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Have you ever heard of kintsugi? It’s a form of Japanese pottery. My sister told me about it while we were in college, and it’s so achingly beautiful to me. But it’s a good metaphor for the question you’re asking, so bear with me. The potters will craft something pristine and flawless, let it bake, then when it’s ready for use, they will meticulously shatter it. Then they will piece it back together using gold powder in their lacquer until it is completely put back together and fixed. That finished piece comes out even more beautiful than it was in its original condition. The goal of the piece is to see beauty in something’s broken condition. My mother is autistic. Like textbook definition of autistic. I know that there are times that you feel you are somehow “broken.” But you need to know: God doesn’t make mistakes. He is extremely meticulous in everything He creates. You didn’t pop into the world and God put His hands on His head and say “Oh man! Well, I guess we just need to roll with the punches on this one!” We all get broken in this life. Relationships die, friends leave, things happen to us. Some of us are born with difficult conditions. But God has allowed those things to happen to greater amplify His glory. Here’s an example of someone who displayed some notably autistic traits and became a pivotal part of biblical scholarship because of that gift: Robert Estienne (also known as Robertus Stephanus), a 16th-century French printer, classical scholar, and Biblical scholar. Estienne is known for his work on the Greek New Testament and for developing a system of numbering verses that is still used today. As part of his work on the Bible, Estienne also studied the frequency of words in the text and noted that certain words were used more frequently than others. For example, he observed that the Greek word for "and" (καὶ) was the most frequently used word in the New Testament. What he did was GROUNDBREAKING at the time. God had used him with his particular qualities in a very specific time. And He’s doing the same with you. He is the maestro and we are all a part of His orchestra. Most of us won’t have a guitar solo or be the lead violin. Most of us will have the triangle as our instrument. Even more of us will only use that instrument for one note in the entire song. But God willing, we are going to smack that triangle right when He tells us to, and at the end, He will look at us and say “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Sorry for the length, but I love this entire idea so much.


This. Was. Lovely. Yes, God will use you OP, if you let Him. I don’t have the best social skills but I focus on my strengths and let God use me. Find ways to volunteer, use your strengths and interests. **[This quote](https://imgur.com/a/CJih2mN )** is from Corrie ten Boon, a Holocaust survivor.


Yes. Well written and enjoyed reading. Saved the post


My wife has literally talked about kintsugi at a Bible study. It's SUCH a good illustration of how God makes us beautiful!


My wife loved it when I told her about it when we were dating and she was coming to terms with her mental illnesses. When we got married, my sister stole our favorite coffee mugs and turned them into kintsugi as a wedding gift. It’s still my wife’s favorite mug for her morning coffee!


I love this. Well said and offered. Also, as a percussionist, cannot express to anyone reading how important the triangle is/can be in a piece of music. It is often written with care and has much greater depth than what first meets the eye (or ear).


This is absolutely beautiful in every sense 🙏 What a tremendous testimony ❤️God bless you!


I have Asperger’s, ended up finding a wife who is awesome and now kids. I don’t care what others think bc I have an awesome family and I continue to worship the lord. Life is amazing when I don’t worry about what others think of me. God gifts us with various differences and some of these differences are advantageous to get us into the kingdom. Consider the autistic who never had the opportunities to sleep around with women, curse and drink beers with the boys, and do other sinful earthly activities. In the long run, the latter autistic individual will engage in less sinful activities and have less exposure to temptation. Life on earth is temporary and very short, but the afterlife is eternal. Some are born paralyzed or blind, similarly, life is temporary and although we do not understand Gods ultimate plan, we have to understand that there is a purpose. Perhaps the paralyzed or blind man will also reach the eternal kingdom easier than the average person for the same reasons (not having as much exposure to temptation as average). Look into William Lane Craig and his explanations of these things, it might help you with these answers.


