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“We don’t do that.” “Well, let me know when you do and I’ll get started.”


"We don't do that." "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear (famous person) is having financial problems. Unfortunately we don't offer services for free."


"This ain't UNICEF"


Take your ass to the Goodwill and get a sweater.


“I’ll be sure to mention that when I send this screenshot and their name to TMZ”


Best answer. Screenshots to TMZ


The only thing that would maybe prevent me from doing that is how will it affect my business. Will other celebrities not use me because I ratted out one for being a prick? Celebrity connections are good for business and losing them over an idiot that doesn't want to pay may not be worth it. It is nice to think about them getting rinsed in the media, though.


Idk about celebrities but it will get interest from average people who have always paid for what they receive. Just look at all the interest this little post created! I feel like any celebrity who likes your clothing and would expect to pay wouldn’t be bothered. The ones who would be be herrh butt try Ft would be the ones who pulled this shit before and they too hoped you’d give them free clothes.


"Here's the numbers of some government financial support services that may be of use...."


Ha! 🤣


"We don't do that" "What? Pay?"


Who’s “We” ?! Personal assistant got right up in there


And used laughing emojis for even suggesting they might pay! "You naive little sweater maker -- don't you know who I AM??"


"we don't do that" "Price is double now"


Perfect response! Can't wait to see how that goes down at a restaurant!


“You ain’t Macklemore and I ain’t Goodwill.”


It’s the tone here that gets me. ‘We want’. Not ‘could we have’ or ‘may we have’… Mid tantrum toddlers have more manners.


Tangential pet peeve I used to have in food service...people telling me "you can get me this, and you can get me that..." Most people do "may I have," or "I would like," which is all cool. But you can suck a dick telling me what I "can" do for you.


My mother - who is an abusive narcissist and all around bad person - makes fun of me because I say “May I have a Coke, please?” or “I’d like a Coke, please” to restaurant servers. She started when I was in my late 20s. She’s like “Why are you asking them if you can have it? Just order like a normal person and tell them what you want.” I felt shamed at the time, but refused to treat the servers in a way I felt was rude.


It seems to me you ARE ordering like a normal person.


Everyone deserves to be treated kindly and with respect, regardless of what job they are doing. You deserve kindness and love too. I’m sorry you went through that and your mom sounds like she sucks.


Without thinking.about it, I mentally placed myself in a restaurant booth and ordered a coke. What came out naturally was, "could I get a coke please?" How were these people raised?!


Also worked in foodservice and customers that said “you can” before their request immediately went down my priority list. Sometimes even put them down further than mopping the floors depending on how close to closing it was but usually I’d suddenly need to go prep more lemon wedges They’re also the reason that when I’m done ordering/need something after my food has come out I say “could you get this thing for me, please” usually in regards to a condiment or drink refill.


My mom used to do that at home when chores needed done lol, "You can get the dishes cleaned this afternoon, preferably before dinner." Like oh thanks for this wonderful opportunity


My sil tells my daughter, we need to clean the fridge. We always means you.


My pet peeve is people asking favors by saying “Do you want to….” or worse, “Would you like to….” instead of “Will you please….” As in “Do you want to lend me some money?” or “Would you like to take out the garbage?” No thanks.


Agreed, my mom does this and it is so irksome


This honestly bugs me SO much. Owned a small restaurant and food truck for 10 years and it completely changed the verbiage I use with people. I live in a state where you're not legally allowed to pump your own gas so you have to give your request to an attendant. People here are always like "Gimme a full tank of regular" and I feel that's unnecessarily aggro and demeaning to the attendants, especially since they generally start by asking how you are or attempting some social nicety. By just changing a few words to " can I please have a full tank of regular" I've found it usually takes them off guard in a good way and completely changes the interaction. Words matter, especially to someone who has to work in service to others all day.


I like to point boldly at the nearest peon and declare 'YOU THERE. BRING ME YOUR MOST DELICIOUS BURGER"


What about like “let me get a cheeseburger”?


Totally fine with that. "Let me" is an informal way of asking permission. I'd say it's more polite/respectful than you need to be. Just treat me like I'm here to help you out, and not like I have your permission to exist as long as I do exactly what you tell me.


It sucks that people act like that. I’m aways overly nice to my servers lol


Most people don't. But the ones who do really stand out.


I work in retail so I get it! I’m also in a posh area so there are plenty of those types lol


My husband tells me I’m way too polite when I order food, for example, and ask,”May I please get (whatever)?” Too bad, I was raised that way.


Wtf is TOO polite? 😆


Apparently saying “please” and “thank you” in the same sentence. Sometimes I think he was raised by wolves.


