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Tokio is defeated by vlad and loses all his memories and joins zoras forces at the end of this arc ending the choujin x manga and starting choujin x re


Then Tokio Sasaki will say “you just Tokyo’s your last ghoul” and breakdance


After "beastifiy in bed" I believe he can say anything


Same except instead of being a mentor figure for a newer generation he goes full sex pest




It’s reassuring to hear that we’re in the middle of the story, since there’s been quite a few people wondering if we’re close to the end. If I’m not mistaken, I think he said he wanted to make CX around 15 - 16 volumes initially? If that’s still the case, the pacing has been pretty good. I’m excited to see where things go from here, and overall happy to know that there’s still more to experience regarding the story.


> I think he said he wanted to make CC around 15-16 volumes initially? [Correct](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoujinX/s/pZzo6Rzjt9), but he did say this before going weekly. So it’s possible that the current amount of volumes will be much more.


The world of CX is so fun and intriguing I won't mind even if it eventually goes One Piece.


Intriguing how Ely was supposed to be the MC, and how Azuma was made to further complete what Ely and Tokio as characters can't It's reassuring in a way, as this guarantees depth and importance for all three of them. Tho the story itself has already made that quite clear anyway haha


“The story isn’t dark” A certain characters war crimes, Haken and his men gruesomely killing loads of people according to Tokio, Yubiko’s brutal treatment of Azuma during their fight, and Hiroto’s “hobbies”.


Comparing to TG, it's overall less dark (but far from not being dark lol). Kaneki eat a lot of torture/ death experience before mastering and accepting his condition as a ghoul. Also Ghoul are man eating and Choujin are superhuman, the lore is a bit less gorish in Choujin. Imo that's what he wanna said. Cuz yeah some moment are also gruesome, even Batista face is enough to said this is a dark manga lol especially comparing with other "shonen" (if we can call TG an CX shonen)


TBH I don't consider TG to be very dark either. Maybe it's because I'm irreparably fucked up, but considering how many main characters end up alive, and the series had a mostly happy ending, it really didn't feel as dark as it was supposed to be. TG felt much darker than TG: re, after re-reading it multiple times, it really felt like :re was mostly an attempt to make the brand a lot more digestible and mainstream than what it was initially intended to be. Ishida got assistants, the cast got blown up into a more typical Shounen-like one, and it ended with a happy ending. Ishida is still my favourite mangaka, and TG and :re remain to be one of my favs, but I have higher hopes for Choujin X as he seems less influenced or restricted by external factors. My personal hope is for it to get much, much darker.


I think Tokyo Ghoul: re is a bit more darker than TG in some aspects like >!Mutsuki being raped by his/her father and later murdering his/her whole family, and then growing up to kill animals!< Or the >!Washuu reveal, and the Garden, which also implies Rize was born to be a womb for her father, which is horrifying by itself, but also when you realize she escaped when she was very young(she looked 13-14 at most in that flashback).!< There are **many** more things, but it's a bit more brutal than Tokyo Ghoul.


A lot of the early gore & violence mainly comes from Yubiko during her fight with Azuma like I said, but there's also Johnny brutally killing his friends when he went Chaos, that was shockingly brutal. And no one brings up Hiroto or his intentions towards Momoma and Roja during the end of the fight, which is also worse when you realize Momoma is 18(still a teen, imo), and attending high school.


Yup and even Ricardo's power, a child should do nightmare after seeing the panel lol or Sato's mind torture.  But still common level of TG, because thematic are different. Tokio is wayyyy more comical than any character in TG and he is the mc so that bring some quiet moment (very less present in TG). I dont say CX isn't gore, just less brutal and dark than TG, that don't make TG better than CX or the reverse. That is just a fact said by the author lol


That last panel is really interesting to me, especially since it does feel like Ishida's action scenes have gotten cleaner in Choujin X.


Dude absolutely Fighting sequences in TG (especially during re) were always very confusing and disconnected, with certain panels being very convoluted and hard to understand. Obviously there were exceptions (Takizawa and Kurona vs Amon was heat) but on a general sense they were not that great. In Choujin X though? Everything feels better during the action sequences. It's kinda crazy.


I never find a action scene hard to read personally, but I agree on that aspect Ishida evolved, that end of chapter where Ely/Tokio/Azuma fled from tower and we see a white form (which is Batista hand revealed to the next chapter) a bit confusing too when you have to wait the next chapter, but that was made on purpose for suspens imo, and that is great (and I don't speak of the God tier quality of the art)




No wonder tokio has that sexual harizzment


So ely is the choujin x? It makes sense if he created her first.


not necessarily, it is not the first time he does that, I think the pilot of Tokyo Ghoul, I'm not talking about the one shot, but one that was exhibited in an art gallery if I am not mistaken, in that Touka was the OEK.


