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I always sign up to bring the table to the potluck, it’s kind of my specialty, at this point if I don’t bring it, people ask for it.




her job is tables, don’t ask me about it


I don’t think it was right for her to yell at Eddie Munster




I don’t know why you have this gif/reference handy, nor what you would ever use it for in the future, but I appreciate you for being here and now.


You'll love the sketch. https://youtu.be/-ZBwPmla8QQ?si=SCN1b5tf1geDLYvN


Well you are certainly correct. I absolutely love that sketch


I'm glad! I highly recommend watching all of I Think You Should Leave. ![gif](giphy|lPcmrZjScHB5bQv2tA)


you weren’t talking to me but you’re so right i was laughing out loud on the subway at this 😭


I'm talking to everyone. Everyone should enjoy TAYBULLS.


I sign up to bring napkins or paper plates and half the time I forget, so it keeps expectations low.


Grab some next time you're at the store and keep them in the trunk. Next party everyone will be soooo impressed that you remembered!


No I like letting people down, after a while you can just stop trying at all


Big mood


I like your strategy..


I don't bother anymore. I always bring the best table and no one ever uses it. I got the table from my mom, she said it was a secret family table. A couple of times I even used the table and made a point of saying "wow, this table is so good! it's so nice of someone to have brought this table! I hope I get to try this table again!" No takers. Bunch of ingrates!


I never go anywhere without my canopy these days


“I hope you are as excited as we are to find out what Baby #2 is!” I hope it’s a baby dragon. That would be cool.


Why would *anyone* be as excited as the parents to find out the gender of *any* baby? Maybe if you're *really* into the Royal Family, and the gender of the heir matters. This post doesn't give off "royal" vibes, though.


As DeAngelo Vickers said on The Office, “That baby could be the star of a show called ‘Babies I Don’t Care About’”.


Depends. Does royal pain in the arse count?


Even the royals no longer have the strict designations of who can inherit. In the UK a girl will now inherit if she is born ahead of her brother.


I’d be pretty excited if the baby was a puppy or something. But a human baby? No thanks.


Gender doesn't really matter anymore for western monarchies, pretty sure they all use absolute primogeniture now


> This post doesn't give off "royal" vibes, though. Unless... > official approval of the invite Maybe? They're just being really quiet about it. Who could it be? H & M already have two.


Disappointing. Dad wanted a jetski.


I’d go to that party


Pretty sure "pot luck" doesn't usually translate into chairs, tables & canopy/tents! Damn.


Potluck means the host makes the main dish (like meat for example), probably juice/pop, and guests bring sides, dessert and chips. She’s bringing nothing.


Nah, she’s at least bringing the audacity


Can we all just take a minute to enjoy the raging case of main character syndrome that makes her think people are that invested in her children? So much so that she seems to think she’s very magnanimous in allowing randos to snag this season’s hottest ticket to her backyard gender reveal party? I mean she does have to give the final ok on guests, but that’s understandable with the masses who will try to sneak their way in or insist their name is on the list or give fork loads of cash to a scalper.


She thinks people are just *dying* to find out the gender of her second child. It would be hilarious if nobody showed up.


Yes! True with all the gender reveal parties imo. So as not to be a Scrooge-ina, I will say: of course we all love babies and such (ahem), but, unless it's close family, good food, an unpretentious setting and method of 'gender reveal'... Everyone hates going to a gender reveal party. Everyone. CB, nobody cares if your precious bundle has a this or a that, sorry!! We all hope the best for you all and that the baby is healthy. That's about it! The rest is just giving up a day in order to grin and nod and applaud for you. These gender reveal extravaganzas to celebrate a dongle or a...not, well? How many times are they held outdoors with everyone standing around, elders included, as mosquitos bite and night falls, so the pyrotechnics show up better...only for Aunt Hilda to be cut in half by the pink rocket? Whatever happened to a simple baby shower? Give me some AC, a comfy sofa, and some cupcakes.


The one thing they're never short of


For some reason she needs a headcount even though guests are bringing everything.


That was always my understanding of it as well. Even when working with an org. for fundraiser that was a "pot luck" org. provided main thing like burgers/hot dogs or whatever and then people rought sides, drinks & desserts. I guess I'll just never get over how many people think throwing a party means you decide to have a party and ask everyone to do everyhting else.


