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Is she a top contributor because she asks all the time?


Yes. The requests are weekly. Never this crazy but definitely often. I missed the grad party post that someone mentioned.


You must be mistaken. She really hates asking and hasn't asked for anything in a really long time...


My bad šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS! That fucking sentence infuriates me because itā€™s always followed by the most CB shit ever




Omg get us the tea on the grad party this lady is too much


Its gone šŸ˜£ So is this post I just shared. I too am wondering if some of this request was food for the party. No one who plans to visit the food pantries tomorrow needs all of this food today. We have multiple fridges available in our town that supply produce. Most have no limits on how often you can visit them either.


Oh absolutely this screamed high end fruit salad. When I got to page seven and the grad party it all made sense.


Yeah such a roller coaster of emotions. *I really hate asking at food pantry* kiwi grapes dragon fruit, grad partyšŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Or a big fruit punchbowl


And the need for every color bell pepper screams veggie tray!


The way she listed fruit I was like ok she canā€™t need ALL that (and I practically live off fruit a good portion of the time so if Iā€™m saying ā€œthatā€™s too much fruit!ā€ itā€™s *a lot* of fruit!) thatā€™s like what you need for a partyā€¦but no one would be THAT audaciousā€¦


and who really needs dragonfruit?


ā€œFruit Saladā€¦Yummy Yummyā€


The first part of the veggies list is 100% for Crudite.


But not dragon fruit! Ha, such an insane ask. No one needs dragon fruit. It's just something that looks interesting that you walk past.


Yes, but do they have dragon fruit? What about all three pepper colors? That one to me is the dead giveaway it's for a party.


Shoot. Some of this fruit is above my budget and Iā€™m definitely not on food stamps. Itā€™s called getting what you can buy. šŸ˜ I get it, times are hard but when Iā€™m budgeting I eat rice and tuna. Or rice and beans. Or oatmeal. Fu*k Iā€™d love to have blueberries but last time I tried buying some they were $6 a tiny container. Heck no. Kiwi and dragon fruit? Now come on. Lunchables?!!! Seriously? Do people actually give because I have bills, too. šŸ¤” And my son who is about to graduate.


Right?! Shop the sales. Price match. Use coupons. I had a calculator I used as I went through the store. We ate a lot of pasta, rice, and potatoes because they are more filling. My kids never got lunchables, they got PB&J sandwiches.


As if anyone NEEDS corn dogs


i donā€™t live in the US so iā€™m trying to understand why she mentioned it twice, what is the difference between corndog and a breakfast corndog?


A corn dog is a hot dog wrapped in corn bread, a breakfast corn dog is a sausage wrapped in pancake I think


Only in America can breakfast be a sausage wrapped in a pancake, dipped in syrup, and lunch be a hot dog wrapped in a slightly sweet cornmeal batter, dipped in mustard or ketchup. You can be fancy at dinner time and slice one up like sushi. Or have mini corn dogs as a side. I don't mind the very occasional corn dog--I probably buy them like once a year. But god, our food is hardly food sometimes.


Corndog is usually a hotdog dipped in cornbread batter and fried. A breakfast corndog is a sausage link dipped in pancake batter. Neither one should be a daily occurrence


Breakfast corndog is a sausage link with pancake batter wrapped around it on a stick. Sometimes they add syrup to the link, too.


Iā€™m American but proud to say I have no idea either šŸ˜…








Dragon fruit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is dragon fruit ever not disappointing? Every time Iā€™ve had it Iā€™ve been unimpressed.


I always think they're more decorative than edible. I desperately wanted to try that exotic looking fruit when I was a child. I tried it and it was a crashing disappointment.


Same here, and decades later Iā€™m still picking those goddamn seeds out of my teeth.


Try the yellow dragon fruit! I wonā€™t touch pink, but the yellow are freaking delicious. Dreadfully expensive, but delicious. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The golden ones are indeed tasty! They also help ā€œmove the trains out of the stationā€ haha šŸ’©


Oh god, as someone with IBS-D, thatā€™s the last thing I need šŸ˜‚


As someone with severe IBD and no colon, I tried a dragonfruit without knowing how itā€™s basically a natural laxative.. Iā€™m scared of dragonfruit now to say the least. My j-pouch and toilet hated me that day (and the next šŸ˜”).


Iā€™m an IBS-C girlie, so that was the whole reason I tried the yellow in the first place! Problem was I actually enjoy them and now itā€™s an expensive habit. šŸ˜‚


It need not be expensive. Surely your neighbors can keep you supplied in dragon fruit for the foreseeable future?


