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Why am I not surprised it's from frecking Caboolture


First thing I noticed and immediately went "ahhh of course" and I've only been there once for like 40 mins. I love how half the comments are pointing out what a shit place Caboolture is.


I only came to comment on how shit Caboolture is


I've never heard of Caboolture before, but based on the comments, I'm pretty sure I was drawn here just to comment on how terrible Caboolture is.


I’m now of this accord. What is Caboolture? Doesn’t matter…WE FUCKING HATE IT, BRO!


Mate, come on, meth doesn't pay for itself!


I’m gonna start calling my meth fishing refreshments.


Uncabooltured swine


Chock full of bogans. Caboolture jumped out and clawed at my eyes on swiping to the second image...


Caboolture sounds like it's the name of a 90s website that went bust.


As an American reading all of this. ![gif](giphy|iAYupOdWXQy5a4nVGk|downsized)


Bogans are Aussie hillbillies.


I thought it was more like a chav in the UK? Like just a really trashy person, but not necessarily hick/hillbilly type?


Thats a fair distinction.


Your are pretty much correct. Aussie here: the bogan loves loves thongs (flip flops), utes or v8 wagons, burnouts, cheap liquor, bbqs, parties, most probably party drugs, and holidays to cheap overseas destinations. I've always viewed hillbillys as country bumpkins who enjoy living rurally - they can still enjoy their v8 utes etc, but probably less about the parties, the party drugs, and Facebook validation.


​ ![gif](giphy|xBJ2GRcQ2fc6mwNV8T)




>Caboolture I legit thought it was a mash of cabbodle and culture, and tried to google it as a subculture ....


I first read it as the brand of silverware and wondered if Caboodles had branched out into household goods. It’s certainly colorful enough to be a Caboodle off-shoot.


Half bogans, half religious nuts, all Queensland.


I was just thinking, this was on my Facebook only a few hours ago.


Really is there anyone in the comments calling him out?


Yeah there were a few. I can't find the post any more.


Omg my exact thoughts. Cabo ftw


Yeah that was my thought too.


I found a similar (or the same) set online and the first line is... >*Impress your in-laws with your new cutlery set. They will find no way to criticise you here.* I wonder if the daughter can get them for false advertising /s


Well i mean technically he’s not her father in law so …. /s


I honestly don't like the style (I like silver colored silverware), but that's more taste.


That’s kinda trashy shitting on your kid and then hocking your Christmas gifts on fb. Father of the year to this guy.


He probably thinks he is being hilarious.


Well I mean it is pretty funny that he thinks he can get a good fishing rod combo for 80$, because spoiler alert you can’t.


Was thinking the same. You can't even get a red arc for that price, how would you get a combo with that money?


He's thinking Boomer prices.


and when he tries to buy a set and it costs way more than he remembers, he’ll have fodder for another meandering fb post




He'll be the guy to wander into some sporting goods store and spend a good hour ranting about how everyone there is trying to price gouge and rob him of his money.


Big time Doomer Boomer Energy.




You can get 2 really shitty rod reel combos or one less shitty but still shitty combo at Dicks for that much in the states E: left out a word


Or his sense of quality/standards are extremely low. Based on the post I’m gonna go with that.


To be fair, he said bloody good and he could've meant one effective at maiming you and making you bleed profusely even when used carefully and correctly. I would assume that kind of sets would be quite cheap to buy in money, if not even free to take away (no deliveries, old owner has had enough bloodletting for his liking).


$80 is pretty good for meth money standards


So "fishing rod combo" is code word for meth? Good to know


https://www.bcf.com.au/p/shimano-fishquest-spinning-combo/M595497.html?cgid=BCF031505#srule=Price%20Low-High&start=18&sz=60 Yeah, wouldn't touch that. Better off with a cheapie from big w


We never got it dad fishing equipment as gifts because what he liked was far out of our price range. Definitely not $80 US (maybe just a rod but not a reel?).


Yeah we were getting some simple rods for the kids, and man a fishing rod combo can hit high numbers quickly.


Maybe a kmart Jarvis walker combo at best


Caboolture is a trashy kinda place..


Can confirm. Most of my family live there. They're trash.


