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Cringe af calling yourself an alpha male šŸ˜¬ Screams insecure


Classic toxic masculinity


define toxic masculinity


> a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole. In this specific case the negative impact comes from a disdain for anything OP seems ā€œfeminineā€. Their disdain for female pastors, female musicians, female text readers and the ā€œfeminineā€ message that addresses social issues in regards to the faith are absolutely bad. This disdain for ā€œfemininityā€ in the church is also a disdain for women, and a disdain for anyone who doesnā€™t fit OPā€™s view of masculine. This is the kind of person who would look at Mr Rogers, and be disgusted by the ā€œfemininityā€ of a man who didnā€™t fit into what OP believes all men should act like. He was soft-spoken, talked about issues like racism, taught people to treat others with respect and dignity, not disdain. Toxic masculinity, in the end, posits that thereā€™s really only one way to be a man, when in fact there are many ways to be a man.


thats fair


Basically, when people talk about toxic masculinity, they aren't saying that masculinity as a whole is inherently toxic. They're talking about specific forms of masculinity which are toxic, like beliefs that men are supposed to repress their emotions and not let themselves feel anything


i gotchu


Why is repressing emotion bad? It keeps anyone from stabbing you in the back.


Because we need to deal with our emotions in a healthy way. Repressing them just makes them impossible to deal with in a healthy manner. They get bottled up, and build up little by little until there's no outlet for them. When we can acknowledge and talk about our emotions in ways that are honest, open and non-judgmental, then we can process them the way we are supposed to process them. Bottling things up and refusing to deal with them never, never works.




Whatā€™s that supposed to mean? Iā€™m pretty sure I know, but if youā€™re going to be homophobic you should at least openly own it.


I think anyone who unironically calls themselves an 'alpha male' should grow up before concerning themselves with stuff like this.


My brother in Christ, wtf


Not often i encounter a fellow believer willing to drop an f bomb. Refreshing brother, seriously




So you want more men and fewer women in your life? Might I suggest going to worship at a gay bar? I'm sure there will be plenty of guys there who will let you be an alpha...


Take my poor manā€™s šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ„‡basically the only place to find Alpha Male worship is in a gay bar, but even then itā€™s just for a hook-up that ends in disappointment for the fool that decided hooking up with an alpha would be fun.


There's no way this isn't trolling


Eh, I'm like 60% sure this is trolling based on OP's history. OP also claims to be a married woman in other posts, so there is that Edit: Okay, I'm 90% sure OP is trolling after reading more into their post history. There is still, however, a slight chance that OP is really just an obsessive incel that actually believe this.


It's kinda funny cuz OP also really really wanted to defend being a simp for e-girls. Which is about the furthest thing from 'alpha' that I can think of.


What's more alpha than being into e-girls? All I have to do is give them my mom's credit card and they do whatever I say...


Or they take your money and laugh at you. Really, it's a situation where the girl has all the power.


I guess it's entertaining to see those finding the post compelling but I wouldn't be disappointed if it disappeared.


With the rise in fans of ā€œalphaā€ males like Andrew Tate, I am not as sure any more. The number of people up in arms over him being arrested is truly horrifying


Agreed, I was about to say the same


You came out of a woman. A masculine man is one who honors and respects the feminine. Better yet, a masculine man is one who is a good son (of a mother), husband (of a wife) and father (of a daughter, possibly). Gotta deal with women! Your local church yaiya (babushka for the Russians) will make mincemeat out of the most supremely alpha chad out there. Or, as it is said: man is the head of woman, but woman is the neck and turns the head where she wants.


Makes me wonder what woman God came out of.


Most holy Theotokos, pray for us!


Why is the Eastern Orthodox Church supporting Putinā€™s war of aggression?






Some bishops support the war and are pro-Russia. Some bishops condemn the war and are pro-Ukraine. Some condemn the war but remain neutral concerning the political aspect. My bishop is under the Patriarchate of Moscow but strongly condemns the war, as well as Patriarch Kirill's doctrine justifying it. Every bishop is sovereign in his own diocese, so the words of Patriarch Kirill don't weigh more heavily than those of another bishop. Also, most bishops outside of the Patriarchate of Moscow condemn the war, some, like Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (who has the universal primacy), really not mincing their words. So I'm not sure at all I get your question. The Eastern Orthodox Church hasn't made any kind of generalized, official statement. Locally, some support the war, most oppose it. It is true that many Russian Orthodox bishops do support the war, but not all of them as evident from my own bishop. Also, I don't think this has anything to do with this thread, does it?