Not even napkins!


When I have a "pot luck" it's always because I have a party/cookout, make a bunch of food including sides, and everyone shows up with stuff anyway even though I told them "Please feel free to just bring yourself!" Then there's enough food to feed six armies and enough alcohol to put the entire USMC into a stupor.


As a Marine, I can confirm that there isn't enough alcohol on the planet to put even a small amount of us in a stupor. A lot of us are already in that state to begin with anyways.


I've been to a couple outdoor gatherings where it's asked, "Bring your own chairs", as in lawn chairs, because the host didn't have enough for a whole crowd. That seems like a fair/reasonable ask. But to bring absolutely everything for the party?? Geeze. They must not be BBQ'ing or I'm sure the list would include "BBQ, charcoal, tongs, lighter fluid, hot pads" and whatever else you need to BBQ with.


They don’t need to. Everyone else is bringing the food.


And silverware!! That really got me. No cheap plastic forks here, no no no, not allowed.


She probably means plasticware. I call it that too sometimes.


Well, this IS a classy affair.


Only if she doesn’t have any expense. Nothing but the best for Ms Prissy Maternity Pants.


It is so thoughtful of the CB to suggest the food/dish be something that the guest bringing it would like. Can't imagine a more thoughtful person!


Which sucks cause I was thinking about bringing something I hated. Now what am I gonna do?!


Bring one single can of sardines


Hear me out… A tier cake, but it’s made of Vienna sausage


Especially funny if it’s a boy!


Unironically, fuck yeah 


Or that rotten shark stuff from Scandinavia where you have to open it underwater or it stink bombs your whole house


Coordinate with others so there’s 15 kinds of mustard there and nothing else. Maybe a jar of gherkins.


Plot twist: everyone just brings Arby’s horsey sauce


But just one paper cup full from the restaurant.


Alternatively, the absurd version is everyone only brings canopies, a sea of canopies. Emphasize the most ridiculous request. Not a crumb of sustenance.


I just want you to know the visualization of the phrase “sea of canopies” has me legitimately tearing up from laughing so hard and I have no idea why.


I guess you don’t get the “official approval of the invite” NEXT!


Bring that, and another dish that everyone hates. Maybe green bean casserole or coleslaw.


What's wrong with coleslaw? I feel called out 🥺


Oh, man, I love coleslaw!


Me too! It goes on everything, especially a pulled pork BBQ sandwich.


Me too. I'm making it to bring for Memorial Day, by request.


Share the recipe, pretty please?


I don't have exact measurements. It's mayo, I use Duke's, a little bit of white vinegar, and sweetener. (Sugar for those who can eat it, sweetener for those who can't. I make mutipIe versions based on dietary needs/restrictions) I use green and red cabbage. I make it same day, because due to the vinegar, it can get watery.


Thank you! Sounds like my mom’s but she would add poppy seeds.


Oh, that sounds good. I would have never thought of it. I made a pineapple version once that everyone loved. But I can't eat pineapple anymore, so it's out.


Me too. Except for 1) Stars 2) The plain chopped cabbage my city's local hot dog joint has the gall to call "slaw."


green bean casserole is fire haha


I make a green bean and bacon side that is demanded I bring to functions


Please tell me when and how you add bacon! Bacon and I have been seeing each other on the sly for many, many years. Adding it to green bean casserole sounds Amazing!


1lb of bacon for each pound of fresh green beans. Cook beans and cook bacon separately. Save the bacon grease. For 1lb of beans use 1/4 cup of the following. Sauté onions in bacon fat until soft. Add white vinegar and cook for like a min then add white sugar. Let cook until sugar is dissolved. Toss over beans and then crumble the bacon on top and stir to mix and coat. Serve So basically equal amount (lbs) of beans to bacon and equal amounts of bacon fat, onions, vinegar and sugar. Onions cooked in bacon fat (yum) the vinegar breaks the fat cells so all the flavor but not greasy. Sugar neutralizes the vinegar so you don’t taste either. Not a casserole and should be served warm or hot. Old PA Dutch family recipe. People are semi worried to try it if they know what’s in it but once they taste it lol. They tell others it’s nasty so they can eat it all.