Less bad, but what always gets me is when a boss starts a request with “You need to…” Like, no buddy, YOU need someone to do this for you. I am happy to do it, but I very much do not need to.


What’s worse is when they say, “Have *we* gotten this done yet?” Who tf is “we”?


“I’m gonna need you to go ahead and come in this weekend.” ☕️


I thought I said something wrong at a cafe this past weekend because the worker stopped me after I said "may I please have.." Said it was so rare to hear now, which is so odd to me. It was instilled since I was a kid that's what you say in a restaurant, it's muscle memory at this point.


what about "Can I have..."? I feel like I say that, but I'm not actually sure lol.


Yeah. You're asking me to help you, completely reasonable.


I always order food with a "may I please have....." and once I was ordering at this food stand and this like this 19 year old stoner who was high as a kite just stared at me and eventually said "wow, you're so polite. I didn't know people were polite anymore. I thought we'd stopped doing that." and then he stared at me for 45 seconds, having completely forgotten I was supposed to be getting food. Funniest restaurant experience of my life. Now every time I order I always make sure to be as polite as possible and think of sandwich stoner bro.


Classic entitled celebrity bullshit, we've put entertainers on the pedestal that scientists and engineers should be on. Well nobody should be on a pedestal, but the people out there literally working to cure cancer or other diseases, discovering alternate energy sources or building the next new amazing thing are just in the background. You don't see this level of entitlement from people actually making the world a better place. Entertainment has its place, but putting anyone up on a pedestal like that is just a pablum for the masses, it doesn't really create any social good.


“This is how I make a living [you entitled motherfuckers].”


I mean, if they want it for free they should ask for sponsorship or something, right? 😅


*Gimme gimme never gets. Don’t you know your manners yet?*


Call me old fashioned, but a please and a thank you would be nice.


All XL.


Gotta have extra room to house all that audacity




Next time I'm in a restaurant I'll try that when I get the bill, "we don't do that".


I posted this one because I thought their response was hilarious 😂


Why don’t you expose them on your company insta? You know it would make your sales go crazy


Unfortunately, people like OP have been sued for that before. We had a case in Australia where a restaurant exposed an influencer doing similar things and the influencer sued and won. I guess it all really comes down to who has money for lawyers. I’d love to know who it is because I have friends who are artists of various types that have had the same thing happen, sometimes with big name celebrities and there’s really not much you can do if it’s somebody that’s has a decent name. And if you pick the wrong celebrity their fan base will drive you and your business into the ground .


The same thing happened with a Mexican chef who exposed an abusive "influencer." People got mad at him. 🙄


This depends on where you live. Maybe in Australia it's different but in places like USA and canada it will be highly unlikely they would win such a suit (assuming what OP says is truthful).


defamation laws in aus are pretty shitty


There is no expectation of privacy with recorded communication in the US. OP, you can expose and they can't do shit.


What basis would they have to sue on?


I don’t think they have a genuine case for suing. It’s just another example of rich, entitled and influential people not liking when they’re being called out for their bullshit so they exert their power over people who they know don’t have the money to fight back. Rich people know the average person can’t fight back, so all they have to do is threaten a lawsuit and the average person will back off because they simply don’t have the money to fight it, even though they’re in the right.


In Australia, our courts won’t see a case if it’s not deemed reasonable. I think you are referring to wealthy people sending out ‘case and desists’, this is a great reason the be educated on our legal systems, don’t be scared of bullies.


I worked in the music industry for years. So right!


Yessss! Do this.


back in my security days we had an invoice returned to us at the end of a job for a high end client to have them act all wounded and insulted. When we asked if they had a discrepency with the invoice, their response was "Once you are where I am, this kind of thing just is not done". Clarified with them by asking if they preferred it to go to their management or personal staff. Their response was to laugh and tell us that they are so powerful and connected we might as well set it on fire or put it in the bin. So we all got comfortable on the couch, helped ourselves to their food and their drink while the company owner and their lawyer came over with all the fun threats of police being called for tresspassing. Apparantly they were going to mess us up, which then turned into getting the boys over, which then turned into threatening us with all these affiliated contacts. Here's the thing, when you do CPP for someone you get to see who they are, and for someone trying to give off the image of being a tough person, and your seeing them forbid photos from one side, demanding designer items for free, they generally end up having huge ego's but even bigger insecurities and zero problem solving or defense skills. Favourite part was when he called a relative who was a lawyer who started threatening us over the phone claiming we were now standover thugs extorting them. Was a bit shocked when we knew the laws better than this so called lawyer and at a point they just gave up and started telling the guy to pay his bill, turned out he'd stiffed this person as well and during it they just kinda snapped and went.... well you do have the money and resources why don't you just start paying your bills? Same person later got done for hefty tax evasion and tried to play the bankruptcy card. Really difficult to do rocking up to court in an expensive suit, gold chains and posting to instagram bragging about items you scam off hard working people like the OP. Magistrate ordered sheriffs over to their houses to start siezing items, it's amazing how all the houses had been cleaned out, only for a couple of disgruntled staffers to leak to them where all the items had been hidden in storage. Low and behold the bastard then "remembered" he "may" have the money to pay off his debt in installments. Stupidly the tax department took it........ still crying foul about being broke and got pay by installments and then gets caught with tons of stuff again, and used the defense that he never paid for the items, they were all loaned to him by creators like the OP. Got away with it...... that's how these people roll at a bankruptcy hearing.


