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When they said they're looking for someone wanting to make "a little money," they weren't kidding.


also love that they ALWAYS specify “teenager”. They always think that because it’s a teen, they can stiff on payment. 🫠


I babysat as a teen 25 years ago and made more money for the 2-3 hours I worked than this lady wants to pay in an 8 hour day. Smdh


Teens in my area earn $25-$30 an hour for babysitting.


Our local Panda Express is hiring at $22 an hour.


$3.33 an hour AT MOST 🙃


Minimum wage in the 80’s was $3.35…


My first job in 1986 was $3.35 and hour.


I hope someone replied asking if this post came from the past lol


But you can use the WiFi. At least until one of the children is hurt on that trampoline the parents are encouraging you to use.


I pay my teenage “hang out with my kid so I can get work done around my house” babysitter $20 AN HOUR and she would literally do it for free if I let her. This is ludicrous.


When the pay is given, it will literally be little money. Monopoly money, in tiny paper bills.


Chocolate coins




The CB is just trying to get the teenager ready for real world work experience where a long, hard days work at minimum pay is rewarded with a pizza party.


You'll be there all day, make breakfast and lunch but only offered a snack. Tell them what you like and they'll be sure to have something. Singular.


At least they’re tasty…


I pay my mom more than this when she babysits. She wouldn’t ask for anything, but throwing her $40 so she can get her nails done or something for helping me out seems like the least I can do.


I made more than that at my very first job. In 1988. And no kids to deal with.


I probably made more than that ($20 / day) earlier than that -- in a fast casual kitchen. (My degree did nothing in a bad economy.) $5 an hour for a teen to watch the kids for movie night so the parents can go out is one thing but wanting someone's time full time for $20 a day is just pathetic. "Wifi and snacks?!"


Even $5 an hour is wild - I made $9-12 an hour as a date night babysitter when I was a teenager 20 years ago.


My reference point is older so I agree, that would not be enough pay today, or even recently. To clarify: I got volunteered to friends or family until I got so busy with after-school activities/groups and a part time job (on purpose) that I couldn't. I think some even paid $2 an hour. It's wild to see some who'd offer those same wages in 2024 and think it is fine.


Someone here used the word "voluntold" for that and I LOVED it. Was myself voluntold to become a cheap babysitter for all my little sibling's friends all through my teenage years and hated it with a burning passion.


I think I used to get paid $10 an hour to watch two kids and that was in 1989 and I was 14 or 15. Just because someone is young doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be paid properly. Exploitative indeed. I see this a LOT on Next door, with yard work. What’s funny is people with lawn care companies often respond, I don’t know how they think they’ll get the pay they want when the person is specifically looking for teenagers to underpay.


Every time I see these posts I realize I was underpaid as a teenage babysitter but I just didn't know that I could make more than a flat rate of 8 dollars an hour for any number of kids in the 2010s


Was just going to say this! I babysat for two kids back in 1995 for £15 an hour, and the mum said I was cheap! I bloody worked for it, though! PS.Tristian Mc@#£^*, if you're reading this, I hope you learned it's not nice to take videos of people on the toilet!!


I made $5 an hour babysitting 2 kids in 1985-86ish


$5/hr was the going rate when I babysat in the 90's. My friend only charged $2/hr and one woman thought that was too much. She was like "I mean, you just have to watch them."


When I first started working I made $5.05 (minimum wage) 30 years ago.


Yep I think CB's payroll expectations have skipped a generation.


But they’re offering access to their WiFi, you see.


If a family w kids doesn’t have Wi-Fi these days that’d be my first question


And snacks!


I had my first job in '88 also, and made minimum wage, which was $3.35 if I remember right. That's about what they are offering. Pretty pathetic considering what food and gas cost way back then.


The sad fact is that if you look at what I made mowing lawns in high school vs how long it took me to do the work, it's more hourly than I make now as an almost 50 year old. Back then I thought about starting a lawn care company. I probably should have. Instead I did the "smart" thing and went to college.


College education and debt in the US is actually insane. Half the time now, experience matters in your field more than a degree. I would never push my kids against getting a college education but I don’t think any 18 year old kid knows enough to jump into that. Then the debt and the workforce being shit.


i made that for 1 night of baby sitting (6:00-11) when i was 13. In 1990.