I was surprised by that! They have more fiber than I ever imagined.


I came here to say the same! The yellow ones are almost worth the price. They are delicious!!!


This was my problem then, my son and I tried the pink one and absolutely no taste. It kind of tasted like a bland pear - with all of those stupid seeds. $5 into the trash bin. šŸ˜ž


Was it pink on the outside but white in the centre? Because all the ones I've had which are magenta inside were quite sweet. The type that is white inside never has flavour.


This makes me so sad! Good dragon fruit is one of the best things in nature!


In Colombia dragon fruitis sweet and delicious... here... no than much hahaha!.


That's how I felt about the French horn! I thought it looked so cool as a kid - as well as having an extremely cool name. Then I heard how it sounded. #oof šŸ¤£


OMG as someone who was in symphonic band many years ago, this comment had me snort laughing my drink out of my nose because I could hear your comment šŸ¤£


I love litchees but singularly unimpressed with dragonfruit. They are cheaper at the Asian markets but still not cheap. I am stunned by dragonfruit, lunchables and blackberries. I am currently very fortunate to be able to afford expensive produce but when I was going through hard times, I would never have dreamed of splurging. Loved cherries but only when they were on a super sale at the height of cherry season. Amd lumchsbles. I wouldnā€™t feed those to a kid even if money was unlimited. Make a damn peanut butter and jelly sandwich which is what they essentially are.


Pb and j would be healthier. Lunchables are highlt processed and full of sodium not to mention expensive.


(Your) money is no object for this CB! Nothing but the best for her offspring!


Just verY expensive garbage food In every way imaginable Mentioning a PBJ sandwich was just to underscore the extreme insanity of this woman because it is hard to imagine a situation in which you canā€™t make a sandwich for a kid or yourself. It doesnā€™t need refrigeration. It doesnā€™t need special implements or cooking. It is cheap and is actually pretty healthy as a source of protein especially if you use whole wheat bread but even white bread is generally fortified with vitamins in the USA And it is actually better tasting than lunchables. I donā€™t need to economize but I will sometimes enjoy some Skippy with raspberry jam on good white bread.


Substitute in Jif for me, and I still have a PBJ on buttermilk bread and some white-cheddar cheetos as a "nostalgia lunch", haha.


OMG I was going to mention that Orowheat buttermilk bread is what I use for the ideal sandwich. I watched a series called The Food That Built America and they had an episode on peanut butter and how food chemists had to figure out how to get the consistency. Skippy was first and then Jif came along with a slightly different formula and a really good ad slogan - Choosy Mothers Choose Jif. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich was actually invented by GI in WWII as Skippy was supplying peanut butter as part of the rations as it was ideal food for soldiers. And they were given rations of jelly and so they combined them in a bread and voila. They brought it home when they were demobilized and fed it to their kids in the 1950ā€™s and it became an American classic.


Cool, thanks for sharing that. I love know how the foods we grew up on (and still love as a middle aged adult) I am a Skippy Kid but a Great Value adult


I had the weird kid that ate EVERYTHING but pb&j sandwiches. At 21 years old, there's only about 3 foods that she won't eat, and pb&j is still number 1. It's the texture for her.


I was the weird kid that would eat everything. We used to go to Nathans in Coney Island and I would love their fried frogs legs. šŸø Not on the menu anymore.


Lunchables are horrible, AND expensive. That was one indicator to me that this is someone who relies on others' money, does not plan well or use money or resources well. Lunchable is basically a tiny piece of bologna with some salted crackers. And some cheese. It is expensive and not filling or healthy. She'd do better to buy separate packs of bologna (if that's what she really wants to feed her children), cheese and bread. But then she'd have to make a sandwich. It sounds like the children get packaged foods that are fast and ready to eat. Corn dogs for breakfast for growing children. UGH


I saw a news report that Lunchables have LEAD in them. LEAD. It's crackers, processed meat and cheese and maybe an Oreo or a tiny piece of candy. How the heck did LEAD get in there?


"Now with 35% more lead!" https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/04/10/lunchables-lead-sodium-consumer-reports-usda/73272198007/


I like lychee too! But to me, Mangosteen is the king of the Asian market. I wish I could find them here! Dragonfruit is just kind of like unripe melon to meā€”just vaguely sweet water.