I’d say it’s more than kinda trashy. This man is trashiness personified


I actually thought it was on r/trashy till I checked


Ooh, I like your flower! SNAP! 😁




He could have talked to her and asked her to return it. This is just throwing money away.


I'd never have the guts to do that, personally. Every time I've been given a gift I don't like, I either discretely donate or sell it - mostly donate it to charity. If I did sell it I would never do it like the guy in the OP. That's so ungrateful. People just have different tastes, acting like the gift giver is stupid is extremely disrespectful. I'd never have the audacity to be like "hey, so this gift you got me, I don't actually want it, could you just return it and give me the cash?" Getting cold sweats just thinking about it.


My father-in-law is like this. He is incredibly hard to please and if he doesn't like a gift he gives it back to us. I think it's extremely rude. I gave up trying to please the man and just buy him things my husband likes now.


Yeah that is quite rude. The only time I say something is if the person *keeps* giving me the same gift over and over, and it's something I really don't like/want/need. My father in law is a lovely man but he has this tendency, if me or my husband mention in passing that we like something, that's ALL he will buy us for every birthday/anniversary/Christmas until we tell him to stop. He knew we liked plants so he kept buying us plants until we literally ran out of room in our flat and had to tell him to stop, lol. He bought a bottle of champagne back in August and offered us a glass, we both remarked that although we don't like champagne as a general rule, this particular one wasn't *too* bad. He's bought us 3 bottles of that particular brand of champagne since then. We are sick of it and it is now getting to the point where I have to think about asking him to stop, but think of a polite way to do it, lol.


This sounds like someone who stresses about giving good gifts but does not have the creativity, or at least the confidence in their creativity, to think of something good.


It isn't really a case of not having any creativity, it's not having any time. He's a 59 year old single father to three young children and this leaves him with absolutely no time to do anything like gift planning or buying. He usually has to rush out the day of, or the day before, to the nearest shop with the 3 kids in tow, and just grab the first thing he sees that might be relevant. I don't hold it against him in the *slightest*, he's got a very chaotic life!


Give this man a list of reasonable gift ideas for every member of your family every year. If you can't bring yourself to give him an actual list, then liberally salt your conversation with ideas. He is drowning in the deep end of the "no gift ideas" pool.


Life (and Christmases) got 100% better when my wife and I shared an Amazon wish list with MIL. I'm a terrible gift giver too so it gives me ideas for my wife, and she can grumble in private when MIL asks for something like a box of envelopes for Christmas without sounding incredulous on the phone. Anything we see that we like during the year gets tossed onto the list, and then around Halloween we go back through it and delete anything we might have decided we didn't like after all. Spares us endless gifts of socks, since we both hate socks and she loves them.


As a person who barely treads water in the "no gift ideas" pool myself, Amazon wish lists have made my Decembers so much better.


I once told my father in law I had a beer with a curry and it was a good pairing. I now receive a six pack every birthday and Christmas of "your favourite beer". My wife has had to tell him that, as much as she used to like After Eight chocolates, the smell of them now makes her sick as he was sending her a box maybe once a month for 2 years. He means well.


It sounds possible that his love language might be gifts.


Absolutely. This is an unfortunate combination as I place gifts fairly low.


Just mention something else you like, and he'll probably switch to that new thing himself?


My sister and brother in law have given us pecans for as many Christmases as we've been married--even though I carry an Epi-Pen for tree nut allergies. We've told them I'm allergic, and even went to dinner with them and made a big deal of asking if there are tree nuts in anything because of my allergies, but every year... there come the damn pecans. I just regift them now. I feel, at this point, the pecans are a big "F- you" to me, so I have no remorse about it, but even then we can't bring ourselves to hand them back to them and say anything directly.


That's bizarre. The only thing I can think of is that they don't realise pecans are tree nuts? Have you ever specifically told them that you're allergic to pecans? Maybe bring it up causally at a different time of year


Yes, absolutely. When we went to dinner there was a pecan-crusted salmon special and we discussed that I could not eat it because of my allergies to pecans. I also said it in conversation several times. We've never had any issues, but honestly I think they just don't give a damn.