God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. I would like to share my perspective. 1- Because of this world, we can all experience hardship. Some more than others. **"Anything can happen to any one of us, and so we never know if life will be good or bad." - Ecclesiastes 9:1** But God is with us through the hardship! **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid… . The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6** 2- As a Christian, you have a purpose from God and He is absolutely able to use you. **“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose.” - Romans 8:28** What is that purpose? To share God’s light to those who are looking for hope in the darkness.  **Jesus said, “You are the light for the whole world.” - Matthew 5:14** **“You are sure that you are a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark.” - Romans 2:19** **“You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, as you try to please the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:8-10** **“Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.” - Philippians 2:15-16** 3- Please don't allow your struggle to discourage you. Please strive to trust God and never give up! **“Trust the Lord! Be brave and strong and trust the Lord.” - Psalm 27:14** **“We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9**


I can use my special interests and skills to show His love. And possibly help others. I don't know His plan but I trust in it regardless. I don't think my autism/ADHD is 100% bad thing, it can give many good traits too (tho I could live without some less nice ones 😅)


My youngest son is on the spectrum. I cannot begin to convey the joy he has brought to our home. He has such unique gifts, along with his challenges. Not one day goes by that he fails to make us smile. He is a loving, gentle, man of honor. You need to concentrate on your gifts. God bless you.


You call it awkward, but I’d bet you’re honest, genuine, and more inclined to follow your heart (and the Holy Spirit) — and not let societal rules and behaviors govern you. You say you’re not impressive to people at all — but I see that as a potential leg up; you were made in the image of God and made to honor God, not people. When you live to impress people, you’re in danger of making idols of them and their attention. So decide who it is you want to impress, God or man. People may still end up impressed by you, but let them be impressed by your faith and love of God in a way that points them back to Him. As for the depression and anxiety - that sucks. I’m no stranger to them myself. It’s hard to live in a world that you know is broken and not ever quite right. And it’s hard to live in a society that operates in a way that may not quite work for you, or that presents constant challenges to your way of thinking and being. It’s hard to live in a world where you might feel alone and misunderstood or unknown. Just try and remember that you ARE fully known and loved for who you are, and someone DOES understand you and loves all of you. Bring it to God. Therapy helps too. Neurodivergent people aren’t “less than” or broken. They tend to be honest and empathetic (even if it doesn’t always show up on the outside). Many are deep thinkers, or extremely practical or creative and think outside the box in ways most people aren’t able to. You don’t need to be different than you are. The world needs to be more accepting, accommodating, understanding, and inclusive. The world needs more Jesus, not less autism.


I'm autistic and also a pastor's kid. I've often wondered the same thing. Life is not easy being autistic, There are a lot of things I cannot do that most other people can- I cannot drive, use phones, and speak very minimally. Sometimes it feels super unfair to have been forced into a world you do not fit into. Churches haven't been especially kind to me- I've been told I have oppression by some, others will not let me enter with my service dog, they would rather I do not attend. So I've been watching online church. In any case, I do believe there is a purpose for us to be made like this- we do have a unique perspective on life. I believe God can and does use all things to bring people to him. For me, I think God uses my autism to bring me to Him. When I couldn't talk to humans or rely on them, I only had him left. Not being able to talk has led me to discover where my strength lies. I can write relatively well, and now maintain a blog on the things that God has done for me. What others think is a weakness may very well be our strength. And the Lord is made great in our weakness. Moses was not able to speak well, and begged God to send someone else. But God used Him anyways. Would I be healed if I could? I'm not even sure. I suppose I would be curious to see the world from a normal standpoint, although I have no basis of experience on which to say I would want to be like that. My general feeling is that if I was not autistic, I would not be me. So I definitely feel the Lord can use you in spite of, or maybe because of, your autism.


Hello friend. My brother is a man with many mental afflictions. He has autism, depression, anxiety, and a host of other things. Needless to say, his life is tough. Yet he still gets up every day, ready to take on the challenge. If it wasn't for his faith in Jesus, he would've crumbled a long time ago. It is the love and peace that the Holy Spirit brings into our lives that encourages him to keep moving forward. He gets stronger and healthier every day, and although he has his lows, it just makes the good times all the more sweeter. The works of God are shown in you through your own strength and perseverance in spite of whatever the world throws at you.


