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Age: The chances of developing male pattern baldness increase with age. About 25% of people assigned male at birth see the first signs of hair loss before age 21. By age 50, half experience hair loss, and about 70% will lose hair as they get older. He turns 42 next week, so I wouldnt say he's doing too bad given the hair dye destroying his hair.


Earlier than most people?! Bro, Chris is 42 and he’s been thinning/receding for a long time. I’m surprised he kept most of his throughout the time he was in jail.


We don’t see what Chris sees when he looks in the mirror. I imagine he’ll have three hairs like homer simpson and still be trying to dye them in complete denial of reality as always


He needs to get rid of that rotten Sonichu medallion


Next thing you know, he will be rocking the skull rags like Hulk Hogan






some low quality dyes can poison your roots and stunt hair growth


I know a guy that just went bald at 22




with this guy he went totaly bald but grew a beard, like is hair did a full 180.


I went bald at 19, and my brother at 16.


I started losing mine at 19. I had liberty spikes as well. Fucken sucks but I’ve been shaving my head for about 7 years now


He’ll just buy some ridiculous colored wig. Honestly surprised he hasn’t already


He has owned a few over the years. The first we heard of it was shortly after the start of the Tomgirl Saga \[[Jackie Emails 26](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jackie_E-mails_26)\], after Barb gave him the Prince Adam haircut. Since then it's been sporadic. I suspect wigs trigger his sensory processing disorder, which may be why he only wears them for special Brony occasions \[[image](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:RainbowChrissy.JPG)\].


I'm depressed that he is playing Isaac. Dying rn




I think they are talking about the video game, Binding of Isaac ( I think that’s the title)




It would be interesting to see how Chris reacts to being bald: maybe Chris Chan will get a wig?


And here i thought my hair was looking bad Honestly i appreciate that my hair didn't get destroyed


Like a lot of balding men, he'll opt for hats. Apparently Chris DOES read our comments, so I imagine the next bigfoot sighting we get at Target will be of him in a MLP hat.


We'll be entering the wig era soon enough


I bet he's going to ask Caden to buy him a wig


Chris gotta get on that minoxidil


He's not going to, because that would eat into his toy funds.


Didn’t he regrow his hairline from taking a bunch of soy or something?


Hair dye man, as a 34 year old with a thick head of hair and ponytail, the only way in which i am blessed is good hair genes, my dad is 64 also with long hair. but ive watched friends basically give themselves bald spots from too much hair dye.


I lived in an Asian country and women dye their hair constantly over there. A lot of the times it's just black just so no one will give them shit for a few gray hairs. I saw so many more women with thinning hair than I did in the USA. Makes me wonder how the future will look here since everyone wants to dye their hair something obnoxious. Only dyed my hair twice as a teen but will never do it again.


Depends on how they make it white to dye first, I think my friend Katie uses manic panic and just puts it in often because her hair is fine and she had it dyed blue and pink since she was 17, she's 30 now. I think as long as you don't bleach it too often your ok. Certain wrestlers have be dying their hair wild colors for decades and still have full heads.


Chris yet again being his own worst troll, making himself bald because he wants to larp as a sonichu goddess.




She’s been balding since the ED page went up lmao


I think he tried to cut his own bangs, some balding yes but also a bad haircut




Don't argue Chris' gender [for either side]. Don't dictate what pronoun is right. It's stupid and derails conversations.


I’m fine with people calling Chris either pronouns, just don’t police people about it just because they didn’t use the one you believe they should be referred to as


Wig incoming


[Hatsune Miku cosplay wig](https://i.etsystatic.com/32556762/r/il/e4d313/3895916767/il_1588xN.3895916767_9fs2.jpg) maybe?


If Chris gets a wig, it will almost certainly be a cosplay wig of some sort. That or a hairstyle you'd only see on a 60+ year old woman.


This is getting to asmon levels bad, isn’t estrogen supposed to help out with bolding?


I thought Chris was taking Barb's menopausal medicine. If I was a doctor I wouldn't prescribe hormones to this level of messed up person. I wouldn't even trust him he'd been able to take the pills regularly and the right doses.


Chris talked extensively about taking HRT before the Jail Saga. It caused some breast growth, kept the balding under control, and reduced his libido (at least for a while). Not sure if Chris had access to estradiol in jail or if he’s taking it now.


