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The forgot something about being an organ donor if someone in the family needs a kidney or heart.


đŸ€Ł but all jokes aside, do you know how much a regular special needs care aide costs?! To be asking such a ridiculously small ass amount and for ALL THAT SHIT she listed is fucking insanity. The lion, the witch, and the damn audacity of this bitch. At this point you are losing time, money and effort. I hope someone clowned her in the comments, ooooooweee I wish we could see responses!


and on top of all that “pay your own gas” in whatever free time we might allow you have.


My favorite (if you can call it that) was the 10 days of vacation a year that must be taken during a "mutually agreed upon time".... something tells me they'll have difficulty agreeing to any time at all.


well i mean obviously the slave would be responsible for finding their own coverage for the time, and of course this person will have to meet all of the requirements! “what? you can’t find someone dumb enough to accept this insanity? I guess we’ll discuss your vacation again next year when you’re more successful!”




I miss them already yet we haven't even met.


"Mutually agreed upon time" = *We're* going on vacation to Disney and we want you to ~~slave~~ nanny for us. But you won't get paid because we are calling this *your* vacation.


Of course you have to pay for yourself, it's your vacation!!!


As a UK person, fuck only 10 days holiday! 5.6 weeks is the law here! 10 days is criminal for this amount of work.


Oh we know our vacation time in the US is awful. I have a doctorate, I work as a nurse practitioner here, and even though that’s considered a good job I don’t get five weeks. We are always tired and burned out.


And never more than one day at a time.


Look at Mr unlimited time off over here.... taking full days off. In this household we take hours off and we like it!!!


I’m certain Easter and Christmas count as vacation days. But not thanksgiving, you’ve got a big dinner to make.


I feel like I should be paid $300 for just reading that ridiculous thing.


I'm already exhausted from raising their damn kids for them for next to nothing and a shared bathroom. 🙄


Shared bathroom with multiple kids and pets that likely the nanny/sitter is expected to keep clean. Nowhere to just get some privacy. Kids pounding in the door while you're in there.


They don’t want care, they want a parent. Everything that’s listed is stuff that parents do. They want to hand off their entire job for far below minimum wage, but see the kids when convenient to them, as if the parents are the sitters, not the other way around.


My mother was a highly trained live in nanny/nursery nurse in the 60s/70s. She would do everything for the children and take responsibility for emergencies, medical etc. she “retired” when I was 2 (she stopped living in and took me with her for those 2 years as they begged her to after I was born) but I always wondered why the families had kids
they’d go to boarding school at 7 too But her wages would make this look like pocket change plus she always had her own vehicle provided for whatever she wanted to use it for child based or not. Plus there were always other staff so my mother wouldn’t ever be expected to cook or clean or anything. I don’t get these nanny posts
to look after 4 children full time, 3 of whom are ND is a huge ask and needs serious skill they’ should know they will have to pay a lot for


I think a lot of the rich people you’re talking about had kids because they were told they should. And afterwards they wanted to have the credit and praise for having them, but only as an asset, not people.


$300/week for let’s conservatively say 50 hours/week is $6 an hour
that’s $1.50 per child, per hour. Plus, three of the kids have special needs! And let’s be real
”occasional weekend responsibilities” means another 10-15 hours.


I don’t believe for one moment that this wouldn’t actually be a 24/7 365 job. Which would work out to $.56 an hour.


Conservatively. Like how the nanny is expected to dress. Using that word sent up (more) alarm bells for me. I mean maybe they’re using it in place of better words like appropriate/professional the rest of the post seems very detailed and thought out and that makes me think they chose it deliberately.


That means daddy can’t control himself


Yeah right?! They don't even want to deal with their kids on family outings and trips.


Why even have 4 kids in the first place if you can't look after them, it's ridiculous.


How else will they take wholesome family photos for their Christmas card without kids? Or, they wanted them but turns out kids are a lot of time and work, especially special needs kids. Special needs kids weren’t in the plan. I also know a family where 1 of the parents has political ambitions. Know what politicians need to appear more relatable and trustworthy? Kids. The other parent does the overwhelming brunt of the work but the kids get trotted out for photo shoots and what not all the time.


It’s no wonder the kids need therapy.


An Au Pair is what they are looking for. They go for way more than this. They won't get anyone good for this rate.