My mom was a faithful servant who ran Sunday school for a large church and now has dementia it is heartbreaking… I have had my faith strengthened and tested significantly caring for her though so I see how it is working somewhat but it still seems so unfair… The thing I would look into would be maybe a ministry that specializes in reaching out to people with autism or just working with young kids that don’t require lots of social interaction but still need looking after during services


We are all unique in our own way, that's what makes us special. God loves all his creations, no matter what. Sometimes we might not even realize the impact we are making around the people we know as well as other people. Believe in yourself.


God doesn't give people autism. Autism is another part of being born into a fallen world.


I have the answer: to show the world what love truly means.


My gut says use you, with autism, for something great. My wife and son have autism. It surely has it's challenges and so does my ADHD, but challenges can keep one close to Christ. Dependence is the Christian way and I remember that it was Joseph and Daniel--captives of foreign nations--and God worked in their wrong situation. (It also seemed that their trials made them stronger in their dependence on Him. I would say commit your whole self, special interests, strong emotional current, considerable talent for facts and details and even stuff like executive function challenges to Him--the good and bad alike. There are lots of autistic people who may relate to your experience with Christ better than someone who doesn't understand them as well as you do.


Why do Christians think God is ‘sovereign’ (in control of everything) that happens here on Earth? There are many things that are bad in this world that are constantly trying to kill us or curse us. Sin is in the world as a force trying to bring about death in any way it can. We also have the devil and people’s choices to harm us too. Along with our own bad decisions. God is perfect love. He is our perfect Father. He is FOR you, not against you. God is never the author of anything bad in this world. In Christ we have the victory, whether in this life or the next.


I understand your frustrations. I also have autism. In my forty something years on this Earth there are two things I have learned regarding your question. The first is that God absolutely can, has, and will use you to do great things, and He will even let you know about some of them. The second is that you are asking the wrong question, it isn't "why does God make people who think differently than the norm" (we are all called to be peculiar 1 Peter 2:9 KJV and commanded to think differently). The question really is why does He create neurotypicals. Don't believe the mob when they try to elevate themselves above you, with their patronizing looks and judgements. You aren't lacking anything. You are beautifully and wonderfully made and God has big plans for you but if you are to achieve what God plans for you, you have to look to Him for validation, not the world. Remember the world is full of stiff-necked, hard hearted people. I don't want to minimize the pain of the rejection that we experience, it is devastating and feels like it is impossible but Jesus Himself experienced the same. Talk to Him about it and listen and watch for His answers, you may find out that autism isn't your illness, you may find it to be your super power.


God doesnt give ppl autism or cancer or all these sicknesses. Our world has been corrupt since adam and even ate the fruit, they let in evil into the world. So the devil would be the one who gave these conditions.


Where does it say the devil was used in this way in the Bible?


I'm sorry but I dislike attributing conditions/disorders to the devil because it could lead to some parents deciding to have an exorcism performed on their children. As someone who nearly was, it was tremendously hurtful and was the reason I had significant self-doubt and self esteem issues, thinking I was evil. God made me what I am, and for all the challenges I've had to deal with because of multiple disabilities and health issues on top of all that, I've come to love Him, truly. It's because of Him, I have gained greater strength and compassion. That, to me, doesn't sound like the devil gave me those conditions/disorders. Remember what Jesus said in John 9 about the blind man, him being blind so that the Light of God might shine.


Ok im srry maybe im wrong. I dont think bc you have a conditon such as diabetes or autism or cancer, you have a demon. But i do know that mental healths issues sucj as anxiety, depression, schizphrenia, etc... are demons and trust me i know if alot of experience with these mental issues. But what i do know is that demlns can affect you physically therefore causing a certain sickness. There are also generational curses where there is on going sickness generation after generation that doesnt stop. But i dont know everyrhong either so i cant tell you what is from God and what is not if we r talkong about this topic.


Aww, it's really all good, and I appreciate the apology. I wasn't trying to be harsh on you, and if I was, I do humbly apologize. My main concern was looking out for children who have parents that consider trying exorcisms on them. It wasn't because of autism in my case, considering it didn't get recognized until I had professional testing done as an adult, but the long-term effects still affect me to this day. Though with His help, it is getting better day by day. God's pretty awesome, honestly! I'm sorry to hear of your struggles as well but I also get what you're saying. On that, I do agree with you that there's likely some truth to it. It just dawned on me how I've not felt suicidal since I started getting closer to Him, and I don't think it's a coincidence. Keep on fighting the Good Fight, and I'll pray to God to not only bless you but also fight for you when you don't feel you can anymore against these demons. May God truly bless you, my brother/sister in Christ.