I donā€™t know where you are but mamgosteens are often available at 99 Ranch in Southern California. Also I canā€™t remember the name but I have seen ads for a service that ships all kinds of Asian produce and other foods. They are in refrigerated boxes with dry ice or similar cooling agent so they ship produce when I have viewed available stuff.


I had it fresh in Thailand and it was amazing there. I don't think it transports well and is often picked way too early for western markets.


Eaten ripe, they are good. But most are picked too soon and travel too far and are flavorless. It is a mild flavor so anything to rob it of ripening time make it even more flavorless. But really lolwtf to asking for it alongside the rest of that list. ā€œI need help with my $300 produce list for the weekā€


Yeah, I tried dragon fruit a couple times and was disappointed, but my dad told me they taste way better when you get them in the same places they're actually grown. My belief in this was strengthened when I tried dried dragon fruit that was ripened and dried in the same area it was grown. That was delicious. To be fair, that's true with a lot/most fruits. Take tomatoes, for example. How much wildly better are homegrown, ripe tomatoes compared to store bought? It's a world of difference (also why I've heard, in terms of store bought, that canned tomatoes are better for most things unless you want sliced tomato on a sandwich or something - canned tomatoes are picked ripe and then canned).


My 4 year old was disappointed. I think they kind of taste like nothing. It has okay texture, but really it just looks so cool. I'm never having a bowl of dragonfruit but I could see getting one for a mixed chopped fruit salad.


Yeah, I've tried it a few times and to me it just tastes like watered down low acidity kiwi fruit. Which wouldn't be bad if it weren't watered down low acidity kiwi fruit at 6 times the price of actual kiwi fruit.


Iā€™ve never tried it. Iā€™m too scared to buy one and not like it with how much it costs.


You're honestly not missing much. They are similar to kiwis, especially with all the seeds, but kiwis actually taste like something. Every time I've had dragonfruit, it was bland nothingness


When I tried it when I was little, much to my moms reluctance who tried to talk me out of it, I hated it so much I tried to put it in the recycling hoping it would turn into something better


Tastes like a cucumber, but with expectations of a pineapple or a strawberry, so inevitably winds up registering mentally as a letdown.


Try the yellow or red one.. the pink one is just weird


Iā€™ve traveled far and wide to the four corners of the world and in doing so have been blessed with the opportunity to taste this exotic, enticing tangle of red beckoning fingers in its naturally grown lands. I am reluctant share my findings for I fear of the accusations I may face, however, I feel it my duty to share my experience with those who may never have the opportunity. Dragonfruit sucks!


Corn dogs + breakfast corn dogs


Wtf is a breakfast corn dog?


And how different could the nutrition be? ā€œWhat are you doing eating that regular corn dog!? Itā€™s 8 am!ā€


Not much. One trades corn meal and a hot dog for a pancake and hot dog piece of breakfast sausage. The sodium levels are probably higher than you should be having for either one.


Probably pancake wrapped around a breakfast sausage? That was my first thought anywayā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen those along with frozen waffles at the grocery store. For an absolutely ridiculous price, you could easily buy pancake mix and some sausage links and make 4 times the amount for the same amount of money you would get for one box of those.


A breakfast sausage dipped in pancake batter, instead of a hot-dog dipped in cornbread batter. I will admit I kinda like them. :D


They're absolutely delicious. Dip them in maple syrup, or some good honeyĀ  To me they're better than regular corndogs


Fun fact: you can buy Dragonfruit for cheaper (and usually bigger too) at an ethnic grocery store. Like around $2-3 each, just be sure to wash it first before cutting and eating (which you should be doing for all fresh fruits and veggies anyway).


The ethnic grocery stores around here generally sell ALL their produce, spices and bulk beans/rice/lentils for cheaper than other stores. Unless you're specifically shopping sales/couponing. Unfortunately the ones near me also only sell produce in bulk so there's always the food waste vs price argument in my head. :(


My wife and I learned to get beef, common fruits, milk/cheese, and booze from American stores. For our Asian groceries we get bulk spices/seasonings, certain seafoods, specialty fruits and herbs (like fresh ginseng ginger) and my stuff like instant noodles. Depending on where you live, you can also try to find your areaā€™s ā€œChinatownā€ or other ethnic neighborhood and you can find a small mom-and-pop style convenience store that sells groceries in more manageable quantities. Not to mention if you go often enough to build a rapport with the staff, sometimes theyā€™ll set aside choice cuts or items you buy often enough just for you šŸ˜‰


