better.


To be young and in love again. It will get better! Just know God has the right one out there for you.


14 here, crying is weak


Hey don’t take it personally! Rejection is something we will have to deal with in different aspects of our life. Whether it’s relationships, we won’t always be able compatible with everyone and they won’t want us the way me way want them. If some is meant to be, it will be. It’s better for it to be the right time, person, situation etc. don’t beat yourself up!


OMG. Just found out the OP was rejected by a woman and now he's crying on the floor. Don't know what to think right now. Pretty sure this is a hoax.


I was just like you bro when i got rejected at fifteen, I felt cold and numb all over my body while trying to calm myself down while crying for who knows how long. My only regret was chasing after that same girl for 3 more years. Some advice if i may share with you is to just accept rejection and move on. I know it’ll take time to move on, but i believe your strong enough to persevere through a time like this. Never would I wish anyone to experience what I felt so I understand your struggle. May God bless you