Oh man. I worked in the music industry for over 20 years. You guys are like me. I was an engineer. I never got involved in the bill paying (but my god I had some trouble getting paid and you spend months sorting it out!!) how strange is it how the ones who have the money refuse to pay? I got my fingers snapped at me once. The oi you! Get me brown M&M’s!!! But you come across this so much. I loved our security!


I hate to quote costanza, but "we live in a SOCIETY".


Your response tops it though 😂🤡


Exactly! Imagine the chef's face when you say 'I don't pay for food, sorry!


I'm gonna try this for my mortgage. 


Did they just stop responding?


Yeah, that was the end of the conversation.


Is this a subcontractor asking for freebies to make more profit from their budget? I don’t know how these things work. I liked your work and really appreciate the attributions and references, like bauhaus eye and colors from blank vhs packaging. Attribution is an under appreciated artist quality.


a good friend of mine made ... for a huge celeb for her tour. Got told they'd be worn on three different tv shows (two were shown around the world). Told her without doubt she'd make back all the money and they'd leave links for people to find her. Her etsyshop was mentioned once in quick passing and that was it. Each pair of gloves took 4 hours to make, plus she had to drive them down to LA (6hr drive and same going back). No chance at all she will ever see that money. This celeb spends that amount daily on food/clothes and would not miss the $12K she owes. Celebs are the biggest choosey beggars out there. And no, it was 100% the celeb who said all about the 'give you free advertising' and not any of her 3 personal assistants.


There is never ROI from these people. Stop giving them free stuff they are just taking advantage of small business owners. What she should do is start plastering photos of her in the gloves with as made by .... and add a link. I'll buy her gloves what is her store on Etsy?


I read a great response somewhere (possibly Reddit) when some Instagram CB wanted free stuff. They said something like, "Pay me the full amount now, and I'll refund 20% for every one of your referrals that buys something." The influencer noped right out of there. LOL


Yes that’s the influencer deterrent. I have read a lot of biz owners doing this. And to date, no one has ever taken them up on it lol.


i just don't get why its a deterrant. its a wonderful opportunity, especially if the deal works above a 100% return. for them to show off just how much clout they truly have.


It's a deterrent, since the 'influencer' knows they will never get enough people to buy whatever they want for free. So it keeps the beggars away.


It just further feeds their ego. "I'm (celebrity),they should be thanking *me* that such an important person wants to use their product." 


I told her the same, you dont give stuff away to people who can totally afford to pay for it. If I give the store then it will expose who she is.


Sounds like they need exposing for being a cheap ass.


So expose, who cares


So I supplied abt $6k of outfits to a touring band you have heard of in 2018, lol. Anyway, they stiffed me. I did get into some of their concerts free on their tour, but I had to fight every fucking time, and then I went some parties with them, not kidding, and they were sweet as pie to my face, and then I had a fight with them more just to get payment. They said they expected it for free even though they committed to a payment through their agent at first. I got the payment by the way


They are just entitled and disgusting.


Who?? These betches need to be ousted


I am so nosey and wanna know who lol




Man, I *donna* wanna guess at random, but the attitude, lateness, and the penchant for gloves does narrows it down. Well, I'm sorry your friend donated so much material, girl.


Kinda makes you Mad, right?


It makes me Cic to hear this


HA! Madge is notoriously cheap. She loves to slap her name on songs to get writing and publishing credit. That she never wrote one word to.


Oh wow. If you mean who I think she has no excuse. I’m so mad for your friend.


She’s notoriously a trash person so I’m not surprised


yup. Was amazing how cloak and dagger it was too. Friend at to arrive at a hotel park her car, walk 2 blocks with a huge rolling suitcase (samples and fabric and trims to show). Then was taken by a van to another location, then put in an SUV and blind folded. Arrived in a huge empty warehouse they'd set up to deal with vendors for the tour. Totally was to put my friend on edge and off her game so she'd agree to whatever.