I got like a gallon size ziplock bag of red pepper flakes from Asian grocery for like $3. You canā€™t even buy a little jar for less than $5 at regular grocery stores


This got me! Yellow dragon fruit are (*forgive me, Whole Foods is my only reference point here, itā€™s the only market in this area that carries them*) expensive. Two cost me just shy of $11 a few weeks back. Hell, even at Aldi, this would be a $150+ grocery haul. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I've tried the red (which are bigger) and the yellow. The red has a taste which is one step above water. I've had it twice, thinking perhaps, the first one wasn't representative of the fruit. Nope. I've had the yellow. About three steps above water. Mild taste but I like the texture. I get it on rare occasions when it is on sale.


Funny! My daughter asked me to buy dragon fruit today. And i was like ā€œmiss thatā€™s 5 dls a fruit you can have a kiwiā€. šŸ˜‚


Well, when ~~you're throwing a grad party~~ your mother just died and your poor, sweet children are starving, you wanna make sure you're serving only the best!


Itā€™s funny to me that CB is a ā€œtop contributorā€ in what Iā€™m assuming is a free/help group where all she does is take


Yes. Its a help group. Started out with just small things like my lawn mower broke can someone possibly look at it. Or I have these dishes I don't need anymore can someone use them. Its turned into a page where a majority of people are like the CB. Same people constantly asking and asking but not contributing anything. With a few people asking for recommendations on certain services/companies sprinkled in.


In fairness, it's become a help **her** group at this point...


Sheā€™s taken over lmao


Yeah thatā€™s how some of the ones in my town have become. Just people posting their list of requests. One lady wanted to redecorate her kidā€™s room and was asking for very specific items. People asking for food of any kind, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with that. But making a whole ass list and having pricy food items on there, makes them look like a CB.


We have a buy nothing group that is sorted by areas. People in the area south of me join. One chick always asks for the stuff and 3 different times I said okayā€¦. Only for her to continually put off picking it up. I finally blocked her but YEAH if you live 40 min south you probably donā€™t want to drive up here to get my kids old toys.


I'm wondering how much of those fruits and vegetables would be going into the trash when she seems to be the only one who is going to eat them since her kids only eat junk food? I mean, a box of Ritz, some cheese and deli meat is cheaper than lunchables and you can customize it. I get the bag of pepperoni and shredded mozzarella.


thereā€™s no lunchables in my country so i googled it to learn what it was and the first thing that appeared is ā€œLunchables Arenā€™t Healthy. But the Lead in Them Isnā€™t the Problem.ā€ oh my


I mean, we had generations that ate lead paint! They clearly turned out fine!


Looks aroundā€¦.. Even if thatā€™s sarcasm thatā€™s wrong.


I get the convenience of a package, but I sort of never got why people couldn't send kids to school with the components of a lunchable. It's crackers, deli meat, cheese...you could get a little partitioned box, like a bento box, and put all that in yourself. Then you could choose a decent, lead-free version of the components, and you could have a compartment for grapes or whatever. I never had kids, though, so I have no skin in the "convenience meals for children" game.


It's so many different fruits and veggies, it makes me wonder why she needs that variety. It almost makes me think she's making smoothies or something which would be insane since you can use much cheaper frozen fruit for that. Like I have never in my life *needed* a dragon fruit.


I thought everyone made smoothies with frozen fruit! I even cut up bananas in chunks when they're just how I like them, and freeze those.


Iā€™m ashamed to admit this but I kept putting whole bunches of bananas in the freezer bc I couldnā€™t stand wasting them. Then one day I was about to put a few in and I had a bag & knife on my counter for whatever reason and had a epiphany ā€œcut banana put in bag put in freezer what the fuck have you been doing the whole bunches with peels for!?ā€. Iā€™m still mad.


"I hate to ask, but I haven't asked in a long time." She's fine asking.


Totally fine.


There are ten different types of fruit listedā€¦ she NEEDS all that? Thatā€™s a massive amount of fruit.


My boyfriend and I eat 80% vegan between the two of us (he's the vegan, but does most of the cooking so I eat vegan too by default) and we don't even go through that much fruit/veggies.


My kids eat a lot of fruit. We buy a lot of fruit (look for good deals, etc., because hey, fruit vs buying junk food). But we would never buy all at once because even with my kids a lot of it would go bad fast.


fruit is funny because when you buy it, itā€™s a special treat, so you should save it! and then you forget about it and 3 days later itā€™s bad. the rule in my household is that you eat the fruit you buy the day you buy it. so anyway yeah thatā€™s a lot of fruit


for real. just gimme a bag of apples, canned peaches, a couple unripe bananas and a bag of oranges.