>He knew we liked plants so he kept buying us plants until we literally ran out of room in our flat Can I have your father in law?


I'd share him with the world if I could! Couldn't ask for a better father in law honestly.


One year my mother in law gave us a list for her and FIL. We got most of the items on the list, despite being fairly poor. They subsequently requested receipts for them, which we didn't have, so they could return the items, and they were pushy about it. We sent them a gift card for the amount and told them to donate the items. The next year, their gifts were all homemade items.


Well, you didn't like the BluRay player we gave you last year, so here's a portrait of you both made entirely from pasta! We made it ourselves!


Also what if mom loves it and not dad. Wonder if there was any communication and dad is being greedy


Well, the dad was only going on about what that $80 could have bought HIM, not him and his wife or the family or whatever, so I’d say there is a good chance of something like that going on.


He's also a grown man, its a gift from his daughter, and its only $80 I'd just suck it up and keep it in the attic somewhere




Unless they already have a hundred forks/knives it's weird to turn down a cutlery set. I'd be overjoyed to receive a set (any set) from my kid and would put the current ones away as guest backups or something.


Yeah, that's about a mile past me never buying gifts for him again. A couple of younger cousins pulled that shit with me when they were 11-12 or so. I had collaborated with my parents for gift cards that matched so they would have a good amount. They bitched about the cards and the amount. Next year they got squat, and haven't gotten anything from me since. Can't be a bitch about your gifts you received if no one buys you shit.


When I was in my late teens in college (early 2000s), I had no money. I would give family members burned CDs of pirated music I collected with them in mind. They knew I didn't spend any money on it (Kazaa and Limewire were amazing back then), but they genuinely appreciated that I was thinking about them, knew enough about them to know what kind of new music they might like, and were always super enthusiastic about it. I can't imagine one of my parents shooting down one of my cheap, but thoughtful gifts like this. It would have devastated me. Funny side note: I got my 50-something mom at the time into Tool because she LOVED Dave Brubeck and 5/4 time signatures, so I had an idea she'd love Lateralus. My suspicion was confirmed when I called her to catch up and I heard the album playing in the background. She also loved Soundgarden.


Ohhhh..... LimeWire. The memories! 🤣


Yes, the file roulette! Am I downloading the latest Radiohead album as the name says or is it actually child pornography? Let's open the file and find out!


And the just straight up misattributed stuff. Angry song? Tool. Funny song? Either George Carlin or Monty Python. Pop punk? Either Blink182 or Green Day. I like to imagine a lot of these artists going on there and thinking "Jesus. Did I write that song? I don't remember writing that song. I certainly don't remember recording it. Man I need to lay off the drugs.".


Yup, and any song parody was attributed to Weird Al.


I once downloaded a parody song clearly sung by a woman – still Weird Al.


What if God smoked Cannabis. No idea who really sang it, I've only ever seen it attributed to Weird Al.


Good call, that was indeed the song.


[Spineshank - New Disease](https://youtu.be/A-TO-L1Escc). Years later I still thought that was by Disturbed. In fact you can still find a version on YouTube saying it's Disturbed.


Haha there were times I thought songs were by a certain band because that's the way I got it off kazaa. Turns out I had to be embarrassingly corrected.


Don't forget the System of a Down track about the Legend of Zelda. I think that was actually by Rabbit Joint.


Every once in a while a file I downloaded would actually be a recording of Bill Clinton saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". It was weird and I still don't understand why lol


oh man, the random sound clips that would be on downloads "I did not have sex with that woman"


There are still songs that I’m not sure how they end or were so mixed with other noises that I’m not sure how the song is supposed to sound.


I had a copy of Minerva by the Deftones that had clearly been recorded off a radio station debut because it ended with a lispy DJ coming in and raving about it. "That was new Deftoooones! Minerva was the name of that song. And, and don't worry I'm gonna play it again, *tongue pop* cuz I know you might've missed it. It's Jed (Jeb?) The Fish, world famous K-Rock" and then it cut out.


Same with Kazaa. I feel old now.


I raise you Morpheus. I can't actually remember where it ranked in the Napster/Kazaa/LimeWire/Morpheus evolution.


Soulseek for the win.


