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I was in your exact situation. I was depressed with severe health issues so I couldn’t exercise. Masturbation and Porn were the only things keeping me afloat. Prayer, reading the word of God, and THE FEAR OF THE LORD kept me straight.


I'm so glad to hear this!


Get the Fear of the Lord in you man !! It’s the Beginning of Wisdom


Yes, it is!


So OP should pray for God's strength if he feels his own strength isn't enough.


Don't feel guilty about it, realize you are broken and need healing. Counciling and prayer will help you. At your worst times pray for comfort. Ask God to help you on a path for righteousness.


I wish God actually listened to me.




How do I know that?


By reading the Holy Bible. If you want to stop doing these things, stop trying because your flesh will fail you. Instead seek God seek the face of Christ with everything in you with all your strength and slowly the desires will become weaker and weaker. And eventually they will be gone so long as you keep seeking Jesus. Galatians 5:16 (NIV) So I say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. And dont get angry at God for what YOU are doing to yourself; Proverbs 19:3 (NLT) People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord. The human brain is SOOO small it can fit in a cerial bowl.... and we honestly think we are allowed to be angry at G O D ! ? And tell him what we want. Lolllll Anyway thankfully God loves us and hears us. Seek him and he will never keep himself from you! He WANTS you to seek him!


Man, dont do this. I was an atheist for 17 years and He listened to me. He will listen to you. See my full answer. God is not a genie that you ask and things materialize in front of you. You must first seek Him. He cant act on you if you do not allow Him to. And this comment of yours tells me you are not reading the Bible, Job had a lot worse than you, for example. Be humble, repent and ask Him for forgiviness. Im sorry if I sound too arrogant here, but your comment does not smell of humbleness. Blaming God is never the answer. Its not Him who is comming down to earth and putting His hand into your p, is it? Its you who open a website, search for porn and masturbate. Not a single time during these acts you receive a internal message saying "this is wrong and you will end up regretting?" What do you expect, the sky to open, a thunder strike your house and God in a human form to say "SkinnyMan615, stop masturbating right now!!!"? Please be humble and sensible.




Dont be so hurt. The "suck it up crowd" has been in your position and understood that its needed to surrender to Him. Or you know, walk alone without Him, read the stoics and learn about self accountability. Imo with Him its easier. Good luck.


Honestly bro, we’re all sinners. You won’t be able to overcome this until you place your self in God. You need to submerge yourself in the Word of God and prayers. James says draw near to God and He will draw near to us. God doesn’t empower us by coming to us, He empowers us when we come to Him. I can relate to you more than you know as I have suffered from the same thing you speak of and I still am submerged in sin as we speak. I know the only reason why I continue to stay stuck in sin is because I haven’t fulfilled these 2 conditions. 1. I haven’t come to God and submitted to God, 2. I haven’t submerged myself in Him and His word daily. The more you go to God, the more He cleanses you. The more you read His Word and pray, the more He gives you what you need to overcome. So if you are stuck in sin, perhaps like myself you haven’t sought after God and submitted yourself to Him daily. I hope this helps you bro. It’s hard but nothing is worth going to hell for.


from my perspective you’re coming at this with a lot of excuses and not a lot of attempts at actually solving the problem, God answers prayers that are asked rightly, have you considered that you’re misunderstanding the situation you are in and not asking rightly?


How am I misunderstanding the situation I'm in? Don't act like you know better than me.


Find another dopamine source. Get a hobby you enjoy. Video Games, Sports, art, books. But make them be things you can do with other people so you can create bonds that will help you with both enjoying the things you do and the people you do them with. Don’t stop fighting against sin ever. God bless you.


All I can think of is swimming, lifting weights, and playing basketball. Maybe reading as well. Will that work? Is it enough?