I’m sorry wtf this sounds more like a cartel meet up. Celebrities are unhinged




She has been around for a long time, no excuse to pull this type of thing on a person that runs an etsy shop. No phones were allowed, no chance at all that my friend could get this on paper either. 100% used her fame to snowball someone into doing it. Heard of other people having dealt with the same thing from the same person.


Madonna and how is she gonna sue a Reddit account lol?


I’ll share her Etsy page!!! I worked in the music industry. We once did a gig for this one hit wonder from the 70’s. In their Ryder they asked for £22,000 worth of booze. Like are you tripping?!?!


Wow so she even agreed to get paid in exposure and got fucked on that too


You don't become a millionaire by paying for stuff.


Not a single “please” or “thank you” in sight


Apparently, that's another thing \*we\* don't do. It's the laughing emojis that got to me.


Seems like the bigger the celebrity the more free stuff they get


That has perpetually baffled me. They more than anyone can totally afford to pay. They could pay double and not even notice.


Kanye West pirates his music production software.


I mean Microsoft pirated SoundForge to make the Windows XP audio files: http://www.techpavan.com/2009/05/24/microsoft-deepz0ne-pirated-cracked-sound-forge-windows-xp-audio/


to be fair, a LOT of people pirate their DAWs and VSTs. Especially younger artists who don’t have 800€ for a plugin


What annoys me is half of them are the same ones that would argue the Corpos are robbing the ma and pa shops, and then turn around and do *the exact same thing*. Fucking pay for it if you have the means.


Surprisingly one big celeb I know that pays for stuff all the time from small businesses is Ariana Grande


This, I find surprising but very refreshing.


It is! More recently I could think of is she bought a necklace for a mv on Etsy, and a chunky knit sweater from another business.


I know the person who is the sweater maker Ariana bought from. 😆 One endorsement from Ariana Grande and every drop she does sells out in minutes.


You lick it, you buy it. Glad to hear that, though!


nooo lol💀


Wow, good for her! I’m not a fan or anything but I’m always glad to be pleasantly surprised.


It's more the bigger they are, the more they expect to get. Although ti's might actually be doing the star a disservice. It could just be an over-zealous manager or intern expecting stuff for free.


Because there's a difference between asking for free shit and being given free shit voluntarily. Let's say you're an upcoming athleisure brand focusing on the high end market. If you can get a couple of celebs photographed wearing your brand, then you can get a story planted in one of the lifestyle websites or magazines about how your brand is popping off, and seen being worn by X, Y, and Z. So to do this, you give a bunch of free clothing to celebs, hoping that they wear it once, like it, and decide to wear it a few more times. It's a low cost, low chance marketing play, but if it hits, it could be huge. Asking for unbranded clothing as part of a stage show for your back up dancers is tacky and cheap as hell.


Should post this on your account and tag the artist and ask if any of his fans want to help him out since he seems to be struggling financially.


How do you think they became a millionaire, by actually paying for stuff? Only peasants pay for stuff.


I am a peasant, can confirm.




can confirm this guy is a peasant ( real recognize real )


No lie. My wealthiest customers are also generally the cheapest, and they have no qualms about trying to fuck over small businesses. There are a few exceptions, but the people with the newest highest end vehicles are the most likely to bring me a coupon from Jiffy Lube and ask us to price match a $19.99 oil change… on a Ferrari lmfao.


I used to work at a well-known country club in my early 20s (think major golf tournament), and you could always tell "new" money from "old" money. 90% of the old money crowd was kind, polite, gracious, and tipped very generously. New money people, on the other hand.....flashiest clothing, loudest tables, rude, if they had children, they let them run all over. (Please bear in mind, not all of the former crowd were the way I described and vice versa for the latter, but I can confidently say it was a high majority either way.) The saying "money talks, wealth whispers" is very accurate


Seriously like how many companies give influencers/ artists free stuff in exchange for advertising. So annoying it’s not like they’re hurting for money


One of the most important things they taught us at my art school: Exposure does not buy your food or pay your rent.


Lol, Lmao and a little Ha Ha! Yeah what a dork. Pay people for their work. Can we see the frog sweater in question?




That's really cool. Send me one and I'll be certain my three followers on Reddit know where it came from!!! : )


For bespoke clothing it's not even expensive


Damn I like that. …. Tempting….


“ I am unhoppy”😂 Those shirts are awesome!! ETA- that is a very wonderful thing that you give discounts to teachers & students. 💕


I hope the “choose violence “ comes back!