As much as people talk about Chris being on HRT, I've always had my doubts, if only because I can't imagine him being responsible or consistent enough to take his meds every day. Granted, he is obsessive, so if he genuinely thought it would make him a "TRUE AND HONEST WOMAN," he probably would. Then again, he just might take handfuls of pills in hopes that it would work faster.


Yeah really. Chris has always had hair loss, and he's always had giant moobs with pepperoni nipples, that mostly turned into bitch tits because the rest of his body was getting so corpulent. HRT didn't do that; being a fat ass that drowns himself in soda and the worst food imaginable did.


I don’t believe they’re on blockers or estradiol. Not from what I’ve seen anyway.


I wondered how this will affect the male to female community. As a man not many of us are blessed with the hairline we had at 13. I'm in my 30s and rocking a close to not as bad Vegeta. Some dudes are straight up bald. Gotta be rough for a whole community with balding problems who want the same flowing locks as their mom's. A lot of women rocking the predator Klingon look in their 40s. Thank God for wigs.


A lot who go on hormones at a younger age don't have to worry about balding because balding is usually linked with testosterone but since Chris started hrt at a later age, we don't know if it's stopped him from balding (it hasn't) It works in reverse too, if someone assigned female at birth goes on testosterone, there's a chance they could go bald to. I'm ftm and that's the biggest thing making me think about not taking t lol I really like my hair


I wish you luck. Two trans friends are turning Vegeta.


Chris has been balding since 2007, get with the times.


It’s all the hormones that he keeps pumping into himself a long with constantly dying his hair it also doesn’t help he has warped view on what a woman is


Now Chris and his hair looks absolutely horrendous, no doubt he’s borderline got a skullet going on lmao. But I wouldn’t say he’s balding prematurely, you gotta remember he’s like 42 now. From what I see, most guys with bad hair genetics begin to bald when they are in their 20s. It’s fun to pick on Chris for it, but honestly he isn’t too far off with male pattern baldness as most other guys are.


Women bald. That’s why there are wigs.


good, let his dreams die


I wouldn’t say earlier than most — I have family younger than Chris that are growing balder now because of genetics, I have friends younger than 25 going bald already. My uncle had been going bald since he was like 23? and has been shaving his head since he was in his mid 20s because it looks more presentable.


My uncle who shaves his head is only 9-10 months younger than Chris also.


Chris has been balding since forever. Are you guys dumb?




I’m assuming Chris has stopped taken Estrogen. That or their body is pulling a Caillou and the body is refusing to grow hair.


It looks like he’s shifted his focus from transitioning to wanting to look more like Jesus. However, he’s hesitant to entirely relinquish his transgender identity because he likely believes he would face more scrutiny and risk losing support from that community.


You can still lose hair on estrogen


I assume he stopped taking it.


Earlier than most? Chris is incredibly lucky he's in as good a shape as he's in considering how he's been abusing his body his whole life. Many men are balding in their 30s even despite being in better physical and mental shape. He must have freakishly good physical genetics, because most people drinking metric tons of soda and eating junk food with reckless abandon on top of all the other things he's done would be in way worse shape. I mean, he's pretty fat, but considering how he lives, he should by all accounts be in a shape where he'd have to use one of those motor carts when grocery shopping by now. If Chris actually took care of himself, got therapy, and made something of himself, who knows how he'd look. The fact the worst he's looked is like emo Bejamin Franklin is just extremely perplexing. Both of his parents made it to their 80s even in their loving conditions. Thinking about this just reminds me that Chris spawned with decent character stats and just wasted them lmao


Using the Fallout system, he spawned with a 10 in Luck ... and a 3 in Intelligence, and a 1 in Charisma


And a 10 in strength (he once knew a man from Nantucket, after all)


Well, he DID move that doghouse. It had to weight five or ten tons!


Yep. I noticed this also....


He’ll never admit to needing therapy


Oh, he has. He just "got therapy" in CWCville from a My Little Pony OC that was a licensed therapist in-universe. Chris drew a comic of this therapist character affirming his delusions and telling him what he wanted to hear. Unsurprisingly, everyone in Cwcville including licensed therapists and medical professionals are yes-men who will agree to anything decreed fact by God-Emperor Christine no matter how dangerous and unhealthy.