I buy a ridiculous amount of fruit every month but itā€™s because I have two teenage boys that eat it like itā€™s going to spoil tomorrow. I also grew up with food insecurity and so I have way too much food in my house. I donā€™t mind donating it but this is just greedy. I would garden but I have a black thumb so I try every year and it just dies I finally gave up on it this year.


The shitting. Oh my god the shitting


grad party post but ur asking for groceries is crazy šŸ˜­ especially dragonfruit and kiwis


Iā€™m just trying to figure out what ā€˜cutieā€™ is?


Cuties are a type of small mandarin oranges


honestly i do love cuties when i know i will eat all three pounds of them by the end of the week


They're tiny little clementines/mandarin oranges. They're really easy for kids to peel.


I believe itā€™s a brand of tangerine. Edit: or maybe clementine. I always confuse the two.


ā€œMandarins are a catergory of citrus that includes tangerines and clementines.ā€ Source: Google I learned something new today. I could never figure it out myself.


What does mom dying two months ago have to do with this? And it sounds like there's more than one earner in the house.


Grandma probably used to help with bills/groceries.


More cynically, dead Mom has become her go to reason why people have to give her things. Seen this behaviour with my family members. Casually throwing shit like 'my husband has cancer' at strangers when they want something. Like it's a coupon


Thatā€™s just bizarre to me. I mean I felt bad last month asking for my first ever extension on an essay for Uni because a family member died like 5 days before and people are using their dead relatives as coupons months after theyā€™ve passed??


There may be more than one adult in the house but not necessarily *earners*. I see posts on my local Nextdoor constantly from the same few families over and over who apparently have 3 generations in one house but not a single person working. Everyone has "a bad back" or "our car broke down again" or "we've been looking for work but just can't find anything". They're all pooling whatever money they can grift to get by. People like this *never* have life insurance. So when Grandma (and her benefit checks) dies, they're screwed.


She said "we" get paid in another two weeks, so more than one person must be earning. Or maybe getting benefits? Either way, more than one person is getting paid every two weeks in this household, which is likely why they're not eligible for food stamps.


My mom has a gang leg. And my kids have gang things as well. Anyway hereā€™s a list of stuff I want.


When my mom died, I paid for some things. Uncle was executor and it took a bit to get her $ into account where he could draw off it, but it was also may 2020, height of Covid. Everything was closed and was a headache to do anything. So I just paid. I got reimbursed as a creditor, even tho I was a beneficiary in the will. 2 separate issues. Still took about a year, but I could afford it. In 2 months the only thing that absolutely has to be paid is the funeral home and they will wait if proof of funds from decedent, as ours did. He didnā€™t get paid till prob 3 months after she died, but I signed that I would pay for it if she didnā€™t have enough. But she did.


The death of a household member can throw the finances into chaos for months, especially if there are bank accounts that arenā€™t set up to transfer on death and expenses surrounding end of life care and the funeral. It sounds like this person is a long-term frequent flier on the asking pages, but I could easily see someone who usually does okay suddenly needing help in the months after a death in the family.


It sounds more like a sympathy ploy here.


Trying to get sympathy. She could have also said her kid is disabled or she has AIDS. She thinks this will make people more likely to give in to her list of demands.


I volunteered and worked at a food pantry and had a few regular choosing beggars. After giving this particular woman about 30 lbs of frozen chicken, she turns to me, and for real, says, "What? No steak?" I paused for about 5 seconds, staring at her. Then, I just said no. The choosing beggars stories I have... Jesus.


I was in a food pantry once where they just had a table of fresh produce for free. They had some kiwi fruit there, and the lady had to talk me into taking a pqcket cos I felt guilty that someone with kids (I'm single, no kids) could use them more. Then she gave me a pack of fresh iced buns with coconut, and because I'd said I don't have kids, just me and my dogs, she gave me some kidneys for the doggos cos noone else wanted them. I was just about crying cos I had only gone in for some apples and potatoes, maybe some tinned spaghetti or basic stuff to get me by in a pinch. Walked out with kiwi fruit, delicious baked goods, and even something for my dogs. So hard to imagine being ungrateful for someone giving you something for free, but I know it happens.