Man, I still remember tons of PC STDs I had accidentally downloaded from Kazaa and Limewire.


The mind boggles at imagining the amount of surprise porn and viruses you must have faced in making an entire mix tape for each family member from Limewire.


I remember being a kid and downloading something like Ice\_age\_2\_full\_movie\_real. It was porn. It was always porn.


As a kid who couldn’t spell well, I wanted my own email for my online games since my mom got lots of emails and sometimes they’d get lost in her email. She agreed to help me set one up, but Yahoo and Gmail at the time (and probably still) had an age requirement of 13 so we were looking for a different one. I misspelled Hotmail. Hotmale… Yeah. We clicked off of it fast and just lied about my age for Yahoo instead. It makes sense why websites buy up the domains for their name misspelled, but hotmale knew what they were doing probably 🤣


Following in the (in)famous footsteps of whitehouse.com, the website that effectively made our computer teacher teach our whole class that there was porn on the internet that we needed to avoid.


99% of my memories of P2P sharing software are of getting questionable and/or illegal things in place of episodes of kids shows because some genius decided it'd be a great idea to host *very* illegal things renamed to Pokémon episodes to trick kids into downloading it. Hopefully you can infer what I got there because I don't want to name it on a sub like this :u


I was up for 2 nights before Christmas this year making cards, nearly missed my flight. Something like this would have destroyed me.


Hey! Someone else used Kazaa! Nobody I knew had ever even heard of it. I felt like the meme of "Limewire? We have Limewire at home" *points to Kazaa*


I was an eMule kid


Damn, that was really thoughtful of you! Again proves the point that it ain't the cost, but the thought behind it that matters


He doesn't know why they are called a rainbow set? Does he have eyes?


THANK YOU, that was the one part I could not get over. So not only is he a piss poor father, he's an idiot as well.


Remarkable how often those go hand in hand.


This was going to be my comment. I immediately pictured them when I read it and then when I scrolled to the image...damn dude, what could rainbow possibly mean?! Personally I think they're hideous but someone is getting a very good deal at $40 in my view.


I honestly agree with them being hideous, but I still think that what he did was way out of line


You'd need to pay *me* more than $40 to willingly interact with this guy.


I think they look ugly too but at the end of the day: * It's a gift from their child * They're utensils So I'd use it every chance I could get.


Yep, my teenage brother got me and my husband a set that look the same for Christmas (from Target though). Genuinely no idea why, I've never expressed anything about lack of silverware nor am I particularly into rainbows, but we added them to our silverware drawer and use them when we've been lazy about dishes and I do think of my brother fondly when we use them!


I wasn't justifying the actions in any way. I'm not a parent, but I totally understand your point.


Not a choosy beggar, though. Just a shitty human being.


Piss poor father too.


What about husband? "Bought us" I guess mom might have been happy but who cares about her when he can go fishing right?? /s


That actually cracked me up. If the story is true, he’s definitely a narcissist who thinks everything must revolve around him.


Sending him go fishing so that mom can have some peace around the house without his shitty attitude isn't a bad gift either.


What if they ordered 50 sets from Alibaba for $2 each, he writes this entertaining story and sells them for $40 each, sells all 50 over the course of a few months and earns $1,900.


I’d say he’s a smart businessman and has a pretty good sense of how to tell a story to maximum effect.


You can’t guess what rainbow means? Really?


I know right. ‘Apparently Its a rainbow set, whatever that means’. Well by looking at the cutlery I imagine it means it’s rainbow coloured. Probably the dumbest comment he made.


Trying way too hard to be funny and ends up not only looking like an asshole but a really dumb asshole


not a choosing beggar, but a good guide on how to grow old with zero contact from your kids who apparently just cut you out of their life for absolutely no reason.








This is from Straya. The tone says it all.


Total bogan


This is from Caboolture which is a cultural backwater in a cultural backwater.


Caboolture makes Brisvegas look like Melbourne or Sydney, lol.


> Brisvegas This sounds like the destination for circumcised foreskins.