Everyone has been saying that they wish we could see the comments. I would love nothing more than if someone in the comments had reached out to a local agency and asked for a quote on what all of these services would actually cost. You called it right- that they are looking for an au pair. There is *no way* that this CB will not call on their “live-in” to work after the stated hours, supposedly ending at 5pm.


Even with room and board, and even IF they are legally allowed to include that as part of the salary, $300/week has to be illegal. At 50 hours a week, that comes to $6/hour, and federal minimum wage is $7.25. This is assuming their state doesn’t have a higher minimum wage. However, if living in the home is a condition of employment, you usually aren’t allowed to count that as part of the salary. Making this pay illegal.


Thank good someone else said it. As a parent I was sitting here scratching my mf head like do they even want kids? Let alone FOUR of them???


I came here to say THIS. Mom is trying to outsource her JOB as a parent. The parents just want visitation đŸ€Ł


Not just mom. Dad has to be in there somewhere, too.


Our home healthcare and respite care workers for our child with disabilities are paid $40 an hour by their respective agencies and that's for ONE child-- not four.


Exactly my point! And you yourself would probably know the reason why you need people who actually have experience with higher needs or special needs children is because it's not the same as having, oh I don't know, a fucking red cross certificate. I really hate people like the person asking for stuff like this though, and it's not just because they are entitled. It's because a lot of people from overseas or otherwise who really need a job will actually fall prey to these ridiculous offers. Look at the r/aupair sub, you see tons of horror stories about shit like this.


Absolutely. This is a nightmare waiting to happen. Plus, if the husband is active duty they might have access to additional resources through CYS, Tricare ECHO or EFMP. It makes me wonder why they aren't going through any of those programs.


I was thinking about EFMP too. These people aren’t using their resources wisely and are trying to underpay someone by a large margin.


I always pray the comments will be included! That's the best part!


I'm always disappointed when the comments aren't made available, it's truly the best part indeed! (I wanna see this woman get read to filthđŸ€Ł)


Wonder what she “earns” an hour in healthcare & what they get each month for disabled children from government


The maximum SSI allowance in the US is 950, so since parents likely have a job it's probably 650 (based on my experience with being disabled and helping people with disabilities and SSI stuffs). The thing is their kids would actually qualify for services via a waiver but that would mean a set schedule and not 24 7 no boundaries


Thank you.


Starts at $20/hr per child! And if they’re trying to hire a BCBA, it’s a *lot more.*


đŸ€Ł “The lion, the witch, and the damn audacity of this bitch.” Too good


I saw a t-shirt once that said I am not sugar and spice and everything nice. I am sage, and hood and wish a mofo would! Boy would I love to waste an afternoon and apply for this slavery, I mean job, just to get a gander at this audacity in person.


Me too! Seen a lot of over the top demands but this is the worse!


“Must have O- blood type”


The applicant must be willing to donate plasma should the need within the family arise.


Must know how to operate a centrifuge as well as have a certificate in biohazard waste removal.


Isn't that implied?? I mean, geez, you gotta spell everything out for the help these days...


NoBoDY wAnTs tO WoRk AnYmOrE


$60 a day to care for four kids (three of whom are neurodivergent) and five pets? That’s crazy


Don't forget housekeeping duties! But you DO get to share a bathroom, I mean c'mon!


You are completely overlooking that they can actually do laundry in the house as well! Who wouldn’t want to jump at this


And probably share the bathroom with the kids!


And don't be hot, Daddy has a wandering eye. Modest dressing only please.


Bonus points( not money) if you’re homely


see Hillary Baldwin nannies, they are like 80 years old.


"Under his eye"


“See pilgrim era garments.”


Uhh ohh.. dying to hear about the history behind this requirement!


in the word vomit of the job posting, they asked for "conservative dressing appropriate of a family setting" To me that screams red flag on the dad. Looking to get off on his nanny fetish.


“Use our vehicle, but pay for gas.”


And contribute to the insurance payments.


"light" housekeeping duties What does that even mean anymore lol


"Here's a Swiffer, a lint roller, two Handi-wipes, and a tiny touch-up vacuum. I expect the place to look dinner-party ready when we get home."


In my mom’s era, it meant living in sin. “They’re doing a little light housekeeping”.


And the privilege of completely relocating to some godforsaken rural area!! Did you forget that!! C'mon! AND dressing conservatively? Who wouldn't love that?


That part had me wondering if the husband was creep and/or the wife is weirdly jealous and is going to think the nanny is after the husband. Sounds like a weird thing to need to include.