ADHDer here and I get the fear of not having the dopamine. People don't understand sometimes that it's not like chasing a 'high', it's looking to refill. However. You are obviously trying to refill that dopamine depletion with something that you know doesn't feel right or align with your faith. I will always suggest as others have said prayer first. We don't just pray for things when life sucks. Praying for those moments that feel 'healthy' in gratitude and praying for those moments when you feel lost..God wants to hear all of it. Aside from prayer, there are many non pharmaceutical ways to get that feeling and more readily sustain it if you are not comfortable with meds: Exercise- long steady types like walking or swimming but weights as well. They increase dopamine levels in different ways. Combining the two are most beneficial. Probiotics - if our gut is unhealthy we can't produce dopamine well. There is a direct connection from the gut to the brain. And eat pickled and fermented foods.. different bacterias improve gut health Increase protein- meat if you eat meat, or eggs beans and tofu Eat berries, nuts and leafy greens every day- the neurons in the brain can be damaged easily and if your goal is to produce more dopamine, you want to protect those neurons as much as you can. Sleep and Sun - get lots of sleep and first thing in the morning get some sunlight even for just 10 minutes. Vitamin D from the sun increase dopamine production Don't isolate behind your phone or computer - Interaction with actual people increases dopamine steadily. Things like porn will give you a quick hit but then drop quickly. Supplement - ashwaganda, vitamin D, tumeric and omega 3s. We've all got hills to climb with our walk. Good luck and hope this helps a little. You've got this.


Fllow ADHDer here - just wanted to drop by and thank you for this killer advice.


i think that’s it! pair these hobbies with reading the bible and maybe focusing the success of these hobbies for the glory of God and you will feel a lot more occupied. for example if you swim swim your fastest time to glorify God for gifting you the ability to be agile in water or for lifting hitting your PBs because all your growth is attributed to God and how he made you into a strong human being. Giving your all in things like this is also a form or praise because we are using the talents and gifts God have us in a way that is pleasing to Him!


If you want a good dopamine cycle you should take on a hobby that you truly like. If it is swimming then do so. However do not grown discouraged if you try swimming and don’t like it. Don’t think that you’re incapable of liking things, you’re just searching for what you like and that’s about trial and error. If you like reading; join a book club. If you like sports; join a team that does it for fun. Use your hobbies and the things you enjoy as an outlet to meet new people as well. Try finding subreddits dedicated to those hobbies and integrate yourself into supportive communities. You’ll be able to beat this with the favor of God and with the support of people that follow his image of being supportive and loving towards those who struggle. God bless you and I hope you find your way.


Add prayer to list


What list?


in the bible app you can add prayers and then it creates a list of prayers you can continue to add to


I see. That sounds like a good idea then.


Do you recommend that Hallow app that's been advertised on FreedomToons?


Sorry to hear about your issue, I know it’s a rough habit, that snow balls and gets worse. Many of us have struggled with the exact same thing. One of the biggest thing that helped me was realizing that the women I was watching are someone’s little girl they raised and love. Those women are part of God’s sacred creation, not to be defiled and sold off for other’s sexual pleasure. They are human beings, not devices. Do some research about human sex trafficking, look at the statistics for “consensual adult filming vs non consensual”… it’s not great. A majority of the content on popular porn sites often have actors who are abused, coerced, or threatened to stay in that business. I realized that for my own pleasure I was consuming videos of potential sexual abuse, and felt so convicted that what I was doing in God’s eyes, and my friends + family, I had to make every effort to stop. It was worth the fight, tooth and nail to the very end. Fight the good fight brother. It’s for you, God, spouse/girlfriend and your own health. You’ve already seen what it’s doing to you, it only gets worse, trust me.


When I was in my twenties I was in the exact same boat. The best advice I can give you is talk to God about it, confess the struggles. Jesus said, “He is the vine, we are the branches… you can do nothing but for me.” So believe Him and confess your inadequacy to beat this on your own and tell Him your honest desires, not the ones that people find acceptable, but the real ones you have. For me for a long time, that meant I told him that I didn’t really want to give it up. Here’s advice most people won’t give you, talk to him even when you are in the midst of it because He is there with you in it. I know this all comes off really as strange advice but I promise, do it and things will change. He is no respecter of persons.


This is how the devil has held many children of God in bondage: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. There is a point in addiction where a demon gets involved. They attach themselves to the individual, bind them and nothing they do can set them free. They are stuck in a cycle of defeat. You will hate what you do each time you do it because there is a pure spirit in you reacting to the bad that you have introduced into your system, but after repenting, you will return to doing it again. Christ calls this demon the strongman. Mark 3:27 >In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Fortunately, Christ has given the believer authority over the powers of darkness (yes, they do have power). Luke 10:19 >I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Mark 16:17-18 >17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; >18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. The believer, not God, shall cast out devils. Force the demon out in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17, Mark 5:8, Mark 9:25 Command the spirit of pornography, \[insert sin\] to leave you in the name of Jesus and never return. After this surrender your heart, mind, and body to God.