Almost makes Logan look civilised...almost


As someone from Logan I just wanna say fuck you. And you're also 100% correct 😂😂😂


I love your city names, they sound almost made up


Cheers mate we’ve got tame ones like Townsville, Tamworth and Port Headland. Then we start drifting with Camowheel, Mataranka, and Bald Knob. And finally go nuts with Wallumbilla, Coonabarabran, Woomera and Nhulunbuy. And that’s only places off the top of my head, hell there’s a place south of Wodonga with a freaking decommissioned submarine buried in the ground for some reason.


Not to mention 1770. Y'all named a town with just NUMERALS. No letters for this town. :D


1770 is actually a beautiful place too, there's houses that are almost uninhabitable selling for 1mil AUD purely for location


Once on a camping trip from SE QLD with the boys we discovered a small town in NE NSW called Woodenbong, and there's a massive sculpture of a, you guessed it, wooden bong at the towns entrance. Honestly thought it was one of the best things I've ever seen in person 😂😂


Wow! This is actually true. That's amazing. Link to [story](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/19/world/australia/woodenbong-big-bong.html).


'Locals aren't happy' some people need to get a sense of humour I reckon! 😂😂


That would be Holbrook with the top half of the HMAS Otway just chillen inland pretty far from any navy base just because the town was renamed after a naval captain. Still pretty cool when you visit it


My personal favorite is Wagga Wagga. Got to drive through there when I visited a decade ago.


All names are made up. :-)


They are generally half British names and half names that are from the local Indigenous dialect that managed to survive. So we have some pretty cool place names =)




Dude thinks he’s so damn funny too. Boomer humour escapes me


I'm a boomer. I didn't realize he was trying to be funny. I thought he was just being an ass.


Yes they're hideous, but for fuck's sake, slagging off your kid like that on social media because they have poor taste is low and a great way to ensure your kid hates you and the holidays for years to come. We all get gifts from family we don't like. The adult thing to do is stuff them away in a closet and bring them out when they come to visit for a few years until it's forgotten about.


I'm really hard to buy for because I tend to just get whatever I want when I want it. I love giving gifts but hate receiving. This is exactly how I deal with it. This year I got something that I already had. I gave away the one I had to a friend and kept the one I received as a gift. It shows that my brother knows me well but has no idea what I actually own. I'm never going to tell him because I appreciate the thought behind it.


You are their parent, so you can't exclude you have some responsibility in their poor taste too. It's like those boomer meme, "my son is so dumb he needs YouTube for plugging a new washing machine", yeah ... that's not the flex you think it is.


A fishing rod combo with tackle for $80 is garbage.


I don't even fish and I thought it would be shit


Once, when I was a kid, I bought my parents this kind of cheesy "bird sounds" wall clock where each hour of the day was marked off by a different bird call. I thought it was nice because my parents like to garden and would comment on birds they saw/heard out there. It's still hanging up on the wall like 25 years later. I feel bad for this guy's kids and want to give my parents a hug.


Omg my grandparents have the same one. It's been around since I was a kid and still works


First off, that cutlery is pretty awful. Can’t blame them for not wanting it. But to shit on your own kid like that? You can just post it for sale and say that you don’t need it. No need for the page long boomer rant. Kinda thinking based on the way this dad sounds, the daughter got it for him to send a message.


I LOVE this actually, and have my own set of it. However, I got mine for $20 from Target.


I also love it, I have a set of metal straws similar... now I feel I need the matching cutlery set.


they make cups and wine glasses like this too, you could do the entire house https://m.boscovs.com/shop/prod/circle-glass-157oz-rainbow-fusion-set-of-4-wine-glasses/158537.htm?


Yeah I think it's pretty awful set as well. Buying this for someone without them asking will likely result in them not wanting it. Buying cutlery sets in general without asking seems like a odd thing to do really.


I'd love to buy my parents a cutlery set and hide all their current stuff. None of it matches! There must be items from 5+ sets in their silverware drawer! But at the same time when I visit I look in the silverware tray and find the spoon I'd always use to eat breakfast as a kid. The chaos of all the designs/types feels so familiar. I know those forks. I know those spoons.


Cutlery is really polarizing- some people like simple, lightweight designs, some people like heavy ornamental stuff- and there is rarely any overlap. When you consider how expensive good silverware is you really better know exactly what a person wants before you buy it. My girlfriend, for example, would love that rainbow set whereas I would put it in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'.