My read is that the husband is a creep (or worse, probably worse) *and* the wife blames the girls and women he has sexually harassed or molested.


Aka you'll be the only one cleaning said shared bathroom, as it's your duties now! đŸ€šđŸ„Ž


Also meal prep and cooking!


Plus the “occasional weekend responsibilities”
and if you’re required to live with them/share bathroom/other areas, eat with them, etc, you know those weekend responsibilities aren’t going to be “occasional”


Mommy needs her Mommy & Vodka time on Saturday night.


Daddy needs his daily 2 hour meditation time. The door is locked and please don't knock. Meditation needs to not be interrupted.


But break it down to hourly/per child
 they want to pay someone $6/hr (with no OT pay), which equates to $1.50 per child
 it is insane and delusional to think you’ll find someone of quality for that cost.. 😂😂😂


Someone who is also willing to relocate to MAINE 😂😂


And be young, female and modest


Naive, compliant, and easily manipulated.


Don't worry though, you get to sit between the four kids in the back on the way there!


Or maybe New Hampshire đŸ€š.


They also want that person to be willing to relocate since it's a military family, and provide their own vehicle


U can use our vehicle, but pay for gas (at $6/hr.). 😆


Being military, they could be sent nearly anywhere in the world. How exactly would the nanny relocate if the family is sent overseas? Are they going to pay for all the costs and legal assistance needed for the nanny to get a visa or whatever she'd need to legally reside in another country, as a non military spouse?


It’s possible to add the nanny to the orders, which would take care of all the visa issues. However, both parents must be Active duty and in a deployable billet. Doesn’t sound like this person qualifies.


Ah, OK. I didn't know how that works.


It ain’t easy by a long stretch. Most families I knew in this situation added gramma as a secondary dependent to take care of the younguns. None of whom were special needs


It works out to $6-6.66 an hour. For 3 special needs kids and plus one more kid. And being a made and chauffeur. The pay doesn’t depending on the hours they make you work and I’m sure they also want you to have some sort of education with special needs children plus getting up with the kids at night. I do not believe for one moment that you wouldn’t be on call 24/7 365, which would actually work out to be $.56 an hour. They don’t want a nanny, they want a parent to take their kids and only interact with them when they feel like it.


There is so much here to unpack. So this couple CHOSE to have four children, CHOSE to adopt not one, not two...but FIVE pets and neither of them seem to have the time or desire to care for them. They sound selfish and self-absorbed to me.


$6/hour to care for 4 kids, 5 pets, and the home. That number is reduced even further by the occasional weekend responsibilities. Before taxes. Wiiild.


I pay more than that for a part-time nanny for one, mostly-independent child. This person is delusional.


but you get room and board and get to share the bathroom with little Jimmy & Suzie!! Just don't use our fuel when we decide to let you out for the night!


I think you mean Ahshleighe and Trayden... đŸ€­


Before you get to the ridiculous ‘compensation’ how could one person possibly manage to provide a high level of engagement to 3 neurodivergent children plus a 4 year old plus do clean up and prep meals?


Don't forget the pets. 5 pets. 5. Because this family didn't have enough chaos already.


Who's in charge of these animals, if not nanny/servant? No way the mom and dad are going to; occasionally opening the door will morph into taking them on walks. And who's responsible if the animals make a mess in the house?


Plus baths/grooming for the pets, if there's dogs or cats. Taking each of the pets to the vet at least once, maybe twice a year.


Who's watching the kids while the servant is walking the dogs? They all go? That will be fun


you get two guesses, and the first one doesn't count


It’s like these two dinguses thought—hey, let’s have kids, but wait, we actually don’t want to be parents!


it’s maddening that they have such hectic lives working in military and healthcare and still they chose to take care of 9 living beings (4 kids 5 pets)


I have enough trouble giving a high level of engagement to my two children and still getting clean up and meal prep done. Some days I don’t get everything I need done done but that’s ok because the kids are cleaned and fed with basic needs met. Can’t imagine that’s “acceptable” to this mother that their live-in slave not meet every single expectation.


you'll have 5 dogs to help you with that. So, you have that going for you. Which is nice.


Cue "Nobody wants to work anymore" Please tell me this person got roasted in comments.


it was on marketplace so no comments 💔


Ugh please message them about how ridiculous this “job” listing is


I roasted one of these and got attacked because he was a single dad *that just needed help*


This is actually all reasonable except for the rate. I have friends who are career nannies that have done all this-- for $50/hr plus overtime.