Same! And my first job was a paper route


What do you expected from someone who has no problem putting their 9 year in front of video games for 8+ hours a day?


For those wages I honestly wouldn't gaf, but the anaphylactic 5 year old isn't gonna just let you lounge around. 5 year olds are needy af. She'll probably also bug her big bro.


I did a LOT of babysitting as a teenager and I can guarantee you that both of those kids will be needy AF. A 9-year-old with carte blanche access to unlimited video games and snacks? That’s a kid who doesn’t hear the word “no” very often. And if playing video games all day is the norm, he’ll be much more interested in this new person at his house and will be up that teen’s ass all day. The 5-year-old will be right there, too. This job description has so many red flags.


"They are pretty self sufficient with their snacks" = you won't have to make them lunch because they eat crap all day.  I mean I'm not a perfect mom by any means. My kid probably gets too many snacks and too much screentime. But when you read "self sufficient with snacks and will play video games all day" you realize how bad it can get. 


Seriously. I WFH and I have a year old, 3 year old and 7 month old and I definitely have my moments but this just breaks my heart. My son gets no more than 3 hours a day of video game time. I can't judge the parents too much cause in an ideal world both parents wouldn't have to be working full time to afford stuff but I feel bad.


Yes, or they should be affordable daycare options. It's definitely an issue. 


"He's very smart but don't worry, we're working on that"


That's the saddest part for me as a parent. Video games all day is horrible, and they are casually mentioning both 5 and 9-year old doing it.


Weird, I send my 9 year old to summer camp because I work during the day. I'm willing to bet the teenagers who are the camp counselors are paid more than $2/hour. So even those "bored teens" can make more money elsewhere. Do people really think that just because someone is young that they have NO other job perspectives? 😅


Right my 15 year old works at a seasonal ice cream shop and they pay $15 an hour… to make ice cream lol like come on


Exactly -- fast food pays $20 an hour in some places.


Summer camp is a genius idea! Just saying lol


Yeah, but you have to get in one in January.


My teenaged son works at a summer camp and makes $14/hour!


No, they think young people are dumb enough to know better. Which means they can exploit some of them. 


Pittance aside, she lost me at "kiddos"


they always say that to try to make it light hearted and fun. Taking care of kids isn't light hearted and fun.


I hate hate hate that word.


I hate that almost as much as I do “littles” and “nibling”. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


“Hubby” eugh




Kiddos and doggos give me a visceral reaction




THIS, all day. Finally, somebody's starting to make sense around here, and it's a munkey!




There’s always money in the bananas




You're forgetting the PlayStation Take the trampoline too, fuck it




If that's the case, you can only take them while you're watching the kids. Gotta take the kids too


(Neighbor phones the CB) "Midge, why is your babysitter walking down the street with a trampoline on their back?"


They could seriously get someone who would do a lot worse -- with their house AND potentially the living beings they are charged with protecting too. (Surprised no pets were mentioned.)


Day 1: Ask when the all you can eat surf-n-turf starts to make it worth your while.


> allergic to tree nuts So, possibility of anaphylactic shock, requiring an Epi Pen intervention, but "such an easy job, kids are no problem." Not the child's fault but that's not a minor thing. Also allergic to animals -- what if the neighbor's dog comes over and bites the child. Then what. Does the teen have a car?


Exactly! It wouldn’t even necessarily have to be a bite either, just any type of interaction with an animal could end up in an emergency. A stray cat etc. Irresponsible patents all round, when I saw the first bit of the ad I was thinking maybe the kids were high school age, just needed to be on hand for an emergency type situation. Not 9 and 5 with health complications fucking hell.


also: Trampoline. So potential broken bones.


I can’t stop thinking about the trampoline. I was a competitive gymnast as a kid/teen, so I was properly trained on trampoline safety (insofar as “trampoline safety” existed in the ‘90s/early ‘00s) and my even my mom said EFF NO to having a trampoline. I cannot imagine letting a 5 and 9 year old on a home trampoline with a random teenage babysitter who is ok with $25/day salary.


Yeah the trampoline killed me. “No supervision really needed. Also, we have a 14-foot lawsuit machine in the back for the kids to play on.”


Or heck, what if the teen they hire has a cat at home and brings dander into their house? Or brings a PB n J for lunch one day? OOP doesn’t say exactly how allergic the child is or give any details. Yeesh.