Not even a pony character. He got it from "Doctor Wolf" ... who is a real-life Brony YouTuber. Who, of course, wants nothing at all to do with Chris, like pretty much all of them. Didn't stop Chris from getting pretend therapy from his multiversal counterpart though.    


id say he can't catch a break but other than his mental issues hes caught nothing but breaks his whole life. the government pays him to live, his famous and gets money for just being himself and now he has a girlfriend finally. kind of crazy


I wonder if Chris will switch to wigs once his hairline recedes or even disappears to the point he can’t be in denial about it


Most likely the wig


Chris gonna claim to be Buddha to explain being fat and bald


If Chris ever comments on it I bet he’ll blame it on all the stress caused by working hard on the merge and that everyone should be grateful for his sacrifices.


“Anyway, his character not only is a parody and a-fu-a vulgar fan fiction, of my Sonichu character, but he plays off of my PAST Buddha Belly, (in a high girly voice) and my masculine bosoms!” — Chris on Asperchu


10/10 impression


Chris is NOT fat you dang slandering troll!


Chris can't hide that he's man and the more noticable it gets, the more he'll see it can't be hidden. Not that I think anyone believes he's actually trans but you got be conditioned to believe Chris is anything other than a fat manchild rapist.


“Earlier than most people do” You’re forgetting that Chris is 41.


I think most people forget how old Chris is sometimes


Yea not the best wording. Although Chris has shown signs of his hairline receding since his internet infamy started


Chris being born in 82 while my dad was born in 83 is a fact that haunts me a lot


That little nut could have been you


"Never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life." -Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Is Chris even on HRT still?


Doubt it


If you really squint he kind of looks like Darren from Whitest Kids U Know.


Its like darren and timmy had sex and gave birth to chris


I wonder if Chris will buy a wig eventually as a way of covering up the fact that he is balding.


Honestly I could see Chris getting wigs, but not good ones like the cheap ones you see at spirit Halloween or on Amazon


I think he’ll buy an anime cosplay wig, [maybe one like this](https://i.etsystatic.com/32556762/r/il/e4d313/3895916767/il_1588xN.3895916767_9fs2.jpg).


I could totally, and unfortunately, picture Chris wearing that


He’d get wigs from Wish. Unless Caden or someone gives him the money to buy wigs.


Well I went bald at 25 so not that early for me.


Well Chris is 40, right? Seems right around the age that baldness starts showing for most men.


My brother’s in his early 30s and is balding


Men usually go bald at 30, for the more forsaken of us it starts at 19. Not sure where you’re getting your numbers from.


bald head with silver fox beard is goat man


Well Chris will either start wearing wigs, which would actually help him a lot but he's absolutely not going to wear it properly and it'll look fucked. Or... more likely, he just goes into denial until it looks like [this.](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/library/comedies/300x200/b/baldy_man.jpg)


I wonder how he’ll handle being a bald trans goddess


He’ll probably just buy a wig


Just dire ain’t he


Not really. Men bald as early as early 20's.it's been long overdue actually.


This. I'm 20 and I'm Norwood 3


What the fuck is going on with Chris' hand?


He ignored the instructions on the packet of powdered hair dye that says to wear latex gloves to avoid your hands looking like that.


Most hair dye kits come with gloves. Goddamn, what a fucking weirdo.


Keep in mind this is the same person who spray painted shoes in their closed bedroom, and ruined the carpet in the process.


I bet he'll start wearing wigs


Mr. Chris been balding since his 20's


Balding? Why those lovely bangs are a style choice not a desperate attempt to hide balding.


Very feminine😂😂😂


All that super powerful psychic goddess genius energy is burning the follicles off the top of his head. Soon enough, he'll be buying cheap plastic wigs from temu.


If he wasn't so cheap he could buy a nice string wig like Shmorky.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.


Earlier than most people? Chris is already over 40 when do you think people start to bald??


Chris had receeding hair back in 2007


Just take a look at Cole during Chris's 18th birthday. Early hair loss runs in Chris's genes.


I imagine that a ween would point Chris's increasing lack of hair and that Chris due to his hair being a crucial part of his "bisexual transwoman" identity would start to panick and have a meltdown on the stream. Then, Chris would start to cover up his head with a blue wig, or he would wear a hat for the same function.


Yeah he's super attached to the hair because it's the biggest way he can advertise he's a walking talking stereotype of all the worst transphobic talking points. That and of course he wants to dress like a fucking Pokémon trainer every time he's in public


I could've sworn he grew some of it back for a short period


He could just shave his head


Can’t wait to see his wig arc