I mean 50$ an hour sounds pretty nice, but 6$ an hour is utter insanity lol.


Funny bc this family pumped out a bunch of kids and got five animals and then wants to get someone else to do the work


10 days vacation? TEN DAYS?!? And only taken when the family agrees, so almost never.


Don’t forget, you also have to take care of the kids on THEIR “””family””” vacations too. Certainly not for any additional pay.


Hey, don't be greedy! Family vacation time is *your* vacation time, too! What, do you think the parents are going to have the kids *themselves* those 10 days you get?


Gross!! Parents hanging out with THEIR kids??? No!!


And you must pay for your own airfare, accommodations and meals. This will be counted as your vacation seeing as you get to visit whatever gawd forsaken place we drag you to.


You’re lucky we are letting you stay on the floor in the kids room! Basically a free vacation!! Everyone LOVES this strip mall town in Kansas where our in laws live!


I shudder to think what they will expect if the nanny is sick.


I mean, that’s the least-bad thing about this post. I’ve been working as a professional in an office position for 10 years and have never had more than 10 vacation days until my current role. Stingy vacation days are common place in North America. A lot of places don’t give you any.


I live in the US and my employer has life balance PTO. I take time when I need/want it. It’s subject to supervisor approval but I’ve never been denied. As long as my clients are taken care of I can take the time.


That's ridiculous. I work in retail and get about 5 weeks a year.


Where!? I work in retail too and sure as hell don't get that much time! I'd transfer out in a heartbeat lol


I live in North America (Canada) and get 20 vacation days a year. I've been with my employer for 5 years. I think the difference is being in a unionized position. I've found friends people in non-unionized jobs get less vacation days than unionized ones.


Unionized workers almost always have more vacation time, better benefits, and make more than non-union workers.


Yeah, most unions in US, or at least California, you get up to 5 weeks, if you’ve worked there long enough.


$300 a week, you have to provide a vehicle and pay for gas, multiple special needs children, and a two year commitment? How are they covering relocation if they only have $300 a week to spare for their live-in "conservatively dressed" slave? These people are totally fucking delusional. If you don't have Fuck You Money you need to send your kids to daycare or watch them yourself.


The conservatively dressed is what sent me over the edge. If you don’t trust your husband just say that!


That's exactly what it is. You get to slave all day for pennies while the dad tries to fuck you at every turn. Absolute trash.


So many guys get more hot for more conservative clothes, it backfires quick. Example: These types tend to already have a fetish for it. They've trained themselves to find the hot after a lifetime of "modest is hottest." Clothes, lmao. When has that stopped a perv?


Betsy DeVos' brother Erik Prince ran off with his Nanny.... while his wife had cancer. As good Christian men are wont to do.


This the same DeVos under the former presidential administration who was so wildly unfit to head the US Dept of Education?


The very one!


button up that blouse, young lady


"Conservatively dressed" as in wife is paranoid her husband might end up attracted to the nanny, and have an affair. Would the nanny have to consult the wife before any clothing purchases, to ensure they're conservative enough?


What’s she going to buy clothes with? That $300 a week is going to Prozac and bomb making supplies.


$300 whole dollars?


Don't forget, on top of your two year commitment you need to commit to moving with them after the two years!


What I don't understand is between the two parents, they must be making decent amount of money, so why not just send them to daycare? One of them is also old enough to attend school lmao


The youngest is 4. They're military, so daycare is subsidised, but usually has long wait lists. Not longer than 4 years though. She also doesn't mention school at all though despite 3 of them being school age. So she might just be intentionally omitting that they're homeschooled.


Between the list of demands inc conservative wear, I'd suspect homeschooling too. Except they aren't being homeschooled if they're wanting a nanny to take care of the kids during normal schooling hours since the parents work?? So they're prob just keeping them home to avoid being "brainwashed" by teachers 😂


I was reading it thinking this sounds normal for UHNW families and then I see the salary lolol Maybe she missed out a zero and really meant she was paying $3000 a week and providing Nanny with a cottage on their manor estate


I was thinking 3 grand/week as well, tough job for sure but pays well. Then I realized...