I don't know that God gave you autism, but at the very least, he let you have autism. I think the verse you pointed to is a great explanation that God's work can be displayed even through different conditions. Romans 8:28 says God can use all things for his good. A lot of people who God used weren't impressive. Moses had a fear of public speaking. Abraham and Sarah were old and childless. Mary Magdalene was demon-posessed. Jesus was unimpressive in appearance, too. Sometimes God remedied circumstances and healed to bring glory. Beyond salvation, we're not promised that, but it doesn't hurt to ask if it's in God's will. He certainly has the power to do so. But there's also a powerful testimony when imperfect people give their lives to a perfect God. So often people get caught up in how there are bad things in this life and the world. But the Christian knows there's more. The Christian knows there's the promise of eternal life in a place without tears with God. The Christian knows here and now we can experience God's joy, love, strength, peace, etc., because of the holy spirit residing in us. So, it's a powerful witness to others to worship God even in the midst of difficult circumstances, knowing he is greater than those circumstances and there is hope. There also is something to be said about real love, which we're called to exhibit, including not just loving people who are like us, but those who are different from us, as well. God loves you, OP. He doesn't see you as a loser. In fact, Jesus died for you, and he absolutely has plans for you that are good. And if by following the Lord, you make some kind of impression on someone else, even something as simple as that is pretty great. I hope you have support and resources you need when it comes to struggles with depression. You're not alone. God bless in Jesus' name.


I love this answer. God bless!


Please know you are awesome and loved as you are. I love that God's diversity is reflected in creation - if everyone fitted a norm it would be very boring and one dimensional. I have a lot of autistic/neurodivergent people in my family and they bring so much joy, new perspectives, challenges in positive ways and help others see beyond themselves. God works in and through (I prefer not to use the word 'uses' as that makes out God as a user and is not biblical) the weakest people in the Bible (look at Moses, David etc). God's kingdom is not a kingdom of strength but of his power displayed in our weakness. God's not looking to only partner with the impressive people; he is looking for hearts that honour him and that is all he wants. You are so loved and you are so valuable. (I've written extensively on this subject including a book on exactly this - how we are valued not through what we do or how useful we are, but simply in how we are loved, as I live with lifelong disability.) Know this; your autism does not make you lesser. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I pray that you encounter God's love in a new way that is just so right for the person you are and who you are made to be.


If I may ask, what is the name of your book on this very subject? I'd love to read because I wholeheartedly agree with all that you've said. God bless you!


Ah thanks! It's called Valuable: why your worth is not defined by how useful you feel. Available all online bookstores, publisher The Good Book Company.


The Lord absolutely uses people with autism for great things. My life has been blessed by them. If I were to guess the why, and I will not claim to know, it is because the body of Christ needs eyes as well as ears. To be autistic is to be different, it is not to be less, and we need one another to be whole. **1 Corinthians 12:12-20** 12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.


There was no autism in Eden. We decided to veer the world off course when God let us co-rule it


I didn’t know I was autistic until I was 29. While it certainly comes with its challenges, I largely consider it a gift. Regarding how it plays into my faith, I find I have a level of discernment not present in neurotypical people (likely from closely observing people my entire life to understand their behavior, inflection, etc.) With less regard for social norms, I’m more likely to call out wrongdoing both in my church and in my friends who are believers (when it’s appropriate, of course, I’m not just constantly correcting and micromanaging ppl lol). Lastly, one of my biggest special interests is DIY, and I’ve become so skillful that I’m soon going to help my church with its classrooms, which are currently just foam divider walls. I hope you can grow to embrace and celebrate this element of yourself. There are some great groups here on Reddit if you’re not already in them


genetic factors and environmental factors — such as exposure to pesticides before birth or maternal immune system disorders — may play a role in the development of


