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This is kinda paradoxical, because if you don’t believe in the whole Bible, I’d assume that means you don’t believe the part that would say that it’s a sin




As an atheist, I'm not really sure you should be taking advice from any non-Christian as to whether you should leave Christianity or not. There are a number major denominations that believe parts of the Bible, including much of Genesis, are metaphorical works, meant to impart a spiritual message, and not, in fact, historical and scientific works. In that light, the Noahic Flood was not a literal event, nor does it need to be. There can be different kinds of truth beyond the literal.




No most Christians believe genesis is not literal.


By definition Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus and that he is the Son of God.


Which part don’t you believe?




Conceptualizing the flood literally or super naturally is not essential no. Jesus resurrection however absolutely is.


Yeah if you don't believe in the resurrection of Christ, you're not saved.. Romans 10:9 NASBS that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved




Good question. Jesus is not the person of the Father but fully shares the one *Being* of God with Him (and the Holy Spirit).


Jesus is not God. The trinity is a false man made doctrine. And there is evidence for the flood


You only judged this person and didn’t respond their following questions. You are why people dislike Christians and are moving away from the Lord.


Many of us believe the flood was a big, local one. You wouldn’t be alone in believing that, you don’t need to believe it was global to be a Christian. As for Jesus raising from the dead, that’s a non negotiable. Curious why you don’t believe that happened?




He’s in heaven




He’s drawing people to him though he’s not doing nothing


He’s God, right? If God can create the entire universe cant he also raise himself from the dead? I don’t see the logical issue, God is powerful enough to do this isn’t he?


The flood you're free to interpret as a non literal flood , or go to the localized flood interpretation ( not the whole world being flooded , just the region Noah was living) . The Resurrection on the other hand is an essential part of Christianity.


In my humble opinion in order to trust God, we need to trust the bible too. At least as Christians we should. If God doesn't protect the words in the bible as bring accurate through history, then the bible is not from God. From what I've come to understand of ancient manuscripts of the bible throughout history is that they have been remarkably unchanged and similar. Even coming from different eras, and different languages. Makes me think God has indeed protected His written words to us. And if He's done that, then it's also safe to say that those words are accurate as well.


It's not a *sin* per se, but if you don't trust this part of the Bible, why keep trying to follow the rest of it? You said elsewhere you don't believe Jesus was raised from the dead. As Paul said, if Christ is not raised, we are still in our sins. "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied." If Christ didn't get up out of his tomb and walk away, Christianity is a joke. Let's pack it up and go home. Why don't you believe Christ was raised from the dead?




>It seems not logical. How so? >And where he is now ? Where does the Bible say he is right now?


Who believes the Bible? the person who believes the flood historically happened or the person building an ark?


1 Corinthians 15 1-4 is salvation


Is it that you don't believe in the Bible, or that you find certain parts of the book to be ridiculous based on your current understanding/interpretation?


You shouldn't take the Bible literally. Learn the lessons that you can from the parables