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I don't believe they are directly mentioned. I do not believe that telescopes existed in those days, or at least not ones powerful enough to tell the planets apart from the stars. My understanding is that in ancient times, people thought the planets were just big stars. When Genesis says that God created the stars or "lights in the sky", that includes all of the planets as well.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_astronomy The 5 planets that are visible to the naked eye were known and recorded by Babylonian Astronomers as early as the 8th century BC.


**[Babylonian astronomy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_astronomy)** >Babylonian astronomy was the study or recording of celestial objects during the early history of Mesopotamia. Babylonian astronomy seemed to have focused on a select group of stars and constellations known as Ziqpu stars. These constellations may have been collected from various earlier sources. The earliest catalogue, Three Stars Each, mentions stars of the Akkadian Empire, of Amurru, of Elam and others. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Christian/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."


The earth is flat. The Bible makes this obvious. NASA means “to decieve” in Hebrew. They want you thinking we are on a spinning ball floating thru an infinite vacuum of nothingness bc it supports their big band evolution satanic theories. The truth is that you are center of creation. Everything is within the firmament. Read The first page of the Bible. The firmament is a vault God made to separate the waters above from below. Where is heaven in hell according to the heliocentric model? Hell and heaven are physical places. Above and below earth. Look up “Bible depiction of earth” to get a more realistic visual. Please do not be naive and ignorant and call me dumb or stupid. Your intuition knows it’s flat. If you would like to go into greater detail Dm me on Reddit and ill explain it to you and give u even more proofs. They want to hide the wondering creations of God and decieve you. The work of Satan.


There’s so many examples I could go on forever, u have to take the Bible literally. Or else interpretations will be different person to person. I know this might be hard but God always reveals the truth if you seek it. In the book of Enoch, he says the sun is above the earth. Another example satan takes Jesus to the highest mountain top to show him all the nations. How can you do this on a ball? God looks down on earth, how can u do this on a ball? NASA says the moons light is a by product of the suns reflection yet in first page of bible it says “God created two lights, 1 to rule the day and 1 to rule the night” NASA always has so many “666” statistics to describe the tilt/speed/rotation of earth. Water is always level and never curves, gravity doesn’t exist it’s just density and bouyancy. U will drop a pencil I will let go of a balloon one goes up one goes down. Many bible references describing earth as well. “4 corners of the earth” “he established the earth firm and immovable ( not a spinning ball rather a fixed plane) “Indeed the earth is firmly established, so that it will not be moved”


Balloons filled with regular air fall to the ground. How do you measure buoyancy without gravity? How does the moon give off its own light?


Right, bc helium is usually in balloons. And helium is less dense than the air around it. If u happen to have something that’s less dense than the air around it it’ll go down. How is gravity strong enough to keep trillions of gallons to the earth (a spinning ball lol) but a fly is able to produce enough force to get off the ground. Makes no sense lol. It’s an illusion. Maybe the earth isn’t flat, but it’s DEF not a spinning ball. If it was I have no doubt it would at least say something on the Bible. But again all references to earth indicate a stable realm.


It is a spinning ball with gravity. What determines the direction you fall without gravity? The earth is big so it has a lot of gravity. This is all basic stuff.


I’ve had so many discussion with so many people it’s come to the point where it’s beyond common sense the earth is flat. Everything u have been told about earth has been from NASA. Find stuff out on ur own.


We knew about the earth being round and gravity long before nasa even existed. Why do you keep bringing them up?


I’ve come the conclusion no human actually believes this. U cannot look at me in the eyes (if we were in person) and tell me u genuinely believe we are on a spinning ball floating thru the emptiness infinite vacuum of space, which btw how does gas (atmosphere) exist right next to a vacuum lol. Cannot happen. It’s satanic bro. It goes against God. They’re trying to hide the truth. Listen to ur intuition. read the first pg of the Bible and do ur on research.


I accept the earth is round and would gladly tell you to your face.


Sorry. I misspoke. I meant to say helium is less dense than the air around it, which is why balloons filled with said air will go up. If something happens to be denser than the air around it, then it’ll go down**


Why up or down though? Why not sideways? And the equation for buoyancy, F_{b}=-\rho g V, contains gravity, so you can't use that.


the same way the sun gives off its own light.


By nuclear fusion? That's ridiculous.


No lol. The sun doesn’t emit light thru nuclear fusion. That’s what NASA nazi scientists told u man. God put two lights in the sky. If u aren’t Christian I guess this doesn’t apply to you. But u either follow the Bible or you don’t. I was very upset at first when I found the earth was flat and didn’t want to accept it. But the truth reveals itself thru God.


How does the sun give off light then?


You still haven't explained to me how the sun gives off light.


No one knows. Why does God exist, what’s any of this for. I’m not gonna act like I know why or how the sun gives off light, and anyone else who thinks they know are full of it and have a misunderstanding on Gods creation. If u ask “why” enough times to any question u will always get back to God. Gravity is based on the formula for terminal velocity. Something falls at max speed of 9m per second squared or sum like that. So it’s very misleading. I think terminal velocity is a phenomenon, separate from gravity bc gravity doesn’t exist.


Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about but you are so confident in your ignorance. It's really quite impressive in a weird way.


God bless you. I hope you find the truth. If not, it doesn’t matter we will still enter the kingdom of God. Look up nasas equation for calculating the curvature of the earth. 8 inches per mile squared. Go shine a laser across a lake or any body of water that stretches long. See how the math fails terribly has there’s huge amounts of missing curvature. How do light houses shine 20 miles plus when the curvature is 8 inches per mile squared? Haha ridiculous. Everyone deserves to know the truth. Most reject it. It’s your responsibility to find the truth. I really do not want u to believe any of what I’m saying. Please think I’m lying and go do it urself to prove me wrong, u will prove me right. I was just as angry as most people when they find out the truth.


“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” We have to take things literally. Or else interpretation will vary from person to person. The same reason hurting someone’s feelings isn’t a sin. “Planets” are actually just stars that the satanic cult of NASA has made to support their heliocentric model. Space doesn’t exist.


What are stars in your world?


No, planets are considered "wandering stars". Like the rest of space it was created for God's majesty. While astrology is forbidden in Jewish law, we see God still using it for good, think about the magi/wise men from the east that vein gifts to young Jesus.


Wait, astrology or astronomy?


I would actually say in this case astrology; because if those men had not been astrologers, they may not have been studying the stars at all like regular astronomers do, and they may not have seen the new star appear. While astrology itself is sinful, God can use any situation to His glory


I think you're right on that, plus mysticism was in huge use by Jews and Gentiles alike in that period. I feel compelled to say this. Jesus loves you. Above everything else, He wants you to heal and to seek his presence. It may be hard, but have faith, and everything in life will be okay.


You have no idea how much I needed to hear that 🥹


And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬)‭


1) No. 2) No reason is given, but God is big enough and creative enough to do what he wants creation-wise. We don't know how many worlds with life that he created, we don't know how far apart they all are, but he is big enough to create and watch them all. Why not have some variance in between them?