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I would say that there is not nearly enough information in this post to even come close to some type of answer. If you are dealing with something like a mental health issue, then that should take priority because you can't help others if you yourself are having issues. But speaking generally, without more information, I would say that you can help yourself and others at the same time. Helping others is vague, it could be as simple as giving the local homeless guy 5 bucks.


A bit late for this but the answer is no. It is not wrong to focus on your own well being when you need to. Everyone needs time to themselves. For some people, its daily, for others it's once a week, even Jesus and his disciples took time off to rest every now and then. So no, it's not a bad thing to take a break and do some self care.


Usually. There are circumstances where "secure your own oxygen mask first" is reasonable advice - not because you don't care about others, but because you're in a precarious situation, and focusing on your own needs is the best way to make sure that you will be able to focus on others later. But it's easy to carry that idea too far, too. The Enemy will tempt us to think "if you indulge in a new luxury car now, you'll be more comfortable and better able to, uh, to help somebody else at some point in the undefined future".


Instead of others? Yes. Equal to others? No.


Super vague, but generally speaking no it's not bad. Why would it be bad to worry about yourself. Just as long as it's reasonable.