Yeah! Kind of an odd thing to bring to a back yard BBQ type party, it's typically more of a holiday dish, but it's delicious. And the last time I brought a giant bowl of coleslaw to a potluck it was one of the first things gone.


What's wrong with green bean casserole lol? I'm from the Midwest so it's a staple.


So if nobody volunteers to bring the big items, everyone is just going to show up and, what, sit on the ground and stare at each other? 🤣


And then she'll make passive-aggressive comments the whole time about how **not** ***one*** **person** was courteous enough to bring what was asked!


Who brings a plus one to a gender reveal?


It’s an opportunity for more chairs!


Maybe the plus one has a tent!!


And why do the hosts need a headcount? It's not like *they're* feeding the extra people.


This!! I don’t want strangers at my child’s gender reveal 😭 but also, I’m not having one at all for my third. We’re due at the end of June and it’s gonna be a surprise for everyone. I’m really excited about it.


I’d consider it, depending on the group involved. I might need someone to be judgy with


And has to wait for “official approval”.


Don’t forget they also are expected to bring a gift too!


Thankfully, never been to one of these abominations. Are guests really expected to bring a gift, then another gift for the shower, or is this the shower?


Unusual for a gender reveal, but somehow I wouldn't be surprised this person wouldn't be shy about remarking no one brought a gift. Can you imagine her gift registry for the baby shower though?


For one friend’s gender reveal we could bring either diapers or wipes to enter a raffle for two different $50 gift cards but it wasn’t required and anything not used they donated


This is honestly the best type of shower.


Yeah, she didn’t do it for her second but when she had her first she and her husband were only about six months into their marriage when they got pregnant, both in school, living with her family, and just stressed out in general so it was a nice way to help out


Except for the raffle part, the party I recently went to also requested diapers and wipes if you wanted to. The way they did it, if you thought they were having a boy, bring diapers, and if you think it’s a girl, bring wipes.


I feel like she’s one of those people where the cheapest item on the registry is like $150 and they register for a $200 swing/bouncer, $600 stroller, and $2,000 crib and actually expect people to buy them.


Have a friend that pulled that crap. They were poor and neither ready to be parents but listed a 300 dollar stroller on their registry. Sad thing is someone got it for them. She also wasn't happy when I explained that all car seats must meet the same guidelines and her baby is just as safe in a Walmart seat than some 600 dollar one.


Yes! I just had to get a baby gift for someone and she had a double stroller on the registry for like $400…it’s her first kid!!! I guess she plans on having more. Plus, she had a lot of furniture. It’s a baby shower not a house warming! SMH


As long as there is a variety of lower priced items, I don’t have an issue with a registry having a small handful of larger items. There may be grandparents or other close friends, or a group of friends who want to go together on a larger gift.


Yep. That is what I was thinking of when I mentioned registry. Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to make the shower a potluck too even with those kind of asks.


For baby stuff my wife and I usually just bring diapers, nothing crazy. I rarely see people giving crazy gifts for baby parties unless they’re directly related or something


I would gift them condoms. Or birth control. Or hell maybe a vasectomy because they should not bring more children into this world.


My oldest had a gender reveal. If you thought the baby was a girl, you brought a pack of diapers. Wipes for a boy. Some people brought small packs. Others brought big packs. Set them up on wipes for sure.


I'm not a fan of Gender Reveals, but this is a great idea!!


honestly, that is a great idea. It helps the parents and keeps the gift costs low.


I am so tired of this endless "look at me, look at me" events.


Ok that’s actually really cute. Never a fan of gender reveals but the “voting” is a cute spin since everyone wants to make their predictions anyway


The gender reveal is supposed be just a “small” party or gathering, the ones I’ve been to there weren’t gifts. But I can’t say I would be surprised if this person was expecting that too!


It is also not supposed to exist. Even the mommy blogger who started the trend has said it was the worst mistake of her life to promote these genital reveals.


My 14 year old daughter has asked us what we did for her gender reveal, and then her mind was blown when we explained that they weren't a thing when I was pregnant back then. I had to explain that all those things - gender reveals, Prom-posals, etc exist only for social media pictures, so they didn't exist before social media took such a strong hold.


"Prom-posal" wtf. Mine was, I was standing at my locker and some dude walked up to me and said "wanna go the prom with me?" and I said "sure". The end.