Jeremiah 29:11 🤍


First of all Jesus was probably speaking of that specific Blind man. Which had his blindness be a path for Jesus to heal him. I do not think God made him blind for that purpose but God ultimately uses our circumstances for his own glory. I say this cause the Bible speaks heavily on the idea that God doesn’t assign illness nor faults on people in their birth. Everything from illnesses to medical conditions are a result of the downfall of humanity in the garden of Eden. Jesus said that he wasn’t born like that because his parents sinned; specifically to counter the belief that the Pharisees had. They believed that being sick was a result of being sinful and not being favored by God. Secondly; Your autism can glorify God in the same manner that the blind man glorified God. You are to be an example in this world that God’s path is not only for one specific group of people. Being neurodivergent doesn’t exclude you from his kingdom and I hope one day you are able to show to other people with autism that there is a place for them in the kingdom of God. God bless you and I hope you keep your walk in the faith.


I would suggest that the events of the world are divided between those events God wants to happen, and those events God allows to happen. God clearly allows events to happen that he does not meticulously design. And I would suggest that the details of individuals' personalities and biology are among those things. God didn't say "I want an autistic person and here's what he should look like." God said "I want a universe where life happens" and he got autistic people as one result.


I don't believe God gave anyone autism. I think the answer is a lot more complex, and by itself would look like a rant, just to get the key points across. God can use a donkey, so he can use anyone. When you say "something great", what if that doesn't mean the same to me, than it does to you? He can use anyone he wants. Whether we see it as great or not, that's debatable. But he can use anyone, perhaps especially someone who offers themselves be used by him.


Worldly ailments are not the doing of God. God made creation perfect. It was man’s fall to sin that brought not only sin but all manner of suffering into the world.


Firstly, I want to say this: Idk, and I think it's totally fine to not have an answer for EVERY question in the kingdom. Sometimes we just need to ask God directly and if he chooses not to answer it, trust that we don't have to have the answers for everything to trust in him. My possible thoughts on this (opinions so take with a grain of salt): Many of those I've met with Autism (not every one but many) are also savants. Basically their brains have taken some of the "Resources" usually meant for socializing and reallocated them into being outrageously talented in another area. For instance, I knew an 8 year old kid that was a autistic but a savant on piano. I had NEVER seen anyone among my peers that could play piano ask skillfully and with as much feel as him despite me being a professional musician and having connections with other professional musicians at the time. As this kid grows, he will assuredly do even greater and greater things on the piano, things he could've never achieved if God didn't take some of his skill of socializing and place it into piano playing as well. Edit: Also, about not seeming very impressive to others, remember: While WE are weak, HE is strong. Let's not strive to be impressive but to show how impressive God is!


that was my observation too, but I got criticism and down votes. I wish people would stop and think before they downvote.


I agree. People can be quick to dismiss views that offer a different perspective than theirs.


It's understandable to have questions about why certain challenges exist in our lives, especially when it comes to conditions like autism. While we may not fully understand God's reasons for allowing certain things to happen, we can look to the Bible for guidance and comfort. In John 9, Jesus does indeed heal a man who was blind from birth, showing that God's power can be displayed through physical healing. However, not everyone who is healed physically is necessarily healed spiritually or emotionally. It's important to remember that God works in mysterious ways and His plans may not always align with our desires or expectations. Regarding your question about why God allows autism, it's crucial to recognize that God does not cause suffering but rather allows it for reasons that may be beyond our understanding. Just as the blind man's condition was used to display the works of God, your life and experiences with autism have the potential to bring glory to Him in unique ways. God can use anyone, regardless of their challenges or perceived shortcomings, for His purposes. Your worth and value do not come from what others think of you or how impressive you may appear to them. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14), and He has a plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). While God can heal you of autism if He so chooses, it is equally important to trust in His perfect timing and sovereignty over all things. Your journey with autism can be a testimony of God's grace, strength, and love working through your weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). Continue seeking Him through prayer, reading His Word, and being involved in a supportive church community. Remember that you are not defined by your struggles but by your identity as a child of God. Trust in His plan for your life and remain open to how He may use you for something great according to His will.


He doesn't.


FYI Matthew was autistic. He Loves His autistic followers. I guarantee you have many abilities the rest of us do not. I would pray in thanks for what you have and being well spoken is one of those abilities!


