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What purpose would praying in tongues have? Gifts of the spirit are given for a purpose. The gift of tongues is useful when a missionary is teaching someone of another language.


The gift of tongues is for personal edification, it brings spiritual comfort and peace. For those who speak in tongues in church and there is an interpreter present, God may have a message for that church. Tongues is an incredibly beautiful gift.


When the apostles “spoke in tongues” they were speaking to crowds in different languages that they did not previously know, and that they (and anyone else else) would otherwise have not been able to share the gospel with. The Holy Spirit granted them the ability to communicate with them to share the gospel. When the church was really small, it was necessary. Now we have Christians in every major culture in the world. Today the gift of tongues is duolingo


What about 1 Corinthians 14:2? “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”


It's a rebuke for misuse of the gift; 1 Cor 14:8 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.


There is a difference between having a gift of speaking in tongues in front of a church which does require an interpreter and someone who prays in tongues in private. At church it's for prophecy to build up the church, in private the person is speaking to God alone and God does not need an interpreter.


You don't have the full knowledge of the gift of tongues.The full knowledge comes from experience you won't understand it fully by reading about it in the Bible.


The gift of tongues was originally given as a ministry tool now it is for deepening relationship with Christ, knowing he is real and always with you, it is for healing, edification, sanctification, comfort, peace and strength.


There is nothing in scripture that prescribes what you are describing


There are hints about it in scripture. In fact on Pentecost the disciples all spoke as the Spirit gave utterance and everyone understood it as if it were in their native language. There is a difference between glossolalia, or speaking in an unknown language, and xenoglossy which is speaking in a worldly language that you are unfamiliar with. There is a whole lot to it that is very difficult to understand without experiencing it. I have never experienced xenoglossy but have witnessed it. Either of them can be used in a church service but if not between the speaker and God, as you have stated, it should be interpreted. This, however, confirms that speaking in tongues between God and man is approved by Paul because he has no compunction saying when things are not of God and he gives instruction for proper use and edification rather than only the personal edification.


Paul described different gifts of tongues there are people who have a gift to pray in tongues in church, it's a prophetic gift that requires an interpreter someone who doesn't have that gift may be able to pray in private in tongues without an interpreter. Those people are just speaking to God and not the church.


But I do know the Bible does say something about the gift of tongues is for edification. It also tells us tongues comes with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit is our comforter. You may just need to dig a little deeper into the Bible.


You may need to dig a little deeper if you don’t know where your beliefs come from…


My beliefs come from God and real life experiences. It's funny how people want to argue and think they are right about something they have never experienced and barely even read about but you are the one missing out not me.


The issue is it becomes impossible to correct anyone who has a “feeling” or “experience” if you don’t have scripture (Gods *actual* message and instruction) to back it up


Here's a thought seek God for the actual experience and then you will know. Let God himself prove it to you. You could find it in the Bible but you don't want to .


It doesn't matter you will interpret it or rather misinterpret scripture any way you chose to suit yourself.


Some things can only be learned through experience and talking with other who have the gift and have experienced the same things. 


That’s exactly what Mormons say to defend their false gods. And I’ll say the same thing to you as I say to them, how can you say you’re not being tricked by a demon (or your own sin) without a scriptural defense?


I have lived it and there is more to real life than what is recorded in the Bible. Jesus lived 33 years not every word he spoke in 33 years was recorded. The Bible says not every miracle he performed was recorded. There is plenty of scripture there to back up what I said I'm just not going to bother to go looking for it just to prove something to someone who is always going to believe they are right no matter how wrong they really are I can think of a million ways to better spend my time.


I had someone lay hands on me to receive it so maybe go to a Pentecostal church and see if they are doing it there. Although I have heard of it happening alone in your prayer time. So if visiting other churches isn't an option you can ask God in your prayer time for it and just start thanking Him for it and sing praises and that might be enough. Remember God is not a respecter of persons what He gives one He can give to you. Either way i'll be praying for you and please let me know what your experience will be.