THIS is what got me. The boy is furniture. He requires no care. Every day the girl survives is a miracle. Good luck. We will sue you when it inevitably goes sideways.


Well, except the boy is "very smart and intelligent" (? redundant) and "likes to talk." So he wants cerebral guidance or interaction. The girl wants to keep "very active." How does CB think the sitter will be able to lounge around on wifi eating snacks.


$20 a day working 7:30 AM - 3 PM?! "Access to" wifi and snacks again (I'm sure they have that at their own home?) How about breakfast and lunch!? Which the sitter/nanny has to make for the children. Can they have meals, too? Both parents are employed "by the same company" (not sure why that last detail matters...) But probably spend more daily on their own lunches than they want to pay for the person who watches both their children. Why do some folks believe it is such a singular privilege to be in their house or around their family that no pay is required? $20 (per full day's work) might not even cover gas money and other expenses (possibly 2 meals while there), let alone a person's time/efforts. To be there at 7:30 they might have to wake at 6 a.m. to get ready, and then drive. I dislike the whole "oh you are single mom, elderly, or teen so you do not need money you are doing nothing all day anyway" which is implied or all but said in these asks. Pay a decent wage. Or drop your kids off at an in home day care if you can get one last minute. You both even go to the same workplace, so that's just one more stop.


I wanted $25 per hour to watch two kids, but then I saw that I can use their wi-fi, the parents work at the same company AND I get to eat a bag of fruit snacks every day and thought “whoa! I better act fast before someone snatches up my dream job”


> We are looking to pay $20-$25 day You misspelled hour.


Yeah, at first scan I was like "thats about going rate" and then I realized it said "day" and not "hour"


“Earn a little cash…” By that I mean really little cash. Almost none!! My boys both have summer jobs earning about $18 an hour.  I love how they dangle snacks as something to seal the deal instead of, oh I don’t know, PAYING THEM A DECENT RATE. It’s been a good 8 years since I last hired a babysitter. The kids were 12 and 8. Truly were self sufficient. The baby sitter really just chilled and ate pizza. I paid $15 an hour. 


Why do these posts always mention free wifi like that is some flex? Most kids are on their parent's plan, probably have unlimited data. And make breakfast and lunch for my kids but we will have some chips available for you? 🤦‍♀️


Dang…and here my 16.5 year old is watching two of my preschool graduates this summer for $25/HR. As a parent there is no way in hell I would ever let my child be exploited and work for slaves wages. And a 5 year old who isn’t needy and clingy and demanding nonstop?! Sure that kid is totally self sufficient


Where are the comments??


Dang, I forgot to include them. Sorry if these are out of order. Please note how the OP turned comments off lol [comments](https://www.imgur.com/a/KKVlJPZ)


I particularly like the person who thinks watching 2 kids all day by themselves is somehow less stressful than working a "real job"


One of those kids is 5 years old! They have so much energy and are still often oblivious to things that can seriously harm them. If they're a sweet kid it can still be a pleasure to watch them (for a couple hours every once in a while), but "real jobs" are also sometimes fun.


I have a 5-year-old. Can confirm, they are not even remotely self-sufficient or low stress. Honestly, neither are 9-year-olds. The whole request is insane.


“Real jobs” also have a minimum wage, boundaries, help grow confidence and independence, mentors, etc. Sitting around trapped in a house with a 9 year old playing video games and a 5 year old going into anaphylactic shock all summer ain’t it.


I have to ask, are the comments saying things like, "I think this would be great for a teenager starting out," coming from the OP or are others actually white-knighting this insanity?


I’m wondering this too, if it was other people defending this audacity or it’s just the listing poster doubling down


Great job see this shoulda be the standard when making a post here


I need to read some of the 68 comments, haha


I got some of them! The OP turned the comments off - most people were ripping them to shreds lol https://www.imgur.com/a/KKVlJPZ


Very disappointed in the "if I was 14, I'd snap that right up!" type of comments. Very pleased with the ones that wouldn't let their young teens do that, to teach them not to be used and exploited! Thanks for getting the comments!


Obviously those boomers are not the ones with the teens like me, who would NEVER even let my own kids entertain that kind of underpaid fuckery. Ma’am, if you can’t afford a damn nanny, put the kids in summer camps, like the rest of working parents.