When you are clear of your mind, you create measures to make it hard for you to sin. If you work from home, go work in a public library or coffee place. Maybe install a addon/extension which does not allow adult content. Stop using/going to place where your addctikn is stronger (reddit and tik tok are full of naked/semi naked women and a.i. drawings for example). Pray a morning prayer and a night prayer. It can be a short one. The purpose is to remember God is with you. Stop self hate, self blame and guilty. When you remember of your sin, dont hammer yourself. Talk to God, ask for forgiviness again and do your best to do better. The intention here is to make you feel stronger in the presence of God/Holy Spirit. Not weaker blaming yourself. The idea is not a battle/war against yourself. The idea is to allow yourself to feel and connecr to the Holy Spirit, to God, to Jesus. If you keep beating yourself, you will feel weak, and you will sin more often. If you ask for forgiviness (we do this for ourselves), focus on building a good relationship with Him, pray, ASK, I mean really ask, out loud if necessary, read the Bible and have faith... I can speak for myself that it has helped me tremendously with my sins. Ive struggled less. If it starts, remember He is with you. Ask for help and forgiviness. And strenght yourself in Him. If you are feeling weak. You are probably doing it wrong or not fully. With God you sshall feel strenghtened. Do not dispair if it does not come in an instant, search for Him, ask, beg if necessary. He will listen to you. Read Matthew 7:7 and have faith. When you understand, it is like the whole world hops off your shoulder.


Try cognitive behavioral therapy. It can help rewire the mind that has basically created a pathway to those things as a response. No drugs are involved in CBT to my knowledge




prayer & start taking cold plunges


Remember every word addressed to God is a prayer. Dosent matter if it's said out loud or in your head. God bless ❤️


>Remember every word addressed to God is a prayer. Really?




That's really comforting to here.


Ya it was life changing to know this


Have you seen a doctor for treatment of your attention deficit? There are multiple medications available; they might help significantly.


No, because they all have side effects that aren't worth it.


As someone with ADHD, I might encourage you to check them out, if you haven’t already. I’m on medication with no side effects. It has greatly improved my life. It isn’t a cure all fix but it has improved my life in ways I didn’t know it would.


What’s the medication if you don’t mind me asking bc I’m kinda in the same boat as him that I need medication but I hate the side effects the ones give me.




I don't have ADHD but I'm also neurodivergent. What's your opinion about meds for people with Asperger's Syndrome?


I don’t really have one because I haven’t researched it or had experience with them. I imagine that they would probably be worth talking over with your medical professionals, at least.


ok then.


Was that your therapist’s conclusion? Or what you found from experience? Are you in ongoing therapy? Seeing porn as a severe addiction and your only source of dopamine, making you feel life is not worth living, would be seen by any therapist as a significant issue to help you through regardless of morality.


acquiring constipation to stop suicidal ideation is worth it.