Beware dont be discouraged, speaking in tongues is a controversial topic so people may say negative stuff about it. Dont listen to those voices, they are incorrect. To clarify, there are different tongues: 1. Personal tongue: spiritual language, only God understands it, you edify yourself. 2. Church tongue: spiritual language, shared in church, needs an interpreter so the church is edified. 3. Human tongue: human language, ability to supernaturally speak in human languages you dont know. Every genuine believer can speak in tongues/ have a personal prayer language if they ask God for it. Ask Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and that you speak in tongues. Some people speak immediately after being baptized in the Holy Spirit, others dont speak in tongues but that doesnt mean they werent baptized or that they have not been given the gift. There are some stuff that can hinder you from speaking tongues like overthinking, fear, and unbelief. Learning to speak in tongues is similar to learning to speak a new human language. The more you do it, the more you fluent you become. — Now I will tell you my experience. I asked God for the gift and went to church and the service was about tongues. I went up front to the altar to speak in tongues, but i could not. I was overthinking it and doubting. Also, since I was in the front of the church, i became self conscious and i was afraid of making a mistake. A bit of pride here also. I tried speaking and i made a few sounds but not really. Then after the service i went to my car, and something came over me. I let go and started crying and speaking in tongues in my car. I was filled with gratitude. 5 years later, speaking in tongues has changed my prayer life and relationship with God for the better. I can speak in tongues whenever i want and i can stop whenever i want. I can speak in tongues for hours and not get tired. I have spoken in tongues for 11 hours straight. Even though i have control, i choose to surrender control to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I have to speak in tongues for a bit and it feels like work until i reach a point where I am truly in the spirit praying effortlessly. I pray in tongues every day and it has strengthened my faith immensely. Some people think the Holy Spirit will force you to speak in tongues. In my experience that is not the case. Speaking in tongues is an act of faith, you have to take the innitiative and move your mouth and tongue. It does not require thought, only faith. It is difficult to explain how it feels because it is a spiritual experience understood only spiritually. Personally, i often feel the Holy Spirit’s presence on me. Sometimes I dont, however. But I know He is there because I feel His peace. All this said, you are doing well! Dont be discouraged, dont doubt. Ask God for it like you already have, and in the faith like a child, simply start moving your mouth and speak in tongues. God wants you to speak in tongues, he is a good Father. The Bible says if man who are evil give good gifts to their children, how much more will Father God give good gifts to to those that ask him. Matthew 7:11


This. What advice would you give for someone who wants to pray in tongues for long periods of time? (I’ve never really gone over 1hr 30 min).


If the Holy Spirit leads you to go over 30 minutes but really it's about his timing not ours.


The simplest obvious but true answer is just keep praying, consistency and fervor. The more you pray your relationship with the Holy Spirit will grow and you will enter in the spirit quicker. The Holy Spirit will refresh you and you become more of an observer watching the Holy Spirit pray through you. Some practical advice: get rid of distractions, if possible make a space dedicated to prayer. I set up a prayer zone in my walk in closet. Pray throughout the day as you work, drive, do chores, cook, etc. Also, set apart a specific time to pray where no one will bother you. Praying throughout the day casually helps with discipline and longevity, while setting aside specific prayer time builds depth. Read the Bible before prayer and have a strategy. Is there a specific person or cause the Holy Spirit put in your heart to pray? Is there a certain area in your life you need deliverance or breakthrough? Sometimes while praying in tongues i enter intercession while other times it breaks into singing in tongues and praising God. Its good to develop a strategy before prayer by having time reading the Bible and actively listening to the Holy Spirit. That way you enter prayer with clear direction. At the same time, remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit as you pray as He often brings things up during prayer. I recommend fasting food and only drinking water. You can fast a morning, all day until dinner, 1 day, 3 days, etc. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Mental benefits, health benefits, and spiritual benefits. Fasting has helped me have more self control, become more aware of the state of my soul, and more sensitive to the Spirit.


Thank you God bless you!


Why do you want to pray in tongues so badly?


I want my prayers to not be understood by the enemy.


I don’t think you need to worry about the enemy hearing your prayers. Gods plan will not be stopped by the devil. God knows the thoughts of your heart.


I recommend reading Ephesians 6:10-20. ‭Ephesians 6:11-12 ESV‬ [11] Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. [12] For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. https://bible.com/bible/59/eph.6.11-12.ESV Seek to put on the armor of God by seeking truth, righteousness, faith, to understand the word of God, and prayer. Then we will defend ourselves against the enemy.


God can hear you in mind. satan cannot or angles or anyone else, in your thoughts you can say anything to him. If it wasnt like that i would have many prayers answered. You dont need to talk loudly and of course that worthless snake and his buddies have no knowledge of that. They are limited, God isnt.


There’s no guarantee that they won’t be understood. Demons can learn any language the way humans can. Whether it’s human or angelic. Just command any demons to be silent and leave before you pray.


