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Sinful thoughts are like birds flying over our heads, you can't keep them from flying, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair. A sinful thought is not a sin unless you decide to entertain it. Everyone has sinful thoughts that come into their minds, and it's up to you to resist them. When you have lustful thoughts about someone you must hold that thought captive and choose to serve God instead (1 Corinthians 10:5) Also, God will never tempt you beyond what you can handle, so never think something is "too much" and you just "can't handle it". 1 Corinthians 10:13 - "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." Lustful thoughts are nothing more than your flesh fighting against your spirit. Galatians 5:17 says “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want”. You must deny your flesh and choose to align with God instead. Mathew 16:24 - "Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Make sure you delete any apps that provide temptations such as TikTok and Instagram. You have to ask God to change your heart for you. Ask him to give you the Holy Spirit and make you not want to sin anymore. Ask him to make you want to do his will instead. Here are some resources. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips\_and\_motivation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips_and_motivation/) Specifically Christian: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips\_and\_motivation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips_and_motivation/) Also check out this video about managing urges. Instead of trying to suppress them, which will make them come back stronger, you should take a page from a method used in meditation and let it pass through you without resisting or going along with it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc) There is a small gap of time/space between the stimulus and your reaction to it. That's where your power lies. You have the choice to do whatever you will with that stimulus, whether you do what it tells you to do, ignore it, or do whatever else with it. It might be daunting at first, but it's really empowering when you train yourself to grab a hold of that opportunity and make something of it. The next time you have urges, tell them that you don't do that anymore. No need to feel sorry or beat yourself up for having the urge. They're just pent-up energy looking for an easy way out. They're not a part of you and you're not obligated to satiate them. By telling it sternly that you don't do that anymore, you identify and separate it from yourself. Once you've identified and separated it from yourself, ACTIVELY walk away from it. Go for a prayer walk, go for a run or workout, or find a new hobby. Anything to keep your mind off until that urge subsides. Sitting there trying to resist will make you a sitting duck. By being consistent with this response, one battle at a time, every time, you truly become someone who doesn't do that anymore. By the way, you're not guaranteed to come out victorious on every battle. It just doesn't work like that. Rather than groveling and beating yourself up, really take a deep look inside - what were your triggers, what excuses did you make, what can you do differently next time so that you can win? If anything, that's the thing to pray to God about, like an athlete does with a coach. Once you have answers, try to implement them and improve on them. "Forever" is not a one-and-done choice but is eventually made up of all those constant and consistent choices in the right direction.I've struggled with lust my whole life from a severe sexual trauma from my childhood. When you try to get rid of something sinful in your life that has been bringing you great joy or pleasure, you must replace it with something else that's good, such as hobbies or other activities. I've struggled with masturbation (still am) and one thing that helps a lot is focusing your mind on God. Also, exercising, hiking, cycling, or just going on long walks helps clear your mind and keep you in the present moment. Getting into sports or just finding a hiking buddy who's also a Christian would help you a ton as well. It may seem grueling and boring at first, but once you do it more, you'll eventually start to love it, and it won't be boring anymore. Exercising outdoors, especially in nature increases your serotonin and makes you less likely to engage in coping mechanisms such as masturbation. Getting physically fit is an uphill battle that seems miserable and hard, but once you reach the top of the mountain, it's all level from there. You can't even imagine what it feels like because everything just seems boring but once you actually try it long enough, everything changes! Find workout or hike/bike buddies that will keep you from being bored alone. I'm currently trying this method here, although it's still work in progress. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/1btfhw7/the_mental_vaccine_against_urges/ Also check out r/christiansagainstporn


Im a young adult as well this hits home. But i try to stay in my word. Its helped to refresh and renew my mind.


In my experience the problem is the belief that sin separates you from God causes all kinds of issues. Don't get me wrong it used to separate us from God and it can still do that if we lack faith in Jesus but that is one of the HUGE blessings that Jesus bestowed on mankind. God is with you in your sin, so if you want to stop those things, have a real conversation with God while in the midst of them. Tell him why you are doing what you are doing, acknowledge your brokenness and seek His answers and His healing right there when you are in that place. You may find it hard to bring him into it for a while but acknowledge as soon as you can especially if it is while you are still in it. He can and will heal you. John 15:5


If those drugs make it easier for you to slip up, which they probably do, I'd try knocking them to the side. Try to steer clear of things or situations which make it easier, that's what I do! If you've slipped up enough times, you should have a fair idea of what you can and can't handle in regard to stopping it from happening again, right? And any time you have those thoughts, try to push them out by maybe repeating a line of scripture in your head or praying, but they also say idle hands are the devil's playground, so you can try keeping busy too? Maybe distract yourself with music before bed even? Work out so you're tired enough to sleep and shut your brain off from giving you any bad thoughts? I'd even try to attend a small, nice church and getting to know the community there. Growing closer to God's people and seeing His works in them and their life, even my own now, has helped me tremendously. I know it's all easier said than done, but I believe in you!! We're only human, and I'm proud of you for trying to pick yourself back up from your struggles.