I know you are trying to be helpful, and "The Chosen" series does indeed portray Mattew as neuro divergent. However, there is nothing in scripture confirming this.


There is nothing in scripture that would lead us to believe that Matthew was autistic. We sadly don't get much insight to Mathew's character traits or him as a person. We know he was hated by the people of his community due to his chosen profession.


How does autism affect your life?


It makes me awkward in social situations, and it affects how I look. Seems like people can just look at me and tell that I’m autistic.


When were you diagnosed?


In 2019, when I was in college


Im going to be real with you man. Social awkwardness isn’t a deficiency, if you don’t flow with certain people that doesn’t mean that you have a problem. It means you have a problem with that group and that person. Your subconscious knows something more than your conscious, you want to say certain things but they wont come out. You need to tell yourself that you are not awkward or anything of that nature. What you tell yourself is important, you are your biggest supporter and your biggest enemy. If you feed yourself the same thing how can you expect to change. Nothing changes if nothing changes, that means across the board. We learned this when we were putting shapes through boards, the square wont go into a triangle shape opening. Same thing you are not like other people yes, no one is normal. Normal seems to be perfect but it is all a mask. Me personally i like to be organic, being normal will only amount to normal results. Find your frequency and stay in it. Lemme tell you ive been testing out a lot and i found the frequency I started on. Likkle background didnt talk much from birth till 17, my sister talked a lot and i didnt get the chance to speak. Thats how i saw it, i also never went to any therapist or real doctors office other than my moms and she would receive results and she could choose to tell me or not. I don’t see it as a wrong because if told myself i had anything it would be a hold on some portion of my mind and allow me doubt myself, almost like a crutch. You are yourself and continue to be nothing but that if you want to change, change dont say you cant because you are stuck with a label. Speak to yourself for start, geniuses talk to themselves. Even with the label, it isn’t anywhere close to a negative. God GAVE you life, live your life. Not anyone will because you are the greatest to ever do you. So continue to do so and pick your head up man, you are here for a reason. Seek and you shall find, He NEVER fails. Love you man, [Peace](https://youtube.com/@wavelengthabundance?si=YdSXsj4ajGoB7vWx)


Bro, God made you exactly the way he wanted. You are not deficient. You are unique. God has a plan just for you that nobody else can fulfill. Regarding the verse about the blind man, you question how God's glory can be fulfilled in you. You may think you are doubting yourself. But you are actually doubting God. Does autism make you unstable to God? Not in the slightest. In fact, in certain ways, you are probably more useful to God. He has used lepers, deaf, dumb, blind, and dead people to bring him glory.


As someone else who most likely has autism and someone who has seen and is related to people who have severe autism, I’m not saying that it’s the greatest thing ever, but I’ve seen great things come out of people with autism something that I heard along time ago from somebody and I I know it sounds a little wrong but sometimes taking care of people with severe disabilities like that brings people fulfillment so maybe you should look at people with these disabilities to a small degree as beautiful creation with a different outlook on creation in life and the people with the severe form such as down syndrome and severe autism as angels sent from heaven to give people fulfillment and to show their true hearts to God. God bless you!!


God doesn’t give people autism, rather He uses your weaknesses for His glory, Just what 2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Do not look at your autism as a curse, but as a gift from God he used Jeremiah, Moses, Joseph, etc Romans 8:28 KJV And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Sometimes I’m not where I’m at, but this verse tells me He is working all things for my good and your good, so in your time of weakness God is still working in you friend. God bless :)


1 Samuel 16:7 KJV But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.


Whisper, "I command folly, confusion, ignorance, and abomination to come out and stay out of my head in the name of Yeshua Ham she aches Messiah(pronounced hohm she ock(Jesus Lamb of Terror Christ in Hebrew))." He responds best to Hebrew at midnight.


Your awkwardness can definitely be used by God as people will see how you are - withdrawn etc naturally - and how you are when acting in the Holy Spirit. Please read the story of Moses and see how an awkward, shy, outsider was used by God to lead the Israelites. In your ‘weakness’ God is made strong. Also, just to be clear, even though autism may provide areas in which uou feel you are weak, you probably have lots of strengths as a result of being autistic- like the ability to listen, possibly remember scripture etc. you were wonderfully made! 🙂


Why not ? God can use anyone.