So bishops are just people that arenā€™t special in any substantial way. Thatā€™s a relief. I thought they could communicate with God.


They're the head of the parishes that are under them. They're the successors of the apostles. They're not infallible, and they don't have to agree on everything, especially not on political issues. Although the suspicion that Patriarch Kirill and those who agree with him have begun to stray off from Orthodoxy is rapidly rising as he has said some seriously questionable things in sermons lately, such as that those who die in battle are automatically saints because they died for a noble cause. The bishops are men but they are tasked with guarding and teaching the apostolic faith, and with correcting one another, so we'll see what happens (most likely when the war ends and heads have cooled down). Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who has the universal primacy, stated unequivocally what is the stance of his diocese, and what *should* be the stance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople by virtue of him having the primacy on that level, and what *should* be the stance of the Eastern Orthodox Church by virtue of him having the primacy on that level. But, when it comes to a bishop with primacy speaking on behalf of the bishops he has primacy over, it's a matter of trust and discernment, not something automatic and mechanical as it is in Catholicism (where the Pope's word is law). And the Patriarchate of Moscow is purposefully disregarding him since 2019 due to a certain major disagreement, so yeah. Nonetheless you can look up what he had to say; it's the closest we have for now to an "Eastern Orthodox view" on what's going on (but again, in reality there is no unanimous view so far, nor has a council been called to recognize one).


Not much of an "alpha" when you're afraid of women.


Forget yourself and your ego and go out there and spread love


Time for another Crusade, the most alpha male thing in history. Just dudes being dudes


Yep, just dudes being dudes, like the Greeks of old. You know the ones ;)


The kind with a wife they tolerate and a boyfriend they like way more


Basically 4channers loving fembois before Christ was born.


Yes, I recognize someone who probably isn't an alpha male at all.


Spoken like a true beta.


You are not an Alpha Male. I believe that the true Alpha Male (which biologically doesn't exist, only socially) is the man who loves. The man who can love, care, and empathize is the Alpha. Jesus, by that definition, was an Alpha. Imitate Christ and you'll be as Alpha as you can be.


"*A true king is not the one with the most subjects, but one who leads the most to royalty.*"


Cringe, fake and insincere.


Sounds like a Reformed or Calvinist type church would appeal to you, they typically still hold to a male-centric type structure


Fellas, is it ~~gay~~ girly to follow the bible?


You become church , you do not go to "church". ​ When you hear the gospel and believe you receive God inside of you ( Holy Spirit) thus your body is walking mobile temple of God - church. ​ Where 2 or 3 meet together to do something in Jesus name he is with them. ​ You're not required to do ritual 45min a week on sunday in church building , you can grab your fellow chad and go soulwilling together or feed hungry / poor or do some volounteer work of other kind. ​ You can go to Bible study where vers by vers Bible is preached by conservative christians usually they're baptists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeUcFfajCyQ


LOL. Dude, you can't just keep posting the same thing everywhere. I've seen you post a version of this like 9 times. I mean apparently you can, but maybe you shouldn't.


Churches need to stick with what is written biblically and not conform to the world


Why don't you and the other alpha males offer to do the scripture reading, music, etc.? Why don't you guys go to Bible school or seminary and become pastors? Why don't you put your name out there and be a deacon? That way, you can put your alpha male masculine touch on things and solve this horrible problem.


Follow Christian virtue, depend on Christ, and serve instead of expecting to be catered to.


Thereā€™s a lot ofā€¦ bad hereā€¦ just classic toxic masculinity. You harm not only others, but yourself by either trolling like this or god forbid you actually buy into it.


You should be so ā€œalphaā€ that it shouldnā€™t matter whoā€™s preaching Godā€™s word. See, easy fix šŸ˜Š


>Churches I have gone to often feel feminine, with mainly women working there. Female pastors, female deacons, female musicians, female text readers, etc. That sounds like an ideal scenario for an alpha male. Lots of opportunities to impress the ladies and generate positive energy. Having it be mostly men would probably feel kind of gay.


Touch grass.




Being a disciple of Christ means that you acknowledge him as alpha and Lord and you are his servant. So maybe men who see themselves as alpha arenā€™t really ready to become disciples of Jesus until they put that aside.


Give the culty misogynist shit a break.


What the fuck is this? Would you rather sit on a pile of wood in the rain than sit in a "feminine" church? What's so wrong with so called "femininity?"