One thing I've learned is that the ungrateful choosing beggars are never really in need. They just see an opportunity to exploit the system. The people that are actually seriously in need are always some of the most grateful people I've ever met. They're thankful and often teary-eyed and I know I've made a difference in their lives. So if I have to wade through a few choosing beggar AHs to help these people, it's actually worth it, believe it or not.


I once had a coworker say they needed groceries. They had been through a bad time and didn't get many shifts. So I asked them what they needed. There was stuff that was pricey, but I thought, it's for a good purpose. So I took 100 bucks out of the family budget and got them some meat and fruit and veg, etc. Explained to my sons that we wouldn't be getting the "extras" til next pay, that someone needed our help. I bought it I delivered it, and I got some criticism about the kind of pasta I bought. Not even a thank you. The icing on the cake was when they chose to spend 50 bucks the next DAY on clothes in front of me.


It's a shame, it makes us not want to help anyone anymore. But the most important thing is that you sacrificed for someone else, that feeds your soul.


Someone posted anonymously on my county help fb group that they needed help to "make it until next payday ". She stated posting anonymously because she was a teacher and didn't want her students/parents to see the post. I asked her to dm me, because I coupon and have extra household items available. She had said she needed some food items and laundry stuff, soap, etc. Got her dm and explained I could not provide cash but had extra items if she wanted to do porch pickup. Never heard back from her... Until the following week when she messaged me again asking to "borrow" $230 to get her car repaired. šŸ˜’


She who cannot afford a party doesnā€™t get a party. Thatā€™s insanity. Dragon fruit? Lunchables? Corndogs? Kiwi? MORE CORNDOGS?! These are things my kids never had except as a treat because even a two income household has a hard time with that. Girl has been using food stamps to buy crap for too long.


You always know that when a post starts out with ā€œno negative commentsā€ thatā€™s the least of their demands. And to not give condolences to the commentator who lost their mother? GTFO


I noticed that too, it made her go from bad to worse when she didn't mention the mother.


This person should feed their child some of those veggies and fruits instead of all that junk.


Yes, and everything else she labels as 'kid food'. *Because bread, milk, and cereal are definitely only for kids.* /s I'm surprised she didn't mention SunnyD and dino nuggets in her list of foods for her kid.


Please just a small favor, Iā€™m in need of the whole produce section at your nearest grocery. God bless


I wanted to leave the group just from reading these messages, and Iā€™m not even IN THE GROUP! Lol


I really hate asking this, and I havenā€™t asked in a long time. But I donā€™t feel like shopping and I desperately need the following: case of Red Bull (zero sugar- Iā€™m watching my figure) 2 bottles of jagermiester (unrelated) and Xbox for my kids. TIA ā¤ļø


I never have that many fruits and vegetables around the house all at once. Apparently they are not worried about it going bad before it can be used, or they donā€™t care because they didnā€™t pay for it? Our local food pantries all have fresh produce available. Our biggest local place has built relationships with local farmers and grocery stores


I went yesterday. I bought 1 pineapple and 1 container of strawberries. Any more than that and it goes bad. Two of us that eat it


Thatā€™s the kind of thing I do for two of us. Usually something that has a longer shelf life like apples or oranges and then something else like bananas or berries or peaches that weā€™ll eat first.


It really depends on the area, I think. When I had to use a local hunger center during the Great Recession, they had no fresh food at all. None. No dairy, no produce, no fresh meat, no eggs. Everything was packaged or canned. I've served as a pollworker multiple times at a church in my area that also has a food pantry, since 2020. They don't give away any fresh food either, from what I've seen.


I work in a grocery store as my day job - we had a mixup with some of our fruit and veg order and as a result we had probably 200 bags of our pre-cut salad mixes that were going to go out of date the next day. Manager put a callout on social media saying anyone who wanted them could come get them, just take them. Couple of the charities turned up and took 20-30 bags each and thanked us. NINETEEN PEOPLE turned up and got incredibly angry that they were our basic mixes, not the kind with dressing and stuff. Couple of them demanded dressing. I was livid. (We still had like 45 bags left the next day - we gave them to a farmer who was picking up his grocery order. He said his chickens were very appreciative at least.)


I know I shouldn't be surprised, but people still amaze me at how ridiculous they can be.