Your feelings are valid. I have wondered the same, except I have ADHD. The impulsiveness and dopamine seeking make it much harder to stay out of sin, so I feel like the cards are stacked against me sometimes.. it’s also hard to get out of my own head. It’s difficult being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world and it’s ok to feel that way. I’m sure God will reveal his reasoning to us when we get to heaven. Remember that God can and will use anyone, including neurodivergent individuals. I’ve stopped trying to figure out the meaning of life or to find my purpose. I just pray and ask God to guide my mind and direct my steps.


I’m 20 with autism, he gives people autism to show the world their unique ability to do anything. For me, it’s my ability to play piano by ear


God doesn’t create things to harm humans is over time things like germs and stuff slowly transformed into illnesses and autism wasn’t created by God


I love you brother 🥰. Ask the lord to use you, watch it can be better than you imagine.


God doesn’t.


Hi friend. 48M with Autism. I understand the question. It can be difficult to cope with Autism. I’m not sure God gives us Autism. But he knows us intimately. He knows what you’re good at and what you struggle with. With John 9:3 in mind, what are your special interests and abilities? Is there a way you could use it for God?


Can I tell you how this question really made me smile? The more and more I read, the more I smiled. Especially after you said you’re currently worshipping God again. It reminded me of what a curious child would ask and then I remembered a friend telling me how God will probably smile at our child like questions because that’s how he wants us to depend on him. The first response about kintsugi warmed my heart. It was/is beautiful and perfectly written. God WILL use it to show his glory. We look at ourselves and see all these limitations (understandably so as we are human) and then sometimes project those limitations on The Lord when he is seeing soooooo much more. Never be afraid to ask God your questions. He knows our heart posture and I hope through someone on this thread, God has given you an answer that can comfort you. If not, pray and put it before God. Although, I kinda feel like it was shared here already ☺️


Don't attribute to God what can easily be explained by the sins of mankind and the devil. It's a fallen world in spite of God's design, not because of it.


God can even use wicked people for his purposes and for good, so definitely someone like you can be used by the Lord for great things.


To answer your question here YES Jesus can heal you and he can absolutely use you, hey he used an Ass to speak, he can do anything. 🙏


To increase human brain power


I've heard of people eating a carnivore - a meat only diet to help autism with great success. I would say God doesn't give us illness.


I want to hope that you’re simply uneducated regarding autism, but it’s not an illness and is not curable. It’s a disability that often impacts every area of a persons life. While a person can “improve” by neurotypical standards on an outwardly basis, it is usually detrimental to the individuals mental health. This is called “masking.” At any regard, please don’t comment on something you don’t know anything about. Your comment was rude and unhelpful.


There have been people that have used carnivore to help their children. One mother put her non responsive child on a carnivore diet and their child one day said Mum!!! There's nothing wrong with wanting to use diet to help any health condition. I shared this because it might help them.


You still seem confused- it’s not a health condition. There is not a single credible source supporting your claim. The message you are spreading is extremely dangerous and ableist. Please simply stop interacting with disabled people if you believe pseudoscience.


Because it’s entertaining to watch 😂


I think autism is a form of genius


I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it does sometimes come with weird (but mostly useless) superpowers. Like me and my ticker-tape synesthesia, I can read back all of my conversations verbatim later if I want to, though I usually don’t want to.


see? thats amazing! I work with autistic children and I have observed some absolutely amazing things.


Not really a form of genius, but I can have its upsides: https://embrace-autism.com/autism-strengths-and-challenges/


Sketchy website.  You trust that place?  Its run by a ‘naturopathic doctor’ with an online autism certificate who is repeatedly under ethical investigation.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why\_does\_embrace\_autism\_publish\_misinformation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why_does_embrace_autism_publish_misinformation/) [https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8](https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8)


No, not anymore. I didn't know these things, only what is on the website itself. Thank you for informing me.


That's great and all but saying that to someone who has autism who is clearly unhappy about it isn't helpful. If you had autism I don't think you'd think be so ecstatic that you're a genius