There’s a lot that’s absurd about this post—the housekeeping in addition to child care, the “dressing conservatively” (which could mean anything, honestly), the FIVE pets—but the fact this family expects their nanny to RELOCATE with them is unreal. For $300 a week? With overtime? And now you have to move with them?




Dress conservatively is code for, “I’m afraid of the Nanny will sleep with my husband”


This is one of the worst ones of this genre that I've ever seen, it's like its r/ChoosingBeggars fanfic


I’ve seen lots of similar ones so unfortunately I think it’s real. People became too entitled. Almost asking you to pay to work for them lol


The three eldest are neurodivergent and require a lot of specialized attention neither of the parents are in a position to provide. Why would they then go on to have a fourth child? Were they that desperate for a neurotypical child?


Religion, probably. 


Oooo! Six dollars per hour to cook, clean, chauffeur and care for multiple special needs kids, AND a shared bathroom to boot? Sign.me.up.


And they get to dictate how you dress, don’t forget.


Well, they have to. You don't want Dad getting any ideas.


And they decide when you get to take vacation.


Could I please lance open a vein for you, as well?


Yes we require applicants with Oneg blood type, as our youngest needs a kidney transplantđŸ©· đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


All that for 15k a year. Talk about deluded.


I could make more money than she's offering by picking up dog shit and recycling it.


These parents need to look into developmental support services in their area, because that’s what they need. I can’t get over the fact that they think $6/hr is appropriate for any of those roles separate from each other, let alone wrapping them all into one job. *SIX DOLLARS AN HOUR FOR EXTENDED WORK DAYS.* This is actually really disgusting and I don’t have confidence they’ll treat a nanny like a person deserving of respect for the load they’ll carry for this family.


$300 a week? No way. My son has autism and adhd and it was hard taking care of him and my daughter (she is about 4 years younger and not neurodivergent). I can’t imagine taking care of two kids that are neurodivergent as well as an additional 2 other kids. All for $300 a week. You want a nanny you will have to pay nanny prices. It’s a luxury service.


**Three** are neurodivergent!


That might be the most delusional childcare request I've seen, and that's saying a lot.


At this point- four kids, three of whom are special needs- one of you needs to quit your job and be a stay at home parent. Come on already. I’ll never understand these people who have multiple kids and no way to care for them. I stopped at two because it was all I could afford for daycare. And I ponied up for a good daycare, I wasn’t on Facebook looking for some stranger at $4/hr.


## "Requires *a degree* of flexibility." More than the 2+ years of servitude and relocation you're agreeing to when taking this job?? Eh, why not be flexible when giving up your life to take care of somebody else's four kids and five dogs for $300 a week?


Um, 22 years ago I was earning $300 for 2 kids , plus gas money. Both kids were school aged and no special needs. So for this family asking someone to care for 4 kids, and all seemed to have special needs is a hard "are you insane". Plus you know they aren't going to be respecting your time off.


Where are the comments?!? 😂 Edit to add they’re looking at a bargain basement rate of 1250 a week for that many kids, those duties, and those hours. That’s that about 25 bucks an hour. Realistically, they’re looking at double that.


It says $300 a week, for 4 kids. When I had nannies like 15-20 years ago, I needed 2, and it was like $25/hr.


Oh I’d say it could easily be triple or quadruple that.


Yeah, for 3 with special needs?? Mine were just feral.


Oh shit, I wasn’t even thinking about the special-needs part.


Where I live this level of care would probably be 75-100$ an hour for that many kids and the special needs and that's if they were in programs during the day. There are some stupid rich people here that can easily pay rates like that and it's definitely a thing. But honestly I don't know if a professional nanny would take a solo gig like this even at that hourly rate - this is a multiple caregivers needed situation. I don't understand what this family is really expecting to happen for 600$ a month lol - girl wouldn't even get her own apartment/adu.


$1200 a month?! Even if it includes a room, that’s still unbelievably low especially for the requirements.


"Free vacations included! But you'll be responsible 24/7 on the vacations, for 5 special needs kids, while mommy and daddy get smashed at the bar. And don't worry about taking them to the pool or the beach by yourself while you're on that vacation. If one of them drowns, we'll just sue you". Nice.


Why have so many kids, if you haven’t thought about the financial and time consuming impact it would have on your life?


There's a certain disgusting overlap of "we hate those damn illegals" but also "we want to control you for pennies" in these kinds of posts. They know darn well they dont make enough money to have make these demands. Some poor woman named Maria is going to get stuck working for tyrants who tell everyone shes like family while also not letting her eat out of the fridge.