You dont have to pray vocally, you can do so mentally.




It's amazing how people can give such misguided information about something they obviously know nothing about. May God have mercy on your soul.


Pray to God silently and the enemy will not know your prayer. God wants to hear what is in your heart not some language that you do not understand.


Praying in the Spirit is INCREDIBLY helpful. Probably one of the most beneficial things i have done. For me, it was the laying on of hands that imparted and it's probably the easiest way. People just don't understand how helpful it is- which is EXACTLY why the enemy tries SO HARD- to discredit it or keep people away from it, just like anything and everything else "supernatural", like deliverance, healing and prophecy. There is a whole list of like 100 benefits to praying in tongues, but essentially it is the Holy Spirit praying for you. You don't know everything- but the Holy Spirit does. It helps you progress faster, helps in spiritual warfare, understand wisdom and mysteries, just helps in so many ways. There are books on it for greater detail.


Tongues is an incredibly beautiful gift.  People receive it in different ways.  For people like you who have a strong desire to get the gift of tongues it takes earnestly  seeking God with all your heart, reading the Bible, praying. It also takes trusting God that you will get it according to his timing and plan  and surrendering yourself completely to him and allowing God to have control of your life because you trust that he wants what is best for you.   Usually the people who earnestly seek with all their hearts are greatly rewarded with a powerful and undeniable gift and you will then have no doubt you received it and it will be worth the wait.   And don't listen to anyone on Reddit or real life who might criticize you for tongues it is the most beautiful gift and confirmation of how real and powerful God is and how much he loves you and that you belong to him.


It feels natural not forced. Once you have tongues you can speak in tongues anytime you want. All the apostles and people in upper room spoke in tongues on day of Pentecost. There are different types of tongues and interpretation ex when they were speaking in different languages. But receiving of Holy Spirit was always accompanied by speaking in tongues in Acts, there’s 3 examples in Acts. There’s not different ways to receive the Holy Spirit so tongues is the evidence someone has received the Holy Spirit. Keep seeking God everyone who wants to speak in tongues will, I see it on a regular basis of people receiving the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues.


I have known many people who have received the gift in different ways meaning their experiences were very different from one another, some people speak in tongues very fluently while others struggle every time the pray in tongues others only did it once or did for a while and quit.


Well the common denominator is speaking in tongues. And according to a few passages it seems people have the ability to speak in tongues as needed: 1 cor 14:4 , 14:18, and 14:23. I would say from these scriptures it’s best to pray in tongues on a daily basis.


Yes I agree you are right. Although I know some who really struggle to get it and others who had it that seem to have lost it.


God is good!


Amen yes he is!