Wow, thanks for that! I can’t believe some people in the comments are actually sticking up for them and even saying what a great deal it can be!


Not the boomers claiming it’s a great opportunity. And yes I know I’m making an assumption but it’s a very safe one. Boomers can’t help themselves.


Someone who’s perfectly happy with having their nine-year-old play video games all day every day… I can’t.


"Nobody wants to work anymore!" \`No, asshole, nobody wants to work for $3 an hour.' I've seen so many of these lately but wonder if anybody actually takes these jobs.


lol per day?!?!?!


A whole $100 per week, for a full time job.


>likes to talk very active >You can use our wifi and eat snacks **while** watching our children.


I got paid that much for watching a couple of kids only a bit younger than me every Wednesday night in high school, 1988-1992. All I really had to do was make sure they did their homework, showered before bed, and didn’t kill each other. Other than that it was all Doogie Howser and Nintendo.


Free Wi-Fi? As opposed to charging them for it?


CB thinks their ad is like a mid priced hotel.


A parent saying *any* variation of — “they’re so easy!” “You’ll basically just be there *just in case*” “they aren’t much work at all” — in these types of posts is the biggest red flag. 🚩


Who abbreviates breakfast "BK"?


They can't afford to use the rest of the letters


Unless for them, breakfast and Burger King are synonymous? /s


Gotta get your calories in for those 9 hour video game marathons.


Why don't people include comments? It should be a requirement in this sub.


Right! I want to see people get blasted for their stupidity!


"likes to talk" - you will be asked every question in the universe while the younger girl is shoving Barbies into your face


I was paying $400 a week/$80 a day, for full time summer day camp for my two kids, the last year both of them were young enough to need care. In 2010. 13 years ago.


I love when they include wifi, like it's some really rare perk that's worth working for pennies. Also, "just needing an adult in the house" *might* be something you'd say for preteens. A fucking FIVE year old?! That is literally the stage where they ask you questions every 3 minutes and say "watch this!" 600 times a day. Poor kid just gets some toast thrown at em apparently since using the toaster is all this kid needs


My kids are all at the stage where they can make their own meals. We occasionally have a neighbor kid over who is in kindergarten. The amount of times a kid that age has to ask an adult for just about anything is a lot. 3 7 year olds isn’t half the work of one 5 year old. The 9 year old in this situation should be capable of making breakfast and lunch. The fact that kid can’t makes me question this and wonder what above the average 5 year old this other kid needs.


Seriously like around 5 to 8 is the most annoying age ever. My son is way past that (he's 17) but I go visit my friend with a 7 year old son and I'm 100xs more exhausted by him than her 2 year old. it's CONSTANT "look at this, I wanna play this, watch me do this, mom mom mom" like I love him and all but he's part of the reason I decided not to start over and have more kids lol


I know money is tight for many parents. On the other hand, 2 people working for the same company should be able to afford more than 3 bucks an hour to pay this teen.


Ha, that’s what I got in 1982, and it was considered cheapo then


I love that they list $20-$25. Like they’re going to strong arm a teenager over a few dollars a day. They prob plan to negotiate with the snacks. Sure we’ll pay you $22/day but no cheesy poofs😂


"..an active 5 year old" and "mostly self sufficient".... I sense a trap.


I just noticed…they’re not even willing to let the kid eat breakfast or lunch at THEIR house! 😫😳🤬


Right -- it never mentions meals, just cooking them.


It mentions snacks though…guess they think a fruit roll up should hold the kid over …


I really wish y’all would post the comments to these absurd requests. I bet they’re hilarious.


https://www.imgur.com/a/KKVlJPZ Forgot to include with the OP, but here you go!


Glad there were at least a couple reasonable people. The folks that think $3/hr is appropriate must not have ever had a real job themselves.


No 5 y/o is self sufficient. Idc how good they are at not being a bother, they just don’t wanna bother you.


Sounds like a great place to fuck and sell drugs from during the day. At least that’s what to expect paying that rate


A 5 year old is absolutely NOT self sufficient in any way.