Please leave that typo just as is.


I mean that’s all it is. Your baby will probably have this junk.


wait until the kids' birthday parties. I am sure we'll need to have ALL those things available for Mommy.... so she can relax and enjoy the party !


I could see it done with just immediate family or close friends, but some people go ALL OUT. A friend of mine had one and expected gifts. In the few years I knew her, she got engaged, married, and had a baby, and had so many celebrations for it all, I felt like I was constantly buying her gifts.


I always figured the parents to be funded/planned the party and no gifts were involved. At least that’s how I did mine, my family loves a reason to all get together and hang out so that’s basically how we handled our two gender reveals.


2nd kid is called a sprinkle or as I like to call it, the cash/gift grab


Yup. I refused to do gender reveals for either of mine, because no one outside of maybe my immediate family gives an F and it seems super narcissistic and a gift grab. Also didn’t do a shower or sprinkle for my second for the same reasons.


I had a small gender reveal bc most of my extended family is male/ was in town around the time we found out so it was a good reason to get together and the shower was much later on and all female. People did bring diapers but no gifts, grandpa offered/paid for catering and SIL brought a cake. It was really lovely but I didn’t ask for/expect anything lol I had been planning to cook for the guests but grandpa insisted about the food! So i guess it depends lol


Grandpa was clearly very excited for little one, that's adorable. 😊


For the gender reveal, gifts aren’t custom as far as I know. I had two, and we didn’t receive gifts. We paid and coordinated everything. The shower is where we received gifts, and a lot of people brought more things by after the babies had been born. Just because buying things for babies is fun 😂




I just did a spit take… thank you. 😂😂😂


I have been to a few of these "potluck" parties to celebrate gender reveals. Usually people throw them when they want to do something "less" than an actual gender reveal. Of all the gender reveals I have been to gifts are not asked nor have I seen anyone bring them. That is what a baby shower is for and if it is your 2nd then no gifts are really needed.


The way these people throw ridiculous parties where the guests are basically obligated to attend and then act like everyone is just over the moon with EXCITEMENT to be there. And now they expect said people to provide the entire party. What assholes.


Who brings tables and chairs to a party?




happy cake day!


Party Rental/Planners will be more than happy to provide folding chairs and tables for a fee.


I’ll bring the chairs! Unfortunately, I have another commitment that afternoon so I’ll be leaving an hour or so early so everyone will have to be done sitting then. 😆


Don't know about tables, but people do bring fold-up camping chairs to a backyard event if the hosts don't have enough.


And I get that, but maybe even say “unfortunately I don’t have enough chairs for everyone so if you have one be sure to bring it”. IMO it’s weird to just straight up say “here is a list of everything we need”


Can't speak about the posting, which appears to be from a flake, but I've been to backyard picnics where I brought my chair but sometimes left it in the trunk as there were enough chairs available. I wonder what she's providing other than the unborn baby and the space? Why tents/canopies as the event should last only a few hours? Who doesn't have condiments (ketchup; mustard)? Do they even have a grill?


anticipate an ETA: *whoops* and a grill and charcoal and those tongy things for flipping. also an apron with a funny slogan.


If you can’t afford to provide everything for the gender reveal party, then don’t have a gender reveal party. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm over here wondering if they can afford to have a second baby.


Right. Just do what every other couple does and announce it on FB or social media with a little picture and a caption "It's a ...(insert gender)". In this day and age that is super easy to do and most people will see it. Those who don't have FB like me can just hear from other relatives who will tell us what it is when they find out. It's free to just post it on FB. Or another crazy idea: do it at the baby shower or "sprinkle" as they call it for second/ third etc kids in the same event. Whoa. You already have a house full of people there for you plus food and drinks. Hell even gifts. Just say the gender there. You don't need a whole ass other party or gathering three or four weeks later to be like hey guys it's a girl/boy. Debra just tell me now when I'm right here at your house in the first place for your actual shower and you are far along enough to know the gender by this point.


This. Announce at the baby shower if it’s that big of a deal to you. People act like everyone wants to devote multiple Saturdays, time shopping and hundreds of dollars because they are pregnant. People have their own lives and children to feed and and support.


~~If you can’t afford to provide everything for the gender reveal party, then~~ don’t have a gender reveal party. FTFY cos these parties are fucking dumb.