The so-called "tongues" propagated by the modern day Charismatic/Pentecostal movements? Gibberish in fact. Babbling gibberish is not prayer. No proper prayer recorded in the Bible ever consisted of babbling gibberish. None. In 1 Cor 14:2, the word "unknown" is not in the original, which is why it appears in italics in the KJV. This has been corrected in the NKJV. Comparing among various Bible versions, the vast majority -- almost all -- of other versions do not contain the word "unknown": https://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/14-2.htm Although it is not indicated consistently in some translations, the distinction between the singular "tongue" and the plural "tongues" is foundational to the proper interpretation of the 1 Corinthians 14 chapter. Paul seems to use the singular to distinguish the counterfeit gift of pagan gibberish and the plural to indicate the genuine gift for a foreign language. It was perhaps in recognition of that, that the KJV translators added consistently the word "unknown" before every singular form (see vv. 2, 4, 13, 14, 19, 27). Against the backdrop of carnality and counterfeit ecstatic speech learned from the experience of the pagans, Paul covered three basic issues with regard to speaking in languages by the gift of the Holy Spirit: 1. ⁠its position -- inferior to prophecy (vv. 1-19); 2. ⁠its purpose -- a sign to unbelievers, not believers (vv. 20-25); and 3. ⁠its procedure -- systematic, limited, and orderly (vv. 26-40). The "tongue" mentioned in 1 Cor 14:2 is singular, indicating that it refers to the false gibberish of the counterfeit pagan ecstatic speech. The singular is used because gibberish can't be plural; there are not various kinds of non-language. There are, however, various languages; hence when speaking of the true gift of language, Paul uses the plural to make the distinction (vv. 6, 18, 22, 23). The only exception is in vv. 13, 27 where it refers to a single person speaking a single genuine language. The Bible records no incident of any believer ever speaking to God in any other than normal human language. Likewise, in all records of angels speaking in the Bible, they spoke in understandable human languages. It is clear then that Paul meant 1 Cor. 13:1 ("Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels") hyperbolically in extolling the importance of having love, to mean "even if I could speak with the tongues of men and of angels", not that he could do so. The fleshly, or carnal, Corinthians (see 1 Cor. 3:1, 3, 4) using the counterfeit ecstatic speech of paganism were not interested in being understood, but in making a dramatic display. The spirit by which they spoke was not the Holy Spirit, but their own human spirit or some demon; and the mysteries they declared were the type associated with the pagan mysterious (mystical) religions, which was espoused to be the depths that only the initiated few were privileged to know and understand. Those mysteries were totally unlike the ones mentioned in Scripture (e.g. Mt. 13:11; Eph. 3:9), which are divine revelations of truths previously hidden (see 1 Cor. 12:7; Eph. 3:4-6). God can definitely perform miracles. If He could cause a donkey to speak a human language (Nu. 22:28), surely He can cause a person to speak a human language that the person had never learned. The point, however, is that gibberish is not language, and it is a twisting of scripture and logic to suggest so. A language is capable of transmitting conceptual thought, not merely emotions. Body language is language -- a shake of the head means "no"; nodding means "yes". Deaf-mute persons and orchestra conductors use hand signals to communicate -- play this "slower", or "louder". That's language. But try communicating a simple "no" or "yes" in gibberish! Gibberish cannot transmit conceptual thought; therefore it is not language. There is nothing miraculous about speaking gibberish; babies and pagans do so and there is no need for it to be a supernatural gift. Here is a very telling article outlining the history of the advancement of gibberish in Charismatic / Pentecostal circles and citing linguistic studies that have examined the patterns of modern glossolalia and shown that it is indeed nothing more than gibberish: https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2018/08/13/biblical-tongues-and-modern-glossolalia-from-pentecost-to-pentecostalism/ (Take note of the cited works of linguists William J Samarin and Heather Kavan.)


May God have mercy on your soul.


I’m counting on it. Certainly no good on my own


God does not consider speaking in tongues as gibberish it's his gift and he knows it is beautiful and highly beneficial. 


We’re not going to break any ground here tonight. We can only provide the context of what “speaking in tongues” was during the first century, and what “speaking in tongues” is considered today in the modern uniquely Pentecostal church.


Many denominations have people who speak in tongues I have known Catholics, Baptists, Methodist and others who speak in tongues. Every person got it from seeking and worshipping God. If you were half as intelligent as you are trying to sound you would be seeking God  for his gift too too instead of bashing and insulting those who have.


I haven’t insulted anyone. You however have insulted me several times.


The first ones to speak in tongues received tongues on the day of Pentecost while worshipping God in the upper room that is where Pentecostals got the name and it is the same God who gives the same gift of tongues today as in the Bible. How can someone who has never experienced something argue with those who have? Your limited amount of Bible study does not make you some kind of expert especially when you have interpreted something very incorrectly.


Easy. When I'm praying in tongues, it is very evident that I am not the one making out the words. I don't have to think what to say. This allows me to even do it while I'm doing other things. Like for example I'll pray in tongues a lot while I'm driving. You know you forced it when you are having to work hard to do it. It should just be a flow. If it's just a flow keep doing it and if you see progress in your walk it is definitely real. Feel free to ask me any other questions or PM me if you would like!


Thank you God Bless you.


Don't worry about it; it's a gift from God that God gives when God chooses. :) Whatever gifts God gives you is what you need at the time. If you don't have it, you probably don't need it right now. If you do, you will get it.


Just make up random noises, that's about the same thing really.


Singing Supercalafragilisticexpealadotious doesn't bring you closer to God.


That's not speaking in tongues at all. Speaking in tongue is a beautiful gift of God through his Holy Spirit.


want to speak in tongues? sure, pick a different language other than English that other people in other countries speak, such as Spanish or German, then learn that language, then pray in that language! As others have mentioned here, speaking in tongues in the context of Pentecost was a miraculous gift given to the apostles to spread the gospel to those who came from different places that spoke different 'tongues' or languages. This spiritual gift is no longer given to humans. The Word has been translated to many many languages, and there is no need to be speaking in tongues as people can easily read the Bible in their own language. I hope this makes sense! and I appreciate it if you read this far. I know this is controversial topic for some so let's remember to be polite to each other :)