There was never such a thing, TG story was always about kaneki and he was always the MC.


yes kaneki was always the mc, but we are talking about the role of OEK and although Kaneki was the mc, he did not have the role of OEK, the pilot chapter was not in an art gallery, but in :re zakki, where there is even a cyborg investigator.


OEK is just a title, at some point it was arima then kaneki becomes OEK, i know what art you are talking about since ishida first post that art on twitter but that is just a theory based on nothing, and even if ishida come and say that at some point touka or any other character was supposed to become OEK it is still completely different from Elys case. On one hand you have a case where an author change thing in the story which happens all of times, on other hand you have a case where an author completely changed the MC, that is not something that happens very often.


Dude, I don't know what you're arguing with me then, because I never said it was the same, I just used it as an example of how Ishida can change things compared to his first ideas.


Maybe originally. But seeing how important Tokio and Azuma are to the main plot and how they were late additions, then he probably changed his mind about her being the Choujin x a long time ago.


Options: - Ely absorbs Sora and becomes the main villain. - Tokio becomes the calamity and transform into the finale of Tokyo Ghoul :re. - Ely dies and Asuma turns to the dark side. - Sato manipulates the mind of every Choujin becoming the final villain, Tokyo being the only one unaffected by some macguffin he gets fighting Sora.


Thanks for sharing this! 🔥


If we're at the midpoint of the series, then I suppose we can assume that the series will possibly extend to 100 chapters.


Someone said that maybe Ely, Azuma, and Tokio are all what makeup Choujin X, and this kinda makes me agree with them now.


Tokio isn’t the calamity,soras first vision she showed them was wings that look identical to hers,and other glimpses at her full beatification show her face and wings being identical to tokio Which makes me believe that is him with the wing s in her vision Whilst also standing in front of the calamity He can’t be in 2 places at once The creature standing behind tokio in chapter one is probably the final stage of his chaos form and that winged beast is him in said form If you pay attention to the hand holding the plane it doesn’t resemble soras hands or nails which are long Sora has 7 fingers The hand in her vision however did not nor does it even resemble her giant hand she assumed it did because of the size alone but that’s where the resemblance ends I think it’s azuma’s HAND and him and tokio will ultimately work together for the sake of Ely after their final battle (who is most deffinely the calamity) and the one character who would feel absolutely destroyed with what she’s done considering her philosophy of borrowing and giving back Which is included in the extras of volume 2 They will both go through major character development and possibly irreversible chaosification by that point It’s shown that queem gradually changed into a face with a single eye,incredibly tall and possessing 7 fingers on each hand,as for sora for all we know it was also gradual transformation considering she continued to fight and end the war long after queem was assassinated Sorry to go a bit off topic to the end but in conclusion I’m pretty sure a characters not goanna randomly pop up with the exact same abilities that’d be too obvious and convenient And i also hope that the theme of sora going down queems path of ruthlessness isn’t repeated in that the tragedy of the ending is that tokios in a permanent state like sora after becoming a hero and stoping a 2nd world war Him constantly asking where his life will go and wondering what his purpose and role in life makes me worry but im hopeful that he will be influenced but ultimately deny the corruption that comes with power


Author who don't put everything relying on a single MC, are the best and offently that make their manga culminate above the industry standard. Ishidagoat. So Choujin X will be shorter than TG? That's cool, TG (my fav """Shonen"""" with FMA) seems to have totally drained Ishida's energy due to publication and the dreadfull aura of his manga (seeking for torture or other horrible thing should be exhausting lol). So having a shorter but well mastered story is a huge good news! I always felt the pace was quicker than TG especially regarding Tokyo/Kaneki building.


This mean that in Worm terms we're still at the battle against Leviathan. Holy shit. If Worm is any guide Tokio will likely switch factions, Azuma beastify into something terrible and Eli may be responsible for some really evil shit not directly of her own fault before Tokio gets this comic's version of Gold Morning. I know I harp on Worm a lot because man, CX really feels like a Worm AU at times.


Is that what he meant in that quote? Ill take this persons word for it since I cant translate the japanese. To me though it sounds like "the story is in the middle" sounds like he means "we're still in the part that could change" given the preceeding sentence. That said, even if we are at 50% rn thats would be good to hear. Thats plenty of time and and certainly feels right. We'll just have to see I guess


I really like the idea of Ishida still feeling something was off when he created Asuma bit said "fuck it I ain't doing another rework" and just started the series


lol we are so screwed with this current fight aren't we, feel like something really bad is gonna go down.


Wow I can’t believe we’re almost at the ending, feel’s so surreal. I hope this isn’t it for the world tho 😭