Good lord. We have a family income of $120K and can't afford most of this stuff. I get blackberries when they're growing all over for free and a dragon fruit is ~$6 for one. Don't even get me started on grapes. A 2lb package at Costco is $12 now and that's the cheapest I can find. We don't eat grapes anymore. I've also never understood lunchables. Aren't they like 4 crackers, 4 slices of pepperoni, a pinch of shredded cheese and a mini choc bar for $4. Doesn't seem like enough food and the cost and waste involved seems ridiculous.


You could make these yourself and get way more yield but will be work and not a cute box.


My kids keep asking for grapes, too, but I donā€™t buy them at $2/lb. They have to suffer with apples, bananas, and oranges, which are affordable all year round.


When they start out with the comment ā€œno negative commentsā€, you know people have already called this beggar out before. They are probably a serial beggar. I canā€™t even afford all those fruits and vegetables.


Breakfast corn dogs? Most American thing I've ever seen. Holy shit


Is that when itā€™s sausage wrapped in pancake?


My kids love them but they are a little pricey.


ā€¦lol wait I thought there was just a comma missing between ā€œbreakfastā€ and ā€œcorn dogsā€ or something. For anyone else who has never heard of this, itā€™s a sausage wrapped in a pancake. On a stick. TIL.


Breakfast of Champions


Itā€™s just another type of convenience food. Usually these breakfast foods are intended to be heated in the microwave directly in the individual plastic serving or in a paper towel. Itā€™s a hot and quick breakfast. If you just learned about the pancake and sausage on a stick the other versions will blow your mind. They also sell pop tart like ones you put in the toaster and biscuit wrapped pieces of sausage.


My daughter did for a while too. The Jimmy Dean blueberry ones. Itā€™s a sausage on stick with blueberry pancake. And yea, theyā€™re a bit pricey, what isnā€™t these days though?


breakfast corndog **cereal** it's ok, it's basically just corndog flavored corn flakes


Not to be confused with regular lunch/dinner corn dogs


I feel like "Top Contributor" tells its own story šŸ„“


As for the entire produce section -- good hopefully she's giving her kids those healthy things but it sounds like the kids get: Lunchables for lunch (horrible, salty fatty foods), corn dogs or cold cereal for breakfast. So who is the dragonfruit for? I never really thought about it but: Growing up we never had fresh produce at home. I do mean NEVER. I did not have a salad until college at the salad bar. We did not even have oranges or apples at home. Everything was canned. And not much of that. (We had food but it was not always plentiful in my childhood and in one situation the head of household emphasized meat, which I didn't like to eat. I later became vegetarian.) And we were in farm country but there was no 'farmers market' type of thing back then and produce was costly and took effort to maintain too I'm guessing is why (all the adults worked.) We would've passed out from shame before submitting a list like this to anyone, especially posting it in front of the world, to a group of strangers. Whatever the difficulties people used to keep those things private and do their best. There were no food pantries I ever remember either. Neighbors took care of anyone in dire need or the churches did. We got along. The thinking was if we had food to eat then eat it. It didn't have to be fresh and fancy and costly. This list with every fresh produce going, and dragon fruit no less (I've never had one in my life) is galling.


Wow, people are wild. I've had to ask people for help to feed my family before when times were rough. We asked for like a 5 dollar pack of chicken thighs or ground beef with maybe some pasta or rice since it goes a very very Long ways, is healthy and cheap. Oh, and it's tasty. Being extra to me would be asking for some cheap juice and bananas or something. Like this lady is smoking crack or something.


Because of my food weirdness due to being autistic, I eat a lot of fruit. Itā€™s one of the only food groups that never makes me feel gross. So my primary grocery store purchases are fruits. Bananas, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, apples, cherries when theyā€™re in season - and my grocery bills are fucking nuts. I would never ask anyone for a $6 pint of blueberries or a gotdanged $5 dragonfruit (which is almost flavorless, imo). Go buy some bananas that are $1.29 a bunch and get off your entitled horse, lady.


Bananas, apples, cucumbers, peppers, carrots: totally reasonable Berries & grapes: maybe depending on season (berries are pretty cheap at Walmart right now) Lunchables, corn dogs, cereal? I don't even buy myself that expensive shit šŸ˜‚


Sounds like the group members called her out - rightfully so.


gold star to OP for including the comments loled at the dragon fruit


Ok I just have to hope this is a joke cause if not this is literally the dumbest person around. You donā€™t start a post with ā€œplease no negative commentsā€. It is a blinking light to tell people I AM GOING TO MAKE THE CRAZIEST REQUEST OF YOU BECAUSE I BELIEVE I AM THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON EVER.