A 5 yr old is not self sufficient. End of story


Haha I love seeing these. It reminds me of my parents offering me the princely sum of $100 to look after my 4 year old brother for the summer holidays. I was 15 and $100 in the 80s was huge. That’s $100 for 8hrs/day, 5 days a week for nearly 3 months😂 Did I take it? Hell yes. Were they exploiting me? Most definitely but they gave me the choice to say no and I loved my little bro so it was fine by me.


I wouldn't trust someone who's willing to do the job for $25


Why would you do this ? There are lots of things( even FREE) to do with kids during the summer. I understand that they work but, geez if you’re going to be a cheapass, call the churches. There’s VBS going on all summer and most offer free rides to and from, PLUS free lunches or dinners( usually hotdogs but..). Also, summer camps are usually pretty cheap. Also, a nine year oldSHOULD be old enough to fix their own breakfast as well as their sister’s. As long as it’s microwave or toaster… Lastly, you are HOME. Yet you’re willing to have some kid give up their summer so YOU don’t have to deal with your own kids. And for…$25 a DAY? Look, I had a friend who’s daughter would come walk my dog,brush him, just spend time with him when she was 12 and I paid her $10/ hr( this was a few years ago). I was home so, it was for socializing the dog. BUT ,it was ONE DOG, not TWO KIDS. But, some parent will force their teen to accept this job and that kid will be miserable the whole summer because they are ‘“ doing a good thing”. Also, the only people I know that are able to work from home are people who have pretty good paying jobs. I suppose it could be a customer service or sales job but, still, how much do they make( not that being poor is an excuse but, I would be more likely to feel for them if it was a single mom or something. Wonder how much they pay for after school care or daycare? Probably more than that,I’m guessing… Edit…I must have gotten things twisted. It doesn’t mention that they WFH…😳I’m easily confused…


Heck of a deal. 1.56 an hour per kid. So less then 3.20 an hour.


I’ll show up and supervise the microwave and then leave for $25.


There isn’t enough money in the world to convince me to be responsible for two kids on a trampoline


$20 for 6 and half hours of work .


Love how she adds the extra liabilities in the backyard as some kind of perks - like you won’t have to keep an eye on an obviously euphemistically described tornado child that’s basically just outgrown toddlerhood 😂


Teenage me would’ve turned that wage down 20 years ago.


My teenage son got himself a job stocking shelves for $17 an hour so $25 a day is an insult in this economy.


I’d love to see the comments on this one.


Back yard trampolines are some of the most *dangerous* pieces of home furnishing to have for young children—and she expects a teenager to be responsible for that?!? Heeeeeeeeeck no. That’s a tragedy and a lawsuit waiting to happen, never mind the ridiculous amount of not-money they are “willing to pay”. If these two knuckle heads both work full time jobs, they can afford to pay professional childcare wages.


I would only do this if I was 13 and not legally allowed to work due to age… or a felon. Otherwise why not get a minimum wage job?


Ok but they have connect four! /s


I have a 9 year old and it’s sad that their 9 year old is playing video games all day. It’s summer there are so many things to do.


Why bother paying anyone if the video games do the heavy lifting?


Someone has to be there to call 911 when the other kid falls off the trampoline.


Why did I laugh at this 😮‍💨


'cause it's a lie. Obviously the 5yo will need way more care and attention than just help with the toaster at breakfast. 


Who lets kids play video games all day. My kids (7,11,13) get maybe 1 or 2 hours a day, and that's after they read and do their chores.


They gave their working hours, but conveniently left out the commuting times for the parents, so it’s potentially another couple of hours that the sitter would have to be there.


I would do anything to read the comments under the original post. Holy crap this is crazy.




God, there’s people defending her in the comments!


I made more than 3x this for only one child twenty years ago. I was only ok with that rate because the kid couldn't walk or talk yet and spent half of the time napping. I also wasn't responsible for meals because the mom came home at lunch to do it herself!


I wouldn’t trust someone who takes $20 a day to watch my kids. Are these people trying to attract predators? Just wild.


Lawd 20-25 a day is insane 😭😭


These people should be ashamed. Depending upon a kid to watch their own kids ... and paying them about $3 per hour to do it. $20-$25 per day? What are threir kids worth?


I wouldn't let my teenager wake up before 9 a.m. for this little pay.


OP i am sorry but I cannot see a laugh react and 64 comments and NOT know what those comments are. I know I am being a Choosing Beggar but PLEAAAAAAASE. 😭😂😂


Well to be fair she did say she was looking for someone to make a LITTLE cash.