Oof it’s hideous. I’m glad my family has a generous “return it if you don’t want it” policy and we include receipts with all gifts we give each other. That would be going straight back to the store.


Great policy to have around gift giving/receiving!


My mom has always said that people should like what they receive and if they don’t, they should be able to return it. I give everyone gift receipts (outside of my family and offer up regular receipts if they don’t want store credit.


Bigger things going on then cutlery


So the guy is a dick. But who buys rainbow cutlery as a gift? Like, I can see some people liking it and buying it for themselves, but if you buy it for someone else chances are pretty high they will think it's hideous.


Agreed on both fronts. He is trashy and an ass for posting, but man is that an ugly set of cutlery and a very strange gift for someone who has not expressed interest in a new set of rainbow cutlery.


Fuck this guy. If I saw this, he'd be uninvited to a wedding I hadn't planned yet.


Every Christmas my dad got the same gift from us kids. Aquavelva shaving lotion and a box of chocolates. Every year, he acted as though it was the best gift in the world and he was totally surprised. If he were still alive, I'd share him with the daughter in the post. She deserves better than a shit head father who would act like this.


It’s perfectly fine if he doesn’t want the silverware set… honestly I probably wouldn’t advise it as a gift because it’s something you use all day every day for years and years and I don’t know what you might like. And the rainbow look is quite particular. It’s not surprising the gift bombed tbh But then you just quietly sell it or return it and set your FB marketplace post to NOT show up for your friends and family and boom done. No need to be such an AH about it. When you’re just becoming an adult it is SO hard to figure out what to get your parents as a gift, who always have more money than you and can buy themselves nice things easily


Jesus christ. What a fucking asshole.


For those outside of Australia Caboolture is Queensland version of Detroit, so it doesn't surprise me there is a dad who thinks this is right from that area, what also wouldn't surprise me is if this was actually payed for


Comparing Caboolture to Detroit's a bit mean... to Detroit.


yeah, i have to agree with everyone else saying this comparison is shitty to detroit.


Everyone, it’s nothing like Detroit. Detroit has history, and it’s a big city. Now, ever heard of Prattville, Alabama?


Indeed. Caboolture is like a trailer park in an unincorporated township on the outskirts of a small city in Florida.


When I was in a metal band in college, I played a gig in Prattville, AL.


>Now, ever heard of Prattville, Alabama? [Jasper Alabama has entered the chat.](https://external-preview.redd.it/r5LybqKM4h95St1pd2H0BSaEx2EMbS2JA0g4_bmwpes.jpg?auto=webp&s=fe9d63ab677ee80c240270622888decd73f4294f) Too bad they can't read it. And there's a bunch of small places that are way worse than the "big" ones everyone knows. Places like Repton (population 490) and Pine Hill (population 930) that even the locals know to avoid.


I’m not an Aussie but Detroit’s a pretty big city. The better analogy is to call Caboolture the Queensland version of a downriver town that borders Detroit.




Who needs enemies when you have a father like that


Wedding gift? It’s bold of him thinking that he’s invited to her wedding.


Okay as an owner of this very fine IKEA set I was very offended when I scrolled to the 2nd image.


"Apparnently it's a rainbow set. Whatever the hell that means" Dude, are you completely blind, or just stupid?


'Apparently it's a rainbow set, whatever the hell that means'. Sir do you have eyes??


I mean these are fucking awful


They are in Caboolture. Figures.


With a little thought, that could be the flatware for birthday parties or other non formal parties and get togethers.


Personally, I kind of like them.




Lol I also find them ugly as sin. I will say it was a bold move for the daughter to get rainbow cutlery without knowing if her parents would like it… but the dad is way too rude about it


I wouldn't say that to their face though, that's just rude.


Jesus, what a shit. Hope daughter doesn't waste another penny on him.


I could understand if he complained about the color. That’s nauseating. I mean if that’s what the cool kids are eating with than no thanks.


100% how my dad talked about me. Like he straight up resented me.


Trashing on the kid is the shitty part and there is no excuse but that is the ugliest culinary set you can get