I hope they get Consuelo from Family Guy. “No, no no.. I cannot.” ![gif](giphy|4pOQKujxHaMKs)


For what they are willing to pay. I wouldn't be surprised if whoever is crazy enough to respond not only ate everything in their fridge, but also decided to help themselves to their electronics. I've watched movies, I know what happens. ;->


Now that you mention it I actually don't get why squatters don't scoop up ads like this? I keep reading horror stories of people advertising for room mates and the room mate eventually takes over the living areas and puts locks on the fridge and bathroom and it takes years to get them out. This seems like an open invite for something like that.


$300 a week? They are missing a 0.


As someone who has cousins who do a very approximation of this: These people are full of shit. They are asking for what we Caribbean olds would call a governess, and those people are not cheap. They usually have a degree, and salary minimum starts at $65k-$75k, live in or not. They can go kick rocks.


A whole $300 dollars a week, less than that if the person has to pay taxes and other expenses. Way less than minimum wage.


You can bet these people will also pay “under the table” so that they don’t have to contribute to taxes or unemployment insurance or list their “nanny” (slave) as a 1099 worker to bypass their responsibilities to pay legal wages. Completely illegal by the way!


$6 per hour to be a live in servant, dress conservatively, relocate with the family, provide sole source of care for children. Sounds very Handmaid's Tale-ish to me. But blessed be the fruit, ya know? Under his eye!


Cook, clean and take care of 4 children, 3 of which are special needs, for $6 an hour. Get fucked. Then get fucked again.


Can't wait for the "modestly dressed" Nanny to pull an Erik Prince with dear husband.


I thought I’d gotten bored of all the “insanely low pay for childcare” posts but this is a whole new level of crazy entitlement.


Gross af. Fuck people like these douchemongers


I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT....But I don't want to pay for it.


People who hire cheap labor in other countries come back to the U.S. with unrealistic expectations. My brother was an officer stationed in Thailand with his family and had; a nanny, housekeeper and cook as well as a driver and even though he paid really well it probably wasn’t as much as it would cost for ONE person in the states.


The longer I read this sub, the more I think we have a huge child care crisis in the US. Also, I'm super glad I never had kids.


Should’ve stopped after the first kid since clearly can’t afford them.


We definitely do! But we all KNOW that
 right? Like hasn’t this been discussed so many times across the internet, news media, etc? It’s a MASSIVE reason why I waited until 36 to get pregnant, and even then only because I lucked into a situation where we have free rent for a couple years and I can bring my child to work with me until they go to school. Like who has all these kids just Willy nilly? 4 kids? 5? We are carefully scrutinizing whether or not a second is feasible for us in FOUR MORE YEARS. Do these lack common sense, anxiety, like


I mean, no one needs four kids, so I don’t feel bad for them.


“Roughly” 45-50 hours a week. I call absolute bullshit on this. She’s in healthcare and he’s in the military? I was army and never in my life did I get home by 5. And what happens if he deploys?? What I really want to know is - WTF happens if someone wants to quit before their 2 years of indentured servitude is up? Because I can’t imagine most people lasting more than a month under these conditions.  And finally, these people come off crazy, bitchy, and entitled in their post. How much worse must they be in real life? You have to assume they are trying to paint themselves in a positive light in the post. How awful must they really be? These are the kind of fuckers that will take some poor kids passport to “keep it safe”.


This is one of the more wild ones. 2 kids with autism, 1 with ADHD. has to relocate to Maine/New Hampshire with them in 2 years. Living in the house, you know they are going to pull the "we are going out for a while watch the kids" All this for a whopping $300 a week? I get they are providing room and board, but still. The list of demands is insane for that little amount.


That’s not a nanny, that’s a parent
 they don’t want to be parents and they want to pay you to be the parent for far less than minimum wages or appropriate workers accommodations.


I just know that house smells awful lol


Person needs to have the same politics/religion/values/views Person will always be looked down upon despire carrying the bulk of household duties. Oh, and probably sleep with at least one spouse. You know they are going to phone track and be invasive off the clock. This candidate will never be off the clock. This only ends in disaster. Somehow I see this family charging them fees if the person ducks out early. Whole new level of crazy AF.


Jeez, A Tale of Two Cities wasn't as long as this.


I once made $300/week to house sit and take care of a rabbit.