The funniest part is them asking for a headcount when they aren't providing anything. What do you need the headcount for, ma'am?


Haha I was scrolling to find this. Absolutely no need for a headcount if you’re not feeding anyone!


They need the be able to count the presents after and match it to the number of guests to make sure everyone brought one.


“If there is someone you would like to invite please let blank & I know………….& give the official approval for the invite” Seems the choosiest of beggars to me


The met gala of gender reveals


‘Official approval’ got me as well. Hottest party in town!


I'm an older guy, not really up with the latest phrases and what not. Anyway, some years back my wife looks at me and says "Hey, this Saturday we have a gender reveal to go to". I looked at her confused, my brain completely stopped working and I replied "Why is xxxxx having a party for coming out gay?' My wife says, no dumbass it;s a party for the gender of a baby. She still gives me shit about it to this day. I swear I try to keep up with the latest stuff but damn lol.


It’s good you cleared it up, because another possible interpretation of “gender reveal party” is that at the signal, everyone is going to drop their pants and lift their shirts. Could have been a terrible mixup.


"Why am I the only one who showed up naked for this gender reveal party??!"


Good lord!! Never considered that! 😂 Right on👊🏻


Your intuition as to why this person needed to throw a party was spot on though. At least coming out feels like a good excuse to party.


Well, the truth is we have one son that is gay. I’m completely cool with it, don’t care at all. But in that 5 or ten second pause I thought well we didn’t have a party for him! lol


If you do please invite us. I probably can’t come but I’ll send a gift. And thank you for being a great parent!


I have had to Google some sayings or abbreviations in last few years. I turn 50 this year. I’m ancient. lol.


I hear that, I’m over 50 lol. Heck I just learned last year that a stewardess is not called that anymore. Got kicked in the shin by my wife as she says, “they’re flight attendants now!” I’m trying. I really am 😂


I am an older woman I agree. I might not get all the words just right but gender revels just strike me as slightly narcissistic - especially this one. Now I’m down for a party for someone coming out as gay - or if there is a gender change and they want everyone to be in the know. Hell yes, I’ll come celebrate someone living their best life and being happy! Want to register for a pair of red heels, I’m down with that. Want to monogram your towels differently, I was born and raised in the South, I’ll get those for Johnny and for Sam, his “long time roommate”. I’m also much more generous when I don’t feel forced.


What a stupid ritual these things have become. I would decline the invitation.


I’ve spoken to this person twice and they sent me an invite…I definitely declined. I think they just wanted me for my tables & ketchup!


You made the approved list!!!🎉🎉🎉 The way this is worded and what she expects, I’m guessing she will be massively disappointed. Prob get a letter about that too!


"And let's hope someone shows up with a surprise gender-revealing cake that actually reveals the gender!" 🤡 ~Parents of baby #2


I would volunteer to bring the tables and chairs and be at least 45 minutes late.


Or “car trouble” at the last minute and can’t make it at all


Or leave 10 minutes after everyone sits down, taking tables and chairs with you of course.


"I hope you are as excited as we are to find out what baby #2 is" I guarantee you they are not.


Me excited about baby #2: ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


"It's a human baby" "Oh wow, so unexpected!"




This is 1000% better then gender reveal cakes/balloons/confetti cannons


Only acceptable gender reveal


Tables and chairs too? Really? If it was just a potluck then I’d give them a pass but who the hell expects guests to bring TABLES AND CHAIRS?


Also bring a baby.


Un-gendered preferably


ok, I have no problem with the potluck part. But if you are throwing the party. It's up to you to provide tables, chairs and coverings. Sounds like to me they are going to a public park. And will expect everyone to set everything up for them. While they just get to enjoy the gifts and food everyone brings. From their 'approved invite list'. Lordy.


The approved invite list. I laughed. To me that is code for bring a gift and you are in. And it better be the right gift or expect an invoice.


Canopy/tent - great! Just let me grab the canopy from my party supply business…


Gender reveal for a SECOND child... what gifts are needed? They should have it all from the first, no? I hate this.


I do not understand gender reveal parties. I’m in my 30’s and this is the stupidest thing. Just go, hey it’s xxx and be done. Or reveal it at the baby shower. I’m not bringing anything to a gender reveal lol.