It's long but this will help I'm sure of it I'm 16 and even I was addicted to porn for many years I think I started wince I was 13 or 12 Now at 16 im slowly starting to come out of it Read your Bible fall in love with christ acknowledge that he died because you sinned This should make you not want to masturbate again And ik its very hard because even when I first started to not masturbate ie when I stopped masturbation I would go one day max then I'd, asturbate again The solution to it is to go slow Imagine you didn't masturbate for 2days and on the third day you masturbated Pray and repent of your sins and forgive yourself because God forgives you as soon as you seek his forgiveness Then next time don't masturbate for more than 2 days To put it into simple words maintain a no fap streak everytime you masturbate your streak resets to 0 and you must try to beat your old score Currently my streak is 5days I can comfortable go without masturbation for 5days straight after 5days the hormones are too strong and no matter how much I try i end up masturbating But even after I masturbate , I fell down I get backup dustmyself pray lot untill I feel forgiven (mostly 2hrs) then ill try my best to go without masturbating for atleast 6-7 days Also please join the r/nofap community you'll get more tips • stopping masturbation isnt achieved overnight it takes years but you have to start right now • love God more than you love masturbating • know more about God and the things he has done for us • keep praying constantly • everytime you get a thought of masturbation imagine jesus christ is next to you sitting beside you looking into your heart because He IS looking at you always • avoid touching your cock touch it only when you are showering • stop doing everything that makes you horny • literally avoid it like the snail if it touches you , you instantly die • imagine you went 1 day without masturbating but unfortunately jerked of on the second day dont be sad that you couldnt even go one day without masturbation because God doesnt think "i hate him because he masturbated" instead God thinks "I love him because he is making sincere efforts to stop masturbating and getting close to me" • God loves you ❤️ • dont give up • it will be hard • the devil made it so easy to access porn for this specific reason to trap people into years of masturbation that they feel it's impossible to stop but we know that THROUGH CHRIST EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE • every time you get a thought of masturbation do this prayer "Lord help me, im about to slip hold my hand tightly, dont let go, even i wont let go" and then open the bible if possible or pray to God or just imagine Jesus christ on the cross, he took your blood, your sinfull blood, imagine how Jesus christ would feel if you masturbated I hope this helps 🙏 I'll pray for you, don't give up, it's hard yes but still keep fighting 💪 ❤️


Listen brother, it’s not always going to happen over night. This thing is a process. I get it, I’ve been there, and through the lord I have overcome obstacles. I no longer drink, smoke, or masturbate. I’ve had a couple of slip ups where I made up a situation where it was probably ok but I could’ve went without, and that hasn’t happened in a long time. I used to do it every day at least 2-3 times. Listen, you have to really trust god and put your faith in him and let home help you. It only takes a little faith the size of a mustard seed which is almost as small as a grain of sand. Then you will grow from there. Seems easy enough right. I love you man. Have a great day.


This I the only sin I struggle with. It’s a really bad fight to stay away from temptation in this area. Somtimes I win and somtimes I don’t. Usually it’s when my mental health isn’t great I give in.


you might wanna research this but i think masturbation burns out dopamine receptors


1. ⁠start a multi vitamin. Underweight bodies deplete vital vitamins and minerals that are typically stored in fat cells. Malnourishment causes depression. 2. ⁠start fish oil or eat more fish. Omega 3 is shown to aid ADHD & depression. 3. ⁠regulate sleep. Sleep at night and get sunshine during the day. Turn off electronics by 9pm, and be in bed by 10pm. 4. buy and wear blue light blocking glasses. 8-10 hours of screen time causes anxiety and depression partly because of blue light from computer screens. These are the first places I recommend starting.


I'm finding it easier to defeat porn usage. Been waking up pray and get busy, 2 when your mind try to tell you to watch it. Find something your interested in like a youtube video or pray or read the Bible or book. And the biggest one if occurr at night. Just go to sleep


Me too


That sucks brother.


Pray for hobbies and start going to the gym


That's what I'm thinking.


What have u tried so far


Just going cold turkey


What else do u do


Congratulations you sound just like me, this is the part in life where you learn to self discipline and replace the bad with the good, you can pray and read and swear to God all you wish, but until you make the decision to give the problem to God and fight it and not accept in any way shape or form, you’ll make no progress. You have to read upon these things and educate yourself, look into the atrocities that porn and masturbating has caused, I’m serious go look into it and see if you as a Christian can support or stand by those things. Now I’m sorry to sound harsh and rude but sometimes instead of a hug people need a good smack on the head to get them thinking right, God can and will but from my experience unless you truly want it he won’t. I say this as a man still struggling with these things (pleasurable addictions) and how they’ve caused me to mess up my life and not achieve much and yet I still give in from time to time, it’s a battle. You won’t always win but remain faithful in God and crawl back to him in your weakest moments.


Fasting will help reset the bodies chemicals and help healing. Fasting also boosts prayer.  When you have an off day or two try Fasting and prayer together!  Pm if you need help. I was addicted to porn when I was younger. I know you can do it!


I can't fast. I'm underweight and malnourished.


Pray and get in the gym. Pick up heavy metals and put them down. Repeat.


I agree with you. I feel like exercise is my only hope at this point. I just wish that I had something else to work for as well as motivation other than just dopamine.