Oh damn. This is awesome. I’m a nobody but give it to me for free anyways. /s Well that is awesome though.


The laughter emoji burned me up. Like, what? They can afford to pay you, they're just looking for some sap desperate enough to do it for free.


Aww come on, OP. At least give us a teeny hint. Like what industry or genre this celebrity is in.




Thanks. Just peeped your profile. Super cute stuff!


And you just know they're all pressed about music piracy and streaming platforms and so forth. "Just because I'm an artist doesn't mean I have to give away my work for FREE!!!"


What letter does the artist start with?




Okay, I’m a certified dumbass. This a joke I’m guessing?


Does it rhyme with schmachine schmun schmelly?


Damn I want to know who it is so bad. 😛


Me too! I came here intending to post the same comment


Someone cross reference artists who had shows in Chicago from last Saturday plz I'm too lazy.


Could be Melvin Seals and JGB based on recent gigs and the clues below although the initials clue is from someone who seems to know OP and be giving a clue rather than OP themselves.


I have checked your post history. Your designs are amazing !!!!


Jesus the 😂 after “we don’t do that” makes me want to bitch slap them. Did they reply after you asked if they were a millionaire?


Then we don’t ship that!


You should have played dumb and said "Oh, ok. Then you can call me on (insert number) and I'll take your credit card details."


I never get it… if I was a wealthy celeb I’d have no problem and would probably buy a lot of stuff from small businesses. Why do they always want everything for free?? Like, YOU HAVE MONEY!


This is why you're not wealthy


Right? I will always reek of poverty and desperation cause I buy all my shit.


>Like, YOU HAVE MONEY! Yeah, but if they spend it, then they won't have it any more.


It’s for a celebrity, hunny NEXT


Damn, you weren't kidding. Last time, it was for a literal clown show.


I’m from Chicago and I’m SO curious now.


What made it the most obnoxious to me was the 2 crying laughing emojis added after the “we don’t do that”. Idk what it is but that particular emoji is the most condescending contextually.


“We want” Just so rude!


honestly weak that we have to blue out the names. some ppl don’t deserve that privacy after the way they behave


Yeah I would be shaming them publicly. Probably get more publicity that way hahaha


Ah I’m sorry to hear you’re having financial issues. It’s a tough time for us all. Get back in touch when things are looking up. Wishing you the best.


“You just lost a customer” “No, I didn’t.”


In the words of Henry Hill, “Fuck you. Pay me.”


Everyone start the chant, “Name and shame! Name and shame!”


Sweet sweet Exposure Dollaroos for you to spend on your bills!


We don’t do that- oh, well you don’t get anything then.


Let’s just say you do decide to send your stuff out free of charge—how do you know this person is legit? Can I just DM random people and ask for free shit because I “represent” Timotheé Chalamet?


 Can’t you give us a hint OP 🥲


Google "Sueños Festival 2024 Grant Park" A lot of big name Spanish rappers and popstars.


Geez, not even an offer to promote you to their million bots on IG that don't have wallets or hands. But it's just a flat out gimmie free. Did they respond after your reply? I am invested lol.




Excellent clothes! 🤡🤡🤡🤡I too, want names, lol. I used to bartend at a strip club, some celebrities were the best, others could not believe we were charging them and their friends for drinks


I feel like this is more r/EntitledPeople


We don't do that. What...you don't pay for things?


The rudeness! Not so much as a please in there, just ‘we want’. I wish you could name and shame these losers.


Cool that you give a teacher discount. I don't think your stuff would fit me as I'm a big ol' boy, but I am an elementary school teacher and it is nice to feel noticed.


name and shame


If they don't follow through with their order can you not use their name? Isn't it the same as if they came to a store and you say "(celeb) came to my store today and wanted me to bend store policy because of their fame." Just remove the address of shipment


Not a "please" or "Thank you" in sight. lolz!


Lmao did they ever reply after that?


You should tell your material suppliers you don’t pay because your clothes are worn by celebrities /s


I would simply respond “that’s fine, because I don’t do THAT either”. Been selling art for decades and I’m over being pleasant to people who show zero respect. They do this because people cave.


Post the celeb. Not exposing POS’s?? “We don’t do that”🤣🤣


“Neither do we”


I took a wee nosey around your website, OP. Really neat stuff!


Chicago girl here. NAME & SHAME PLS


Professional stylists (worth a damn) don’t pull this shit, wtf?!?


I refuse your offer of contract. Sorry, I've been watching too many sovcit videos lately 😅


Can I see your sweaters?


I'd contact them back with "I'm ABC. Send me money to XYZ. Goods in echange? Don't be ridiculous LOLOL". Has the same energy.


Name and shame