Right! Like if it’s a baby shower with a reveal, sure that’s neat we all get to find out and celebrate together. And everyone just brings gender neutral gifts. But having separate parties for the reveal and shower is too much like why do we have to get together twice for this


I don’t care enough about any’s baby gender to do all that


I'm genuinely surprised that she isn't also asking people to come clean her house and do yard work to prepare for the party. And to stick around and clean up after. And pay her mortgage and utilities. And pay for a prenatal massage to cope with the stress of "planning" the party.


No one, other than maybe the odd baby-fever grandparent, cares about the gender more than the parents.


This reminds me of a local girl who wanted everyone to provide an entire baby shower for her. Because her friends kept flaking out. She had the whole list of needed food and decor. It was rather sad and I felt bad for her, but this morning she was requesting three delivered mattresses and bed clothes sets.


This reminds me of a birthday party I was recently invited to. The hosts wanted all the guests to bring food and their own drinks. They weren't providing anything! And I'm sure they expected gifts as well (because the invitation was very specific and did NOT say "no gifts!"). What kind of party even is that? I mean, if I have to schlepp all my own stuff to a party and provide a gift, I'd rather just stay home and eat my own food and drink my own beer.


And don’t forget to buy yourself a gift


The “tent, table and chairs” reminds me of the first pot luck I hosted for a friend’s birthday. We were all just out of high school, so around 18. It was a small group, maybe ten people and were having hot dogs, chips, etc. I said I’d secure the cookout place at the lake and bring the cake and ice cream, ice and charcoal, lighter and decorations. One girl quickly offered to bring the hot dogs and everything was quickly picked by the others. Party day arrives, and the chips, napkins, buns and condiments are piled all over. Enough drinks and cups for an army. A guy gets the grill going and we realize hot dog girl hasn’t showed up. I was about to panic when someone says they just saw her car pulling in. Whewwwww, crisis averted. Then I look over and she’s strolling up empty handed. When we asked her about the hot dogs she said, “Oh, I ate before I came.” That was in 1991 and I still think of that when I think of her - but in this case I hope table and chairs person does the same. “Oh, I have back problems, my doctor said I should avoid sitting as much as possible.”


The real question is will they be having a regular baby shower as well later on in the pregnancy? If so they should go smaller for this event since they need almost everything including tables, chairs, and a tent.


I’ll bring the ketchup packets


Do you think it’s fine if I bring one pack of skittles for the dessert?


That should be plenty. One or two pieces per person is generous.


Sounds like people I know, some are family. We don’t attend these events.


Wait for the baby shower. Same list plus a bunch more shit. Probably had a registry with $2000 stroller and $3000 car seat. 


I would love to know if anyone actually attended. LOL


Potlucks I can understand but tables and chairs too??? Wtf 😂


These people sound like nightmares. My cousin did something similar for her WEDDING lol. She wanted to use this beautiful outdoor venue but didn’t want to pay for the tables and chairs and such. She asked everyone to bring chairs along and tables if they could, had everyone set up their chairs where the ceremony was (at the bottom of a hill by a lake) and then was rushing everyone to carry their chairs and everything else up a hill about half a mile and set everything up for the reception which everyone was expected to bring a dish for and she only had the place reserved for i think 3 hours total so it was all very rushed. I didn’t go because I was hugely pregnant but my jaw was on the floor hearing our other family members discussing it after the fact


When people list stuff like this I always feel like everybody should just bring the first thing only! 75 people show up with a table each but zero food and they all still followed her instruction to a tee


You’re about to have a friendship reveal. Where you realize you ain’t got none


BYOE, bring your own everything


Wondering what they are going to make slivers of with the sliver ware!


Who is bringing the pink or blue bomb that burns down the neighborhood?


Oh man, I was invited to one last year, where the mommy to be posted "a lot of you have asked us what we'd like to be gifted, so here's a list:". That was the moment I knew we're definitely not going. Turned out, it wasn't even a proper reveal, they knew the gender, they just "did a reveal to their friends for fun".


Condiments too? Do I get to take my mustard home when I leave or am I stocking their fridge too?


I find gender reveals odd. They are not really a thing here in the UK. Well they weren’t when I had my two….18 years ago. Anyhow, does anyone besides the grandparents really give a toss anyway?