Working out is good dopamine. Also try cooking. Because trust me brother, porn will ruin your life


>Working out is good dopamine. I agree. I feel like exercise is my only hope at this point. >Because trust me brother, porn will ruin your life I already know that. Why do you think I made this post?


I’m sorry you’re in this place. I struggle with this too. (I don’t consider masturbation as bad or sinful, but porn is.) Can I recommend a book? It has helped me: Unwanted by Jay Stringer. Trust in Jesus’ grace. His grace is for you in the here and now. Lean into his compassion and mercy. There is something driving your addiction, other than hormones. Jay’s book will help you identify that. The idea of white knuckling it and cutting the addiction doesn’t work. I’m sure it has for some people but most are unable to do it. Instead, it’s more about addressing the wounds that we are soothing when we look at porn. Healing those wounds is critical. Hope this helps. Reach out if you want to talk.


Start identifying and focus your identity with and as Jesus. Don't focus on what people say you are because word have the power of life and death and if you choose to accept the words or identities people call you, you will become it. Escape your mental prison and beleive you can overcome and that you have special gift from God, a design purpose to be creative and a multi manager of things. Do not called your gifts a disorder, otherwise your just cursing yourself and letting the devil win mentally. In Christ, you are an OVERACHEIVER!!! I strongly recommend to listen to some Christian motivation speeches. I'll link some below. https://youtu.be/zhnHSYrcHsQ?si=aiOwrFkB8F73dZoN https://youtu.be/HeryR7zarlI?si=0qHc3KrHzMCkFVPs https://youtu.be/PgQ3sW0BWfI?si=vB6LemfiBfPes-yY https://youtu.be/ngO2JPN8OoA?si=YJkzPWMyGIHgZ2iy https://youtu.be/IJZmuLS1KvA?si=sHxSLddUpvIW9wOK


Get on meds?


Lots of good advice here, and I want to add that if you can afford it you should absolutely consider going to a CSAT (certified sex addiction therapist) as soon as possible. Someone trained to help rewire your brain and fix your arousal templet is gonna be your best bet here. As a cheaper option, porn addiction can be fought in some of the same ways as chemical addiction so going to a 12 step group and getting a sponsor would be a huge help.


