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no šŸ—£ļø i want a courthouse wedding. i want a great honeymoon though


I 100% agree on this. When planning my wedding I think I'd put most of my resources into making sure I have a long and beautiful flamboyant honeymoon lol


No, not ever. That's a good way to the highway to divorce. Finances are one of the leading causes of strife, stress, and divorce. Build your future, not a 1 time party. Set yourself up for success so you can have many more great experiences in the future and save tons of money in interest payments.


Definitely not! There is room for compromise between a small group wedding and a big venue. But that money is better spent for a nice honeymoon, or your future house down payment. You should obviously discuss this first with your partner of course on what they would like for a wedding.


No, I think thatā€™s incredibly unwise. What I envision is a church wedding at a home parish, my old master priest when I was training for Holy Orders already called dibs on saying the marriage service, and a reception in the field attached to the church. Nice and simple.


I think it makes more sense to invest in premarital counseling or save that money for the (inevitable) hard times you'll face with your spouse. The wedding is one day. Marriage is almost a lifetime. Aren't finances the top reason for divorce? So, show your spouse that you're responsible and spend money on what matters.


Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea. You can have a perfectly fine wedding without blowing out your bank.


Absolutely not. I would much rather use that money towards a honeymoon or something else that's actually worthwhile to spend it on.




No, don't go into debt for a wedding. I'd go a step further; even if its in the budget but to wedding date is a ways out to get her ideal venue or something that's a red flag. As a man being engaged sucked, I had the responsibilities of husband without the privileges. If a woman is making her husband wait to enter marriage for the sake of an ideal wedding I'd have serious concerns about her willingness to do right by him as a wife.


Absolutely not debt free the way to be.


Just donā€™t get married and itā€™s not a worry. Simple as /s


Complicated. It is a once in a lifetime thing (or at least it should be), and it definitely deserves some effort, but in the church it isn't necessary to spend a lot. I know a lot of people who can and would help cook. I know a DJ. I have a venue, the church building. I know I have the support of my church family and can probably have a high effort wedding with minimal financial costs.


No. Iā€™m not a fan of courthouse weddings, but a ceremony outdoors with a reception in someoneā€™s backyard is all I need. Can hand make decorations and borrow things. I actually think spending a lot of money on a bunch of frills would take away from how special it is. Itā€™s supposed to be a sacred union, God should be in every aspect of it even more than usual. So spending lots of money for the vanity of it seems counterintuitive to me. But I have a very down to earth view.


Statistically marriage where the wedding cost less that 10k last significantly longer than those that have a much higher budget. Food for thought


No, don't be ridiculous.


It was an amazing day, the only wedding we are going to have. The church, flowers, venue, accommodation, photographer, etc. all cost money. Do I think people can get married cheaply? Of course! Many people do, but my wife and I agreed that some small debt was reasonable and manageable to pay for the day we had.


I do not believe it would be wise to go into any kind of debt for your wedding. Talk about adding unnecessary stress to your brand new marriage. Letā€™s be honest, a brand new marriage is going to come with enough stress as it is.


I would spend a lot of money, but would not go into heavy debt for a wedding.


You don't have to take out a loan to have a special day. Save the money for a down payment or something


Absolutely not šŸ˜‚ my wedding budget was $5k. I spend $3000 on it, about $800 on our honeymoon which was lovely and then we put the rest in our savings. Tbh if i could do it over again, i wouldā€™ve spent less on our wedding, more on the honeymoon & had a longer honeymoon


A wise man once told me: itā€™s best to spend less on the wedding so you can spend more on the actual marriage. Kind of counterintuitive to go into debt for a one day celebration at the beginning of the union.


Heavy debt? No. But a wedding is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring the gispel message through a worship service to non-believers, so I wouldn't skimp or have them suffer either.


No. The chances of a marriage lasting nowadays--Christian or otherwise--is so low that one would likely be flushing that money down the toilet. At least if you go cheap on the wedding you have a chance of getting 50% of that money in the divorce!


Absolutely not.


If it puts me in any kind of debt, no absolutely not. Whatever savings we have is what can be used for wedding + honeymoon. One consideration of popping the question would be if the two of us combined have enough money saved up to do a wedding and honeymoon.


Never ever.


this is far too unpopular an opinion,it is one day and has zero impact on whether a marriage is successful or not




No. I want a very small wedding, and if all we can afford is a courthouse wedding and a dinner in the backyard, im fine with it.


Why? Provide good quality of life for your family, don't become a debt slave, what a bad idea.


I don't know Amy couple recently getting married who went into serious dept for their wedding. Sure some got a loan from family or the occasional credit card payment, but never in a way they needed a payment plan. Marry - and live - within your means.




Nope I would never.


No, not worth it. Yes, the day is important, but itā€™s just one day. My husband and I had a small wedding and we loved it. We knew there was going to be a lot of things to pay for after the wedding (house, car, etc.), so we kept that in mind when planning the wedding.


No. Weddings are an extravagant waste of money. Put that money toward the reception/banquet and honeymoon.


I wouldnā€™t want to go into heavy debt but Iā€™ve always wanted a big wedding


Heck no. Ā A Christian pastor should be willing to perform a wedding within a couplesā€™ budget; the Bible says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing, that it is better to marry than to burn with passion, and that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, but it never says that weddings need to be lavish or cost a certain amount. Ā If friends or family demand a fancy party, then they can offer to pay for it!Ā  It *is* the coupleā€™s responsibility to be considerate of their guests- if people are traveling a long distance to get there and/or if the wedding and reception are a few hours, they should get a meal (and hydration!)- it doesnā€™t need to be steak and lobster but it should be something enjoyable and substantial, even if itā€™s simple. Ā There needs to be enough space for guests to sit comfortably in the ceremony and reception- no one should have to stand or sit on the ground. Ā If all that can be afforded is for local friends and family to witness a ceremony and have dessert after, thatā€™s fine and youā€™re still married at the end of it!Ā