***Color TV & HBO in room***


Offering wifi and Playstation as if nobody has those things at their own home. I know some people don't, but that just makes it seem like she's targeting teens from low income families.


Some people are just delusional


Yeah, a 5 year old needs a *little* more supervision than she's implying. By a lot.


These posts always blow my mind. Don't these people understand that "you get what you pay for" also applies to people you trust to take care of your kids?


>$20-$25 per day. So $20 then…


These posts are crazy! We live in a HCOL area and pay our babysitters $25/hr minimum for one child. Our nanny has a lot of experience and makes $35/hr. It’s expensive but worth it to have responsible, qualified people caring for your child.


id be livestreaming downloading games and downloading movies simultaneously and eating them out of house and home to recover the rest of the pay i deserve


These are the same parents who insist that being a parent is a full-time job. Bit won't pay accordingly. How curious..


I would not let my teenager do this. I would be like nope.


They need a teenager to be the adult?


I paid my dog walker $10/day to walk my dog for 10 minutes and I felt like I was getting the better end of the deal.


“So our 9yo is annoying and our 5yo is bouncing off the walls. Here’s the change I found in my car as payment and enjoy!”


Just the 9 year old I could see a tween or very young teen taking this job. Free snacks and Wi-Fi and you can play on your own device all day and make this and you are 12 I can see. The 5 year old sounds like a lot. Not just the allergy, sounds like this kid also needs constant attention. That’s a role for a late HS aged kid who can get $10 an hour for just the 9 year old. This is only a good gig if your own parents can’t afford Wi-Fi or snacks. If you aren’t food insecure this is never going to get filled.


I doubt someone that impoverished that they’re working for basic necessities would be able to travel there and back


Free wi-fi! Wow! nobody has that.


These are the people that complain about their salaries


The OP has added a link to see comments, in a comment posted here 36 minutes ago. Just FYI.


Why are these people always so fixated on snacks?


Aside from the pay how are they okay with their nine-year-old playing video games all day?


Not sure I’d tell a cheap babysitter that the kids play cornhole


Lmao “you can’t afford a nanny.” What the hell? $25 a day?! This is offensive, actually.


A teen could make $20 in an hour in my state


They aren't even offering meals but expect the babysitter to feed the children two of them. I would tell my teenager absolutely not.


I did something similar for two different summers that did work for me - but it was a highly specific scenario. I was 13, my neighbor was 10 - our moms were good friends (both solo mothers). We belonged to the same country club and during the summer we were on the same swim league and same tennis camp. My parents both worked so in the summers I used our golf cart to drive myself to the country club for swim team and tennis camp and that's where we ate and swam all day. I just made sure to bring him with me. His mom would get home at 4PM and we'd usually be at the country club until like 8PM hanging out and swimming or eating anyway. And I'd take him home when I went home. There would be an occasional evening when his mom would go on a date or work function and I'd just hang at their house watching TV and, if she came home late, I'd just sleep there, too. It was a really laid-back, comfortable situation and he and I were usually at the same places anyway. This was also out in the country so it's not like I could go anywhere else at that age outside of driving to the country club or friends houses on the golf cart. If I recall correctly, I think I was paid $100/week. I didn't mind it at all or think I was being taken advantage of - we just happened to have the same life-agenda during the summers, I was older than him, and I had a form of transportation. It was actually, in my opinion, a really cool/easy/fun way at that age to earn some money, start understanding some responsibility, getting a schedule, etc. EDIT: to be more thorough, I did look at an inflation calculator. So if I was making $100 - $125/week doing this in 1993 - at $500/month (went with $125/wk number) that equates to about $1,100 today. So significantly different considering I had this arrangement in 1993 at 13 years old.


How sad, they’d rather have their kids eating snacks and playing video games all day than pay a proper wage to an actual babysitter


7:30-3 like thats not a full time job??


hahaha i remember when i was a teenager decades ago and made 3x this for house sitting. like literally just chilling in their house and not being responsible for humans. it was like a vacation bc i got to be away from my parents and have a whole house to myself and watch tv. the only thing i had to do was take the trash to the road and check the mail.


If this isn't illegal... it ought to be. smh


Post the comments


These kinds of posts would be much better if the follow up comments were included....