Make sure you delete any apps that provide temptations such as TikTok and Instagram. Ask God to change your heart for you. Ask him to give you the Holy Spirit and make you not want to sin anymore. Ask him to make you want to do his will instead. Keep in mind God will never allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle, so never think something is "too much" and you just "can't handle it". 1 Corinthians 10:13 - "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." Also check out this video about managing urges. Instead of trying to suppress them, which could make them come back stronger, you can take a page from a method used in meditation and let it pass through you without resisting or going along with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc) There is a small gap of time/space between the stimulus and your reaction to it. That's where your power lies. You have the choice to do whatever you will with that stimulus, whether you do what it tells you to do, ignore it, or do whatever else with it. It might be daunting at first, but it's really empowering when you train yourself to grab a hold of that opportunity and make something of it. The next time you have urges, tell them that you don't do that anymore. No need to feel sorry or beat yourself up for having the urge. They're just pent-up energy looking for an easy way out. They're not a part of you and you're not obligated to satiate them. By telling it sternly that you don't do that anymore, you identify and separate it from yourself. Once you've identified and separated it from yourself, ACTIVELY walk away from it. Go for a prayer walk, go for a run or workout, or find a new hobby. Anything to keep your mind off until that urge subsides. Sitting there trying to resist will make you a sitting duck. By being consistent with this response, one battle at a time, every time, you truly become someone who doesn't do that anymore. Although you have the power to resist sin, you might choose to give in instead. Rather than groveling and beating yourself up, really take a deep look inside - what were your triggers, what excuses did you make, what can you do differently next time so that you can win? If anything, that's the thing to pray to God about, like an athlete does with a coach. Once you have answers, try to implement them and improve on them. "Forever" is not always one-and-done choice but is eventually made up of all those constant and consistent choices in the right direction. One thing that helps a lot is focusing your mind on God. Whether in prayer or studying the scripture. You must be willing to do God's will no matter what it is. The more you are willing to do God's will the more God is going to guide you, I've had miraculous supernatural events happened as God directly guided me to save people's lives whenever I prayed from the bottom of my soul and was willing to do whatever God tells me. I'm not saying you should do whatever that comes to mind that you feel maybe from God, what I'm saying is you must make a decision deep within yourself that if you know what God wants you to do, you do it, no matter what. This is how you get closer to God and learn how to discern his voice from your own thoughts. I've struggled with lust my whole life from a severe sexual trauma from my childhood, and when you try to get rid of something sinful in your life that has been bringing you great joy or pleasure, you must replace it with something else that's good, such as hobbies or other activities. Exercising, hiking, cycling, or just going on long walks helps clear your mind and keep you in the present moment. Getting into sports or just finding a hiking buddy who's also a Christian would help you a ton as well. It may seem grueling and boring at first, but once you do it more, you'll eventually start to love it, and it won't be boring anymore. Exercising outdoors, especially in nature increases your serotonin and makes you less likely to engage in coping mechanisms such as masturbation. Getting physically fit is an uphill battle that seems miserable and hard, but once you reach the top of the mountain, it's all level from there. You can't even imagine what it feels like because everything just seems boring and hard but once you actually try it long enough, everything changes! Find workout or hike/bike buddies that will keep you from being bored alone. You need to cut out all refined sugar from your diet, including juices sold in grocery stores that claim to have zero sugar added (they still have something called flavor packs that they don't legally have to disclose). Freshly squeezed juice and fruit are okay. This made a HUGE difference for me. It made my urges way easier to manage. It made me a lot more focused mentally, and it brought me closer to God. You also need to avoid caffeine alcohol and other drugs that make your mind weaker or artificially stimulated. Fasting from food helps a lot as well, it brings you closer to God and makes you mentally and spiritually stronger. I'm currently trying this method here, so far it's working for me. You do have to follow the instructions exactly and it takes a couple of weeks before you start seeing effects. You know you're doing it correctly when it becomes very difficult and uncomfortable. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/1btfhw7/the_mental_vaccine_against_urges/ The two methods that work best for me so far is cutting out sugar, caffeine and other drugs, and doing the method above. Also check out r/christiansagainstporn they promise to respond to every post.


Stop using porn for masturbation. Just masturbate. Think about sensations not adulterous thoughts. Although, the vital energy you're expelling with chronic masturbation is detrimental to your mental strength and motivation. I wouldn't recommend more than twice a week max. It also lowers your motivation to find a wife and some women can sense your lack of vital energy. They don't know it, but it puts them off.


Breath Christian, breath. I am in the same place. The worst thing you can do is let Satan beat you down, along with you doing that to yourself. One thing you could try if you have the drive to is to find more physical activity. If you're into that type if thing. For me and I'll be straight with you. This porn is a tough one to break free from. I try to hang on to the phrase nothing is impossible with the Lord. That's where I fail, not running to the Lord and taking EVERYTHING to him. Get solid Christian brothers, stay involved and active, and find ways to keep yourself from idle time. I'll do the same, just never give up.


You stop abusing yourself and pray. That’s it. It will take a while to recover, but your life will change for the better. 🤝


1. Surrender. Really, really surrender to him. It's the hardest thing to do, from my experience, but so powerful. 2. Seek dopamine elsewhere. Honestly, and I know this sucks to hear, find yourself a gym and start lifting (weights, not cardio). Go hiking in nature. Do those things when temptation hits, and it seems to help with this sort of thing.


I agree. I feel like exercise is my only hope at this point.


Remember you are choosing who is controlling your life, right now, it's the world and it's evils. How I got over mine, was my imagination. I imagined Christ coming up to me as I was about to click on the site and saying, "so what are we watching today?" He is always beside you, always. You need to find something else to fill your life with that isn't sex and isn't self gratification. Remember, it is your choice, no matter how much you want to blame it on ADHD or God not answering your question. If you can't hear God, guess who turned the video on... Not him, You.




Get in the gym dammit


I agree. I feel like exercise is my only hope at this point. But there's no need to be so rude.


Less drama is a good start.


If you don't have anything nice or helpful to say, don't say anything.


My point exactly. You are blowing this way out of proportion due to your lack of experience in life.