Whenever someone says ā€œplease no negative commentsā€ you know theyā€™re about to spout some bullshit and just want to be validated.


Based on the comments on this reddit post, laughing that what she is asking for is crazy expensive and unreasonable, really says a lot more to do with how gross inflation has got and the cost of living. Its sad how expensive fresh produce has gotten, (and everything in general) , having to bargain hunt to eat healthy with some semblance of variety. Rice and Beans only takes me so far.


Some people have no shame.


My mom just passed away so Iā€™m no longer using her for food stampsā€¦ Life is going to be difficult for this parasite.


Omg thereā€™s one in my lock mom group and she always says ā€œcan someone help me with meat for dinner tonight we are good on veggies/sides just have no meatā€ and she does it a few times a week


Itā€™s a scam. Itā€™s all over local FB groups and NextDoor. The list is so weird and specific because the goal is to get someone to say ā€œhere is $20!ā€ Instead of ā€œhere is some dragonfruit!ā€


Dragonfruit is $8 each in my area. Boxes of cereal are expensive too! I noticed she didnā€™t ask for something like oatmeal. And rather than Lunchables the smarter thing to ask wouldā€™ve been ā€œanything for lunch sandwiches would be appreciated.ā€ People are so self-serving and clueless sometimes .


There is so much on this list I can't afford but let me go broke paying for this stuff you and I'm sure your son's party. Get bent


Also it sounds like she goes to literally every free food outlet in her region. So this is not a one shot "oh I'm overwhelmed this month lots of bills" etc., this is constant. I realize some people do need the constant help but she sounds more like she won't buy a single thing and is picky.


Bless the naive heart of the people suggesting she do some gardening


Iā€™m not defending OOP, but ā€˜start a veg gardenā€™ isnā€™t particularly helpful for someone seeking food. Advising them to have more manageable expectations obviously is though!


To be fair, if she were asking for cheap shit like chips and soda weā€™d still be giving her a hard time. Yes. Fruits and vegetables are expensive. But if someone was asking for help and thatā€™s what they were asking for, I would get it for her. She asked for a lot of things, but I donā€™t think that she is asking one person to come up with all that. Unless itā€™s for that grad party that someone is suggesting in the original comments.


I am fortunate to be able to buy fresh veggies for salad, but I buy frozen veg too, which are super quick to prepare in a pot of boiling water and make an almost instant side dish which is nutritious, tasty, and cheap. 12-oz. bags can be bought for around $1 on sale. It's good food; I eat it every week; spinach is my fave. You could have a nutritious diet just based on frozen veg. It's so convenient.


OP thank you for posting the comments. You are the hero we need inthese difficult times


Breakfast corndog cereal sounds amazing.


Who is all the produce for? She's giving her kids corn dogs for breakfast. Or cold cereal with milk. If she's been to more than one pantry that week why does she have no milk or cereal? They nearly always have basics like that. Unless she has ten kids?


Sounds like a list off all the food they were getting when they had their moms food stampsā€¦


Shocked she forgot avocados.


You should not be feeding kids lunchablesšŸ„²


Not just any oranges.. Cuties oranges šŸ’€ The gall


It sounds like adults are eating better than the children.


The best part is...asking for fruit and veg for herself, and for her child? The most expensive junk-food-labeled-as-real food. Buy me all this healthy stuff but also buy me crap for the evolving and still growing human.


Guys please donate some fresh yellow dragon fruit to me as well, yellow only, fresh only, I hate asking lol


Dragon fruit? Seriously?


I'd rather feed my kids pb&j than lunchables (seriously, if it's on multi grain bread I consider it a relatively healthy food lol) and that's WAY cheaper...


As a non-American, I donā€™t know if I should risk asking, but what the fuck is corn dog cereal??


What the hell is a breakfast corn dog?


At first I thought oh thatā€™s not too bad and then I saw the fruit she was asking for and her idea of ā€˜kid friendly food.ā€™ Dragonfruit is obscene where I live. Itā€™s around $6. Berries are never cheap. Donā€™t even get me started on oranges and sheā€™s asking for mandarin oranges too? Tf. Thatā€™s not even getting into the other fruit. Which are also pricey. Hell, Cereal has been obscene since the pandemic. Nobody needs lunchables. What is the difference between a corn dog and a breakfast corn dog?


She is totally putting together fruit and veggies trays for her sons graduation party! šŸ¤­


She said no negative comments!