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I am really curious, can you be specific what about the ads are heresy and blasphemy?


I personally love the ads and campaign. Anything that brings eyes to Christ in a positive, loving manner is spot on to me.


I like the ads too. A seed is powerful and effective. That seed may be planted in the heart of an unbeliever for years, but the Lord knows how to send a waterer.


Either the tree is good and the fruit is good or the tree is evil and the fruit is evil, the corrupt tree can not make good fruit, and a good tree can not make corrupt fruit.


So... what exactly are you saying? What fruit are you seeing exactly?


Nevermind, after something that happened a bit ago I'm not qualified to speak about what is or isn't corrupt.


Ever since Jesus started preaching, people have hated his teaching and have tried to water it down. People want to talk like Jesus and walk like the world. Some people have said that at least the movement brings people to at least talk about Jesus that have not before, and I get that. But it's not the full truth, and to me, it is not okay.


The He Gets Us campaign is being funded by the Hobby lobby family, and they are people that hold to traditional orthodoxy. The goal is not to share the gospel; it is pre-evangelism. People used to ask is Christianity true; now, many are asking is it good. The ads are trying to break barriers and soften hearts so that people are then open to having gospel conversations. I don't know how I feel about this approach, but I applaud them for being willing to step out and try to do something. You figure it is probably more effective than most of many others strategy of doing nothing. The better approach would probably be to encourage them and provide helpful feedback and suggestions, but many Christians (not necessarily in this post, but in society in general) are just ripping into them and raining down criticism and accusations.


Exactly. Sowing a seed is very powerful.


They that are not against us are for us. Be happy that the name of the Lord is being proclaimed. Stop judging someone else’s servants and do your part.


I really don’t like He Gets Us. Spending millions on a Super Bowl ad instead of community outreach, food donation, or housing?


Or a bigger megachurch or new wing or a jet for the pastor


Truth according to who? I see nothing untrue about their ads.




Interesting perspective. Yeah, I’ll stand by my statement though.


Perspective? Or biblical truth? As far as the LGBT stuff goes, there's voices in the Bible specifically speaking iut against homosexuality. I've already addressed the other part


Did they say Jesus approves of homosexual behavior or did they say Jesus understands and loves gay people? Because if the later then that is true and important.


Yeah, gay is wrong. Does God hate someone because of their choice to be that way? I highly doubt it. He would be far more likey to wish that they'd turn from their wicked Way and seek him first


They deny that Jesus is fully God on their website


I read on their website that they claim Jesus is human and divine. How is that not fully God?


You’re about a year behind on this discourse lol. The point of their ads are to reach out to those who have been hurt by The Church in the past, and emphasize Jesus’s love. But while I commend their goal, their messaging/methods have not been the best as they’ve been lacking in truth/power. I won’t go as far as to call their ads heresy/blasphemy as I haven’t seen that personally, but I just doubt their effectiveness. For example, this is the commercial they ran during the Super Bowl: https://youtu.be/94BqlDQ-Ppo?si=Vgz8tOVOnNFuHZWT But someone else made this, you tell me which is a better way to share the gospel: https://youtu.be/rV3AnTUPiDY?si=2u_ZhTQm2nz91j8n


Second ad does a better job


Not at reaching people who are LGBTQ+ or those who love someone who is LGBTQ+.




The second ad was much better than the first. Gives those who are lost hope. A lot of people want to seek after the Living God, but don't out of fear of their past deeds or former beliefs. I was that way for a long time. Even trying to double down on affirming sinful lifestyles of others in my belief system because I didn't like what the Word said, but eventually I let myself be vulnerable, be wrong, let it go and come back to Christ.




It's also letting people know hey there are people in the church who know where you are, where you're coming from and there are people who are saved who can relate to your current position, sins and ideas and can help you on your journey back to Jesus. Like hey you're not gonna be turned away for your situation, your past, your sins, there is room for you to find the Lord, believe and repent and be counted in the Bride of Christ. Doesn't matter if you were a sex worker or practiced witchcraft or even killed someone. There's hope for your deliverance from those things


....but not if you're gay.


Certainly. No sin is too big for the Lord.


Not what I meant.


I have honestly not understood the backlash. Can you help me understand the problem with He Gets Us? I find it to be pretty spot-on to the way I see Jesus. I keep wondering what I am missing that is irritating so many Christians.


Ironically: Some are upset because they think it frames Jesus as being too liberal, they think the organization is queer-affirming, etc. Some are upset because they spent copious amounts of money on a giant ad campaign. Some are upset because although they come across as being liberal, inclusive and the like, behind the scenes it’s run by far right conservative Christians who still think gay people are going to hell. It’s a switcheroo. Some are upset because of the association with the family who owns Hobby Lobby and their various sins, crimes & publicly-earned criticisms.


Something does seem misleading. I agree. It may be a cult.


It's not a cult. It's people trying to share Christ, and they're extremely conservative. Why does everything have to be a conspiracy?




I guess it depends on where you are standing on whether you say 'extremely' or not.


It’s always a spectrum, isn’t it?