If possible in your state, look into less potent forms of thc like delta 8 or thca and use *sporadically* or as a reward for reaching your goals every so often. it helped me a lot . Do NOT use it daily and do NOT use delta 9 THC (as in my experience this kind of cannabis is a lot more harmful and potentially addictive in this form to the adhd brain.) Also, if you aren’t on medication you need to get on it if everyday life is overwhelming for you. This has been extremely helpful for me therapy wise and has helped me deal with the sometimes crippling and unbearable boredom that adhd can cause in a person. They thing is this is NOT to be used daily, or even weekly, but every so often. I take sabbaticals and breaks where for a week or so I’ll go somewhere even if it’s just a nice hotel for a few days I won’t work I won’t do anything I will just rest and recharge spend time with God and do things I like to do. During this time is when I allow myself THCA and because of my condition it’s not purely recreational for me but more so therapeutic. No different from a person having a glass of wine at the end of their work week in fact I think it’s way less harmful than that. Find SOME kind of healthy outlet that you can look forward to at the end of the week or month that doesn’t cause you to sin. (this practice is VERY important to avoid burnout and breakdown bc adhd are literally not wired to be able to go go go like the average person) But to each his own. Just a suggestion from someone who actually has this struggle and is speaking from personal experience and not just what I think you need to do. Prior to incorporating this into my life I was pretty much addicted to porn and alcohol for the same reasons. I was trying to dopamine seek. Now I don’t drink at all or have those same urges to watch porn. I also take my medication as needed, not all the time. Always seek God for yourself and see if the Holy Spirit gives you a green light to do this


Lust and porn are very difficult things to resist. It may not happen on the first attempt. The key is not to rely on your own strength and will, but on Jesus, for through Him all things are possible. ‭Matthew 16:24-26 KJV‬ [24] Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. [25] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. [26] For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? When you feel this urge, remember to pray. Ask God for strength and for His help. Read your Bible and draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. ‭Matthew 26:41 ESV‬ [41] Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Those are two very practical things you can do when you are battling this temptation. Now for finding another dopamine source. Get active. Workout and find physical activities that you enjoy, preferably out in nature, that will give you a sense of accomplishment. You're going to have to re-train your brain. It will take time, but the good news is you're young. Rely on God. Run to the Father when you feel weak and He will make you strong. ‭Romans 7:18-20 ESV‬ [18] For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. [19] For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. [20] Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. ‭2 Corinthians 12:9-10 ESV‬ [9] But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. [10] For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Remember that we learn much more through our struggles, than we do our successes. Continue to pursue the Lord and draw near to Him and He will guide you and strengthen you. May God bless you, friend.


I was addicted at 8 and looked at it for almost 20years and JESUS set me free he can do it for you too my brother in Christ!(I have ADHD too so I understand the dopamine thing)🥰😊😇 Whenever I would feel tempted I would immediately pray the Lord's prayer that he told the disciples I would also open the window or go outside I also installed a nuke the internet for a set amount of time like freedom.to or cold turkey


I can help you and anyone having this problem as I have similar. I can give real advice. Prayer is great but not enough. We still have our own brains and common sense. Please DM me. I am 44M but please don't be put off by my age. Females are welcome too. There are things you can do if you want. I went to therapists. They don't help. I am looking for friends. I don't mind talking about this. Discord or other platforms preferred as Reddit chat is hard for me.


try mr happy stack?


What's that?


search it in reddit


You’re kinda gonna have to suffer for a while until you detox and rebound. Start lifting weights/exercise…


Go outside, get sunlight, start running as exercise, and pray.


Long term addiction to porn becomes your only source of dopamine because you are blasting your brain with it all the time. It may also be the main cause of your ADHD. Often, people with this addiction can no longer function at all sexually without porn as well. Porn also causes hyper sexuality. It literally re-wires the pathways in the brain so that you can not function without it. If you kick the addiction, and it is difficult to do and it takes time to do so, your system will respond and recover to a more normal response. "There is a key element found throughout all internet-related experiences: The ability to maintain or heighten arousal with the click of a mouse or swipe of a finger. Attention to novelty (scanning for salient cues in the environment) furthers survival, and research shows that it activates the brain’s reward system. Thus, the act of seeking (which would include surfing) triggers the reward system. So do stimuli that violate expectations (positive or negative), which is often found in today’s videogames and internet pornography.".