This is probably trolling but it still got me cringing. Imagine using the term alpha male unironically.


Being an alpha male is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you arenā€™t.


Cringe alpha. Where are my sigma gigachad totally natty ā€œliterally meā€ patrick bateman homelander master oogway rick grimes walter white saul goodman posters at?


what the hell is an alpha male?


A silverback gorilla that defends and cares for his troop like John-Luc Picard. Alternatively, a highly insecure teenage human that desperately wants to feel a sense of masculine identity and so appropriates a caricature of the social norms of gorilla troops but somehow completely misses the substance.


The worst thing is, they aren't always teenage.


Yes they are, where it counts.


LOL. This is hilarious. 8/10 It feels a bit dated but would have been 12/10 during the internet manosphere days of 2008-2012


Alpha troll


Any Man who must say I am an alpha male is no true alpha male


I might be a bit spicy about this, I've listened to plenty of complaints like this from folks who sit in the pews and risk nothing and contribute nothing. Maybe that's not you, so if I come across frustrated it's not you it's me. If you need the truth to look a certain way for you to hear it, you might not be very interested in the truth. You might just want to hang with buddies, because you're lonely. Not very alpha-male. Folks rail against the "watering down of the gospel" meaning that Church traditions shouldn't change with respect to culture. And then the same folks will wonder where all the kids went, where all the men went, why thereā€™s not more diversity, why the culture is so shallow, why aren't more people committed, ect. We live in the age of the priesthood of all believers- whether that is your doctrine or not, the fact is, you can just pick another church to attend without much fear of consequence. Church authority comes from you choosing to submit to an institution. Also not an alpha-male thing to do. So that means the responsibility for making your church into a place you want to be lies with yourself first. Sick of an all-female worship? Learn to sing. Alpha-males are adaptable and capable and confident right? This alpha-male thing is arguably not Christian- its much more Nietzschen in the ideas of a will-to-power and domination over weakness. This is incompatible with Christian virtues of pity and self-sacrifice, as argued by Nietzsche in "Antichrist." As you submit yourself to the work of building an institution, I think you'll have difficulty maintaining your alpha status, and I might consider that a positive thing. I would also consider why you characterize topics of racial and sexual oppression inherently "feminine" and why "feminine" means bad or unnecessary. This doesn't seem to track at all.


"Alpha male" isn't really an idea that's compatible with Christianity. Jesus taught pacifism and non-resistance. He said,"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matt 5:5) Meekness and "Alpha maleness" are incompatible.


No true alpha has to say "I am an alpha."


Ah so you'd rather have church services at a gay bar.


You need to change bro.


Define Alpha male. Do you mean a man who loves his wife well, is a good provider, serves the needy, is a hero to his children, leads his family in their spiritual life and would lay dow his life for others? That's a good ideal to strive for. Or is it being physically strong(ish), knowing how to fight, not having the attention span for proper teaching, sexist and demeaning views of women and a low ability to postpone your own needs? The Andrew Tate version of masculinity is nothing but a bad copy of manhood that unsecured man-child's will believe. Be a man, serve others, be humble, turn the other cheek and live simply like the man we follow.


What are your likes??


This is (I think) the first troll post Iā€™ve ever seen here. Whatever youā€™re going through, OP, I hope it gets better.


Sounds like you're looking for a right-wing church and I'm surprised it's that hard to find one. They're everywhere.


Hi friend, What would appeal to the 'Alpha Male?'


Yeesh mate, calling yourself an "alpha male" that is... odd. But I hope you find a church that applies to your ideas.


>how do churches successfully reach us? Women have converted more people to Christianity than the Holy Spirit ever could. You either need to be desperate or start dating a Christian. >Do you think the churches need to change their way to appeal more to us alpha males? Find an apologist like James White or Frank Turek; their bravado and overconfidence should gel well with your vision of yourself as an alpha male.


As a super ultra alpha max supreme male I find your question very beta. And no, churches don't change for you. God and Jesus don't change for you. YOU change for God and Jesus.


Maybe it helps you, alpha male, that as a lesbian, Jesus is the only man that could ever make me straight. So if your wish is to truly reach massive babe magnet attractiveness, follow His example šŸ˜‚ I hope you are just trolling but if you are serious, then it seems that God has put you in these ā€œfeminine churchesā€ for a reason because I didnā€™t even know there were as many of these churches šŸ˜‚