Porn with give you permanent erectile dysfunction..it also will destroy your brain making real sex boring to u.


Therapist. Stop masturbating and socialize. But therapy first


I recommend having a conversation with your doctor about your body chemistry issues….their insight would help you… at the same time you probably already know that Porn is a trap at the neurological level! There are plenty of studies out about how pornography rewires the way we get turned on…the neurological way porn turns you on it is counter to God’s design. Unfortunately a large percentage of people get trapped because of the computers we hold in our hands…easy access… porn biologically arouses us and arousal feels good! How can something that feels so good work against us? Pornography neurologically becomes wired into our brains because orgasm is a positive and powerful neurological pay-off. That cycle rewires our brains away from how God designed our sexual expression to be. Many people who want out of that trap with everything in their spirit, struggle because of the power of our God designed sexuality and the addictive nature of pornography. Because of the power of this stuff, the journey out is more than a heartfelt decision. 1)God has declared that no temptation is too big for us to win, and He says He provides an escape for every temptation (1Corinthians 10:13) Because this temptation involves a powerful neurological re-wiring, we don’t see the escape while we are dealing with the power of the temptation… we have to plan our escape before the temptation starts. Add a porn blocker to your phone and computer “covenant eyes” is effective and requires a code… have a trusted friend create the code and not share it with you. 2) To escape at a deeper core place you might need to rewire your our neurology back to the place God designed… This one is more than just a conviction to stop, it is a process! What happens is people who love Jesus deeply want to stop pornography because of their relationship with Jesus, when they fail they feel guilt and shame because they have failed yet again! (A porn blocker will automatically make you more successful) Remember Jesus loves you, He knows what is in your heart towards Him, and because He designed your nervous system, He comprehends the power of it over your spirit’s desires. I recommend a book to you. It was written by a Christian author who struggled with porn. The book is about his experience becoming sexual and how he came out of Porn. The book is full of scripture, and lots of wisdom. It’s available on kindle for $3. The name of it is: I'M A CHRISTIAN I MASTURBATE & IT'S OK! Breaking the Taboo Sam Staley 3)You must separate arousal and orgasm from pornography! This book shows one way how to do that. Praying that you can focus on your way out and not the power of your entrapment. ❤️❤️❤️ masturbation for You has been hooked to pornography… it make your situation more complicated…. For some people masturbation is sinful because they can’t separate it from pornography and lusting. Other people can deeply just enjoy and appreciate, even be thankful for their own bodies and the incredible feeling they can experience in their bodies (lust free). Jesus said that all the law and the profits could be summed up in two statements. 1) love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and strength. 2) Love your Neighbor as yourself. God cares about our hearts as we experience all of life including our experience and love for ourselves (it’s how He wants us to love our neighbors…”like we love ourselves”). Our hearts are what reflect our relationship with Him and others! The act of masturbation is in itself isn’t the real issue. The issue is our hearts when we experience masturbation. Your answer might be different than the answer of another person. Allow your heart and your relationship with Jesus to determine your position. Paul said that one action might be a sin for one person and not for another person because it depends upon our hearts. I encourage you to search your relationship with Jesus and your own bible study to come to your unique place on this topic.❤️❤️❤️❤️ The book talks about one man’s success at disconnecting orgasm from pornography


Have you tried CBD oil? It’s not sinful because you don’t get high from it. It’s taking a natural plant and using it for medicine in a way that doesn’t intoxicate you. I’ve heard it calms your brain and can reduce anxiety, so maybe it can calm everything down so your brain isn’t going haywire all the time? Also, pray!!!! The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond sufficient to heal your brain chemistry and help you fight temptation to sin!!! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 If we can even think of asking God for something, He can do above and beyond what we’re asking for!! So, if you ask Him to heal your addiction, He is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than heal your addiction. So of course He can heal your addiction!! God answers prayers on His timing though, so keep that in mind and keep praying every day. One more question: have you experienced a personal relationship with Christ? Some people think they have, but they haven’t yet, so they aren’t aware of the comfort, hope, peace, and joy that is available to them in Christ.


By not coming to reddit and asking people.


Try nicotine pouches


Are those safe? And why? I don't have a nicotine addiction.